Maybe except just food items that can boost your arousal "mana" just an idea.... Some sex toy objects could be used as tools a dildo would be a one time use and a cock sleeve might have a few uses
Can you tell mfu to add the ability to copulate with a rabbit (I forgot her name) once again, but without a fight. Added a dialog about how we excite her and all that. In case of repeated childbirth, the menu "leave the doll" or "replace" will appear.
hi again mofu and lipstor.. i dont know if it's only happened to me or not, but i update and reopened the game, i guess i was 2 patches behind.. my last "thing" was getting "points" with the mushroom dog..
okay, back to the main topic, i reopened the game, everything's fine.. then i picked up the axe and magic wand from prev battles.. at some point, my glide button stop functioning.. like, nothing.. double jump, try to glide, nothing happened.. my glide button is the S key on keyboard, the same as rolling, and identify on catera the caterpillar.. everything works well except the glide..
so i just free roaming, trying to fix the glide button, until i went to the shroom dog, pick him up, and i can glide again, like nothing happened..
in conclusion, i found a bug on the gliding system, and it fixed itself...
sorry for the long paragraphs, and i hope you guys understand what im trying to say..
Sorry about the bug in the gliding system. In this update I have changed the process of holding something in the hand of the main character and this may have caused the bug. I will fix this as soon as possible. Thank you for letting me know about it.
Hey, Mofu, thx for your game i complete it like 3 month ago and since then there have already been many updates, I am very grateful that you continue to update and improve your game in every possible way
Hey mofu I love your game I don't know why but its really advice iv been playing if for a long time now almost when It had came out I love the game keep up the work :)
ps I just kill the mushrooms for fun don't no why I have a lot of different mushrooms
I understand that You are too kind to just ignore other's ideas, but they're only distract You from development of YOUR OWN game. Please follow Your ides and concepts. Ask suggestions only if necessary. Otherwise game will never be able to release.
I beg you let Mofu did what He planned to do. Report bugs is OK, but let's stop to forcing ours own visions of this game.
This is my humble opinion only, hope that i'm didn't offend anyone.
Thank you for your concern🤝. I try to only add ideas that can be added to this game and don't break the world view. So I think it will probably be fine. And I'm not adding any technically difficult ideas either.
so I notice the updates every so often on the page. They seem to be quite close together. So what do these updates contain? New content or maybe bug fixes? I’d check myself but work is unforgiving and I’m not at my computer.
Finally I noticed the erectomushroom thing that essentially gave permanent erection. I couldn’t find it on my second and third play through though and I’d like to ask where I can get it in those other saves.
Lipstor, if you reply then thanks for your time! I hope your doing alright!
It will not take much time to complete this. I'm reworking the system frequently, but once this is complete, all that is left is to add the pictures. That moment is approaching👍
I have never ignored your comments😥. I always reply to you. I did not build a wall in front of Cynthia because I did not think the dog could destroy the wall. Instead I added the ability to dig in the ground and guide the player.
The body shape of the main character can be changed at any time. And I plan on adding nasty creatures in the future👍. But I don't plan to add males at this time.
Só uma dica, acho que no martelo da cintia faltou alguma habilidade, quem sabe dar aquela carga q ela dá de especial porém o player n poderia ser interrompido, seria interessante e ajudaria espertinhos, quem sabe n crie uma habilidade de item que quando vc ta na habilidade vc n é interrompido, traria pessoas a farmar mais tbm
Bem se no caso ele deixar outra até extremamente difícil, como bastante personagens ela será bem aproveitada se desse dano em área mas 10 talvez seja muito, nem vi isso
Sí, puedo añadir una habilidad a ese martillo. El daño de área es muy potente, así que me gustaría añadir una habilidad que genere una onda de choque continua en el suelo con unos 5 de daño😉
Но она всё же развивается. Пусть не быстро, но Mofu деалет всё один, в меру своих сил и возможностей. Я считаю, что не стоит его торопить. Гораздо важнее, чтобы на выходе получилось качественно, а, зачастую, скорость может на это плохо повлиять.
With the Bosses, the mechanics of impregnation will be accepted upon defeat or victory, I know that you answered this question or not)Mofu, will there be small enemies like (Tentacles, Jellyfish, etc.) in the future?
Just, I want to confess to Mofu that when there is a mini-game with a hare with insemination, I just don’t press anything, I enjoy watching it ..
By the way, Lipstor, are you in a hospital bed for heart surgery?
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Maybe except just food items that can boost your arousal "mana" just an idea.... Some sex toy objects could be used as tools a dildo would be a one time use and a cock sleeve might have a few uses
Thank you for your idea! I'd like to add such items in the future👍
How to obtain the hand and abdomen equipment?
Yes, thank you for answering that question🤝 I can add it, but due to time constraints I was postponing it.
How to get pregnant again?
I mean, how to coitus with other characters again
Yes, that's not possible at this time. Thank you for answering🤝
Как делать камшоты?
Yes, thank you for your reply👍
okk,thanks bro
Thank you for explaining it Lip🤗
I am a Chinese, this game is very good, but the monsters in it are generally very strong, can you turn them into weaknesses?
Yes, thank you for writing that. The game is also about finding the enemy's weakness, which is one of the elements of the game😉
I wonder if there will be any events in the game (of course, when it will still be in a more acceptable form) like the new year, halloween, summer?
I am silent about March 8 and February 23
And on the 23rd (Defender of the Fatherland Day), a full-screen summons to the military enlistment office :))))
Thank you, as always, for the answer -w-
We congratulate border guards and all men on this day (and it is also the day of the creation of the USSR army)
So that not only women have a holiday ^u^
And if it's not difficult
Can you tell mfu to add the ability to copulate with a rabbit (I forgot her name) once again, but without a fight. Added a dialog about how we excite her and all that. In case of repeated childbirth, the menu "leave the doll" or "replace" will appear.
Thanks again ^w^
Speaking of birth, I meant an egg for a doll
Well, anyway, as an idea, you can say
thank you (yes, I'm not tired of writing this)
Yes, I implemented the interaction with Momo as a reason for the main character to receive a puppet instead of giving birth.
Add animated sex scenes, Add Guns, Add wings, Still some npc are unavailable
You forgive a ⭐DiStRaCtIbLe WoRlD⭐! It is based to games like this😂
I have plans in the future to animate the pictures. Also I may be able to implement a mushroom that fires a gun like mushroom👍
hi again mofu and lipstor.. i dont know if it's only happened to me or not, but i update and reopened the game, i guess i was 2 patches behind.. my last "thing" was getting "points" with the mushroom dog..
okay, back to the main topic, i reopened the game, everything's fine.. then i picked up the axe and magic wand from prev battles.. at some point, my glide button stop functioning.. like, nothing.. double jump, try to glide, nothing happened.. my glide button is the S key on keyboard, the same as rolling, and identify on catera the caterpillar.. everything works well except the glide..
so i just free roaming, trying to fix the glide button, until i went to the shroom dog, pick him up, and i can glide again, like nothing happened..
in conclusion, i found a bug on the gliding system, and it fixed itself...
sorry for the long paragraphs, and i hope you guys understand what im trying to say..
Sorry about the bug in the gliding system. In this update I have changed the process of holding something in the hand of the main character and this may have caused the bug. I will fix this as soon as possible. Thank you for letting me know about it.
Wonder if there is some community for this game like discord server or else.
And I'm so sorry, but I don't ever use twitter.
I may not use Discord as some people cannot use it🤔
No dejen morir al juego porfavor es mi favorito siempre espero con ansias de que salga una nueva actualización 🥺🥺❤️❤️
Este juego no morirá mientras yo viva😁
Hey, Mofu, thx for your game i complete it like 3 month ago and since then there have already been many updates, I am very grateful that you continue to update and improve your game in every possible way
Thank you very much for all your efforts
Thank you for coming back🤝. I will continue to improve this until it's complete.
Hey mofu I love your game I don't know why but its really advice iv been playing if for a long time now almost when It had came out I love the game keep up the work :)
ps I just kill the mushrooms for fun don't no why I have a lot of different mushrooms
Thank you for playing this game! The mushrooms in this game will continue to increase😉
Que jogo muito bem feito, gostei bastante 👍
Obrigado por desfrutar deste jogo🤝
I'm implementing many of your requests. However, some difficult ideas are being deferred because they are time consuming😢
Sorry, I was not able to associate it with the dog in adding that wall to make it easier to understand😓. So that's not implemented.
I have a suggestion - ignore suggestions ;)
I understand that You are too kind to just ignore other's ideas, but they're only distract You from development of YOUR OWN game. Please follow Your ides and concepts. Ask suggestions only if necessary. Otherwise game will never be able to release.
I beg you let Mofu did what He planned to do. Report bugs is OK, but let's stop to forcing ours own visions of this game.
This is my humble opinion only, hope that i'm didn't offend anyone.
Thank you for your concern🤝. I try to only add ideas that can be added to this game and don't break the world view. So I think it will probably be fine. And I'm not adding any technically difficult ideas either.
que actualizaste?
Yes, thank you for linking that!🤝
how long is the entire game completed,I cant wait any more
Yes, it will be difficult to complete this game this year so it will most likely be next year😓
when will nene be able to interact with new mushroom girl?
That will soon be possible😉
bảng update 40 có gì mới?
Yes, thank you for linking that page🤗
so I notice the updates every so often on the page. They seem to be quite close together. So what do these updates contain? New content or maybe bug fixes? I’d check myself but work is unforgiving and I’m not at my computer.
Finally I noticed the erectomushroom thing that essentially gave permanent erection. I couldn’t find it on my second and third play through though and I’d like to ask where I can get it in those other saves.
Lipstor, if you reply then thanks for your time! I hope your doing alright!
thank you
Yes, that's right🤝. Thank you for answering that!
When 2.0 comes out, I'll be old and retire. I'm not in a hurry, just
It will not take much time to complete this. I'm reworking the system frequently, but once this is complete, all that is left is to add the pictures. That moment is approaching👍
When will you release the game guide can you inform🙏 mofu
Thank you so much for making that guide Lip🤗💕
Greetings, Mofu.
I saw the notice about game update and added the korean language that I supported, so I played the game in feel nervous.
Most of results was very successful, but somehow the part about explaining mushdoggy hasn't translated, and several parts weren't translated.
I got no time enough for my duty, but I'll actively inspect if there is what not corrected for this game or some issues.
and for the last, thank you so much for the update with my work!
Sorry, It may be a bug. I will check it.
And thank you so much for making the translation!👍
Worried about that sometimes mofu could accepts some idea but that might cringe or too much to ruin the game.
I don't know, maybe I'm worrying usual possibilities or everything ever. But still doing mind about that.
Also glad to see smooth updates.
I'm open to anyone's ideas, but I will not include anything that will break the game😁
I have ideas for future updates P.s suddenly Mofu will have no ideas
~~~~~~Ideas for future updates ~~~~~~~
1. Adding new mushrooms adding effects (Excitement, High HP, High Damage, etc.)
2.Adding new pets: Mounted, flying, underground
3.Choose any actions during interaction with NPCs
4.Actions stroking, sitting, masturbating the vagina, etc.
5.How about adding wings? And a large space and houses that will live, the inhabitants of the dungeon, as the caterpillar told her store
I have never ignored your comments😥. I always reply to you. I did not build a wall in front of Cynthia because I did not think the dog could destroy the wall. Instead I added the ability to dig in the ground and guide the player.
Thank you for all your ideas!👍 I will be adding additional effect buffs in the future.
2. More pets will be added. Also, pets will be improved in the future so that the player can take more than one with Nene.
3 Ok, that feature can be added😉
4. Yes, I plan to add those behaviors to "Look".
5. I think I can add temporary magical wings.
Mofu, thank you for your attention to the comments :3
Anniversary of your project is coming soon!! 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
Are there any plans to add a male? (From the side of the evil character and towards the side of the Nen) Mofu, if you like, add ^^
And about the function with the NPS "Vzglyad"
How do you react to a character's actions?
Do you plan to add any nasty creatures? (e.g. Slime, Evil Mushroom)
Is it possible to adjust the statistics at the beginning of the game? (Hair, body, sexual organs, penis, breasts, etc.)
Good luck Mofu!❤️
The body shape of the main character can be changed at any time. And I plan on adding nasty creatures in the future👍. But I don't plan to add males at this time.
Can we get an update with the mushroom boss where she can fuck nene like the bunny boss
Thank you Mofu for such a surprise woke up and saw version 40
Thank you for checking out the new version👍
Só uma dica, acho que no martelo da cintia faltou alguma habilidade, quem sabe dar aquela carga q ela dá de especial porém o player n poderia ser interrompido, seria interessante e ajudaria espertinhos, quem sabe n crie uma habilidade de item que quando vc ta na habilidade vc n é interrompido, traria pessoas a farmar mais tbm
Bem se no caso ele deixar outra até extremamente difícil, como bastante personagens ela será bem aproveitada se desse dano em área mas 10 talvez seja muito, nem vi isso
Sí, puedo añadir una habilidad a ese martillo. El daño de área es muy potente, así que me gustaría añadir una habilidad que genere una onda de choque continua en el suelo con unos 5 de daño😉
I'm sorry. I will reply to all your comments😓
congratulations :D
A commemoration of 3000 replies XD
I'm sure your comment count is No.1 on this! Congratulations Lip!👍
I'm adding lots of your ideas😓. Also, I will not add anything that breaks the game.
Хочется чтобы эта игра быстрее развилась >.<
Вся эта милота этой игры мне по душе, но сейчас мало что можно сделать в игре >.<
Но она всё же развивается. Пусть не быстро, но Mofu деалет всё один, в меру своих сил и возможностей. Я считаю, что не стоит его торопить. Гораздо важнее, чтобы на выходе получилось качественно, а, зачастую, скорость может на это плохо повлиять.
Лучшее оружие воина - терпение (с) ;)
Да, я буду развивать это со временем, чтобы выпустить это в наилучшем виде. Спасибо!
I think it's better for Mofu to create a company or someone else who does development, etc.
I'm going to develop this alone because I can make it the way I like it😁👍
Moreover, it is beneficial)
Thank you for explaining it!🤗
Irei testar a nova versão e logo voltarei com o feedback
Muito obrigado sempre por todo o seu feedback🤝
Yes, she can masterbate with that menu. And I will add a picture of that scene in the future👍
What is the new things in this apdate
Oh thanks
Mmmm again 😅😅
Thank you for linking it Lip🤗
Mofu, please forgive me for disturbing you, but where is the update? like tomorrow Wednesday or Thursday??Yaah!
Sorry too but he has apoint
Sorry for the slow update this time. I will hurry to update more👍
It's okay, the main thing is not to rush) As my aunt used to say "Don't rush there is time" rest in peace to her..
It's okay, the main thing is not to rush) As my aunt used to say "Don't rush there is time" rest in peace to her..
wow how this game has come along way since last time i played
Great game keep going
Thank you for continuing to play this game🤝
The question is tormenting me.
Will it be possible to change the body in the menu? And an increase in the abdomen during intercourse?
I like the mechanics of this game :3
With the Bosses, the mechanics of impregnation will be accepted upon defeat or victory, I know that you answered this question or not)Mofu, will there be small enemies like (Tentacles, Jellyfish, etc.) in the future?
Just, I want to confess to Mofu that when there is a mini-game with a hare with insemination, I just don’t press anything, I enjoy watching it ..
By the way, Lipstor, are you in a hospital bed for heart surgery?
Phew, it's good that you're recovering)
And because of what did something start to prevent the heart from working or just insufficiency? ✨😍
And I suffer from weakness, well, not so much, but rarely. I fainted 6-7 times is normal)
I hope that Mofu will add them, I appreciate his taste and respect for all five stars))⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Yes, I intend to add small enemies with tentacles in the future. Also I will add jellyfish and others😉. And I too hope Lipstor recovers.