Futakin Valley


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What are the things that have been added in the new update?


How do I update this?????


How do you plan on implementing the cum collection? Will we have to ask everyone and trigger a cutscene or equip the thing and get them to wank with us

I plan to allow the player to obtain the cum from each character by choosing to "ejaculate" or "have sex".


Oh that's so awesome I can't wait!! 

One more question, what's the next major update you're working on? Like who's story will be added to next?

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Sorry my development is so slow😓

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Lip, please rest well until you feel better. Thank you for always helping me.


Melhoras bem lip...quando Melhorar..mofu precisa de vc aqui no chat...se ele parar pra responder toda pergunta já viu né rs

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Mofu is cookin sumthing big i can feel it!

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Yes, I'm making a lot of things now😉

(1 edit)

Buenas noches, tengo una pequeña duda... Es respecto a la estatua de piedra gigante que está viva, ¿Como puedo utilizar los frascos o todavía está en desarrollo esa opción?.

Por cierto, grandioso juego... No me canso de repetir las batallas súper entretenido y me encantó la nueva batalla agregada. 

PD: Mi personaje favorito es “mushroom”... 😝 ...


todavia esta en desarrollo, creo haber leido que Mofu estaba trabajando en lo de los frascos

Sí, lo estoy haciendo ahora👍

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ik you said he added a message but idk where it is unless I’m blind and it was probably in my face

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ohh ok thx

Gracias por explicarlo🤗. Sí, lo he añadido al final de ese diálogo.


Hola buenas tardes, solo queria decir que

Vamos argentina wachoo

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a mi tampoco me gusta el futbol pero se que clasifico para la final

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Yo también prefiero el futa ball al fútbol👍

I still can't find the hammer and Cythia

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Thank you so much!

Thank you Lip for making that great FAQ image🥰


How do I get the mask?

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Yes, thank you for answering that question!🤝


can anyone tell me how to collect sperm to donate to the angel?

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Yes, that function is not yet complete. and I'm working on it now. Thank you for explaining that🤝


До нового года выйдет большое обновление?

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Я приложу все усилия, чтобы это произошло👍

Deleted 1 year ago

Give the mushroom to the dog at the top of the stairs. Then take the dog to see "The Girl Who Bends Your Ass" The dog will open the way for you. Then beat her for the hammer.


Thank you for writing that!🤝


Hmm.. cuando lo juego, siento que es un juego de hollow knight.

Estaría genial que pudieran agregar controles para mandos de consola.

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Lo siento, estoy teniendo algunos problemas porque no entiendo el sistema que Unity utiliza para detectar las entradas del controlador😓


Sí, quiero añadir una pantalla de controlador de consola👍


Alguém sabe como progredir na história passeia de todos os personagens mas fica apenas em 50%. ...ansioso demais para ver pronto....parabéns Mofu.

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Sim, este jogo ainda é um trabalho em andamento e nunca será 100%. Obrigado por explicar isso🤝

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Transmog would be nice, love the new statue interaction btw but the English translation is a bit off, "I'll come" and "I'm coming soon" are not the best phrases for this 

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I will not modify your translation because I trust you. and I intend to add a system of clothes in the future.

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Sorry for the odd English😓. I will try to fix it.


At first i was skeptical but then little by little i started liking the game and now i can't stop playing it there is only one question WHEN WILL THE GAME BE READY because i can't wait for the full version to come out. Keep up the good work

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Yes, thank you for the explanation🤝


Thank you for liking this game! I intend to make the full version of this within the next year👍


de verdad, es realmente increible la calidad de este juego, no pense que un juego hentai podria llegar a tener una calidad ridiculamente alta como este

una duda que tengo es, el juego ahorita como esta tiene como 4 personajes que aun estan en desarrollo, pero mi pregunta es: ¿esos 4 personajes seran los unicos en terminar de desarrollar o con el tiempo se iran agregando mas aparte de esos 4 personajes?

la verdad no quisiera que fueran los unicos personajes por terminar porque la verdad el juego tiene tantisima calidad que seria injusto incluso para el mismo juego tener que dejarlo asi

ya para terminar, creo que estaria intersante agregar una funcion que te permita tener sexo con los personajes, como la funcion de masturbar o bailar

ahora si, muchas gracias por tan siquiera leer mi comentario, espero sigan adelante con esto.

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Puedo añadir nuevos personajes sin fin posible👍. Los personajes actualmente en desarrollo se han pospuesto durante algún tiempo en favor del desarrollo del sistema. Además, la danza y otros comportamientos especiales se añadirán en el futuro.


OK, I passed this beautiful game. There are probably a couple of suggestions for further updates. To begin with, it would be nice to have something like an almanac of items to fill out. For example, I know about the existence of a mushroom that increases the size of D, but you can only find out by accidentally getting it from mushrooms. I think it will be convenient. Then, the map is very convenient, but it would be even more convenient if I could supplement it. For example, fill in the area with the abyss on the right and the place of the battle with Cynthia. Or mark this area as another location. In addition, there are a couple of errors. Firstly, why can I sell a quest item (an empty jar)? Yes, it costs nothing, but if it is accidentally sold, then it can only be returned by rolling back to the previous save. Not cool. Well, the bug with the fact that using the right mouse button, you can place an item from the equipment in the wrong cell can break the balance in the future. And also at the moment the bow is op.  I hope it helped in some way. I will look forward to updates.

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Oh, yeah. I rushed it. I really didn't notice that you can interact with the torch. Of course, this is my mistake, but if this should be the source of cans (if you need a lot of cans), then you can designate this place with a small pile of these cans. It's a little weird to take them from this lamp

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Yes, thank you Lip for explaining🤗

Thank you for playing this game! And thank you for telling me about that bug. I will fix it soon!👍 Also, I will be adding maps in the future, so that will complement the area that can't be displayed.

How do I beat the mushroom lady I can't get past her


There are tactics (mine)

You take a bow (it lies on a ledge at the entrance to the cave).

Go to the beginning where you appeared, beat the hydrant, earn money by killing mushrooms (sell mushrooms that fell out of them) and buy a lot of copies and soup

Thank you for explaining your nice tactic!🤝

I killed almost all the bosses with tank tactics

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Yes, you can easily beat her by dodge rolling to avoid her and attacking from behind👍


A question of universal importance

Will Nan find her panties?

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Yes, she will eventually find it👍

Thanks for the answer ^^


Will you be able to translate it into Thai in the future?

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It's difficult for me to translate but if you translate it I will add it😉

Where can I submit translate?

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Haha thanks I dont have to worry about being smacked out of the area when im fighting other characters


Sorry for the sometimes serious bugs added😓

no worries it was pretty funny though but nothing too worrisome


cuando sale actualizacion con bastante contenido y como se recoje semen con la botella ??

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ok muchas gracias bro me alegro que entiendan el español o es traductor

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me entro la curiosidad ¿Sabes Japones?

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uy como sabe japones y ingles no me importa si tiene 40 o 50 yo le dentro UwU Pasen ig de la mina jjajjaja JAJSJSSJ

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Lo sentimos, esta función está actualmente en construcción.

Can this game be updated without having to re-download the application

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Yes, thank you for explaining that🤗

It cannot. However, if you have the itch app, it will update automatically.


Are you going to download the second part of the game after you finish the first part?

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Can you add the Arabic language?

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It's hard for me to make it, but if you make a translation I will add it👍

Yes, this game is not in a format that can be split in the middle.

Deleted 1 year ago
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is that you? Because you always reply to everything.

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(1 edit) (+1)

You can contact me on Twitter. And Lipstor is always help me like an angel👍

Sorry for skipping too many moves, updates to this game.

1 - Will in the future be swapped when unlocked? For example, Nene fucks Catgirl or vice versa.

2 - NPCs with big dicks and balls will replenish Nene's belly gradually? With a large amount of sperm 

3 - Will it be possible to change Nene's character? Or not?

3 - Will there be group animation? 

4 - Will it be possible to touch or caress your breasts and touch your genitals.

5 - Most NPCs will have big cocks and balls or vice versa??

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Thank you, Lipstore!

Thank you Lip for answering those! They are all correct🤝


1 - Yes, they will likely be able to.

2 - Nene will have a bigger belly when injected with large amounts of sperm.

3 - I want to make it possible.

4 - We will be able to do that function from "Look".

5 - There are NPCs with large cocks and NPCs with small cocks.


Y algo más poner una función en la parte de la extracción de semen disculpen por ser tan directo

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Sí, esa parte aún no está completa.


WOW nunca espere q fuera tan buena tengo una cosas 

No sé si ya regalaron el bug de los jefes 

Donde entres ala zona del jefe  y cuando te saca de la zona y vuelves a entrar ya no puedes seleccionar para volver a peliar recomiendo arreglar eso cuando tengas tiempo

Estabilidad bastante bien con unos gráficos buenos y mi teléfono lo corre bastante bien 

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no ay problema el juego tiene gran potencial

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Lo siento por ese bug. Completaré esa parte en un futuro próximo.


This is an incredible game, looking forward to the update😬😬😬

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Thank you! I will update this on a regular basis😉


What a cute game,I like this game very much!

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Thank you for liking this game!🤝

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Yes, it's not mandatory👍

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Yes, the "pee" action does not have to be performed. Thank you for explaining that🤝

would there ever be a discord for the game?

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ah ok I just thought that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get news out easier and to answer questions or share guide and stuff🤔

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Thank you for explaining that🤝


I’ve had emails about updates and I have been paying attention to those but I haven’t looked at the FAQ or the Devlog so I’ll take a look at that 

Thank for telling me😊

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Yes, now I have no plans to make a discord for that reason.


is there a way to get pregnant after defeating Wuelie?

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Thank you for creating that FAQ image🤗

That feature will be added in the near future👍. Please wait a little longer

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Thank you for letting me know about that! I will fix that behavior👍

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Thank you for making those translations!🥰👍

Yes, I understand! I will show the message window so the player can't skip that window.

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hi mofu!!! How i can get semen??

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Thank for help me

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Respect 🥰🥰💪💪👍👍


Yes, that will be added in a future update😉

sad to say is that it is still under construction


Hola, como se puede recolectar el semen? 

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Gracias por responder a esa pregunta. Sí, pienso hacerlo🤝


Hi really enjoyed the game and all of its content, however I'm unsure how to start the cynthia fight, is it because i am on android? Or is there aomething i have to do as a requirement for it?  Ive unlocked all other scenes currwntly in the version other than hers

(1 edit) (+1)

Give a mushroom soup to the mushroom dog then go to cynthia and interact with her

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I did not know


Are you saying that in the future there might be some kind of scene with a dog, something like turning into a person?

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Yes, the mushroom dog is futa girl too👍


Thank you for answering that question🤝

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Thank you for making that FAQ🤗


Dear Mofu,

i normally are not interested in this kind of games ( i am a fan and "futa-modder" of Enlit3d games) but i am a big futa fan so i treid your game. I like your game very much. Here is what i like the most:

- futas ( i can not get enough) :-)

- I like that the characters get an erection when they went angry

- I like that one of the enemies (Mushna) even use semen as an weapon

- the artwork is brilliant

- the boner mushroom

Keep on your great work and thank you very much for the free demo/game.

There is nothing i can complain about.

Best Regards


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That is fair.

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nooooo why not freee

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Thank you for liking this game!🤝 I will keep adding pictures and content until this is complete.

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