Futakin Valley


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I fixed it , it 's just not clear why winrar64 doesn 't want to save the gameplay , if you save it yourself and the automatic saves , I screwed up the norms , and such a question is Mofe , is this your company MOFULEND and you are the creator of the game Curesed futana ring ? please write me a couple of questions that I don't understand about the game

I believe the reason is that winrar64 refers to the file without decompressing it, so it does not have access to other files.🤔

well, there are no other files, it's in the store there are ver3.40 versions only I bought but I can't the site does not accept master cards, VTB and VISA, because I'm in Russia and what's going on in the world and so it's clear can you share files I can pay? well, only in rubles (

(1 edit)

sad of course (



Yes, I'm the creator of the "Curesed futana ring"👍

Походу обновы я не дождусь,чинить перевод начну в скором времени,его как раз много будет

Я как раз хотел дождаться либо крупной обновы, либо почти самого релиза игры, чтобы начать переводить все по нормальному. А то там некоторое переделывается, что то добавляется. Переводить по 2 раза не камельфо



saya rasa saya tidak akan beli game ini jika masih dalam akses awal karna untuk membelinya kita perlu berpikir dua kali 

tapi jika gamenya sudah full rilis saya akan usahakan untuk membelinya itupun jika konten yg ada di dalam game nya bagus seperti story karakter item monster map dan lain lain

Ya, game ini masih belum lengkap di banyak bagian. Dan saya berniat untuk menyelesaikan bagian terpenting dari game ini dan menyelesaikan versi beta dalam waktu 6 bulan dari sekarang.

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Tive que votar em não,  sinto muito Mofu mas não tenho condições de gastar na steam.

(1 edit) (+2)

Sorry, it's a no from me. I don't buy a game while it's still in early access, most of the time (this applies to all kind of game, okay). Not that I don't want to support it, but I currently can't risk in investing money for it. I don't have the extra budget.

Moreover, it's on Steam. I don't buy anything through Steam.

I in fact would buy it from steam in early acess but only IF i was sure that Mofu would treat this game with love and care.Me and the fans put our hopes on you Lip but i want to be realistic and say that Mofu will not change BUT a man can hope so i will wait patiently and see what this game becomes.

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I want to avoid getting a lot of criticism for publishing an unfinished game. It’s not a matter of money.

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Lip, Thank you so much for making that poll🤗. However, I don't plan to make the early access. It causes a lot of trouble. I will stop updating for a while after I have finished the beta version and will release the full version.

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I’m not ignoring anyone😓

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Yo, it's obviously I choose the first one! Art can't be rush, that's a fact.

I do like the hot girls in the game, but I also want the game to be rich in story and lore.

Also, I am not one of those that got bored.

Deleted 1 year ago

Say what?!

it's not that we are bored because it isn't finished, but because he is so focused on the every single little minor details that its just taking so long to get the main content. We don't want it rushed, we don't need every single minor details yet, maybe over time, but not all the time ignoring the main content for a long period of time.

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Thats a pity, a game with great potential will be ruined because of rushing and greed(?) For money.

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All I can say to that is just wow. Just wow... 😞


Thank you for making that statistic. I understood it. Please don't worry about anything. I will not remove any character. What I plan to do is to develop this game fast, using only my decision.👍

Deleted 1 year ago

I am honestly starting to get confused now. One says this, and one says otherwise. I am not saying someone is lying here, but I think there some misunderstanding happening lately (and it's getting out of hand quick). Maybe you need to post some kind of statement about how you're going to develop the game, to stop this unnecessary misunderstanding. You know, make something like a roadmap, a plan on what you're trying to make the game to be.

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Well, the roadmap looks solid enough to me.

Also, perhaps the reason why Mofu is not able to finish what he planned is because real life problem gets in his way? Especially this is a creative works. Its progression is prone to the emotion and the mood of its creator. I more or less know how it feels, since I do drawing sometimes, and it's hard to get it done when suddenly your mood is wrecked by an unwanted real life problem that comes out from nowhere.

At least that's my guess.

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And if anyone was wondering why im so mad about all of this it is because when i discovered this game it was a truly unique and fun game and i was exited with each new update and playing more of the game. And then recently all this stuff about Mofu not finishing the game and how he was going to ruin the game and how he was treating lip by apparently not listening and as lip said blackmailing. 

This game doesn't feel the same as when I started playing and I just wished it would go back to how it was without all this stuff going on.

I'm probably not going to say much more here because mofu probably won't change his mind but I hope he continues this game. 


I will continue to work on this game as I have been and complete this. I apologize for any confusion I have caused you.😥

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Also ive noticed a trend of people siding with mofu not have an account that has been registed for more than 2 days 😱

It's almost like they are alt account made to praise mofu because no one sides with him 😱

It's almost like lip did a poll and 95 % of people sided with lip about developing the game because the poll was ip regulated and mofu couldn't add more votes 😱

It's almost like Mofu is still trying to hide the fact that he's ruining the game and disappointing all his real fans 😱

Lip said that mofu doesnt make alt accounts which is cool but i still dont know where the sudden surge of accounts is comming from 

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I have not voted. And I have never made an alt account😓



i think you need to shut the fuck up

Lipstor puts in twice as much work as mofu and has to put up with all the shit talk from little mofu fan boys like you. 

Oh and Borbor or whatever your shitty ass name is. It really clear to me that you are actually a mofu alt account or someone who has been told by mofu to write that stuff because there isn't a chance in hell if you've seen the piles of proof of what mofu is doing that you would side with him. Fellow game dev my ass your account was made less than an hour ago and you turn up praising mofu like you didn't post the single most scripted comment I've ever seen. Unlike you I'm an ACTUAL fucking game dev and i know that sounds fake because i havent said it before now but i am  Mofu could literally give me access to his game and even I could finish this game but this game isn't mine and Mofu couldn't even care about completing the game.

I've seen all the comment from braindead idiots spamming ideas at mofu that haven't taken the time to read a single fucking comment because if they saw all  the controversy at the moment, people would know now is not the time to be asking for shit to be put in the game. 

I haven't published any of my games yet but even when my friends who are my play testers say to add something I know you have to take into consideration what ideas are actually good and not just add everything so some insignificant portion of people will buy the game cause he added a single detail to it. But they all pile up and ruin the game.

And Mofu can get a fucking job if he's low on cash. This isn't his full time job, he does this in his spare time so even if that spare time becomes less and less because he didn't take the easy way out, he would still be developing this game.

Seriously this is an 18+  game and I feel like I'm talking to children

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Ahh yes, 'talking to children', but also proceeds to insult the name of an alt account for no particular reason. I am indeed a game developer, I have released 2 games for sale and busy on a third. I have entered about 15 or so gamejams (mostly ludum dare) in my time alive, and I have 14 years coding experience. Of course, that's all dick waving and doesn't really mean anything nor do you believe it. But at least I do actually have experience working on games, working with publishers, and most importantly for this conversation, have experience working with fans :P

It does make sense you'd not think I'd sound like a gamedev, considering you have yet to publish a game at all. Our mindsets will be quite different that I'm more than a decade ahead of you in my career.

'Account was made an hour ago' and yours was made 6 days ago :) I decided to make an account upon seeing lipstor harassing mofu as it irritates me to see that sort of thing happen to other game devs. I don't care how warranted it is, they can handle it civilly rather than whatever the hell is going on here.

I have said much the same point as you, about feature creep and such, if you read my comment.

Mofu does indeed have a job, which is why I motion for people to be nicer. I've been in the same boat, working full time while having to use all my spare time for game development. It's very stressful and quite hellish, it doesn't help when the person who's been your biggest fan and most useful support suddenly turns on you.

Keep in mind, none of this time I have said that lipstor's points are invalid. While I don't agree with lipstors methods of relaying his opinions, I do agree that rushing a game can lead to a worse outcome. And I'm fully aware of the issues feature(I guess fetish in this case?) creep causes. If mofu has been doing the things lipstor has accused of him, there are far better ways to handle it, than spamming comments in a way that comes across as a crazed fan.

As for saying Lipstor puts in twice as much work, I don't buy this. It takes roughly 2000 hours to code a decently sized indie game, judging from my own experience. And that's excluding all the art mofu would have to draw as well. I can't imagine how someone simply helping support the game is somehow doing more than that? Honestly I'm a bit shocked you could even say this as a gamedev yourself, you know full well how much effort goes into making a polished experience.

shut up

If mofu has a job i dont know why he's so desperate to sell this game. 

And i don't publish any of my game because I have a job and make games in my spare time for fun. I have no reason to make money off them and can be bothered releasing them so I mainly distribute them amoung my friends to play.


I'm sure there must be a financial reason he's desperate, people generally don't do things for 0 reason. If anything, people's reasoning is usually quite logical.


Yes, I'm currently in a difficult living situation😓

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You have done nothing wrong. It was just my prediction of why I was shadowbanned.

And the reason I frequently slow down development is because I'm playing other games. During that time development stops for a while.


Thank you for your conscientious words. I'm criticized due to some misunderstanding, but I don't remove anything regarding the development of this game. Rather on the contrary I'm trying to concentrate on this development to increase the content.

Deleted 1 year ago

Please calm down. I have not made alt accounts and I have not asked anyone to do anything. I have no desire to fight in the comments section. I avoid it all the time because it aggravates my state of mind😓 

And I always apologize to Lip. I just told Lip that from now on I will do so because I feel that if I don't make my own decisions regarding this game, it will never be complete.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+4)

Moff, please make what you want to make. It is your kindness to take in many opinions and many translations. Even if the result is a bad game, it is your game and your personality. Just ignore the fan who seems to be angry at you for contributing without permission to whatever scenario you have in mind. He has completely crossed the line between fan and individual creator. He has become just an antagonist. Maybe you should suspend the comments section of this page for a while. I don't know if that can be done.

Thank you for your kind consideration.🤝 And this comment section is no probrem. Anyone is free to criticize me.

I fixed it , it 's just not clear why winrar64 doesn 't want to save the gameplay , if you save it yourself and the automatic saves , I screwed up the norms , and such a question is Mofe , is this your company MOFULEND and you are the creator of the game Curesed futana ring ? please write me a couple of questions that I don't understand about the game

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Yes, thank you for answering that question👍

I have a version downloaded from torrent 3.39 , I passed it , but there are no pictures or clothes for half of it , only a small part I don 't understand why I need to buy it for additional content , or did I do it wrong ?I can try to take screenshots of what I have there, maybe someone can tell me what I did wrong, plus the arena is not working yet (

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I need to buy a game , as I understand it , so that everything works as it should ?

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I can't buy in Russia, I can't buy her cards, I don't work, and there are no other foreign wallets (


Please don't download pirated copies. It contains virus😞


I can't really use my real account, but thanks for making this game and your others, they've been great. I enjoy seeing your progress as a fellow gamedev :)

I don't know the exact situation between you and lipstor, but I'd like to give some advice I've learnt: You don't have to listen to what everyone fan says, whether lip or someone else. You don't owe your fans anything other than a completed game that's made the way YOU want it to be. Don't let others guilt you into adding stuff. You already make great games, you don't need to appease everyone, they will still like your game!

I've had my own share of fans similar to lipstor, who accuse me of stuff without knowing the true scenario, and without realising how hard it is to have job while making games, so I can probably guess how you feel.

Good luck with further development, and don't feel too discouraged!

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They still doesn't oblige him to do everything you say, he can still create the game however he thinks is best. Giving someone money and helping them doesn't suddenly entitle you to anything.

From the comments you've been making, you look like an obsessed fan who's having something of a break down.

As you have pointed out, I indeed know nothing of your situation with mofu, but if your response is to spam the comment section of his page to try and ruin his reputation, then I don't believe you're taking a sane course of action. It looks more like you're begging for his attention

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I can't exactly use my work account to comment here on a hentai game :P

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Shut the fuck up already.

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Lip, Please calm down. I'm always grateful to you. However, I cannot prohibit anyone from making translations, as they are free to do so😥

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Ma man, you gotta take things with ease, the more you run the more your shoes crack, so you gotta walk, slowly but nicely

And when you reach the place you are gonna see your shoes nice and clean, so stay and take it easy


Thank you! Your comment is like the lyrics to a song.👍

(3 edits) (+1)

Mofu! adicione cogumelos amarelos (dourados). Onde tem uma chance de 1 a cada 50 cogumelos, de spawnar ele dropa 39 - 51 de moedas, e ele tem uma chance de 10% dropar 3 itens 36% de dropar 2 e 54% de dropar 1. Eu pensei nisso agora mesmo, se você achar uma boa ideia poderia adicioná-lo?

Obrigado pela sua ideia. Quero acrescentar a capacidade de obter algo valioso como cogumelos dourados a uma taxa baixa.😉

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(1 edit)

This i think is depressing to say the least.Mofu rushing the game and just putting it put for a quick buck is not only offensive to the ppl that have helped you and the fans;it also doesnt make sense mathematically.Since you want money making this game as good as possible an releasing it when its ready will in fact gurentee more money and a long-term income than the half-baked version you are going for.If that truly happens(and from the way this is progressing) then i and many others would truly be dissapointed but alas we can only wait and hope.


mate, u have truly eaten too much mushrooms, that aint even a fact, and please be kind to the creator since he cant fully develop it fast due to the real source of income he is doing right now

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mofu please add a secret ending and an easter egg and also add goblins, monsters, tentacles also add new places, then what happened to the statue? 

that all, thank you mofu :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Not a good idea bro. I say about tentacle, monsters and goblins

The game is about mushrooms, why have goblins or tentacles in "magic" mushroom game


Welp, theres elf succubus and lions

its more extensive than just an rpg world

So i guess goblins and imps and angels would be an option to add

Or at least rats, lamias, salamanders, or common seen animals like chickens, aligators, dogs, etc

Soo, theres always hope that if we pray and ask maybe them will appear, i recomend this species mofu


Yes, I will be adding a lamia or dog based character in the near future👍


Yes, I can add goblins, monsters and tentacles. This game is mainly based on a valley with lots of mushrooms, but I can add anything😉

How do i fill the empty bottle? and where i can find penis growth? i've been looking for it and i forgot where i can get one

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Yes, that's right. Thank you for answering that🤗

Mofu tolong tambahkan bahasa Indonesia

udah ada bro


The Indonesian translation is still 75% completed, but yes, Mofu already adds it to the game.


Yes, I'm adding your excellent translations in the latest update👍

Oh, I am flattered, thank you!


this is a pity, in my opinion if he's to take the game with care, it will last longer which mean a more money income overtime . rather than take the shortcut that will last for a very short time. This is such a great game which has huge potential to become a great game. If he's to want money, why can he make some sort of patreon, subscribestar, or even make it early access so people will need to buy the game to play it. It may suck for the people who may want to play it for free,  if he wants money why cant he perhaps do that? Of course, I do not know the situation so i don't want to seem rude or anything, these are just my thoughts.


The dev plans on selling the game here after it has reached completion. But, until then, the free versions you can download now, are glimpses for what you can expect from the finished product, if you desire to purchase it. The free versions also serve the purpose of finding bugs and reporting them, so that they're fixed in the final version. 

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Oh crap, that took a dark turn. 

(2 edits)

He is just being an asshole because Mofo isn't listening to his bullshit don't worry about him

Oh OK. I was concerned for a while. 

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I see... but what if he makes something like a patreon or something similar that can help? Since patreon is optional so it isn't forced meaning no one shouldn't be negative. But people still have an option to support and I'm sure a lot of people would like to support this him and the game. Another thing he can probably do is people can probably pay very cheap to get a version or two ahead (if he able to be ahead)  but people are still able to play the game for free, it will just be two versions behind.

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Deleted 1 year ago

I mean.. he can ignore them really... They just have to wait and let the important things and main updates go first. Why focus on the very minor things than the more important things And I'm sure there is more people who want the game with care and focus on the main part of the game than a couple people who wants to add their fetishes into the game. 

And isnt 300€ more than 1$? Why not listen to you then if he's to just listen to whoever is paying him? (I don't not mean anything rude at all, just curiosity)

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Im really confused right now. 

Under my previous comment mofu said he will be improving the game and yet lip says he is still going to rush the game. 

Mofu you need to be honest with everyone and publicly announce how you are going to proceed with the games development. We shouldn't be wasting our time on this game while you keep lying about development. If you are actually going to continue this game for the enjoyment of your fans then everyone supports you, but if you are going to rush this game and ruin it you should tell us because I can't support this game knowing that it is made by a dev that lies to his fans and is only interested in the cash.

The decision is yours.

do right or wrong Mofu

(1 edit)

anything addressing an issue like this, I really doubt Mofu will respond or say anything publicly. Its clear that Mofu reads every comment here, but there's a simple pattern if you look at who he replies to. He only responds to positive comments and innocent people asking him to add something to the game. Anything negative, and he usually pretends that he never saw it.

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In my opinion following everything that people wants is not a good way.

I agree on the latter. Just make what you want, don't let people dictates what you make. I believe the game will turn out just fine in the end if it's purely Mofu's idea.

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Well, that's exactly what I meant by the latter (perhaps I should've explain my opinion further).

I am basically with you in this matter.

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I don't consider them spammers. Nor do I think they are coming from a piracy forum. And I will not think about it at all because it is very stressful to make a game thinking about them😞

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Okay, I will make a roadmap for this game and publish it👍

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(3 edits) (+1)

este cogumelo embaixo da terra, não tem um local fixo. Exemplo: eu escalo a parede ele sobe junto, eu caio pra baixo ele desce. (Foto tirada a 2 dias)

Obrigado por partilhar essa falha. De facto, é estranho. Irei corrigi-la na próxima actualização.🤝


hello is there a way i can help traslating to spanish? or do you guys alr have someone

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Oh alr if its you its a good job

Deleted 1 year ago
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God grant health to the author for such a good game , which is made simply gorgeous compared to other similar games of the same genre by the author Krasava ( and is there more from the author of the game from this author ?

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Thanks Lip for writing that🤗

Thank you for your suppot! I will finish this game while taking care of my health😉

apparently the game doesn't work for me if I save the progress of the game myself

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Yes, it may be that files are stored in areas that are inaccessible due to permissions.🤔?

everything is also a long initial loading the cursor is there the screen is black I'm pumping win64 others are not supported.

I can provide a screenshot in the morning of what I'm getting, although I used to play and it was fine apparently even with windows is not so or I do not know

Is the game unzipped from a zip file? Or, does the OS match? If the screen is black, the game may have failed to launch because the files are inaccessible.


and when the game is full-fledged, other characters are added, like a succubus, there are other characters there, the game is interesting, it's a pity only you yourself can't fuck the defeated bosses (

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Noooooo,my beloved😧😧

I will not remove her😓

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Deleted 1 year ago

I will not do so for money. I just think this game is too far behind and needs to be developed quickly😔

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It also has to do with my situation. Time is not infinite and I need to complete this as soon as possible.

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(7 edits) (+1)





全部を自分でやって常にファンに邪魔されることも嫌だかもしれないね。急にゲームが思ったより人気になるとそれは自然だと思う。マイクラのNotch先生も同じように思えたよ! 今は全部ストレスだったら戻る日程を発表してから休んでください。一ヶ月、2ヶ月、とかどっちでもいいよ。発表した日程より早く戻ってもいいよ。モフさんはたぶん日本人の親友がいますよね。その人と話し合って(相談)ください。

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Yes, I would prefer to use subscribestar. And, I can publish the same file on patreon at the same time. If I get banned on patreon, I will give up using there.

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Thank you for your suggestion. I would like to do so. However, if I publish this on patreon, etc., I need to reflect the opinions of those who are willing to help me. so my development will be even slower. I really need to develop this faster.


if what Lip said is true i hope you reconsider mofu, the game is very promising and with time, effort and care it can become a really good game but if its rushed and a lot of things are cut people arent gonna enjoy it as much as they could have

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I agree with your opinion. I just think that making games based on my own judgement is what is needed to develop this the fastest😓

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I'm just writing this to say that the votes don't lie mofu. When you check you will see that out of 50 votes currently, 48 of them want you to develop the game properly and I'm guessing that one of the other votes was you. Even if you are looking for a quick cash grab, wouldn't you make more by devolving a game that your fans would willingly pay for rather than some half-assed game that none of your fans will want. And it is fine to take suggestions for content but don't just add every idea that someone's says. Also there are some sick f*cks out there that like to see ch*ld content and other weird sh*t but for the overwhelming majority of fans that like this game for simple futa content please don't add that stuff. This game is great every though it is unfinished, and if what lip said is true about you deleting the other characters to finish the game quicker then you will see a lot of your loyal fans stop playing this game which is something I'm sure you don't want. Even if you have lost the motivation, if you stop production now you will look back in the future and regret not making this the great game that it could be. Please continue to develop this game and keep it legal. There are a lot of people that enjoy your content and if you have any care at all for them then you will do the right thing.

Also lip there were some people that were questioning your judgement but I've been a follower of this game for along time without a itch account and know that you put in just as much if not more work into this game than mofu and are the most helpful person to all people that have questions and that you shouldn't doubt yourself. I know that you and mofu are disagreeing on some stuff but I know that you are a good person and I trust that you will do good for this game.


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I did not vote and I agree with you and Lip. I need to take my time and improve the quality of this game. Thank you for your concern.


i hope you Develop the game with care and time

Yes, I will do so. Thank you👍

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(1 edit) (+1)

Pelo visto é raro meu estoque aumentou muito. (Desculpe por este segundo comentário)

Caraca mn, tu farma esperando o proximo update? Pq se for assim vai demorar um pouco amigo, ainda mais com essa treta ai

(1 edit)

Sim, eu farmo por que perdi um save com 10 mil de cogumelos dourados? A moeda esqueci o nome agora kkkkk

TAPORRAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK o jogo ainda tá em beta mano, pra quê farmar tanto assim?

Sei la

Thank you for farming that so much! You play this game the most😆

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Isso é raro??

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Poderia me mostrar todos?

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Obrigado por explicar isso! Sim, essa estatística é uma adição aleatória de probabilidade muito baixa.👍

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just rest Lip, you've done what you can

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i really hope mofu changes his mind

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cutting all those characters would suck! please don't rush the game, Mofu.


I have never thought to cut them🤔

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If the game is released as it is currently then a lot of people with good hands won't even take an hour to complete.

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I intend to make this game so that it can be played for about 20 hours😉

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Lip, thank you for making that poll. I appreciate that you are serious about this. I need to understand and accept what you are saying.

But I never once said I would cut characters or storylines. I intend to make them all. I only said I will make them all at my discretion to make them faster😓

Deleted 1 year ago

Mofu... As coisas tão ficando sérias você devia ouvir o que Lip tem a dizer, por favor fale com ela, pelo bem do jogo

Parece haver alguns equívocos sobre eles😓


This is completely out of bounds and i dont have any right to say this but still.I praise your patience and perseverance Lip but dont you think this is enough?Youve been trying to change Mofu for 1 year and still no result;this may well be a fruitless journey.Still if you want to keep going because you believe that you will make it i and everyone here fully support your efforts(Again this may aswell be me poking my nose where it doesnt belong but the situation youve revealed to us is downright criminal.Still i hope whatever you choose it works out for the best)


I might be completely wrong but Lip youre just a fan right?  So in the end you wont earn anything from the money the game makes. I mean, I know this a passion project for u but arent u going a bit too far for just a fan? No hate, just geniuently wondering

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(1 edit) (+1)

Lip... It's still too much. If it were me, I would be beyond grateful and fearful if an individual contributed 300€. Besides, all your arguments are based on the assumption that you have a perfect understanding of Moff's ideas.  I don't have the full picture either, but what you are doing puts a lot of pressure and is a bit extreme in my opinion.


I'm grateful to you. But I am not asking you to spend your precious money. You need to use all your money for the treatment of your disease😞

Also, I'm not in a hurry to develop this game fast for the money. I just want to finish this game as soon as possible.

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Still Lip while this is admirable of you you must think about how much you are going to suffer because of Mofu if this keeps up.You do what you think is right but pls dont let your passion about Mofus game blind you and lead down a horrible fate(plus i saw you fell down the stairs so get better soon)

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