Futakin Valley


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could the characters be fully displayed?

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Sorry, some characters still cannot be displayed.


I'm a big fan of your games. Do you have (or plan on making) any English translations of some of your other ones? I've played a choppy translation of Cursed Futa Ring, but it was probably pirated and I'd like to support you making these if possible.

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Thank you for the replies, Lip!🤗👍

Thanks both of you! I tried donating here but the only option is paypal and I couldn't seem to figure out how to get it to work :/
Also, am I just bad or is this game really hard?

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I thought I did, but it's been forever since I used it, so it was probably tied to a different card. I'll see if changing that fixes it, thanks!

And I see, any specific items that you think are the best?


Thank you! I plan to be republishing some of my past work in English.👍 However, that requires a lot of changes in the system and images, so I'm postponing it for a while.


A simpler HUD could help like Extra Healing and Buff Item slot with own butten for fast use and also a smaler wappon Hud where the Equipments Masks... are a level system would be nice too

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that would be overloading the HUD... rather than helping it would hinder the view


Thank you for HUD idea! I would like to consider a system that allows multiple items to be placed in slots. And I'm also considering adding a system for enhancing equipment (+1,+2, etc.).👍

Oh excellent! I was wondering if there would be a system for enhancing items. Will there be different clothing/armor sets as well as more weapons, too? 


Yes, I will add more weapons.😉

I've got around 30% but I've defeated all bosses and found all girls. Is there a chore list or something? Just to make sure I did everything I could do.

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Yeah, I defeated all of those, but I see some people have 40% and I only have 30%. Did I miss some scenes maybe?

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I'm definitely missing the hedgehogs.

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Thank you for playing! I plan to increase the number of things you can do in this game in the future. I also want to make a chore list.

Great game so far! i love the art style and the combat is challenging but manageable with a controller. I was done everything i can do, but I still haven't met Cow, Succubus, or Gnu. I'm guessing your character list above is for the characters in the finished game? Either way loved the play through, keep up the good work!

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Thank you!  The characters that appear in this game will also appear in the finished game. The characters that have not yet appeared in the game will be added in the future.👍

i played that game and to be honest, it's one of my favorite, High Quality picure, a good plot and the french language, you dont know how it's hard to find a +18 game in french...

on the other hand, there is 1 thing that almost uninstalled the game for me: the unfinished rooms... I have a phobia of glitches and bugs and the rooms look like it, so yeah, stressed as fuck

When do you made a update ? i do 36% of the content but i'm blocked (question : what is the utility from the mushroom dog ?)

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Thank you for playing!

This game is unfinished and many parts don't display properly, but I will add more data little by little.

The mushroom dog is just following Nene for now, but I hope to make them useful in the future.👍

Can u add a cheat menu, please? Sometimes it is difficult to pass the bosses, but you don’t want to waste your nerves)

Umm I don't have a cheat menu planned, but I will add items that will reduce the difficulty level.

The bosses were even harder at the game early stages. Now they're pretty easy compared to those.

when for Android?

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It's not impossible to create an Android version, but there are no plans at the moment...

i have a problem i can't progresse anymore i completed 40% (i deafeted the two foxes , the cat, mushroom (only once and she ran away),adn the rabbit). GNU i don't know what to do to her i can only slap her ass and tanuki&lion are just there to change ur look i guess.

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ah so iv'e completed the current update i see i was confused because it says that iv'e only completed 40%

Sorry! Gnu can't run it yet. I will be making it soon.😉

Surprisingly good gameplay so far! The mushroom boss was unexpectedly challenging and as a dark souls player I appreciate a proper fight.

One thing that stood out is the English localization is pretty rough. A lot of the dialogue feels very unnatural, like it was run through Google Translate. Hopefully as your project continues you'll be able to get a helping hand with that!

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A few missed translations or however should i call it doesnt ruin the fact that its a great game in general! ^^

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Thank you for playing! There are many oddities in the translation, but I will continue to improve it.👍

Like the game so far. But are the untextured blank rooms a bug on my end or just the game not being finished yet?

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Thank you I just wanted to make sure my game wasnt bugge

Sorry that so many places are unfinished😭 It will be finished soon!

Game is fantastic very appealing visuals and challenging gameplay, can't wait to see the other characters are implemented. Is it possible to give birth from a pregnancy yet?

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Thank you for replying!👍

Thank you for playing! You can control the birth of Nene's baby by talking to Momo, although this is a limited method right now.

Game is really cool, a bit clunky but it's mainly because of the lack of diversity of attack and movement (So it will surely change and improve) and for me for the very tight windows to roll through attack and the lack of block. I think increasing invincibility frame could be really cool because even thought I used roll a lot to the beginning just jumping and face tanking is a lot more efficient and it is something that I found a little sad because the boss fight are so cool make more invincibility frame and making the boss deal more damage would make the fight more tense and more fulfilling. Except that, the boss fights are great, each one have different mechanic and way to avoid their attacks and beating them is really cool. Except the big sister fox with lazer that I found bullshit by the lack of blocking of avoiding by rolling there is no boss that I found unfair, I died a little each time at each boss but I won because each boss has a mechanic or a way to avoid for example the cat have clones but you can see who is the true one because her partner cat follow her. It was a little discret at the beginning because I was concentrating on the appearance of the cat but when I found it, it was pretty satisfying and still a little challenging so it was not a gimick boss. Or the mushroom lady,
at the beginning I got absolutly destroyed every time, but I learn that if I keep my distance I can run to the opposite direction and double jump to avoid the attack so I mainly used the bow and the whip and beat her. I describe it very badly but I want to say it was very good boss fight showing really cool boss design challenging but not unfair that really made me enjoy fighting them.

Also the weapons, there is not a lot of weapons in the game and only 3 (4 if you count the healing wand as a weapon) good weapons but it already show that weapons will be cool mainly because you shouldn't use the same weapon for every boss. For example the lazer sword is so powerful it's insane but for the mushroom lady even thought they are a lot less powerful whip and bow are more recommend because the boss is fast and run at you so you need distance between you and her and the sword good for face tanking if you search optimal play is too close to the boss. Also because Weapons have some sort of "Weapons art" or "magic" some weapon will be less useful but their "weapons art" will make them give you an advantage. The lazer sword isn't recommend against shroom lady but his ability lazer is useful because you can shoot it from far away or the healing wand does almost no damage but heal you and is extremely important. with and the fact weapon swapping is really fast I feel like their is a big potential for having builds of multiple weapons than having 1 weapon and swapping it every time you found a better one, maybe having multiple build like a more "mage" or "tank" with one with more weapons hitting from far away and another having weapons with huge damage in close quarter or with defense boost etc... The potential is here we will see what mofu choose to do.

There isn't a lot to say for the partner cause it is still a mystery to me but Excepted the magical doll it seems like just little companion who will surely be important to buff or heal yourself or do a little more damage.

The aesthetic of the game look really cool with a lot of way to change the design of your character with armor and all, it is not a lot but it will be very fun to decide if you want better armor or better style etc... There is quite a lot of armor slot so I feel like it will be very fun indeed. The design overall is as you can see from the screenshot very pretty even stunning by their design giving a life to the background, the first time I entered in the cat arena I found it so captivating and the atmosphere of the fight was epic with it. Anyway the art is great the design is top notch.

I didn't talk about the porn part because the demo overall is so great that it is a game I would play not really pushed by the reward of the porn scene but because I genuinly love the game. It is a game with a lot and a lot of potential but it has so many things, almost too many that yes make the game look like he will be incredible when he will be finished but it will take an eternity or be too short to exploit his potential.
So please open a patreon, the game is a game I would play with or without hentai (also yeah maybe later a "censured mode" could be really cool so people can play it without the hentai cause the game is good and it's a shame if people got scared because of the hentai) and I don't think I am alone. Opening a patreon could be very beneficial for you but yeah I think having a way to support you could be great.

Anyway great demo, you should try it. The combat is for the moment very basic but the bossfight are incredible and challenging enough to be satisfying when finally beaten. The art is beautiful and the design of the area give a stunning atmosphere. , I am definitively looking forward of this game that is obviously something mofu put a lot of passion.


Thank you so much for all the feedback!🥰

I will continue to improve the system of this and add more pictures! And I may also open a patreon in the future.👍

could bring to Android?? I don't have a PC 😭

Sorry, I can't do it now, but in the future I may be able to port this to andoroid.

i love how theres a range of different dick shape and sizes instead of all being massive dicks

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Thank you! I also love to see multiple dicks that are different.🥰

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Really good game!! I looked a bit at the devlog and it looks like the game has been in development for quite some time.

Thanks for watching devlog! Ophelia will be working in-game in the near future.😉

i dont know why but i cant install the game can someone help me? (sorry for my bad english)


Download the files from here or from Mofu's Fanbox. Then all you have to do is just unzip the rar file.

Then you should be good to go.

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i've been doing this the problem is wen the download ends it says that the file can't be found  is maybe the browser that i use? 

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i have an antivirus i try to disable the antivirus thanks

Deleted 2 years ago

it worked thanks a lot

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This game is absolutely amazing so far! The controls sometimes feel a bit clunky but I might just need to keep reassigning them until I find what's comfortable for me. But other than that I have no complaints! I can't wait to see what the future brings, especially with Gnu! As much as I love just slapping her fat butt, I'm really excited to do more with her :) 

Thanks Mofu!


Thank you for playing!

There are many parts that are still unfinished, but I will move forward with development soon. ;)

great game can't wait for next update, also what can I do with Gnu? all I can do is slap her butt XD.

You cant do anything other then that for now. You have to wait for future updates! ^^

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Gnu hasn't moved yet, but I hope to have her finished in the next month.👍

Just about to play the game, but just from the looks alone and the gameplay i can see it looks great! I'll respond with my findings of what i like, what i dislike, and what id change in a future post after finishing the game (or if the game is too long during gameplay)!

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Finished the whole game to my knowledge, and it was one of the better platformers I have played (for nsfw, of course) I'm not going to say it was perfect because it certainly wasn't yet I never expected it to be perfect.

I want to suggest a possible navigation system on the "map" since i was confused on where to go sometimes and I do think I ended up defeating the harder bosses before the easier ones.

I also will suggest possibly something to show on your screen or in your inventory to show that you had finished the game so far since I still am not sure if I have finished it or not since I'm still getting "completion 33%" and I don't know if that is referring to this demo of the game or if that would be for the full game yet if a navigation system was added this would also fix that issue.

There was a bug with the "perks" to where you could upgrade infinitely with no points in that tab.

I also would like to suggest faster movement on the umbrella mushroom.

Looking forward to the next update!


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Thank you for playing, and thanks a lot for the feedback!

I'd like to work on map navigation system, and showing the end of the demo in the future.👍



The characters look so beautiful 😻 will there be frottage scenes?

Thank you! I plan to add masturbation scenes for all characters.👍

(4 edits)

Nicee this game have portuguese translation!!! The animations are great too.  Good Job! I'll wait for more updates! I recommend putting it in the game description saying that it has several translations, so people will be more interested in downloading. (sorry for bad english :P )

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I think so too! Thank you for replies.👍


Okay, I will add a list of languages.😉

However, each time it's updated, my machine translation is added, so there are many inaccuracies.

Thanks for your hard effort of doing machine translations. This year I want to start learning Japanese and I want to use your games to practice reading  :3 

I'm glad you liked! It's a bit hard to keep it up to date, but I will translate it every major update!

would you be willing to put any of your other works on here there was one game that i think was flash only the school one that id love to try if you were able to add it 

I may also rework some of my past Flash works and publish them here😉

thanks  that would be very appreciated love your work

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Is there a walkthrough? I'm missing scenes and even with hints on it dosent show the ones I'm missing.  Also how do I get the chick unstuck after using the teleport device?

Really loving this game so far though!

Edit* says I have 33% completion of this helps

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Thank you for the reply! You are right👍

A lot of scenes in this game are still unfinished. However, I will implement them in the near future😉

Awesome! Keep up the great work and I look forward to an update :)

Is there going to be a version for Android? I wanna play it 😅

Sorry, This game is only available on windows OS or macOS.

No worries, even though looks like a good game. Good job👍🏼

This game is legendary! I had lots of fun playing it.

Characters are cute, designs are great,

art is beautiful, battles are exciting,

just the control at first is kind of awkward for me

but players can change that theirselves, so it's fine.

I would like to buy it when the full version comes out

Best wishes,

Thank you! I want to finish this as soon as possible!👍

what is the difference between 0.029h and 0.029r?

For 0.029h to 0.029r, the following corrections were made.

-Fixed a bug that prevented the cross keys from responding properly.

-Added special skills for arrows.

-Added recovery support and shield skill for magic puppet.

-Improved tracking behavior of magic puppet.

-Added Traditional Chinese translation.

-Fixed a bug where the left and right keys are duplicated in the default keyboard settings.

-Fixed a bug where Remy's clothes would change.

-Fixed a bug that the image becomes white when you identified an item.

-Fixed a bug that the image displayed when you open the map.

-Corrected a bug in which the special skill of the bow did not work properly.

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The masquerade mask can be equipped to Nene.👍

This will change her appearance and status.

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Thank you! The CG List is still only partially implemented, but I plan to implement all of it before it is completed.🤗

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Im going to speedrun this game and become the first😎

Thank you! I'll finish this as soon as I can.👍

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Oh yes, I've had a lot of questions about why the Gnu girl doesn't work, so I'm working on that now😉

I plan to update once or twice a month, so I may be able to update this in a couple of weeks.👍

How do you get pregnant in this game???

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Thank you! That's right👍

There is a switch on the left side of momo's house, please press it to make her pregnant. (This is a test version only.)

The game is pretty good and has great sprites.

My only problem is that mushroom boss can potentially stunlock you by using its charge ability over and over after you get hit by the first one and are now blocked by the arena wall.

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I agree that way is better too🤗 Thanks for the reply!

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I have no real complaints about this game, the only bad part is that I finished it, which sucks because I loved it so much- can't wait for more updates to this work of art!

I do wonder though, are all the locked pages in the gallery just not added yet?

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many thanks ^^

Thanks for playing!

Locked pages have not been added yet, but will be added in the future.👍

YOOOOOOOOOOO! V.029!! I've been waiting for decades for this, but totally worth it. Hehe boi

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I did not know that cuz I've only been keeping track of the game progress on Mofu's PixivFanbox and recently, itch. I totally don't know that the game is posted anywhere else.

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btw, do u knoe how to get Gnu unstuck? Prob one of the thing that I haven't done yet.

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Thank you for playing!

The gnu is still not moving. Sorry! There are a lot of parts that aren't working yet, but I intend to finish them soon!


Thank you for replying on my behalf!🤗


Thank you! We do not get enough futa games! lol


Thanks! I will increase the futa games👍

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Amazing, truely amazing... i never thought i would be interested in monsters  with cock and pussys, overall this game was amazing..., i finished all the bosses and man they were hard, took me an hour or more to finish the game, and i was honestly dissapointed when i realized i finished the game,then went searching for the social sites to keep updated on the game and get all the content avaliable, i never knew i would be this much into a porn game, i truely shock myslef sometimes. my words cannot express how i feel about the amazing elements and content this game provides. Truely amazing.

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Oh thank you! I will continue to add more characters. And I will try to make the game even better.🤗

How do I get past the giant girl who is stuck in the wall

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I'm sorry, the main culprit was that I had put off creating this character for so long.😅

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my bad sry

The giant girl is still not moving. Sorry!😭

Does this game not work with windows 11?

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I think so too! Thank you for replying🤗

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