Futakin Valley


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With each update I fall in love with your game even more. thank you so much for your hard work, effort and dedication you have to the game


Thank you! I will keep updating this game to make it better😙


I'm starting to get scared about Lipstor....

Deleted 2 years ago



put yourself in its shoes. Imagine a person on the internet constantly insisting about involving itself with your things, every day, and if by some reason you don't give it enough attention, it will start a drama telling everyone about how you are. 

Just leave it be, stop it. 

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Thank you all for working so hard! I keep waiting each update with excitement.


Thank you for always coming back to see my updates🤗


things are getting really exciting now, can't wait to see the plans unfold🙌


Thank you! I will do my best to make this game even more exciting😙

Hello, does anyone know how to find the sperm for the statue?

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Yes, that's right! thanks Lip for answering that🤗


Have Sex With it

Yes, the mc can get the sperm that way👍

Olá alguém sabe como acho os esperamas pra estátua?

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Obrigado por responder a isso🤝

Where can I find the other mushroom girls that the guardian mentions?

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Thank you for making that image! Yes, they are in the cave😉

Não arrumou o cogumelo que falei 😕


Calma mano, aos poucos estão consertando os bugs


eu sei mas este bug é pequeno, e achei que seria concertado rápidamente 

Você deu o report em inglês? Usa o google tradutor que ajuda muito. 

Talvez como é um bug pequeno e não atrapalha em nada ele deixa pra arrumar as coisas que realmente incomodam primeiro, outro dia reportei que aquela boss cogumelo tinha um bug que quando pulava não voltava mais pra arena e o dev consertou logo na próxima atualização.


Desculpe, pensei ter consertado isso, mas posso ter entendido mal. Voltarei a consertá-la na próxima actualização.🤔

and where is this mushroom girl ?

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Thank you for answering that!🤝


I think for bigger updates like new characters and battles,the best thing is to make a poll so the majority can choose.

Also why doesn't mofu make a patreon? 

So we can pay at least 2$ and support him 

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I trust you and others who support me. So I'm thiking to start it👍

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Jesus... you sure are an obnoxious person


Thank you for your kindness. I really want to get started on that. so I'm now looking into the methods and procedures😉


oooo update


Thank you for always coming back to see updates🤝


It is really saddening to visit the comment section of this wonderful game.
For all I can say:

I enjoy it. The progress that has been made thus far, a roadmap (finally), little teasers of characters that honestly fit right into the whole scene and were great suggestions of those giving some feedback.
After all one could also just go about their day without a care of the community.
At least that is with one exception, whose name I won't mention but certainly gone too far on a nsfw video game of all things.. blocked and reported that person. Simple as that.
We should be appreciating the game as is, not bash a rather talented developer/artist for their work.



FR. At the end of the day this is Mofu’s game. It’s great that people were leaving helpful tips for new players, but all of this excessive drama because the developer wasn’t following their requests has gotten REALLY old. If they have a problem with the game, just don’t play it or make your own damn game.  Simple as

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Please calm down. It's true that I'm in a hurry, but that does not mean that quality will be compromised. Also I apologize for my failure to keep my word😢

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Thank you for playing this game! I take great pleasure in getting suggestions from many people in this comment section. Sometimes we get into arguments, but that is not a problem. Please don't worry about it.👍


J0Gim thank you for your translation work ^^


hey i want to know what new update the game has come in 

Thanks in advance for the answer.


you can check the development log. it's at the top of the comment section. here's the link to the dev log for the new update: https://mofu.itch.io/futakenvalley/devlog/497063/futaken-valley-ver-003158

Thank you for writing the link to that page🤗


Lipstor, I'm glad that your so passionate about Futaken Valley and willing to help out so much with it's development and community, but you have to ease up on the aggression. None of your life problems have any business being talked about here, and if there are miscommunications between you two, they should be solved in private. Your ideas about using Subscribestar for support are spot on since many games and visual novels like this use it in the exact way you described, but bombarding Mofu in these comments again and again won't help, and the blackmail threats are very very shallow, especially in a public forum. Settle things in private. 

And to Mofu, thanks for the amazing game and the frequent updates, and always listening to the players of your game. At the end of the day though, it's still your creation, and should be made how YOU want it to be made, and should only be made at the pace that YOU want it to be made at. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Keep in mind that multiple people in these comments have stated that they're willing to support the game financially if you want/need them to. Keep that in mind. And please settle things with Lipstor in private because seeing comments like those under the game isn't a good look for new and returning players. Have a nice day and keep up the good work!

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I'm not ignoring what you said. You are right. But I think it very difficult to do so because I don't have the time🤔


Now you're the one who's lying. You're not trying to solve anything if you are still in these comments speak ill of Mofu. The only attacking that anyone sees is you attacking Mofu here, and multiple people are calling you out for it. Just like you wanted Mofu to listen to his supporters, you need to listen as well. Maybe you should take some time away to thing about things, Then try talking to Mofu in private about where things stand.

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And then you immediately went back to posting about this to the public. You DID NOT try. You're lashing out because things aren't going your way but this ISN'T your game. There are people in the comments saying that they've lost interest in the game solely because of you and these comments. You aren't trying to help the situation. You're making it worse until you get whatever you want from Mofu. At this point, you're a liability, and I hope Mofu sees it that way. All you're doing at this point is burning bridges.

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Thank you for your kindness. I'm not under any pressure, so no problem at all👍. And I too hope that Lip will be peaceful.

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Deleted 2 years ago

I already texted Mofu on Twitter but just in case im speaking here too, i just wanted to say that, no matter what, WE, the real fans who ACTUALLY loves Mofu, Lipstor and Futaken Valley, we will be always here for everything you could ever need, so you just need to create that subscribestar 2$ tier and we will support you

I alredy told Mofu that, SPECIFICALLY ME can't help him with the money because i live in a country where credit cards doesn't even exist, but ALL the other fans will help you no matter what, so Mofu, please, listen to Lipstor, and listen to your audience, i know you're afraid of making something like a kickstarter because all of that of the unfinished game and so but NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN AND IF YOU DONT LET THE OTHERS HELP YOU YOU. WILL. FAIL. We dont want anything bad for you, we would not ever do something like that, so, for the las time, PLEASE, LET US HELP YOU

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If its a subscribestar what he needs then thats what he should do, even if he don't expect beneficios from it

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I trust you and others. But if I start subscribestar, I think you can not support me. so you may not be able to see that page I make😓

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

you actually are one really annoying person, I'm impressed you didn't get banned for harassing him so much haha it's his game, not yours. I don't understand why you feel so entitled. He will deliver, just have faith in him and wait.

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 1 year ago

I'm sorry for the confusion I have caused you. I wanted to add to my game what many people have requested. However, several problems have arisen and are now delaying development for a long period of time. So I'm going to solve this problem by making it all by myself.

Deleted 1 year ago
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Deleted 1 year ago
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Deleted 1 year ago

If it's really that bad for you than just stop helping.

My guess for the reason they are adding fan ideas is the make them happy and what to support more.

And if you don't like that then don't support.

It's just that simple.

Deleted 2 years ago

Hello! , Is ready the Update of Game? ..

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I will update this game from time to time, so please wait for it😉

How do I complete Ophelia story?

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It seems that there will be errors or additions outside the original text

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If I don't create the Ophelia story it will take an enormous amount of time. Please allow me to do it.😥

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Lip, Thank you for letting me know about those glitches!🤗💕 I will fix that in the next update.

Una pregunta mofu espero no molestar con esto pero las actualizaciones volverán a tardar 2 semanas como antes o no estás muy seguro del tiempo que te tomara en terminar cada una?

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No te estoy chantajeando😞

Una pregunta que viene en la nueva actualización

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No estoy involucrado en el foro de piratería de ninguna manera😞

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I don't know which one it is😓

Deleted 2 years ago

I keep getting a black screen when opening the app wait about a hour and still nothing I'm running on windows 11 pls fix/help me with this problem
Thank you.  

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Thanks Lip for elaborating on that!🤗

hay mofo i don't mean to push you or anything but do you think you could tell me what days you plan on releasing the updates for this month i asked that cause i like to know things before they happen 

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I updated this today👍

(1 edit) (+1)

非常高兴能看到roadmap,但是我很担心一个月两个新的故事的更新速度是不是太快了,会不会使质量下降。(这样说也许有些不礼貌,之前mofu的更新很缓慢,突然加快速度令人有些担心)希望mofu可以找到适合自己的更新速度。我不会因为更新慢而觉得无聊,每次更新对于我来说都是一份惊喜。游戏开发真的不是件容易的事,跟何况这游戏是mofu一个人制作的。希望评论少一点争吵或指责,多一些包容与理解。大家都非常喜欢这款游戏,我们不应该让mofu为了游戏之外的事烦心,从而影响开发。虽然我没去过日本,但是我知道日本的生活压力很大(似乎东亚压力都很大都这样( •̥́ ˍ •̀ू ))希望mofu在生活中可以保持一个好心情,开发出更多好玩的游戏(´▽`)ノ♪感谢你的游戏mofu ٩( 'ω' )و 



这个游戏会是杰作,我真的非常非常非常非常喜欢这个游戏,期待mofu的下一次更新(ง •̀_•́)ง

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Lip, please forgive me for not keeping some of my promises to you. I need to develop this as soon as possible😥

(1 edit) (+1)

如果mofu需要中文翻译上的一些帮助可以找我,我很乐意帮助你,我发现之前的版本有些翻译很像机器翻译,一些英文单词对应的中文不太正确,一些拟声词或者名词会被翻译成别的意思(中文一个字有多重意思,相同的发音有可能对应不同的单词,声调不同词的意思也会不同,这些都容易造成翻译的错误,比如可能会把游戏里的人名翻译成物品的名词)虽然我可能不会回复的很及时但我每天会登陆itch查看评论的 ,我现在正在自学日语,一些简单的句子不太成问题 ,頑張って!モフさん!

mofu如果需要的话,我很乐意重新玩一遍游戏然后 报告所有我能看出来的翻译错误与病句


非常感谢您的帮助! 如果目前的翻译有任何缺陷,请让我知道🤗

Deleted 2 years ago





到目前为止,我已经花了很多时间来开发这个系统,但从现在开始,我打算通过在上面添加图片和文字来一次性开发💪( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)🤳

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi! I translated the monologue about the crumbling mud into Russian, and also edited the last dialogues that had already been translated, they looked strange.  Here is a link to the new localization file.

Thank you so much for improving that translation! I will add that to today's update.🤝💕

(1 edit) (+1)

You're welcome!😉 I will translate the new dialogs from this update as soon as possible.🤝

Also I would like to check all the dialogs and fix the ones that need it, but it will take time. And I also have a request - I would like the dialogues to better reflect the personality of the characters, at the moment the translation does not cope with this task very well, but I could fix it. To do this, I need to better understand what personalities the characters have. Could you leave them under this comment? Or is there a way to somehow contact you and discuss this, other than  twitter?

You are free to determine the character's personality and manner of speaking in the translation. I accept it in any content.👍 Also, I'm always available to answer your questions via Twitter DM.😉

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what a strange game! ❤

Thank you for playing this game💕


Hey all missed you all so much and have missed a lot don't know what's going on but would happly help out and donate to keep the game up and going I had disrepair bc some things popped up but I'm back babby back to get my 69k

Yours truly Pugs

Thank you for always supporting this game!🤝

Deleted 2 years ago

my only way of helping him would be after he releases the game on steam cuz i would be able to buy it on two accs to support cuz i dont have any paypal or credit card, my only option to pay for some stuff online is if they have the paysafecard option or via atm where i need the reference and that stuff but i do wish that Mofu did what u said Lip it would help a lot him to get money and not needing to rush the game

Thank you for your kindness! I will release this game on Steam in the future if possible👍

u dont need to release it right away, take your time to make the game and do what Lip said it's better ^^


I appreciate you giving me so much insight. I'm now trying to figure out what to do about it.


ay un bug que ase que te deje solo 3 logros de los que consigues por no importa si derrotaste a todos los jefes en los logros solo aparece que derrotaste a las 2 zorros y que conseguiste el arma

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Lo siento por ese error. Investigaré la causa🤔






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Lipstor I understand you really care about Mofu, a lot of us do, but please stop the bullying. The man is capable of dealing with his problems, if he wished to have payment on subscribestar he would've done so. I am sure he have his reasoning behind it and I trust his judgement, if he does change his subscribestar (which I wouldn't mind paying him) I hope it is because he wished to do so and not your daily bullying.

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Yes, I think that starting that subscribestar would be a serious liability. Publishing an unfinished game and receiving money for it's a huge risk. If it turns out to be of low quality, a major bashing is inevitable🤔


Mofu, If you need help, count on us , I'm sure people will support you . Your work is excellent and I appreciate that.

Thank you! I would like to start doing that if that is possible🤗

Deleted 348 days ago
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All previous versions of this game can be downloaded at itch app👍

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Thank you for reporting that bot!🤝

Deleted 2 years ago

Mofu, you are super talented and people really like your work. Quality takes time, and we know you are able to make great things.  So take your time and make the game YOU want to create, because we'll love it no matter what. Don't forget that development should also be pleasant to the creator as well!
Rushing things will only affect the game negatively. And even if you publish the game faster this way, it won't be the same as if you took your time.
If money is an issue, consider Lip suggestion about tiers, it's a great idea. Hope things get better!

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(1 edit)

Es lo mejor, muchos de sus colegas de profesión lo hacen y les va bien por ejemplo milda sento a ella nunca le faltó nada y ha desarrollado su juego por mucho tiempo. no veo por qué a mofu le vaya mal

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mofu, i would gladly support you on subscribestar to help fund the development of this game.

you already have an account there and many people in the comments here have asked about supporting you via monthly donation.

a $2 tier to get early access to updates is a great idea and you should do it. please take lip's advice if you're having money troubles. 

also i would love to see you post uncensored artwork on subscribestar if possible further in the future!

Thank you for your kindness. I hope to get started on it when I get some time🤗

Lip, Thank you for all your many ideas. I really want to get started on it, but when I do, I run into the problem of people asking me over and over again about bugs and glitches with older versions. So I always want to upload the latest version here. If I start subscribestar, I need to have different content.

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Deleted 1 year ago

I'm sorry to worry you. I will try to reconcile with Lip and try to get her to forgive me.

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I have not blackmailed you once😞



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Considering you later threatened to get him banned, I'd say it's justified.

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You have done nothing wrong.

My guess is that someone reported this game as a rogue program. And since that misunderstanding has been cleared up, I believe the shadow ban has been lifted🤔

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Yes, I too think it's a problem caused by misunderstanding/glitch.



quick question. does the game update on its own or do i have to do it manually?

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Yes, Thank you for your replies🤗

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