And one more question, do you keep the free version after you complete it? Or do you remove all free versions and replace them with paid versions? Because I live in a country where payment is a big problem because we don't have access to apps like PayPal.را
I would love to see futa centaur getting nene's dick in the ass, but I feel bad for giving mofu more and more things and Ideas without being able to tip, donate or something, I just got a job and Its my first month would love to give him something in december.
I will be adding scenes for each of the characters to all of them👍. Also I will consider adding the girls based on the dragon, tiger, bear and other designs.
I have some questions , will you add the possibility of having sex with everyone as an interaction and getting pregnant from all of them in the future? And after finishing the game and completing it, do you still sell it for free or do we have to pay for it? I will be very happy to hear that this game is available for free, because it really is the best game I have played in this genre.
I liked the premise, the art and I thought the idea of a platform-style hentai game inspired by dark souls was really cool, but couldn't it be easier? I have 2 hours of gameplay and I couldn't defeat more than two characters the two giant mushrooms, the cat and the eldest fox I couldn't leave them with half their health playing on touch, the game is not that difficult and am I really bad or is the game really hard? somebody help me
I recommend you buy a few mushroom soups from the caterpillar's shop and then try to beat the fox, the weapon she drops is really strong and makes the other boss fights almost too easy. Those mushroom soups restore your health completely so you could run away when your health is low and then restore it once she's out of sight. The easiest way that I found to beat her in her second phase before I got the hang of dodging is to hit her once or twice then run away. Running out of sight of her reduces the chances of her shooting the beam significantly and makes the fight way easier.
I would like to suggest an album to rewatch the chibi sex scene and maybe get to have sex with the puppet as well when carring it open the option in special menu.
Fell into the hole with skunk girl and puppet stopped following me, can't ask her to follow either.. :( really sad cause I farmed for days to get the perfect puppet :'(
oh Jesus okay. I thought it was literally like a walking doll not a child.. jeesh ... Oops... In that case is there ever gunna be outfit options? That'd be cute
You'll have to buy it. It'll be on steam for 9.99$ or adjusted to your location. I think it'll be o patreon as well, If im not wrong, Mofu said he is thinking on creating a patreon.
All of the kinky themes aside, this game is amazing, the animations, the character designs, is fun, I really love the customization aspects where you can change the breast or balls size or wear accessories to boost your abilities, I'm really excited to see this game grow, take your time and make it shine!!
Hello mofu, im a big fan of your work. Im also a big fan of monster girls so this make this project even more exciting. I was wondering if you might have aquatic girls in a water environment like shark or octopus/squid girls. The tentacles have a lot of potential for a lot of grabbing and each tentacle could be like a bukkake scene.
The shark girl could also have that aggressive personality to and have a similar scene. Or a honey bee type of girl with a similar thing where she drips honey and forces Nene to a hive where she's forced there gangbanged by a group.
And lastly, I just thought about about the same kind of aggressive type of girl could be a snake girl. Maybe she could have a scene that involves wrapping all over Nene and forcing herself into her and not letting her go.
Alot of these aggressive girls I was hoping you could make them into Short haired tomboys. Since tomboy add a lot of fun.
Anyways, these were just me thinking about these things as floating ideas. More importantly I hope you can get this done with no stress. I continue to support you, keep up with your success and I hope you can have fun developing this at your own pace till the end.
Thank you for your fascinating character ideas! Those look so interesting. I would love to create a monster girl based on a shark, octopus, squid, bee, etc. I will consider them in the design of future character additions🤗
Oh i forgot to clarify, when i mean the bee girl drips honey, i meant that instead of milk coming out of her boobs, it could be thick honey. And maybe a frog girl too. Sorry about that i got excited about more ideas, but thank you for the response.
Ohh i just got a great idea for a mminigame. How about make the futa have sword fights with their cocks huh 🤔would love to see that... (It's ok if you don't want to)
Whoa whoa slow down there buddy I'm not abusing someone's kindness I'm just trying to help/suggest to mofu. he can just not accept my suggestion if he wanted to. I'm not going to be mad or anything.( Yeah doe looking back at what I said i sounded like a spoiled brat who wants everything, sorry for that...)
What means distracting from main game? There are quite a few games, in which the minigames sum up to be a fair competitor to the main game. 😃
Improving replayability of a game can be better than finishing it as soon as possible (whatever finishing means, to begin with)
Sure, there is more than one way to improve replayability, but minigames is a comparatively easy one, and the best is, one doesn't have to finish the game to make it replayable (e.g. by programming different endings, or the like)
(A minigame can be also to have repeating boss fights under different scenarios, by the way)
...Altough I don't know if having cock-swordfights is really feasible without having tealas' physics 🤔
Woah yeah, I only buy games to play the minigames, why play the main game? Now seriously dude minigames are put in as filler, and are rarely played, they rather annoy players with few exceptions like witcher 3, in most cases they hurt the game because time has been spent that could have been used to expand or polish the main game, you know?
This isn't a triple A title and when it comes to translating programming time : playing time, then replayable minigames will be, more often than not, more efficient than tweaking or polishing the main game, especially in the platformer sector.
In the end it also comes down to personal preferences and the individual design of the game or minigames.
If mofu really plans to put a fix finish on the game, then it won't make much sense to add a minigame at the very end; barely anyone will profit from it, as most won't return just to play a minigame; while the other way around it will definetely work; most people will come back because they want to play the full game.
My suggestion would be to prioritise the minigames by the necessary effort to create them; he could add the biggest effort minigames at the very end, within a huge update, which will also end the last quarter of the storyline (once the game mechanics are stable and fix) and the easier-to-create minigames before, to keep the game interesting and the community attracted. (And also to add a public to-do-list, perhaps...) so people can comprehend better what's still to come and what not and whether it makes sense to make a likely trivial suggestion or not.
Yes, I agree with you. minigames can improve the replayability of the game. The game itself is a mass of many minigames in my opinion, so I would love to add them🤗
Yes, I will do those in the final part of development. I need to complete the entire system first. And I'm not afraid of the possibility that minigame may not be fun, if it is. It often happens😆
I neve imagined to find a so cool futa game. And with italian to?! The biggest software house usually don't calcolate us. So cool, how often do you update it?
LOVE this game. Seems like you are hard at work consistently delivering updates as well. Please let me know if there is anything that you need help with. Will absolutely support you on Steam once released!!
I'll be honest I didn't even thing about the enemies getting stuck at the door and hurting me I just assumed that was an intentional game design and thought
Oh and by the way, I see that the game is translated to a lot languages, and I was thinking, absolutely for free I would love to help and translate the game to my national language which is Polish. :D
Ah i see... Thanks for the response. My progress used to save whenever I deleted the app and downloaded the new version, but I guess it doesn't work anymore
how does one get magic/mana? after getting the staff or the sword it feels as if there is a random trigger that fills the bar and i cant figure out what it is.
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And one more question, do you keep the free version after you complete it? Or do you remove all free versions and replace them with paid versions? Because I live in a country where payment is a big problem because we don't have access to apps like PayPal.را
Yes, this is a demo version and this will continue to be released👍
I would love to see futa centaur getting nene's dick in the ass, but I feel bad for giving mofu more and more things and Ideas without being able to tip, donate or something, I just got a job and Its my first month would love to give him something in december.
Yes, that can be completed soon😉
I will be adding scenes for each of the characters to all of them👍. Also I will consider adding the girls based on the dragon, tiger, bear and other designs.
I have some questions , will you add the possibility of having sex with everyone as an interaction and getting pregnant from all of them in the future? And after finishing the game and completing it, do you still sell it for free or do we have to pay for it? I will be very happy to hear that this game is available for free, because it really is the best game I have played in this genre.
Thank you for answering my questions
Yes, I will do so, Thank you🤗
im actually suprised on how well this game was the combat was nice the way to do stuff was nice the only thing that was struggling was the movement
Thank you for playing this game! Each move will continue to improve to make it easier to play😉
eu tenho uma pergunta, quando o jogo estiver pronto eu vou ter que pagar em ienes ou o valor vai ser convetido para a mueda do meu pais?
Acredito que se este jogo for publicado em Steam ou comichão, pode pagar em qualquer moeda👍
I recommend you buy a few mushroom soups from the caterpillar's shop and then try to beat the fox, the weapon she drops is really strong and makes the other boss fights almost too easy. Those mushroom soups restore your health completely so you could run away when your health is low and then restore it once she's out of sight. The easiest way that I found to beat her in her second phase before I got the hang of dodging is to hit her once or twice then run away. Running out of sight of her reduces the chances of her shooting the beam significantly and makes the fight way easier.
Thank you for the clear explanation of how to fight!🤝
I don't want to be a dick but yes
Also kill normal mushrooms for a chance to get the big dick item which also ups damage
That's right, Thank you for answering that🤗
I would like to suggest an album to rewatch the chibi sex scene and maybe get to have sex with the puppet as well when carring it open the option in special menu.
Yes, those scenes of puppets may be hard to add🤔
Thank you for your suggestion! I would like to add those chibi animation menu features in the future👍
en mi parte suena una idea emocionante
Game is really great so far. I think I've completed all there is to do in this build afaik, even though it says I'm only 46% done.
Hopefully there will be some pregnant sex scenes down the line to go with the pregnancy mechanic.
Also hope to see more with Ophelia in the future.
Thank you for playing all of this game! Ophelia's story will be completed soon😉
Fell into the hole with skunk girl and puppet stopped following me, can't ask her to follow either.. :( really sad cause I farmed for days to get the perfect puppet :'(
I just restarted the game and it's fine again but I'll try if that happens again thanks!
Sorry, It may be a bug. I will check it!
Think I mentioned this before but you should add an animation for f*cking puppet or cumming on them/in their mouth that'd be awesome
Oh and do we get the full game once it's done or will we have to buy that from patreon?
why is it forbidden?
oh Jesus okay. I thought it was literally like a walking doll not a child.. jeesh ... Oops... In that case is there ever gunna be outfit options? That'd be cute
I think that implementing them will most likely cause problems that are difficult to explain on Steam. so I may not implement them.
You'll have to buy it. It'll be on steam for 9.99$ or adjusted to your location. I think it'll be o patreon as well, If im not wrong, Mofu said he is thinking on creating a patreon.
Yes, I'm planning to start subscribestar. However, right now I dont have enough time to start it.
buena idea. Es información importante
Mofu, I'm looking forward to the next update
Thank you! I will try to get the next update up as soon as possible👍
Get it, I'll even keep the app installed
But will I lose my data?
if it doesn't bother you, you can specify what exactly was implemented from the proposals
I can also reprint those proposals👍
All of the kinky themes aside, this game is amazing, the animations, the character designs, is fun, I really love the customization aspects where you can change the breast or balls size or wear accessories to boost your abilities, I'm really excited to see this game grow, take your time and make it shine!!
Yes, thank you for explaining that🤗
Thank you! I would like to take lots of time and make this game more enjoyable🤝
I have to prepare for the exams, so…maybe i cant play the game for…maybe 4 months.
Wish the time im back, this game is done and sell a lot!
Good luck with your studies for the exam👍 I hope that your results will be better. And I will complete this by the end of 4 months.
And when you comeback the version is 0.031.103🤣(Im Just Joking)
Hello mofu, im a big fan of your work. Im also a big fan of monster girls so this make this project even more exciting. I was wondering if you might have aquatic girls in a water environment like shark or octopus/squid girls. The tentacles have a lot of potential for a lot of grabbing and each tentacle could be like a bukkake scene.
The shark girl could also have that aggressive personality to and have a similar scene. Or a honey bee type of girl with a similar thing where she drips honey and forces Nene to a hive where she's forced there gangbanged by a group.
And lastly, I just thought about about the same kind of aggressive type of girl could be a snake girl. Maybe she could have a scene that involves wrapping all over Nene and forcing herself into her and not letting her go.
Alot of these aggressive girls I was hoping you could make them into Short haired tomboys. Since tomboy add a lot of fun.
Anyways, these were just me thinking about these things as floating ideas. More importantly I hope you can get this done with no stress. I continue to support you, keep up with your success and I hope you can have fun developing this at your own pace till the end.
Thank you for your fascinating character ideas! Those look so interesting. I would love to create a monster girl based on a shark, octopus, squid, bee, etc. I will consider them in the design of future character additions🤗
Oh i forgot to clarify, when i mean the bee girl drips honey, i meant that instead of milk coming out of her boobs, it could be thick honey. And maybe a frog girl too. Sorry about that i got excited about more ideas, but thank you for the response.
Just wondering ...are you alright!
What do you mean "are you alright" what he's says is just your basic universal enemy type in a porn game concerned about his health and sanity
I’m alright, but I may not so🤔?
take it easy friend....I truly hope you are doing well...I wish for your good sanity and wellbeing...cheers mate.
I really liked the game so far ! If you ever happened to open a Paetreon, i'll be down to support you, so, let me know !
I will check that out, thanks a lot for the informations !
Woah , 👍🏻
Thank you so much for writing that Lip🥰
Thank you for your kindness! I will let you know here when I open Patreon etc🤝
My pleasure. Thank you for your work, it's amazing
Ohh i just got a great idea for a mminigame. How about make the futa have sword fights with their cocks huh 🤔would love to see that... (It's ok if you don't want to)
Consider not asking about too many things because he will include anything and it will distract from the main game
That is soo mofu's thing 🤣. but he says he's open for suggestions 🤷🏻 but hey mofu if your reading this don't got hard on yourself it's ok...
The fact that he is open to suggestions is no reason to abuse his kindness when it is clear that he has had some inconvenience lately
Whoa whoa slow down there buddy I'm not abusing someone's kindness I'm just trying to help/suggest to mofu. he can just not accept my suggestion if he wanted to. I'm not going to be mad or anything.( Yeah doe looking back at what I said i sounded like a spoiled brat who wants everything, sorry for that...)
Who hurt you lol
What means distracting from main game? There are quite a few games, in which the minigames sum up to be a fair competitor to the main game. 😃
Improving replayability of a game can be better than finishing it as soon as possible (whatever finishing means, to begin with)
Sure, there is more than one way to improve replayability, but minigames is a comparatively easy one, and the best is, one doesn't have to finish the game to make it replayable (e.g. by programming different endings, or the like)
(A minigame can be also to have repeating boss fights under different scenarios, by the way)
...Altough I don't know if having cock-swordfights is really feasible without having tealas' physics 🤔
Oh, and last but not least I think that programming minigames is definetely one of the more rewarding tasks.
Or what do you think, mofu? I know you like coding mini games 😁
Woah yeah, I only buy games to play the minigames, why play the main game? Now seriously dude minigames are put in as filler, and are rarely played, they rather annoy players with few exceptions like witcher 3, in most cases they hurt the game because time has been spent that could have been used to expand or polish the main game, you know?
This isn't a triple A title and when it comes to translating programming time : playing time, then replayable minigames will be, more often than not, more efficient than tweaking or polishing the main game, especially in the platformer sector.
In the end it also comes down to personal preferences and the individual design of the game or minigames.
If mofu really plans to put a fix finish on the game, then it won't make much sense to add a minigame at the very end; barely anyone will profit from it, as most won't return just to play a minigame; while the other way around it will definetely work; most people will come back because they want to play the full game.
My suggestion would be to prioritise the minigames by the necessary effort to create them; he could add the biggest effort minigames at the very end, within a huge update, which will also end the last quarter of the storyline (once the game mechanics are stable and fix) and the easier-to-create minigames before, to keep the game interesting and the community attracted.
(And also to add a public to-do-list, perhaps...) so people can comprehend better what's still to come and what not and whether it makes sense to make a likely trivial suggestion or not.
Yes, I agree with you. minigames can improve the replayability of the game. The game itself is a mass of many minigames in my opinion, so I would love to add them🤗
Yes, I will do those in the final part of development. I need to complete the entire system first. And I'm not afraid of the possibility that minigame may not be fun, if it is. It often happens😆
There is no problem with those suggestions. I just don't add them if it's difficult to do so👍
That's a very interesting idea. I would love to create that minigame😁
Thank you for hearing me out mofu 👍
Stumbled upon this game by accident. Not a fan of futa, but it looked cute and I thought I'd try. Gotta say it's cool, nice game Mofu!
Btw. I read some change logs, so just to make sure I don't miss any content, who's the latest boss/enemy in the game?
Alright, thanks for the info.
Thank you for answering that question!🥰
Thank you for playing this game! I will add to the dev log what I'm creating in the future👍
Add enemys who can grab you and try to fuck
Yes, I will add enemies with those abilities in the future😉
Oh, I can't download this file. I dont know why😐?
Me neither, it looks like she disconnected before the upload was finished apparently
I neve imagined to find a so cool futa game. And with italian to?! The biggest software house usually don't calcolate us. So cool, how often do you update it?
I will update this game when new content is available👍
And this awesome translation was made by Norradeti7940. Thanks to him for all the hard work he put into this translation.
I just loved the game, great animation, gameplay, super well made characters and super cute. 5/5. Congratulations to the creator for his great work.
Thank you for loving this game. I will add more characters and pictures in the future🥰
I be getting so good at finishing this game so fast that im thinking of making a Speedrun WR 😂
Indeed, I remember that you once made a Speedrun video👍
Thank you for playing this a lot!🤝
after a fight with momo, he wrote that he received a penis in the form of a cat, but it is not in the inventory
Yes, that's right🤗 And I understood it. It used to appear in the lower right corner, so I will use that feature again.
Ok, I will show it in the top left🤝
Can you add some Cat(Demi) too?
Not forcing you tho, if it isn't too much to ask😔
Momo is a demi cat girl, but I will consider adding a girl who is even closer to a cat😉
Thanks for considering my suggestion about adding Momo's weapon👉👈.
You are welcome to suggest anything🤗
LOVE this game. Seems like you are hard at work consistently delivering updates as well. Please let me know if there is anything that you need help with. Will absolutely support you on Steam once released!!
Thank you for loving this! I'm delivering this and hope to incorporate the feedback I have received into this game😁
Dont take it offensive but you didn't do anything that much in last three updates
I'll be honest I didn't even thing about the enemies getting stuck at the door and hurting me I just assumed that was an intentional game design and thought
"Damn that door it dangerous"
it happened to me once I thought mofu REALLY didn’t want us going through that door 😂
A lot of bugs have been fixed in the last few updates. That's very important👍
Fixing bugs is as important as adding new stuff or else you get cyberpunk 2077
I was really excited for saints row but i knew it would be a while before its ready
Remember this game is still in beta so let mofu fix some things up then add things
...and implement minigames with highscores, thehe
I'm trying to implement minigame where sperm fight against viruses👍
Sounds like an interesting idea ^ ^ 👍
Yes, I need to think about it a lot. I apologize for any confusion I have caused you😞
Beatiful game, i love it! <3
Looking forward to future updates!
And... Thank you very much for translate in Portuguese.
Thank you for liking this game! And this wonderful translation was done by J0Gim. I'm grateful to him ;)
What about gnu character is will have it boss fight in future updates or i have 2 do somthing i dont know about
Thank you so much for explaining that!🥰
Balls are not jiggling after clicking jiggle button in menu. Just a small thing I noticed.
Okey I translated whole game in 11hours haha, how can I send you file?
Thank you so much for your kindness!🤗💕 If you upload them to this uploader I will add them.
Here ya go
Thank you so so much for making that wonderful translation!🤝💕 I will put it in the next update!
The button does not have that functionality. However, I would like to add that functionality in the next update if possible😉
Oh and by the way, I see that the game is translated to a lot languages, and I was thinking, absolutely for free I would love to help and translate the game to my national language which is Polish. :D
Damn I lost all my progress because of the new update
Yes, I think so too. Android deletes save data on uninstall app. The way to get around this may be to transfer the save data to a cloud server.
Ah i see... Thanks for the response. My progress used to save whenever I deleted the app and downloaded the new version, but I guess it doesn't work anymore
Please dont delete the app, but overwrite it. I believe doing so will preserve the save data😉
how does one get magic/mana? after getting the staff or the sword it feels as if there is a random trigger that fills the bar and i cant figure out what it is.
ah, makes sense. thanks lip!
Thank you for explaining that!🤝