Futakin Valley


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Thank you for explaining those things🤝. but I have not added any requests that I don't like, so it's true that I'm doing what I want to do.


When will you add new upgrade? We're waiting for new update for a long time...😞 I know, 15 days is not long time and I know the game upgrading is not easy but I am very exited for new update😀. I hope, this upgrade will be so big😃. Btw, (if I can) I will add turkish translation😉.

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stop acting like a know it all ur not in his head

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im not even complaining i dont eally care but ur really annoying

Please forgive any comments that you find offensive😞


Yes, those are things I have written in the past. Thanks for explaining that👍

Yes, thank you for writing it🤝

A new update will be done within a few days👍. Also if you translate this I promise to add it😉. (I'm so hard to make it)


MOFU, 封呪姬会 有 手机版(移动版)吗?









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(2 edits) (+1)

what I mean is apologizing for my impulse this morning, not support him to add non futa option.Of course my position is to hope that the game is full of futa,but I suddenly realized that I should not act like a commander,then say something that confuses mofu.There's one thing you have to know,I just a fan,a player,not dev,I have no right to control mofu.Ohterwise I think it will make Mofu hate me. If Mofu hates me, I will be very sad

Once again,my position is not change,I also hope that mofu will not add non-futa contents.But I also think that I should not say mandatory sentences. I think this problem can be discussed in a peaceful way.

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Is it meaningful to bring up the past argue?I've really been impulsive to you before,it's really my fault,but I advised you not to commit suicide when you were in a bad mood,why do you just remember the argue between us?Please talk about what the matter now. This time, the question is "whether to add non-futa content or not". My attitude is very clear. I don't think I need to explain it anymore.

I believe you have seen the comments I deleted today,they all complain about mofu,and said a lot of rude words, do you think I should keep them?I just don't think we should talk about the problem in the form of quarrels.

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Then you answered me directly, whether you were rude to mofu or not, just because he didn't add what you wanted.I admit that I was rude to Mofu today, and deleted the comment and apologized. Can you admit it?And I can also admit that I have criticized you before because of different opinions,but I hope you can also answer some of my questions positively

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Rude words to me are not a problem. I don't mind it👍

(2 edits) (+1)

Forget it. I don't want to participate in this fight anymore. I'm tired. I just want to support mofu silently. Goodbye.I know it will be an endless battle, because people on both sides hold different views, so I will wait for mofu's choice

I will show my attitude again:I hope mofu can do what he said before,not to add non-futa contents,but at the same time, I think it's wrong to be rude to mofu

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(2 edits) (+2)

Mofu's game is a masterpiece, I think it's also cool that mofu takes the time to read the feedback about the game and listens to ideas commented, Futa or non-Futa the game is great, and you two shouldn't get on his case for a 'possibility' that isn't even decided on (@Lipstor, @Meow ne). They don't have to report the things they consider to you, and you shouldn't expect them to when things seem to be going in a way different than you prefer. 

Even if in the rare chance they implement non-futa npcs, it won't change the nature of the game, Futa on fem is also an important genre and major fetish under the category 'Futa' to be considered.  

Not to mention, the point of this being a free game is so that they can receive a lot of feedback and suggestions during the development of it to bring it closer to perfection, naturally they will take into consideration suggestions. 


I may be too excited,I'm sorry. I just expressed my opinion because I questioned the previous guarantee of mofu,but now calm down and think about it. You are right. I should not think so much,because the settings that have not been executed may change,but I also hope that mofu will not listen to the opinions of all players too much, because satisfying all players will also make him tired,this is also a problem that has been discussed for long time.


Yeah, it's completely understandable getting passionate about something you love, no worries there. I too think that they don't need to cater for everyone to that extent.

About "accept everyone's suggestion",mainly because there was such an example before:A user has been urging mofu to develop Android version,Mofu may have been driven to helplessness, so he directly developed the Android version. As a result, the person behind said something like, "You've been cheated, idiot, thank you for developing this"(I don't remember the original sentence),anyone will be angry at this situation.It's just a thankless task.So the reaction will be great in the face of this situation.And I don't want him to be influenced by the opinions of a few players then influence developing what he likes to develop.

After all, as a big fan, I certainly hope he can be better.

Same, I hope he does not have to feel pressure while making the game

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Sometimes people will say, "He is a game developer, and the development of the game is decided by the developer, so we have no right to interfere." But because mofu is too kind, he will accept ideas of almost all users,even some unreasonable suggestions, so at this time people would say, "Don't listen to the players too much." To be honest, this situation is really contradictory.

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^ what @Kari said, though since it seems mofu considers their opinions often regardless, even if it isn't always for the best, I at least hope he won't be criticized for it

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It's true that I have had a few not good updates in the past🤔

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Sorry but I'm not wrong at all? Did I ever say that it was always going to be free?  When I said 'the point of this being a free game is so that they can receive a lot of feedback and suggestions during the development of it to bring it closer to perfection' I was implying so that it would sell better when it's completed. 

Also, people's intentions can change, and sometimes creators like to cater to the whims of the community for better feedback, did you even stop to consider how many more people would buy the game if more fetish options were opened?

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There is no use getting into technicalities, you know as well as I do that that is on the more extreme spectrum compared to what was suggested, I recommend you take a step back and re-evaluate what his purpose in making this game was, and whether you are actually being constructive here.

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I have one policy of not drawing the unsanitary ones, so I have no plans to add them😓

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You always say someone is wrong,you stupid fucking idiot.just like a dog,wo wo wo, haven't you got some new words?

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As long as there is no male in this game,it is all right.

Mofu is the only creator,not those nobody who think they matter.

I tell them here, I'd really like to punch your pathetic faces.fuck your bitches asses!if you feel unhappy about this game or Mofu, just shut your mouths and fuck off.no one begged you to play this game,Mofu is the greatest artist,and he can make it,this game is gonna be bought by uncountable people.

Mofu has his own ideas,there is no need you to control him,give his a break,okay?

There's nothing never change,and you live a long time of your worthless lives but still haven't learned it?it is a wasted that you are living.

It is not your game,it belongs to people, remember this so you would not be joking just like a clown here.or you can make a game by your self,and if you can't,go fuck your self!

Try not to use the translation,it may become contrary to what i expressed.

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What the fuck are u talking about?You think you know his thinking?you fucking Psycho.

I think you gave him the pressures.look at your attitudes.stop lying you motherfucker!

And i have had enough for you.You ugly fat ass!


Please don't fight in the comment section. I started making this game with the decision from the beginning that I would make a futa only game. So I will not change that policy.

Sorry about the fight.

It is because is I don't like someone trying to control you to do something or not to do it.and i dislike them.

When someone has a request,i rather you to decide than the others.

Deleted 1 year ago

He may have been speaking from a technical point of view? No where in the message does he say he is going to add non-futa.

Deleted 1 year ago
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Deleted 1 year ago

I will not add any characters other than futa. Sorry for the confusion my comments have caused you😰

Sorry for my rude,I'm glad you said that.Futanari is god!


There's a statue of a giant Futa in the chamber near the NPC that helps give birth. What is the significance of the statue?

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I believe he said there might be some content involving the statue next update 😁

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Yes, it will be added in the next update. In a little while it will be finished👍

That statue can give power to the main character. I'm making it, please wait a little longer😉


Oooo, I wonder what it could be. Good luck!


Am i the only one who's having black screen while trying to play the version 0.031.40?

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i had a version bellow and even tried to extract to a clean folder and nothing changed

ps: i downloaded to windows

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Thank you for explaining that Lip!🤝 If the screen is black, it could be that it's not decompressed or your video card does not support DirectX.

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i can't send the screenshot here idk why but if u have discord i will send it there, so here's my discord: Misha Necron#1670

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I really liked the game (both in the visuals and in the gameplay), but I'm not a big fan of Futanaris, is there any chance that one day the futanari will be optional? (at least on NPCs). Or any plans to make a similar game that doesn't have so many futa?

(2 edits) (+1)

It's impossible,Mofu is futanari lover and he is an author specializing in futanari,you can know this from his previous works.The setting of this work is that all characters are futanaris.If some fetishes to be set optional, it may be executed,but setting futanari element to be optional is contrary to the theme of the game and it doesn't conform to the dev's idea.

And about what you said "similar game that doesn't have so many futa",you can play one of his past game named"Futaring",many characters in this game are not futa,or it should be said that many characters could be changed into futas in the later stage, or through some operations of the players,that's optional,I remember that only some of characters are inborn futanaris.

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(3 edits) (+1)

I mean Futaring has optional futanari contents(like change some characters into futas by using some items),I just recommend it to this bro,and tell him the reason why Futaken valley can not add non futa contents.Of course I don't want to Futaken valley has non futa contents,you know,I like futanari.

Hope Mofu don't misunderstand what I mean.

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That's right,the essence of Mofu's works is futanari.Of course, sometimes I also need to explain to Mofu for twice to make him fully understand the meaning. I don't know whether it is because of language barriers. I think it's time for me to formally learn Japanese after my exam.Although I can communicate with him, sometimes it is not so convenient


I just fell in love with the mofu trait and would really like to see a game without too many futanaris, however I completely understand that changing this trait by making it optional can interfere with the game. In my opinion the implementation of this optional function could even attract other people to the game. But most of all, I want mofu to do what makes him happy.

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But you should know these:Almost all characters in CGs of Futaken Valley will use their penis,if cancel their penis,the CGs will be redrawn and the story will be changed,instead of doing this, why not create a new game?(of course,creating a new game is impossible now,and I just hope Mofu work this game now, don't do other things),and the name should not be called"futaken valley",it should be called "girlken valley" if add this setting.

Of course,everyone have different fetishes,I can understand,and we can't force you to like what we like,but it is obviously inappropriate to remove the futa element in this game,even if it is only set as optional,this game is totally a futa game.In general, it is designed for users who like futa.If settings optional about futanari contents, people will doubt whether these characters are futa or not, and even cause some dissatisfaction.


And of course,please don't add non futa contents to this game,pleaaaaaaaaaaaase!!(To Mofu)🙏🙏🙏🥺


Ok, I understood! I will not add it👍

Yes, thank you for writing that!

I made this game because I wanted to draw futa, so removing it would also reduce my motivation to develop😆

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But is it dreaming too high with only 1 non-futa character? Can you, Mofu??

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Unfortunely,Mofu has said all of characters in this game are futanaris,even if it doesn't look like futa at present, it will become futa in the future,like caterpillar girl.If you want to play the game with non-futa character, you can only play futaring as I said before or find other non-futa devs.

I might say it to the extreme,but it's true,sorry.

Sorry, I'm not planning to do that now. By the way, there are many non-futa games very similar to this game. Please access "Related games".

Thank you for liking this game! it's possible to add non-futa characters to the NPCs, but the option to add or remove them may be very difficult.

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Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you very much for answering me, I understand that you are a fatanari lover, I like it but only futa x female. I understand that adding this option would be a lot of work and would affect not only the story but also the development. Just the simple fact that you took the time to answer me and consider my opinion already demonstrates how good you are, I'm glad I met you and I'll do my best to spread the word and help the development of the game. But here's an idea: it could be like an easter egg or a secret part of the game where there's a non-futa character. I would love it, but if not I will understand. Thank you again.


Hey, I noticed that the Urinate action, dance action, and masturbation action all cause one individual NPC to react to each respective action, without overlap. Will more NPCs react to the actions in future updates?

Another question, why do those actions exist in the first place? 


Mofu said he will make every characters react those special actions

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Thanks for answering the first part of my question.

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I have never excluded your request😓. I respect you very much.

When I created this system of actions, I had in mind that this would allow some paths to be taken and special conversations to occur😉. And this feature will be further improved in the future.

I see. Thanks for responses.


Quick question because I seen a comment saying mofu is a single developer for this game but would he ever need help with the game or would he prefer doing it by himself which is understandable

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Fair enough hes doing a really good job on his own aswell looking forward to future updates👍

Yes, anyone can translate this game🤗

I make games alone, but to those who help me like Lip I'm very thankful🥰

how to fight Gnu?


Mushroom dog will help you ;)

Yes, the dog will solve it :)

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Thank you for making that FAQ image!🥰


Let's say a new update was released. If I update the game, will I keep my current save?

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Yes, that's right👍

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Thank you for elaborating on that! anyway, overriding it won't cause any problems👍


Alright! Thanks for the reassuring responses. 


when will the next update be released in terms of gameplay and story it is very good and the only drawback is in the control section which is a little difficult😁

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Yes, updates of this game are always irregular.

I believe i will be able to add the new story soon👍. and sorry for my slow development.

will we ever get cheat mode for the people who want to test stuff

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Sorry, cheat mode is not currently planned.

Deleted 1 year ago
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With the Android version I thought it would be better to have it because I can play it anywhere I have a phone😉

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Thank you for playing this game again! Unity can build versions for many platforms, so I'm running a script that can create it automatically. So it's very easy😁

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Question: What are all the available pieces of equipment that Nene can wear? Can you provide a list and how to get them, please? 

Also, would be cool if we could play with Nene's tits and penis in the Map UI. 

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Thank you for elaborating on those🤗. And I will increase those items in the future.


Okay, thanks for the response.

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As I understand it, the Mofu update comes out every 2 weeks? (+ -)

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That is, the update on the little things is over and then we have to wait for a big update?

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ухх.. ё маё

I am now also waiting for this update

just after the NNN

Thanks Lip ^^

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Oh, damn

I need to learn English

I thought this is a list of what will change in the new update  xD

thanks again lipstick :)))))))) (original joke)

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Sorry for the delay in updating. I think i will be able to update soon!


Any chance for the future update containing enchanting the weapons? Like for poison, bleed, stunt/paralysis, or giving extra stats/effect like double/tripple arrow shoot, longer range for whip, stunt chance for hammer, increase stat percentage damage for sword?

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Yes, I need to finish the stories soon.

I may add those enchantments as it's not diffcult to add them👍


It was revealed by the mushroom teleport lady that Nene can lactate. Is it possible to add the ability to squeeze milk out of her breasts like we can masturbate, dance and urinate? Also, when will pregnancy be implemented? 

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Thank you for writing that🤝 Yes, those features are currently implemented on a limited basis. I plan to grant them to all characters in the future.






(1 edit) (+1)

Those rabbit shoes works not very well in Android platform,i wear those for running all the time especially while i got in a fight,you know.

on older version in a fight i always walk even if I rather run,it is effective for fighting,and after updating it recovered to this situation,when i wear rabbit shoes and move,i run fast,but soon i got slow, because it is too easy to touch upper moving button which works the same as click left/right moving button twice and quickly.

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Yes, your thoughts are right. I frequently add features with many bugs😓


Maybe she was too mean,but it's easy too understand,she has something perplexs her.

And i hope you wouldn't feel unhappy, cause people really care about u.🍄


Thank you for your concern. I have had many people point out problems with my game, so I appreciate it.

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Nothing wrong i owned.

You just didn't get it totally, anyway the point has been clearly,and I don't want to talk  more about anything meaningless.

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Whatever,i had already told u something about it.i ain't gonna repeat it agian.


Sorry about the bugs in that slipper feature. I plan to change that feature to a settings in the next update.

There's nothing to sorry about,it is our pleasure that you are willing to listen to our words or speech,we always speak too much😊.


作为一个从fanbox追了三年的玩家,我想对mofu说的是,你花费了太多时间在别的方面,导致进度极其缓慢。无论是Android ios mac端,还是各种翻译,bug修复。导致你的更新速度从之前一下放慢到几十倍。我不认为以上为工作重心内容,现在因为这些次要因素导致进程过于缓慢,实在无法接受。

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What is that?

What is that?


The mushroom dog could dig this soil and you will get an item that add your HP point,just bring the mushroom dog here.

Yes, thank you for answering that question👍

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I thougt the system of assigning skill points confusing, so I have made changes to it.







I just made an account to tell you guys are doing a great job. I hope we can get the full game soon, I know it will be amazing ❤❤❤

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Thank you for your comment!🤗 Yes, I will try to get this game finished in the near future.



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安卓版能不能自由调整按键的位置?作为一个手残真的打得非常的吃力,还有就是谢谢作者,我真的非常喜欢futa(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

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why my area still n construction?


It means that part of contents has not been completed

Yes, those are still incomplete.

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Yes, thanks for explaining that🤝

is there an actual way to the village? cause i went everywhere possible

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Sorry, the way to the village has not been built yet. I plan to remake the map and implement that.

Ay yay yay Sir. Mofu have you missed the traditional update day again, or is the next version still being made?

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(1 edit) (+1)

Look forward to it🙂

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Yes, I'm currently working on it. The next update will add a few, but also a stone statue story😉




Deleted 1 year ago




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Thank you for explaining that!🤗

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谢谢你喜欢这个游戏! 脚的图片可以在未来添加👍。我还想增加一个选项来调整用户界面的透明度。


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I'm not a big fan of futa fun but ngl this game gonna be on second place on my top of best games here. I would gladly buy the game when conflict between those two great countries end. 

Hope you will do more games when this one willbe finished. Good luck to ye <3

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Lip Thank you for elaborating on that!🤗

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Yes, I agree with you! And thank you for your kind words🥰

I don't think I know more games except Futaken Valley that can contain futa content lmao. 

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Thank you for enjoying this game! I plan to finish this game in the near future😉


The game is very good. I haven't seen a game with such a beautiful picture for a long time. The author is amazing. I look forward to the follow-up version.

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Yes, I will keep updating here until this game is finished😉

Thank you! I will try to make the picture of this more beautiful🤝


So the only character with the "look" function is the little fox girl, is this feature going to be available for every character? cause not gonna lie artwork is gorgeous

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Yes, I will do so, thank you!🤝

The "look" function will be added to all characters in the future. It has been postponed for a while as I'm currently reworking the system.




I'm stuck can u help idk how to get the dog so I can beat Cynthia


Yeah man i gotchu Just feed it any mushroom then it will follow you👍

Yes, Thank you for answering that question🤝

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Thank you for making that great FAQ image🤗



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