Futakin Valley


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Ohh yeah I haven't talked about this yet, my phone got a virus from downloading this game (it's no biggie i already get rid of it, it only got my calendar) it was back at July i think? So yeah I hope nothing like that happens again 

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Ohhh ok thanks i was a bit confused on why does this "virus" is trying to tell me to get an antivirus,thanks for the explanation Glad your back.

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Yes, this game is often detected by anti-virus software, but it does not contain a virus👍


it shouldn't contain any viruses unless you downloaded it from a different source, which in this case I advice you to do a data cleanse on your device

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yeah I know, anti-viruses suck for android, that's why it's better to either just rely on your native anti-virus or download a safer version of android like GrapheneOS if you are used to dealing with third party downloads 

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Yes, pirated copies contain viruses, so I recommend that anyone never download them.


Hey Mofu and everyone else working on this project, just wanted to say thank you!

I started following this game about 2-3 months ago and you all have been crapping out updates left and right, that's bad ass. Just wanted to say, don't burn yourselves out. This game is awesome so far and I'd rather wait and get quality than have you guys over work yourselves. That wouldn't be good, especially for your health. Keep being awesome and I really look forward to when the game is fully finished.

Also, I've been lurking on here for years and this is this first game that I've seen that actually has good designs both visually and mechanically as well as having as much content as you guys have here. Thank you all again for being amazing game devs.

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Yes, I will finish this by this year or next year. Thank you for explaining that🤗

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Thank you for your support! I intend to complete this game in the near future😁👍


Excuse me, but I wonder if the main character could get pregnant without restarting the game, since I have beaten the rabbit girl with a 0% pregnant rate. 

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But what if I have beaten the rabbit girl and I didn't let her stun me? Do I have to restart the game?

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Sorry, I am not a native English speaker. I don't really get what you said.

I once beat the rabbit girl, but I didn't let her stun me, so the main character hasn't gotten pregnant yet.  Now I cannot beat the rabbit girl to get pregnant because beaten characters cannot be beaten twice in the games. To get pregnant, I need to restart the game and repeat everything you say, but is there any method without restarting the game before the update that it can be possible to have free sex with every girl?

我之前打败兔娘的时候没有被她打晕,也就没有怀孕。如果继续这个存档的话就不能重新打这个兔娘了。现在我知道的唯一的方法只有新开一个存档去做这些事,但我还是想知道在不开新存档的情况下能不能完成怀孕这个任务。(还是说只能去期待未来可以自由have sex的更新?)

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Que bom que está bem lip! tome um tempo para você e a sua vida, todos nós nos importamos com você💕

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Hope you feel a little better every day.

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I'm so glad you've returned
You are loved and you are appreciated.
You are not a nuisance to anyone.
By returning, you've shown that you have the strength to carry on, so you should make a cancellation with that clinic.

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so what happened

You can find the reason at the under of this comment section👍


Welcome back!Lipstor cutie. That's great that you're okay.Of course,I have something to say.

Believe no one regard you as nuisance or fool or enemy here,except for a few trolls who really want you to leave,just don't regard the people who really love you as bad guy.Of course, sometimes I have some disputes with you because of some disagreements,and I apologize for making you sad.In fact,reviewing those things after arguing,they were just some trifles,In my life, I may argue with my friends from time to time, but we will make up later, because when we calm down, we will find that it is not a big deal.Of course,I prefer to rectify some things that I think are wrong,but as a man,I think I shouldn't too narrow-minded,so I will try to improve myself.

We have supported mofu in the comment area since mofu updated the game in fanbox,up to now,you and me and J0Gim(According to my impression, we are the only people who have been active since "fanbox era",although I know there are other people, I haven't seen them now),so I hope that we can treat each other as friends,instead of not trusting others,and mofu usually value you very much,If you even don't believe him, there will be no one you can trust,it is very very dangerous if you don't believe even the closest people.

You have been attacked a lot, as long as people who have been watching the itch know,but you must believe that you are not alone,you have friends,and I glad that you mentioned my ID,I hope you can regard me as friend too,because I really regard you as partner who support Mofu,as friend.I hope you could keep living strongly,let's wait the completion of futaken valley and buy his game for supporting him,and wait Mofu remake Futaring:).Don't you expect it?Cute Lip angel🤣(oh no,just ignore this,so embarrassed)

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What this picture means?Sorry,I don't understand,extinguisher?😂

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Its good to have you back lip 😁

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oh hey welcome back, I hope you managed to have at least a couple good nights of sleep! 

Estoy agradecido que no voy a necesitar hacer la traducción al español yo mismo  

I think there's much to be said but it was already kindly pointed out previously by some other fellows so lest to not repeat what's been already said many times, I'm glad you are back and I'm glad for your decisions!

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I'm glad you're back. I hope you get well and wish you only the best.

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Thank you for being alive!!😭

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It's a pleasure for all people that you are alive.

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É um alívio a todos nós que esteja de volta, Lip

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welcome back c:

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(1 edit) (+1)

hehe :3

How can you help so "intense" people? I mean yea if they ask something and you could just reply "here" and done, but you go full support like a payed employee from Mofu. 

And that's amazing! U rly take your time with everyone and where I saw your "deleted account" and so on, I was kinda sad. I mean I just read some of your comments and liked you in the first second c:

Keep up what you doing and don't let other people destroy it! 🤌 You're a good person 😊

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Lipstor живи. Я не могу знать что у тебя произошло, но желаю всего лучшего.

Я считаю, что с Lipstor все будет хорошо👍


I don't know the whole process of the incident, but I want to say, HEALTH and LIFE is the most important thing.

Yes, I strongly agree with you.

(1 edit) (+2)

it was very unfortunate. i see that lip's account is restored? maybe she's still around? i hope she takes it easy though. she and mofu really had the patience of saints when dealing with the comments here for the most part. the stress can definitely be overwhelming though, having to answer the same questions over and over again.

i hope you are doing well too, mofu. i know that this is also stressful for you. i hope you can relax and continue working on the game when you are ready and feeling well. we will be here, waiting patiently! don't worry!

it is crazy that the posts telling her to kys are still up though. those should've been gone super quickly.


Thank you so much for your conscientious words. Yes, Lip had the patience of saints who always kept answering the same questions on my behalf. But it was definitely a huge stress.


Você tem ferias? Ou tira um dia para descançar

Estou bem, obrigado😉


Good game, art is beautiful and gameplay gud, (like the mushrooms bein like armor and the egg/magic puppets thingy... interesting, i like it)


Thank you! I will continue to add various mushrooms and arts👍

Eyy yooo who was lipstor and why is there so much "deleted account" in the comments? 

And I Read some "suizide" in the comments 

oh no, pls don't tell me... 


I hope she does not run it😥


If God exists please bring back lip!!!! I miss her already!!!! People are so mean...no one deserves to be threaten like a nobody!! To hell those trolls. I know that this is a porn game community but I enjoyed seeing her help everyone... Pls come back!!!


Yes, I agree with you. I'm very sorry that she turned out this way😞

(4 edits) (+3)

OMG I wonder what happened to Lipstor, if it was something related to the ciber bullying by I'm reading from the comments I don't want to imagine the consequences. 

We assume that this section is for comment about any glich or error with the game or making questions related from it

There should be "Questions and Answers" section like the comments I've read around here by couple a days for avoid stress! For example... 

Q: When the game will be finished?

A: "any date from 2023" 

Q: Location of bosses and other characters, etc 

A: The map with the location (like Lipstor did on her answers)

I don't know what happened here so be kind with your comments (for the toxic and impatient people) and try to be patient with the creator or artist! 

For the toxic people: 

""If you don't like the H games or the sub-genre don't play it and comment here! 

Only respect the tastes and preferences of others.!!!" "


the FAQ page already exists, it's right on the top of the page



Yes, looking there will solve most of the common questions👍

Thank you for your suggestion! I will add a map to this page as well, showing the location for clarity😉


Hello eveybody just alittle mention 

Please be kind to your fellows we are spread around the world with no idea how eachothers lives are and one wrong thing said could have a bad effect... Ill be here help any questions and such but you all can help by making this community great once again

Thank you for your kindness. I agree with you. and I will reflect on my words and actions.

O que aconteceu com Lip???


Lip está desiludido comigo e apagou a sua conta. Espero que ela não faça nada de perigoso e que possa viver feliz a partir de agora😞

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Okay dude if that is what you wish i hope you well i want to stay and support as much as i can


I wish we were able to keep the trolls away but thats like 80% of the internet haha 😞

Yes, there are a lot of trolls on the internet and people need to get used to it.

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Really good game, loved the combat and the art!

Thank you!🤝

Is there a walkthrough? 

Stuck on mushroom monster idk what to do 


I dont belive there is any atm just try and dodge and use the ivy bow


The ivy bow can be found after the fight with remy once you enter the cave and take the first route up

What do you mean first route up? IS it the ladder in the mushroom house? If so, I can't seem to fully climb up it into any other room. I just get stuck at the top and can only go back down..

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Yea, I figured out that bit. I still can't figure out the ladder in the mushroom house though..

Yes, the ivy bow will easily defeat that monster👍

The mushroom monster can avoid attacks by double jumping. Also you can avoid the attack by rolling, so please use it👍


Ei, Gabriel Monteiro
Queria saber se você está solteiro
Perguntei primeiro e vi que tu mexeu o cabelo
Se eu tiver falando merda, por favor, segue o roteiro

(1 edit) (+1)

Parceiro então para de graça, sai logo da internet e vem dar um tapa na minha cara

Quero violência sou uma put4 malcriada

Eu amo homem de farda e tu ama homem de barba

Maneiro, quero ser algemada 

Tu com a glock na minha cara, me apontando a espingarda

Eu calado no meu canto com a boca amordaçada 

Você me interrogando com tua pistola gelada 


Смирись, товарищ KEKW

(1 edit) (+3)

It feels quite uncomfortable to say this at a time like that...But regarding the man asking for scat and pee scenes - I hope, if Mofu add any, it would be optional and toggleable on and off. I wouldn't like to see any of those scenes, but being able to just turn them off will do


They had a trigger warning on FuujuHime, if he ever adds a scat/pee scene on this one it should have one too 

(2 edits) (+1)

I didn't seem to see such an option in Futaring,but It's really a good idea to add this option.I have seen such option in some SLG,there will be a questionnaire before the game starts,decide whether some special fetish scenes are displayed  or skipped by choosing "Yes"or "No".Because some people like it and some people don't.


Ok, I will show that trigger warning when that scene starts👍

Oh dear, I am coming back at an awful timing again...

Lip was disappointed in me and made the decision to delete her account.😞

(3 edits) (+1)

I'm sure no clinic of that kind will ever kill someone who isn't terminal.
They got their account deleted for nothing.
I hope this didn't interfere with game development.


Yes, I too hope the clinic does not do that. Also, I'm emotionally shocked about her decision but will continue to develop this game.


ok we may be on a futa porn page but if you're explaining that you're suicidal on a platform like this maybe that's the first hint to your emotional state. Nobody knows what's truly going on with Lipsor but if Lipsor ever reads this, you'll never find truthful validation on a porn game page and if you need it you need to find it in person. I know that emotional headspace and I know online platforms aren't the places to go for these issues. Talk to somebody anybody and figure out what you really want to do because no one online will have the insight you need

Yes, I agree with you. I hope she will talk to someone nearby and find a way to improve her life.

Deleted 1 year ago

O Lip continuou a apoiar-me durante um ano. Mas ela ficou desiludida comigo e apagou a sua conta. Preciso de lhe pedir desculpa pela minha rudeza.

As actualizações a este jogo são irregulares e serão actualizadas quando eu criar novos conteúdos.

Agradeça o michael  jack... son

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Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

You and all your friends, yeah, they love to get naughty

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Yes, I will add "Lipstor" to this game's credit as she has helped me for a long time.

wow whats happened in the last few hours..??? i hope everything is alright 

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Yes, I too hope that she will be free from stress and calm down.

so what ended up happening with lipstor


we don't know. I hope she's taking her time out for a while, too much stress over this whole situation was very damaging

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She was disappointed in me and deleted her account. I hope she rest well and relief from the stress she has been feeling.


This is just too good to be ture!

I'll be glad to pay for such a masterpiece ;)


It's going to be available here and on Steam for about $9.99 👍


Here would probably be the place were its gonna be uncensored


I think it's going to be uncensored on steam too, Steam allows those types of games


Hehe lets hope

Yes, this will be uncensored at all place👍

Yes, thank you for writing that🤝

Thank you! I will finish this and publish it on Steam and itch😁


Imagine the next update will be 031.33💀


Oh I plan to do that😓

It's okaaaay, I'm waiting for every update! And I can't wait to see what will be in the next one!


Well sh#t just went down the drain


wow one can really  miss a lot within 4 hrs

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
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Lip,calm down!Don't do foolish things!Nobody regard you as nuisance and nobody fool you,to sum up, isn't it because everyone has different opinions?Doing this will not solve any problems. If you can, you can communicate well in private, OK?Calm down and communicate well,there is nothing unsolvable.If everyone can't reach an agreement no matter how,just ignore it,you can regard me or others as fools,but don't do such a thing,we are all worried about your health, but you should not do such things because of some arguement.


Lip you have to stop being selfish and understand that no one here is hostile towards you.

You say that people here insult and fool you but the only person who's harming you is yourself. 

Bad moments happen and will always happen no matter what, that's how life is. You are strong for suffering for so long and still being able to stand still. Give yourself some pride and don't let some futile discussion in the internet change the course of your life. You are strong, you just haven't realized it yet, just give yourself a chance. 


Lip i hope you dont go through with it you have been super nice since i first join helping awnser questions and such..... No life should be wasted.... I too once had such thoughts and some people i knew over xbox called the police in my area and got me the help i needed. Please just think if not for you how many people would miss you


Hey Lip, What happened to you? don't be like that please:( I don't really know what happened and what to say now but, don't do such a thing :( Think about your family, your friends, and other people who know you they would miss you terribly. I don't know why you consider yourself as a nuisance but let me tell you what, as far as i know reading through the comments, you're a big help to us, to the players, to this game, to this community, even to the Author itself.... C'mon Pal We Need You:(

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Oh so in the end Lipstor can't keep her patience...I think I know who pull the trigger that cause of this problem. I think u need to say sorry for her so it can probably changed her decision🙁

And also there a one thing that I want to give an advice to u Lipstor. I'm introvert so I'm not good at talking to people but there's a thing that catch my attention based on what u said u think ur worthless so u said that. I always observing people, and humans feels anxiety, doubt, anger and feel like ur no longer need in this world. Those my examples are causes of stress so ur experiencing a stress because of lack of sleep, negative comments, and also maybe u are lack at social interactions. Try to rest in online and try to play offline(In real life) meet ur friends, family, do ur favorite hobby or vacation this thing may help to relieve your body and mind. You're human ur not different from others, everybody always need to get rid the biggest obstacle and you are on that situation it depends on you on how u will solve that problem. But don't give up proved in that bastard ur not weak.


No, don't do that, you are loved.


Hey Lip i know you don't know me but you've answered my question once and i thank you for it, everyday i go to this page and see you always replying to people with respect and and formality ,the amount of deduction that you have for this game is insane I've seen no one done this before especially if it's a porn game but all I wanted to say is that thank you for your service i hope your doing well...

just fucking kill you already no one likes you

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nice bot

we all agree that you should get the fuck out of here https://f95zone.to/threads/futaken-valley-v0-031-23-mofuland.68473/page-42


Stfu dude seriously what the fuck

Report this asshole please

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already did, it's horrifying how some people like this exists 


Just report this acc guys, don't waste your anger against just some insignificant asshole


Hi, did you get it?  The person who helped me before.

 I can't speak properly because I'm using translation :(

 I don't understand why you have to leave after seeing this incident.  You tried to help Moff.  I think that's fine.  you are thinking deeply  do you have enemies?

 Please see the reply.  If you don't love me, I love you.

 Ah, you are tied to Moff.  My love will never come true XD

 You should cancel the service you contacted anyway.  And let's take a look at "the future created by Moff" together!  

"From friends who love Moff


Why is that so!? I dont understand it! I have always been grateful to you and have never considered you a nuisance.

Espero que cambies de opinion, nunca hable mucho aca pero siempre aprecie ver tus comentarios ayudando, da un muy buen ambiente a la comunidad, realmente espero que cambies de decision, a nadie le gustaria que no estes aca, hay algun que otro boludo suelto con un par de cromosomas de mas pero todos te apreciamos mucho.

Jesus,how could this happen? Don't leave us alone.


i'd preferably like to see some scat/pee cg scenes like in cursed futana ring considering i rarely see that combo done as well as mofu does it.  GREAT JOB WITH THOSE SCENES DUDE!

Deleted 2 years ago

Yes, I will draw it in her scene😉



Frankly, it is a very cool game. I love games of this type. I hope for more development in the future. How do I know when the update will come to the game? Also, how do I finish the picture?

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Thank you for explaining that with the image!🤗

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Thank you for playing this🤝 I will update this game on an irregular basis when I can add something to it. I also draw pictures from time to time and add them.


Hello! I just played it yesterday and this morning. I gotta say it is so AMAZING! I love your artworks and game style. it's kinda lewd soul-like hehe. I read the rest of comments here. Please you don't need to rush it because of us. Take your own time to developing it. I am so look forward to next update... oh and if you intend to release it on Steam in the future-- you have my full support!

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Thank you for your suppor! I plan to release this on Steam when it's finished👍. Also, my development is always slow so being rushed is not a problem.


Really nice game you got here. The scenes are nice, the art is really well done, and the gameplay is pretty fun. Eager to see what you'll do next for the game.
A couple questions, if you're okay with it. Did you have any other plans to add in other hazards, like with the poison, spikes, or water?
And will all the bosses you fight have cg scenes or grabbing scenes like how Wuelie grabs you? I was thinking something was gonna happen with Mushria when she said she'd eat Nene as a snack, like she'd swallow her whole or something.

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Thank you for playing this game! I will be adding cg scenes to all characters. and I also plan to add various hazards such as magma and contaminated space as well as poison and needles.👍

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Hey I don't think this is necessary. Regardless of the result of the poll we shouldn't put this pressure over Mofu and dictate how he's gonna conduct the game like that. It's fine to just give suggestions and feedback but this is straight up taking the lead of the whole situation and this is not polite.

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You are twisting it, I never meant his health does not matter. Making a poll for the specific reason of showing that people care about his health is patronizing. People are treating Mofu like a puppet thinking they can think for him better than himself and that's toxic. If the results of the poll are going to be positive then why does it even matter? We, specially you, are doing a good job of reassuring that his own health should be the priority, and for that any other side discussion is just adding unnecessary stress for no reason. 

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We all don't hope Mofu get tired,that's for sure,and we're also upset those who rush Mofu just for his joy.It's just that you misunderstood what we mean, and you even think I've rushed Mofu.

Lip, please don't worry about me. Rather, I'm more concerned about your health.


Forget it,let her do.


I just wanna say,Mofu has his own plan

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(3 edits) (+1)

I'll never rush Mofu,I've been saying that "take your time"before,and I have been asking mofu if he is too tired and if he needs a rest,why define what you don't know,my opinion is the same as J0Gim,don't wrong others,I hope mofu could take his time too,but I just think he has his plan, I've said many times to pay attention to rest,but I still saw that he always replies in the early morning,that's why I think whether such poll is meaningful,like J0Gim said "this is straight up taking the lead of the whole situation and this is not polite"

By the way, don't define others as having done something,It's easy to wrongly judge others,and just judge others just by one sentence.

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If you think so, I have no idea. If you don't want to trust others, it will undoubtedly hurt your own mood,and then you will hurt your health again.Others just said something unintentionally,and then you imagine a lot of meaning, and you think about those to bad side,am I right?Argue should not happen in this situation,because it will hurt your health,do not be upset,would you please solve the problem in a peaceful way?If you don't believe me,here is a easy way,just ask Mofu:Did I rush him?

Lip, there is no need to make this poll. Because I believe that I need both speed and quality, not one or the other.


As always, thanks for the hard work. Honestly i wish Mofu would take things slowly, no need for pressure or swiftness. You have already showed us the quality of your work, and we are really grateful. To summarize, just do it how you feel most comfortable. Good luck 👍✨ 

Thank you for your kindness!🥰 I would like to move it along as quickly as possible as I'm very slow in development, but if there is time to spare, I would like to make it of higher quality.

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