Futakin Valley


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(2 edits) (+1)

Hi mofu! The succubus are under construction but if she had a fight do you plan to add a charm mechanic?

(2 edits) (+1)

Please dont ask stuff mofu could think of as an Suggestion 😉


Mofu have a lot of ideias probably the succubus will need to wait.

(1 edit) (+1)

I hope she doesn't have to wait for too lang since she's super cute and I want to know what mofu worked out for her.

I intend to complete her in the near future👍


I could upload a little "teaser" of her, because I've fiddled around with her 3d model, but on the other hand I don't want to ruin mofu's surprise and I might as well just upload it afterwards 🤔...

I'll do it only if mofu consents, anyway

The little succubus uses magic while floating through the air. I'm thinking of a mechanic that surrounds the mc with chains that restrict her movement and make her immobile when touched😁

This sounds super interesting. Looking foreward to it


I love you Lipstor and Mofu

(1 edit) (+2)

The latest update was fun specially the new event or option after defeating Wuelie, I would like to suggest that could you add scenes or art when Nene touches her penis and it begins to become erect as well as being electrified, I love your art Mofu!! X3 it would be perfect and cute at the same time. 

The part when Nene's balls gets huge was exaggeratedly weird XD I think that big fat Mushroom girl is the only one that I don't like, maybe there are people who enjoy and loves big fat girls so I respect their preferences. My favorite characters are the Fox sisters, Momo and Wuelie 

Something I would like to suggest in this game is that could have a certain order to finish the game for example unlock part of the map after defeating each boss and I was wondering about the Angel's statue, I think it should be the first place to go after helping the fox little girl if whether the statue will give the power to Nene could return to her village In exchange for collecting semen from each boss 

I was wondering how and when the empty bottle will be used? We see it with Wuelie so I was wondering. 

I love the game and keep working on the game without rushing please! 

Everyone should understand that developing a game requires a lot of job and time! 

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Thank you for playing this game!🤝 Yes, I would like to add a certain order to this game. In order to do so, the map will have to be largely reworked. Because currently the player can fight any of the bosses.

And the empty bottles will be able to collect semen and milk from various characters.


i think the open space with the single caves setting the to move freely is just a kind of sanbox enviromet for  mofu th complete the caracters in a enviroment not too complicated to design bc its never gonna stay like this in the process of making the game

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Supposed to be like the current state ? bc i like the current version

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i hope this wont happen bc the map has so much potential he hasn´t used so far. so much "empty" or lets say to this time not used space

(1 edit) (+1)

You mean Nene touching Wuelies Penis ? Or her own. If you mean Wuelies then the whole start of the Scene doesnt make sense. Bc Nene reacts on Wuelie being fully errect. And if you mean her own.... Nene didn't intended to get Ponded by Wuelie. According to the Animations Nene just wanted to Jack Wuelie off to relieve her. So touching herself has no purpose for this. It would just add a ton of work to mofu.

I think it means that Nene is touching Wuelie's penis. So I would like to add a picture of that scene if I have time😉

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I see


Of Nene toching Wuelies errect dick ?

That would look nice. 😍 

But Anna stated she wanted a Picture of Wuelies Penis getting Errect. And that doesn't makes sense because Nene starts talk to Wuelie because of the errection. If her penis isn't errect Nene doesn't have a purpose to talk to her.

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My original plan was to collect semen from all characters by masturbating. However, I changed some of my plans and changed it so that I could collect semen any way the player wanted👍

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(1 edit) (+1)

Thats true but i think he states on the scene where Nene touches Wuelies Penis and gets elecroduced.

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But this is what happens isnt it ? Maybe I used the wrong word...

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Wuelie is excited and electricity flows through the entire body😉

(2 edits)

Seems like we're having similar taste there, hehe.

I also find Wuelie super cute and I hope that there will be more character depth for her and more complex scenes than just penetrating Nene's ass, in the future; personally I'd prefer that over having too many shallow characters.

The huge balls was a great idea too, it just adds humour and creativity to the gameplay.

It's true, there is a logic gap at getting the bottle filled, which should be filled, either by adding a scene, or dialogue.

-For instance Wuelie could have a bottle of her cum stored already...depending on Nene's character, their relationship and the story-timeline, she could also just "use" Wuelie to fill her bottle while helping her; win-win-situation thing.

However, there is a line that Wuelie likes Nene a lot in the 2nd scene; so maybe there is a deeper relationship initiating? I'd like to see that. :)

-Mofu could also transfer the sex scene to the actual battle, and make a new scene, where she masturbates  in front of Nene.
I think I've bothered mofu with "becoming erect-scenes" already, so I'll just stop there, haha. I think he is going to add a few in the future.

(Also, just for the lols, if mofu adds a new scene with Wuelie, he could make Wuelie's and Nene's hair stand all out in a disheveled manner after the event) ^^

Also, mofu, if you read it (if you don't, ill repost!)

There is a suggestion and I'm sorry if I'm not the first one to mention it, but Nene's 2d model dick is way too big when she is wearing the erectshroom, it doesn't fit, compared to her 3d model, nor the model of other characters. I think it should be easy to downscale the graphic a bit.

Then I've also got questions:

Have you thought of implementing a crossover character already? For instance from あきあまれ or メッシイ?

Have you thought of implementing a pet link mechanic? For instance linking to a pet and gaining certain skill or advantage, or fighting  boss (like Momo) during a phase when only her pet is vulnerable?

(2 edits) (+1)

Hi Mofu and Lip here the latest German translation: 


i hope you can make use of it.

i also found a error in the English translation where Wuelie says: I am unintentionally this when you are around.

it has to state: I am unintentionally like this when you are around

i also found a clipping error in the scene with Nene and Wuelie. After Wuelie came and she and Nene righten up a bit Wuelies dick clipps in front of Nene and it looks like she just grinded her Dick against Nene´s Belly the whole time. 

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Lip, thank you for always correcting the translations😉


To be fair its reasonable to don´t check translations into languages you dont speak

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thats absolutley true... sadly nobody has jet developed an system to translate big portions of text without smashing them to usless babbling in the result. And the best electronical translaters ones will most likely fail on word groups bigger than 6 words. Rendering their meaning non understandeble


sadly i cant provide more use to you than my German translation bc every other language i speak is not sufficient enough to provide a good and useble translation. i would love to support you more than this


Just for the German translation I thank you greatly🤝

Thank you so much for giving me your great translation!🤗💕 I will add it to the next update. Also I will correct the errors in the English translation. And thank you for pointing out the bug as well!


at least this is something i can provide for you to make your and Lips job a bit easier


Oh no i just found two text lines i didnt translate. I will spot them in the .txt and translate them today evening.  I hope I can forward them to you tomorrow. I'm really sorry for messing up.

Thank you for your kindness! Please take your time as there is no need to rush it🤗💕

(3 edits)

Darn, you've actually beaten me to it, but I think you've done a good job there.

However, I fixed several typos and grammatical mistakes, and added translations for the new items.

Further more, I've refined some lines or changed some awkward lines mostly at the Stone statue and Wuelie (some seemed awkward in the english translation already but I haven't changed them)

-Generally I thought the statue should sound more determined, because apparently it is a  transcendental being of some sort.

-Also, I like the word "Mumu" actually, I wonder why I haven't used it so far...it was a good idea to add it, but I thought it doesn't really fit to Wuelie saying it, while she is fully immersed in her lewdy state, I think it would be more plausible for her to turn obscene at this point. But feel free to give me your opinion of it.

Since you have made the initial lines, you may decide on which parts to update or not, however, the corrected typos/mistakes should definetely be updated. Then it should be reposted, so mofu won't miss it 😁 ...

Talking of auto-translators: I actually think they make a pretty decent job meanwhile. Neither the english, nor the german translation is that far away from the original, and syntax is often correct too, or understandable at the very least, which is impressing to me.

Here's the file: https://we.tl/t-JnrdzID1f1

(1 edit)

Nice one... please feel free to Modify the translation in any matter. As a native german speaker I like the fact that I can enjoy the game in German and if you or someone other of the Community is able to Enhance the translation in any way I want them to do so. But Im Not sure if it fittes wuelie better to let her say "pussy" in a German translation. Nene uses Mumu ans Muschi when havin sex  with Linnea... but I wasn't totally happy this this point either so maybe this ist the better way to go. Still it's boggin me 

Don't tell me you have never heard of "pussy/pussie" in your social environment 😁 

I thought it somewhat fits there because as an anglicism, it is a softer word than most german alternatives , but yet it is also obscene. So it might fit a character who can become kinky at a given time, but without it actually being a dominant characteristic of them.

For instance, "Mumu" is a "Verniedlichung" , if you get what i mean, so it best fits to characters which are childish or cute and do not prefer to show their dirty side or maybe who are even innocent. So those were my thoughts behind it...sometimes I also just chose it by feeling, though.

What would be your suggestion at the part with Linnea and how do you perceive Nene as a character though? I'm curious.

I get what you mean... I guess. And it's true Pussy seems to fit the best in this situation. We as Germans often don't have the best words to describe such things I guess. Cause: "alles muss seinen korrekte nahmen haben!" Oder so....

Nene as a character from what she sais in the Scenes and the dialogues is genuinely curios and a kinda always horny person Sex is some kinda Normality in her Daily life since she's not a bit spirited over one of thebintercourses or engages them by herself. The part with Linnea is the part where I took my inspiration from I a personaly like it verry much I think the Kinda playful and genuinely immature but also sexual experienced behavior of Nene get's portrait pretty well by this Dialoge and intercourse text. 


Cheers, that's kind of how I perceive her and try to translate accordingly.  I also noticed that you paid attention to it, when reading your translation, which is pretty cool. I try to keep her consistent during all the dialogues.

I'm considering to make an alternative version of translation, which doesn't stick as close to the japanese style and is more "direct".


Hello Mofu and Lipstor! I played the new update and I loved the new stuff, There are some details I would like to mention but I feel sorry Dx

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Maybe he doesn´t want to add another Pile of ideas to the Bucket.

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but thats not especially bad isnt it ?

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Thank you for taking a look at the new update! And you can say whatever you want here😉

Since you show the tendency to do everyting the comments say im afraif manny people will keep quiet about their ideas. Just do make sure you stay focused, and dont get too much distracted. 😉

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Lip, I apologize that I haven't been able to add something that really needs to be added anytime soon😢. I respect your opinion and will try to add it.


What a fantastic start so far, a couple issues that came up for me was that going up while swimming feels a bit off (could just be me?) and my puppet glitched where it just stopped doing anything.

Also, as Lipstor has pointed out, the Cynthia event is bugged, just showing support for that getting fixed (it feels like the most important thing)...

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Thank you for letting me know about the bug with puppet stopping and Cynthia events!🤝 I will check it out.

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Sorry I have not been able to add that yet. Please wait a little longer.

I think it would be fun to have an option where u can cum inside someone once u have your balls huge after defeating and saving the big tiddie girl or have the option of having sex when u are chubby, with muscles, huge or small boobs and balls if u can add one of those i'd be happy

The sprites change when you differ your appeal so its basically already like this.

Or I dont get the point you wanna state. Then im sorry

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Even if they could look strange we could at least have that option the problem is it would give too much work

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I'd say to just add if she's chubby with either big boobs and balls or stuffs like that just change her boobs, balls and body structure like chubby or the other one


请问在角色状态界面的stick9+和stick10-是干什么用的?( •̥́ ˍ •̀ू )


(2 edits) (+2)

Mofu, there's no reason to cut corners just to get the game out quicker, take as much time as you need. More time means a higher quality product.



Thank you for your kindness! I will take my time and build this carefully.🤗

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oof i have kidney related problems aswell i wish you the best of luck recovering!

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Cheer up

Everything will be fine

If we are cured of deadly diseases in our country in a free polyclinic, then they will put you on your feet all the more :)

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Wish you luck

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Keep it up Lip and try to stay upright. We try to be there for you

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I always hope that your health will improve. And please don't ever do anything to hurt you😞


If a new version is updated, does the archiving of the old version apply

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Yes, thank you for explaining that!🤗 Also, this game is automatically updated when you use the itch app.

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I finished

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Doesn't include any illegal or forbidden content but include virus,haha.Eliminate advertising men.

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Yes, it tries to scam people in many ways. But I'm convinced that people in itchio are smart and no one will be scammed.👍

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I fear its insanity that trolls click on it 100 times😓

Thank you Lip for reporting them🤝

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I'm sorry,I shouldn't talk about "sleep",Even just chatting,I didn't expect he really add it.My god.😓Yes,Mofu sometimes make promises easily, but changes easily,this is really uncomfortable.So sometimes I hope he can refuse, which is better than that.

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It's not really that big of a deal

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With the latest update, Nene once again no longer has magic power👍

I mean verbal refusal,because he always say"I will add xxx""OK,I will xxx",maybe sometimes he has promised too much, even sometime he may forgot what he has promised before.Like a film or animation director who has created too many side plots, and as a result, some of the original settings have been forgotten,then being criticized by audiences.

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Hey lip i think the MP is some kind of Translation error BC her MP and her HP are mixed  up all the time. So regenerating her MP while she "rests" actually means regenerating HP... i think

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i tried and she just regerated her HP ohh maybe her MP where maxed bc i visited the shop before... sorry didnt put that in mind

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i did.... that sad. Also why use it? its faster to find a root travel to the shop and enter it..

Lip, I apologize for the grief I have caused you.😞I can add simple requests quickly. But changing the storyline or changing fundamental systems is very difficult. The same goes for the structure regarding equipment and body shape. Also, for the first time ever, the mc can recover MP, but I will stop this and heal it to life only.

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I found a "bug" in the Android version. When youre in the games inventory/gallery the icons say you can move the tabs with the RB and LB buttons but you can't. First there is no LB button in the android UI. Second you Have to use the LS and RS buttons. Not a problem at all once you figure it out but confusing.

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Thank you for sharing that bug!👍 I'll check that out in Android version.


Hey mofu a thing that just popped into my head after using the Masturbation emote against the deebuff. would it be possible to add an Half errect State of Nene's penis and the full errect variant to her Animation just like the animation for Wuelie is made ? Would make the action a bit nicer to look at and make it a bit more Realistic. But it's just an idea so if it's too much work just let it slide. 

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Ahhh im confident he wont until he thinks its a good time for doing so. And im also verry happy if he just keeps fixing the occurring bugs. Every progress is good progress.

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Yes, indeed, the state of her penis is not reflected in the sprites and I would like to add that. Thank you for your nice ideas🤗

please dont rush  this its just a side note 

(1 edit) (+1)

1.Has a bug when the puppet atk the mushrooms, MR become invicible: it not move and can't be hit. It's happen when i farm MR near the shop

2. At the big ball debuff, when i decrease it down then the debuff icon not disappear.

And i want to ask: how to find the semen for the statue?

Then after all, where can i find rare item?

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1. Sorry that bug has not been fixed. That has been pointed out to me in the past, but I have not been able to reproduce it and have not been able to determine the cause.

2. I don't know the cause of that bug either.😓 But I would like to fix it in the next update. 

3. It's currently only implemented in the rabbit girl.


I love this game so much i want Mofu to Make a patreon so badly so i can support him for his great work.


Thank you! I hope to get started on that when I have a little more time🤗

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thanks, I just subscribed!

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Deleted 72 days ago
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Absolutely also the movement of a penis out of his foreskin when getting aroused is just super nice.


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(2 edits)

Золотые слова, редко такое слышишь от девушки :З

Вот только парни с необрезанным членом фимоз. Ведь головка члена, все равно видна полностью при эрекции..


A phimosis cant be retracted. Nene is just uncircumsized. With Phimosis you would never see the full Glans. Sorry to correct you

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(1 edit) (+2)

Its a common "error"  because of especially the Hentai sector of porn to refer to all Penises with Foreskin as Phimotic. Sadly.

Why you know these so much?😏😏😏

he's right, I've also heard it from some girls

Because i have an uncut BF who had phimosis as a kid and he had to go to extreme stress to keep it because he didn't want to be circumsized. Also I like penises with Foreskin way more than cut Penises. And you know I'm active on pages like this.

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is it weird i learned about uncut dick from a random ass girl on a porn game site?

Totally not

Because no one circumsized her penis. So in flaccid state the foreskin covers her penis.


By the way, will there be a picture of the mysterious woman having sex in the future?

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Yes, I plan to make it👍


I will save up to buy this game 

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Thank you! This will be about 8$👍



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Lip, please don't worry about it👍

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The following translation is from Baidu Translation

I found two bugs. The first one is that when I hit the mushroom monster (the mushroom monster’s name has four Chinese word( I don’t know hers English name, which is on the left side of the angel statue), it still has about a quarter of its life, and it will jump to the sky and never come down. The second is that the mushroom monster, after defeating it and returning to that place again, will trigger the dialogue with the mushroom gathering NPC again and fight with the mushroom monster.

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mofu this game is a work of art can i ask how much the game would cost approximately is to save money haha  What platforms is it possibly sold on?  thanks in advance for answering
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Yes, thank you Lip for answering that🤗





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Thank you Lip for linking them!🤗



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Yes, itch.io sometimes has errors and can't reply.





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我汇报一个bug,那个面具往那个下面一扔下去没有那个面具,那个面具就消失了,这是一个bug希望你能越做越好,我超喜欢你这游戏,希望你更新的速度能快一点,我来自中国🌚👍     💪🌝

谢谢你与我分享这个bug!🙏 也感谢你喜欢这个游戏👍


I think docking scene with Cynthia would be awesome, since she's so big.

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I know, I loved it. I'd like to see more :)


Yes, I will add several more giant girls👍


i would have never thought i'd play a porn game tbh but now i'm playing this one and porn aside its pretty cool :0

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well yeah but unlike other games it contains porn stuff lmao

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Thank you for enjoying this game! I'm trying to create something that can be enjoyed as a game, even if it is a porn game👍


Hey lip this just popped In my head when the games finished and released we we keep are progres or no bc of soooo.....😰😰😰😰 na it's worth to keep going on even if it doesn't never turn the grind off allways on haha

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Aaaa I see got you well then I'm happy with that if it means new areas can't wait

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I agree with you. Sorry, this is my mistake. The finished version will not be able to use the save data from this beta version.

I intend to initialize all switches when I implement a new map. However, I will not erase items or amounts😉

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If I go back to the rabbit girl is it the same scene every time? And does it always collect semen? Or just once

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(1 edit) (+1)

who the other characters i need to collect semen from?

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Thank you Lip for answering that! Yes, that will be added in the future👍


You know what I'd love? Dog/horse dick equipment

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I definitely expect that to be added at some point 


Yes, I plan to add them👍


Interestingly, there will be multiplayer in this game at all? or not? Or we didn't think about it at all?

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well on the other hand I agree, yes not the best idea.😒

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The worst idea is making multiplayer in solo,i've killed 5 month to understand how it works in ue and then just gave up on it

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Yes, this game was not developed for multiplayer, so to make it work I would have to rework this game from scratch.

It's not impossible to add multiplayer features to this game, but it's extremely difficult. so I probably cannot implement it😓

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mofu if it's very difficult and tedious to add multiplayer, don't every try, I just don't want you to suffer over it. 😒

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so yes

Yes, I will not do that because its cost is a big issue.

Bad idea i hope it never happens

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also most curren state phones would just melt. no phone cold handle the load of rendering two diffenent games at the same time for a local koop

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still it would kill the Phones the load of a non optimized unity launched game on a simple smartphone is just too much


Hey, Mofu! When I was doing all the bosses without taking damage on a reset save, I found a bug with Cynthia. At the moment she picks Nene up for the CG scene, her hands end up going through Nene's body even with the Erecsroom not equipped.

(Translated by: DeepL Translate)

Oh thank you for letting me know about that bug! I will fix it soon👍

(1 edit) (+1)

😉By the way, I have a doubt! Do you have any plans of when you might be finishing the game? Something like the end of 2023 or the middle of 2024? I am very eager to buy it and play it on release day!

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Oh! Thank you, Lip~ Knowing that this wonder will be released later this year is very good!

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Thank you Lip!🤗

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Please tell me what you added in a new update


you can check what each update adds with the dev logs

Yes, it's written in the "Development log" at the top of this page😉


Thanks alot for listening to my suggestion!


what was your suggestion? 

It's a pregnancy toggle. It has been added to the status screen👍

(1 edit)

Even after deleting all the files from the game i still can't run the new versions, however i downloaded it on my phone and for some reason i can run there, do i have to update the RPGVX stuff or anything? I really wanna play this game on pc and can't :/


This game is made by Unity,It has no relation with RPGVX

Even tho, i dont have any updates to my unity and the game just doesn't load that's the thing, it just appears "Mofu land made with unity" and that's all it appears

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Fun fact i already did that all, i searched on my pc for: futaken and deleted it all, downloaded again and i couldn't run the game, i did that like already 10 times before

that's what appears only and i can't delete those stuff since they give me an error

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