Futakin Valley


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Thank you so much, Lip. Please rest well, and please put yourself first and take your precious time for yourself.

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Thank you so much for your kindness😇 I'm constantly worried that you may have lost something because of me.

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Yes, I just fixed that👍








why in this latest version, my screen only shows a black image and also a small joystick, does anyone have the same problem as me?



I'm sorry, I uploaded the debug program.😭

Deleted 2 years ago

Yeay new update, so what's new??

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Thank you for writing that!🤗 I will add the devlog too after I update this game.


Hola soy nuevo, está increíble el juego estaré esperando la siguiente actualización con ansias 👌

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Sí, lo actualizaré cuando añada algún contenido🤗

Gracias. Haré todo lo posible para completarlo.🤝


Uma pergunta. Na versão final do jogo, em caso de derrota vai ter finalização pelos chefes? Vai se liberar os CG dos mesmos?

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Sim, vou🤝


Sim, pretendo adicionar CG a todos os Chefes.👍




Thank you for linking to that!👍

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我非常喜欢这游戏 我已经通关了3 4次了 希望大大能一直更新,希望能创造出更好的作品





谢谢你的支持!🥰 我想继续改进这个游戏,使它变得更好👍


Спасибо вам, отличная игра. жду полной версии и ремейка остальных игр ^^


Спасибо! Я сделаю все возможное, чтобы завершить эту игру.😁

when gonna launch a new update ?

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Yes, thank you for writing that!🤗 Now I have fixed some bugs, so I will update again tomorrow.

Thank you for  update this game


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Can you already unlock the Gnu and the last CG?

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Yes, Thank you for answering the question!🤝


Does Your character will Reset? If the game is Full release and will it get Paid? I hope its not too expensive because i can't wait to play the Full version.

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It will be sold on steam and here,about$9.99,but the specific price has not been really determined

Yes, I have not yet definitively determined the specific price.

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Yes, but I might do it cheaper.

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Yes, I intend to initialize the switch in the finished version for the sake of story integrity.😉

In the finished version, characters will be relocated on the map and their stories will likely be reset.


Hi, could you change the Linux save directory? It currently saves to "/home/user/FutakenValley" but that makes the user's home directory look messy. I would recommend "/home/user/.local/share/FutakenValley" as that's where other Linux native games save theirs.

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Yes, so I will try to make a copy from the current save directory to that if the file is not found👍


Thank you for letting me know about that. I would like to change the save directory of linux version there😉


Игра хороша и, лично мне, она понравилась своим геймплеем, а не 18+ сценами + присутвие русского языка в игре шикарная новость. Я с нетерпением жду нового контента! 

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Спасибо за игру! Я получил перевод от owandie.👍

also not 64 version but regular windows version moonwalks too

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Sorry about that bug! I'm checking it now.🤔


i don't know if its been mentioned but if you masturbate by the rabbit after the fight and have nene stay bent over without moving her the rabbit cums literally forever to the point where she should be the new energizer bunny. keeps going and going LOL

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Yes, her animation will play indefinitely😁


Lipstor  la traducción al español esta maravillosa lograste un trabajo excelente es más parece como que el español fuera tu lengua natal una pregunta ya no pude pasar de 46 % del progreso del juego será que asta ay llega por el momento ...

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Sí, estoy de acuerdo en que la traducción de Lipstor es realmente estupenda.🤗

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Thank you for letting me know about that glitch! I have noticed an issue that may be the cause,so I will fix it in the next update.


i just have a feeling this game is going to be great. 8/10 so far i love it

I was here,

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If it ever becomes a full game I will definitely buy it

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Yes, I will do so😉

Thank you! I want this to be great🤝

Como faço para abrir o mapa no Android?

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Yes, Thank you for resolving that question🤗

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One more thing,the skunk girl will react peeing special action of Nene

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Thank you for finding that change!😁

Thank you for writing that! That's almost right.👍 Now, I added the dev log.

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Game is fun so far, though I have a galaxy z fold 4 and have to play with the phone closed cuz I get a graphical bug at the bottom of the screen when it's opened. 

I'm probably the only person trying to play this on that phone but oh well XD it's a me problem.

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I assumed it probably would. I can play the game fine with the outer screen, just thought I'd inform of the issue with the inner screen.  Cuz it almost works, and other games I've played from this site work fine on the inner screen (with some minor issues when it comes to orientation not changing).

Thank you for letting me know about that issue. That could be due to the bottom part not redrawing when you select the full screen. Perhaps rotating the screen may fix it🤔


I had tried it both ways and it resulted int he same issue. Plus I now ilusd a gamepad that physically plugs into my phone, so I can't rotate it.

(5 edits) (+2)

Arts nice and that's coming from someone that's not big into futa. Really into monster girls so I'm down. Wish I had a better way to play than my android phone with no controller. Controls are like pulling teeth, have to choose between large enough controls not to micromash but not too large so I can't see shit on screen. Not sure if I've beaten all of the bosses. Beat the fox girl and that was OK, beat the dog bite girl, beat the cat mage and got the puppet thing from the preg stuff but it doesn't seem to do much, beat the mushroom and got no scenes, was hoping to fug the bug but as of yet can't even get far enough to tell if I can. Not sure if there's any content I missed, there's no scenes left to unlock in gallery. Here's hoping more things like the teleporter intro scene come up later preferably with real CGs and not just gameplay quality. Big into tera/xenophilia content.

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(2 edits) (+1)

yeah, got the scenes you mentioned and the body options as well as the mask and the "erectshroom". Pretty sure I'm all done now. Games fun, arts great. Don't mind futa as long as we are "pitching" and not "catching" not a fan of the player getting penetrated. Arts amazing enough that I was all good even in the birth scene and I'm not into preg content either. But as someone big into monster content I'm a big fan of the teleporter girl and the catapillar girl, can't wait to see how this comes together. I've been following another game called Teraurge a few years now and it has a painfully slow release schedule so I'm used to waiting. Take your time and I'm sure it'll come out amazing.

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Thank you for explaining all those things! and thank you for always helping me.🥰

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Thank you for playing this game! The scenes you can unlock in the gallery are all the scenes in this game. I will add more of them in the future. and I will also add more monster girls.😉

Games Like this For Android


I will further improve the Android version👍

 Игра мофу появилась в телеграмме. Я не ожидал там её увидеть! 

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Поскольку я не пользуюсь телеграмме, это может быть что-то, написанное кем-то другим.🙄


Скорее всего вирус, раз уж ссылку на игру дают. Это не официальный канал точно, хех

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Thank you for letting me know that! They need to be deleted. And they are likely to contain viruses, so please don't download them.

(1 edit) (+2)

This game is insanely amazing. I love how there an actual game to be played vs just being another "interactive" porno. The art is top tier. Animations are impeccable, controls are phenomenal 10 outta 10 from me lol I'm not famous yet but I'm trying to be x3

Playing on Android w/ Xbox controller

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Thank you for your support everyday🥰🤝

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Thank you for playing this game! I will continue to improve this game and add more images😉

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Thank you so much for answering that!🤝


i love the artwork so much!!! waiting for upload



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Thank you! I'm going to do some bug fixes tomorrow👍

Thank you! I will update this tomorrow😉

How do i fight gnu? I've been trying to interact with her, and she's just been unresponsive.

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oh ok, thanks for the help

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Thank you so much for answering that question🤗


Eu amei tudo nesse jogo! É simples e satisfatório, tanto nos inimigos como nos controles e espero que fique melhor a cada atualização. Além de que se  pegar as armas e os itens certos você quase não precisa desviar dos ataques!

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Obrigado! Continuarei a melhorar ainda mais este jogo😉


I've seen a few games like this. But this game, man, this is just too good. The art work, the gameplay itself, it's functionalities such as mushrooms that change your body parts, it's a great way to "flavor" your own gameplay to your desires. It's a little complicated to play on android, but with a controller, it's great. Enemies are balanced, weapons do a fair amount of damage. Not too easy, but a bit challenging when you just start (even though that's not bad on itself)

I don't know anything about programming, but if it's not too difficult, a joystick with more than 4 directions would be a great addition to the game, specially when you need to aim with the bow.

Overall, it's one of the best games i've seen on this style. Keep up the good work, i'll be looking forward for the next update! :D

And, just so you know, if you want to correct this: When fighting Linnea, while she's on the first phase, you can stun lock her with the bow when she gets tired.

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Sorry for the bug again! Anyway, I will update when I can fix that.


Thank you for playing this game!

In the Android version, I'm planning to improve the system to read the direction of movement from the tapped position when judging the 4 directions.👍


Horribly unbalanced. None of the three weapons deal any damage worth anything at all and the enemies apparently can nonstop spam multiple attacks at a time without ever once providing a single opening (guess they're too stupid to understand how fatigue works) while also dealing a quarter of my health in damage with every hit. Every battle is just instant death without even giving me a chance to move let alone attack.

Positives: Awesome artwork! , Controls actually work(rare for games on itch) , Content aside, definitely has a lot of potential to be a fun game

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Wasn't trying to insult anyone. I was trying to be constructive. I apologize if that did not translate well through text.

I've gotten as far as I can without beating the bosses, but every time I enter a fight they just start immediately spamming everything in their arsenal. I don't even get a chance to do anything before I get killed.

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Yes, the difficulty is reduced by dodge and the use of recovery items. Thank you for your advice🤝

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Either I'm just bad at it (<most likely scenario) or dodging doesn't actually do much. I've been fighting Linea?? (the fox girl deep in the cave) for an hour and every time I try dodging, she jumps straight to me and starts an attack string that backs me into a spike wall and kills me... Or fires off some bs laser that she redirects all over the area making it impossible to dodge. Haven't gone back to the other bosses yet, ...

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I apologize that the enemies move too fast. But those speeds may seem conversely slow once you get used to them. All action games become easy when you get to the stage where you can predict their movements👍

How do I save my data from the previous version? (otherwise the game is extremely pretty 😊)
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Yes, that's right! Thank you for writing that🤗


Thank you for the answer 😊

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Lol, by this growth, we'll get ver 0.032.0 once ver 0.031.99 is done
but in all seriousness i'm glad mofu is making this as best as he can and fixing all the problems that need fixing no matter how minuscule it is

also this is a legitimately competent h game, good stuff



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yes yes, we're not pushing mofu. He said that " i'm glad mofu is making this as best as he can and fixing all the problems that need fixing no matter how minuscule it is"

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oh im sorry
i don't mean to stress

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Thank you for your concern! It's no problem. If I do something wrong it can be fixed later.👍

Thank you! I would like to develop this game as quickly as possible, but I'm sorry that that is not happening.


Game rất hay và thú vị,mong cập nhật thêm nữa.Tôi mong cửa hàng có thêm nhiều vật phẩm để mua và trang bị

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Vâng, tôi sẽ làm như vậy.👍


Cảm ơn bạn đã chơi trò chơi này. Tôi sẽ tiếp tục cập nhật điều này trong tương lai.😉


Modified the "Under construction" dialogue to be changeable.

Still no new area yet? Damn, i really want to know what the big statue things even do. Hope the statue moving lmao

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Yes, thank you so much for answering!🥰 The statue will be available for dialogue in the near future.

I will be granting features to that statue in the near future. Please wait for updates for a while longer.

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Sorry for the multiple schedule changes😓

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