Futakin Valley


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How many bossfights  (more or less) are you planning to add before reaching the village? I guess reaching the village won't be the end of the story since you have said there's gonna be many different NPCs living there. The public beta apparently goes until we reach the village, right? So that would give us an estimate. The new area with the mushroom and cow looks like its located near a possible exit already  but im not sure.

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I plan to implement 14 boss fights until the main character reaches the village. However, this plan has been changed many times in the past😆


I'm very excited for a big update, mofu is doing a perfect job the scenes the characters, everything the game from what I've seen so far has had no flaws, job very well done congratulations!!!


True, actually the graphics and the art style of characters are overpowered.

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Yes, two scenes will be added in the next big update👍

Thank you for liking this game! I will continue to make big updates💪


By the way, in the future it is possible if we can get the cat weapon?

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Yeah😂. I'm kind of like antihero so stealing skills, abilities, or their stuff is not a big deal for me.

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Don't need, antihero always working alone😎

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Ok, I will add that weapon👍

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Thank you so much again for fixing that!🥰🤝 I will back it up so I dont lose it again!


Have you thought about releasing a major update?

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It's probably being processed, but it should take some time still 

A major update is done when new scene is added, but currently this game has many system issues, so I'm prioritizing fixing them.

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WOW!!! It's so cool! WIth the images and shown on a map! Amazing work Lipstor!🤩👍👍👍

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This is amazing! Great job Lip! <3

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Thank you so much for creating this awesome image!🤗💕 This image solves all the questions for this game👍

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Yes, and I plan to hide something there😁


Okay, I'll move my question from the other thread to here, since it's better visible here. 

We were at the topic with the action phrases? an the translation. How does one activate these actions? Because all I can find are the ordinary conversation scripts.

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Yes, thank you for answering that question! They can be written in the conversation scripts to add effects to the letters👍

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In this case I don't understand the discussion about it making it more complicated for translators, as it is an entirely optional option. 😺

Do you have a demo of the effects?

- Never mind, I see I can simulate it myself. Problem is just, that the effect lasts for the whole conversation instead of selected words. ^ ^'

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Thank you so so much for all your great work!😍💕 I would like to add this image to the FAQ!

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How many puppets are there?

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Awesome ty


Do you know if we'll get seggs scenes with puppet? Like reacting when dancing wanking or peeing, instead of carrying the puppet with your hands use your d*** or even just artwork of the puppets?

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Cool thanks:)

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Feel so bad for gnu, can we help her exercise or something in the future so she can uhh... Fix her... Problem?

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That's a good point actually! Well I'm sure Nene will help with all her needs if she likes being like that

Ooh can't wait! Love that idea 

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Yes, I'm planning to do that👍


Of course I will add those ideas😉


Fought two mushroom monsters, fox's sister, cat, rabbit, and gnu. Found 5 NPC's under development, found caterpillar shop and teleport girl, is that all for now or have I missed anything?

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Just checking but the mushroom monster in the upper cave has no story yet after defeating her? Just cause I see your image of the shop and the mushy monster and Ophelia are there. Also the giant futa statue doesn't have any function?

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Yes, their stories are not yet complete. But they will be added soon, so please wait it.

awesome :) 


What is the highest degree of completion of the map now, I have been to all the places on the map now, I have not found anything new, is there any place to see the guide?

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Yes, the map for this game is only in beta and will be entirely reworked in the finished version. I created this map as an experiment😁

How do I transfer data to the new version?

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I have heard very good things.

Thank you.

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Thank you for explaining that Lip🤗 That's right!

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Hello mofu. Can you add some Easter egg in your game bro?. Because I like your game very much, what more if you add Easter eggs to your game :). I hope you can add Easter eggs in your game

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Ok, I would like to hide many secret easter eggs in this game😁

can you tell me when the game will be ready because i don't know what else to do

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question where is save data stored?

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You can open that save data folder by pressing the button on the left side of the title screen👍


Hey any info about what we can use skill points on?

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Yes, It's not available yet. And I may change this.

Deleted 1 year ago
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Yes, I will do so🤗

I plan to allow the player to run that option after winning a battle👍


I use a translator so I'm sorry for my English.I missed a lot, but I'm glad that such a wonderful person is back. Lipstor you are a very necessary person in this project in my opinion I am glad that you are back.

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Yes, I agree, Lip is very necessary person👍


Just a heads up, I was fighting the bull girl with giant hammer and when she stunned me the UI froze and when I was attacked no hp went down. But I was stuck in the stunned animation. (That happened twice) then tried to collect my puppet after and the UI froze aagain. 


Uhm.. I tried with the puppet again.. twice, it's freezing the UI every time I try to tell her follow me.

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Deleted 106 days ago
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Actually the bug when fighting didn't happen every time, but the puppet bug was every time


Sorry, I have just fixed that bug and updated this game. Please download again😭

alrighty will do! 

Works fine now Ty!

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Whats the bush beside the dog?


Ok i get it some skill point thanks why not release in patron to get some money?

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Thank you for explaining that Lip🥰

Do we have to buy the game once it's complete? Or will we be able to get the full thing for free?

Thank you for your kindness! I would like to start subscribestar in the future😁

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I was thinking about ways to combine picking up skill points and taking the mushroom dog with the mc😆

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I could not come up with a production where the dog destroys the wall, and as a result, I decided on this mechanic😆

Deleted 2 years ago
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Thank you so much for letting me know that! I fixed it right away🤝

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Yes, Thank you for writing that👍

The second mushroom fight and the cat lady fight is hard (on mobile), shit may be even harder than dark souls and my dick while playing this game combine. But i like it doe but could you make a long range weapon like a spear? So that it's easier to hit enemy's without getting closer to them ( I know there's a bow in the game but it's kinda hard to aim if your not close to the enemy)

Ohh yeah could mofu please add a femboy Character to the game 


I'm pretty sure mofu said all of the girl is a futa, so there's probably won't be any femboy characters in this game.


Yes, All characters in this game are futa👍

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I will do so😉


There are throwing knife, spear and axe. Cathera selling some of them.

Deleted 2 years ago

Yes, They are very powerful👍

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Yes, the whip is the best way to go. It's the fastest and easiest to use👍


Wonderful game Mofu! Very beautiful and hot for the fetishists like me XD. I just wanted to say that your game is amazing and I hope you can finish it. And I want to ask you a favor: you know (obviously) that if you jerk off in front of Weelie (I can't remember her name XD) she gets hot and starts jerking off too right? Well, what if you crouch "by accident" and she does her thing like when you battle her? It would be pretty cool, I tried to find other special interactions but I couldn't. Well, just some fantasies from a pervert like me XD. So im wishing to see your game grow and get finished, because its what it deserves 💖. Keep doing that good job!


And thanks to Lipstor for helping and managing thia game's community, we know you work hard Lipstor, and we love you💖

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You can also masturbate with the rabbit girl

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Where's the skunk girl?

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Yes, I'm planning to do that. That option is most needed👍

Thank you for playing this game!🤗 I will continue to improve this game. Wuelie currently only responds to one action, but I hope to add some features in the future so that you can sex with her at any time.


this is beautiful

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Thank you💕


I am a morally destroyed person, what I spend my life on. God has forsaken me.

It's okay we're here with you so you're not alone xD

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I dont know what this is🤔

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Thank you so much for noticing that!🤗 They are controlled by the same magic.


Also i saw a reply abt caterpillar's undeveloped pp. Will there ever be an update where she will grow a pp?

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Yes, That update will definitely be implemented👍

Do you have a discord server or smth?

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I dont plan to be using discord sever, as several people are unable to use it🤔

What item do you give the mushroom dog?


Mushroom soup something i forgot its name. U can buy at caterpillar 

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But thats how i got the dog to follow me

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Yes, Anything edible can be given to the mushroom dog👍

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awesome Ty, btw what are we supposed to do with the poison ones? I was gunna sell them but thought they may have some other use? 

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Maybe in the future we will be able to craft something, like poisons for weapons? ;) It is not a suggestion just my thoughts.

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Yes, I think it so interesting to be able to synthesize mushrooms to make something😁

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I will update this tomorrow. Now I'm fixing some bugs, so please wait a little longer😉

I thought I had already given up on the game because of the pressure, so glad you keep moving forward :)

Where the cat location

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Gotta love that map!


Thank you for explaining that🤗

question where do i find cynthia

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Yes, thank you for elaborating on that🥰


do you know how to save him?kami

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Yes, thank you for explaining that!🤝 I have not yet completed the new painting of her, so she is still in place.


The only downside that didn't get fixed about bosses is that when you touch their hitbox it counts that they attacked you, for instance the first boss Remy, touching your hitbox with a sword while standing still counts as she attacked you and deals damage, it's pretty annoying since every time you touch her you get briefly stunned and can't dodge roll, and when she just stands still, damages you and then performs something like a beam attack or jump you can't really avoid those 2 hits from her, that's why I just died the first time pretty quickly, didn't know that's how it works 

If it's ok then leave it in the game, but I would change that she can't just deal damage to you while idle

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Weird but ok


Yes, that's right👍 I have designed the mc to take damage when it hits the enemy even if it is stopped. This is because eliminating this allows them to hide among large enemies.

when does the game release, and where will it be released? steam??


No definite time,but Mofu said he will try to release it next year,and it will be released at steam and here.

Yes, I plan to release this on Steam and itch.io. Thank you for writing that🤝

Anyway to get pregnant after you have beaten both the bunny girl and cat girl?

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Yes, now the test event can be run on the left side of the cat girl's house👍

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