Estou parando de comentar diariamente aqui, por que estou trabalhando em um projeto. Quando puder irei voltar a relatar bugs tanto visuais e ações, e dando sugestões doque poderiam adicionar.
o rolamento está falho e lento, não consigo desviar (coloquei no direito do mouse para facilitar). Depois vou tentar com mais calma, pois o jogo está muito bonito, mas um modo "fácil" talvez seja bem vindo.
halo, what do you mean discord is dangerous? maybe im out of loop but ive been using discord since 2015 and scarriest thing that happened to me is "can you try my game" and then trolling them xd
is email and issue when its free to create everywhere? creat fake email/acc w/e. Discord banning server i kinda rare, you really have to do very stupid shit to get banned. Assuming that actual community users will do no harm and follow rules&TOS, no issue. But if you are worried about raids or scammers, there are tons of way to deal with that.
First of all, bots, get one or create one. There is a lot of bots that automatically detects raids either by a new invite link being made that a lot of ppl join at same time or how new users (actual new discord user) or user that've been on server for short time suddenly spam or do a blacklist word which is;
Second thing, blacklist. I know blacklisting word is kidna meh and ppl prefer "free speech" so i would propose ranking system where top ranked therefore trusted people would get access to "free" channel.
Third thing is, just get perms right and encourage anyone joining to block DM's from this server to make it even extra safe.
There is tons of way to do it the "right" way, it's just setting it up.
I have experience of moderating a discord server but never did it on scale bigger than just 20 friends, kinda have no idea how big this community but, where problem exists, a solution will always exist.
Also very good game would recommend.
ps. i'm more of a lurk person and every so often i read comments and i really see you a lot Lipstor. Kinda been "in your boots" where u like something/someone so much u just can't but help other with it (i'm assuming), very nice, very good and thank you for your work <3.
While for me it doesn't look very "efficient" or rather not my way to do it, I fully understand, its their thing and they want to do they way they want, I'm just proposing what just sounds good imo.
I keep my offer open, in case someday there will be a plan to make a discord server. No push.
speaking of moderation, really need to do something about these bots xd they are so annoying, especially when it's so easy to filter them out smh.
also if at any point for some reason, one of u both(or more?) would need any help, literally any I can and will try to help because i like this game and i really don't want it to end because of some stupid reasons.
anyhoo, keep up the good work and im gonna continue lurking, thanks for help <3
ps by any help, i really mean any (may not be even linked to game), except money coz im broke af but maybe someday sure
I'm sorry that this comment section has been offensive to you. I don't wish for this comment section to get worse, but for some reason it does from time to time. But please don't worry, there is no problem👍
eto me gusta mucho el juego y lo juego en telefono 10/10 super bueno pero pos eto me gustaría saber si hay continuación en están nueva actualización pos en la última que descargue llegaba hasta donde tenía que darle milk a una estatua futa esperaré por su respuesta muchas gracias att: Isi Norame
Gracias por disfrutar de este juego. Añadiré muchas más historias e imágenes a este juego. También la historias de las estatuas de piedra se añadirá gradualmente😉
this game is fully unplayable if every single one of your stories aren't finished then there's no game to play, the buttons hardly work, the combat is way to hard for a porn game, it's not in development when there's nothing started but the artwork and dialogue (and it's a porn game nobody's here for your artwork or the dialogue)
I apologize that this game is incomplete and you will not be able to play it to the end. I would be happy if you could play this again after this game is finished.
Wait, wait, Mofu or Lipton, are you saying that the villagers are female futa mushrooms? When I started playing, I thought there would be other women in the village as well? Do I understand correctly what the inhabitants of this village look like?
I don't know what other people think, but you are really nice, always, answering literally to every comment, you never said something mean, I really like you, you are making a lot for this game, thank you for this
I will always accept your translations👍. And I apologize again for the loss of your translations in the past. Please back it up when you give it to me.
← Return to game
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Depois de ter escrito o comentário abaixo, percebi que a conta do Lip foi "Apagada/Deletada"
Oque é isso!? Ataque hacker?
Parece que a conta de Lip foi atacada por alguém. E parece que a conta da outra parte também foi suspensa🤔?
Estou parando de comentar diariamente aqui, por que estou trabalhando em um projeto. Quando puder irei voltar a relatar bugs tanto visuais e ações, e dando sugestões doque poderiam adicionar.
Obrigado por sempre ver oque digo Lip e Mofu 😉
Muito obrigado pelo vosso apoio! E espero que o vosso projecto corra bem👍
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𝟜 𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝟛𝟘 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕦𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝕝𝕖𝕗𝕥
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𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕨𝕒𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖, 𝕟𝕠 𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕝𝕪, 𝟜 𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤 𝕝𝕖𝕗𝕥
Esse é com certeza um dos meus jogos favoritos +18, se não for o meu favorito. recomendo e aprecio muito o trabalho.
Obrigado pela sua avaliação. Vou continuar a melhorar ainda mais este jogo🤗
Linda arte e parece ser um jogo muito divertido. Não consegui jogar pois morri várias vezes e achei muito difícil.
o rolamento está falho e lento, não consigo desviar (coloquei no direito do mouse para facilitar). Depois vou tentar com mais calma, pois o jogo está muito bonito, mas um modo "fácil" talvez seja bem vindo.
Sim, o uso da evasão torna este jogo muito mais fácil.👍
Obrigado por jogar este jogo. Uma vez que se trata de um jogo de acção, poderá necessitar de alguma familiaridade com os controlos.
Mofu, можешь сказать, когда примерно ты добавишь Lipstor в игру? :)
Каво,что ты имеешь ввиду?
Летом прошлого года, люди предлагали добавить Lipstor в игру, Mofu согласился тогда.
Lipstor не хочет добавлять себя в качестве персонажа в игру. Поэтому я думаю над этим.
Does this have a virus
Ok thanks
Thanks Lip for answering that. Yes, I'm certain there is no virus in this.👍
Да он просто просто выпендриваться... Я уверен, что он ничего не сделает.
Yes, I have two-step verification on all my accounts. Thank you for your concern.🤝
Lipstore, I emailed you. In general, I'm waiting)
Strange, I don't see the letter...
yes, I completely forgot about this section)
Привет, я тоже фанат этой игры:)
В принципе можно организовать дискорд сервер для этой игры. Куда можно добавить фанатов и разработчиков этой игры. Думаю идея хорошая.)
Извини, что не на твоём языке отвечаю, пока нет возможности ответить на английском)
Как раз сегодня смогу обсудить это с Липстор
halo, what do you mean discord is dangerous? maybe im out of loop but ive been using discord since 2015 and scarriest thing that happened to me is "can you try my game" and then trolling them xd
is email and issue when its free to create everywhere? creat fake email/acc w/e.
Discord banning server i kinda rare, you really have to do very stupid shit to get banned.
Assuming that actual community users will do no harm and follow rules&TOS, no issue.
But if you are worried about raids or scammers, there are tons of way to deal with that.
First of all, bots, get one or create one.
There is a lot of bots that automatically detects raids either by a new invite link being made that a lot of ppl join at same time or how new users (actual new discord user) or user that've been on server for short time suddenly spam or do a blacklist word which is;
Second thing, blacklist.
I know blacklisting word is kidna meh and ppl prefer "free speech" so i would propose ranking system where top ranked therefore trusted people would get access to "free" channel.
Third thing is, just get perms right and encourage anyone joining to block DM's from this server to make it even extra safe.
There is tons of way to do it the "right" way, it's just setting it up.
I have experience of moderating a discord server but never did it on scale bigger than just 20 friends, kinda have no idea how big this community but, where problem exists, a solution will always exist.
Also very good game would recommend.
ps. i'm more of a lurk person and every so often i read comments and i really see you a lot Lipstor. Kinda been "in your boots" where u like something/someone so much u just can't but help other with it (i'm assuming), very nice, very good and thank you for your work <3.
While for me it doesn't look very "efficient" or rather not my way to do it, I fully understand, its their thing and they want to do they way they want, I'm just proposing what just sounds good imo.
I keep my offer open, in case someday there will be a plan to make a discord server. No push.
speaking of moderation, really need to do something about these bots xd they are so annoying, especially when it's so easy to filter them out smh.
also if at any point for some reason, one of u both(or more?) would need any help, literally any I can and will try to help because i like this game and i really don't want it to end because of some stupid reasons.
anyhoo, keep up the good work and im gonna continue lurking, thanks for help <3
ps by any help, i really mean any (may not be even linked to game), except money coz im broke af but maybe someday sure
I'm sorry that this comment section has been offensive to you. I don't wish for this comment section to get worse, but for some reason it does from time to time. But please don't worry, there is no problem👍
i can't wait for Ophelia's story tbh cuz i wanna see what she will do once we save her
I will endeavor to complete her story in the near future👍
Yea ik that's why i can't wait for her update ^^ and keep up the good work Mofu ♥
agree, it is better not to do this, it can only make it worse, and probably can even affect your reputation
I understand. If you say so, I won't use there.
This game is super cool 👌
Thank you🤗
eto me gusta mucho el juego y lo juego en telefono 10/10 super bueno pero pos eto me gustaría saber si hay continuación en están nueva actualización pos en la última que descargue llegaba hasta donde tenía que darle milk a una estatua futa esperaré por su respuesta muchas gracias att: Isi Norame
Gracias por disfrutar de este juego. Añadiré muchas más historias e imágenes a este juego. También la historias de las estatuas de piedra se añadirá gradualmente😉
Thank you for repoting that🤝
This game is great
Thank you!👍
A little meme
When I first played that update, my first thought was “No way she’s gonna do what I think 💀”
Great meme & great game
Thank you for reporting that🤗
Thanks Lip🤝
this game is fully unplayable if every single one of your stories aren't finished then there's no game to play, the buttons hardly work, the combat is way to hard for a porn game, it's not in development when there's nothing started but the artwork and dialogue (and it's a porn game nobody's here for your artwork or the dialogue)
I apologize that this game is incomplete and you will not be able to play it to the end. I would be happy if you could play this again after this game is finished.
Then don't play it, fella. Some of us care for a good gameplay, artwork and dialogue
yoooo its beep
thanks for the update I really like this game
Thank you for coming back to see this update🤗
Dan juga ini, bagaimana cara masuk ke desa tersebut?
masih dalam pengembangan bro tunggu update selanjutnya
Maaf. Itu belum selesai, jadi Anda tidak dapat melanjutkan dengan cerita tersebut.🙏
kurang bro semennya ga cuma dari si wuly nanti ada lagi masih dalam pengembangan kek nya
gue kira cuman dari si Wuly doang
Karna ini mash Beta ditunggu aja full rilisnya
Please update Indonesian
Yes, anyone is free to add that, or I can add it in machine translation👍
what about her
well, talk to her
Можно я поставлю это на обои ?
Yes, that story will be added in the future👍
Where I can find her ?
Ophelia's story stops and does not continue, why?
the game is obviously in development. are you a kid? if you are, you need to leave.
Sorry, her story has been on hold for so long. I need to finish it soon.
My dpad isn't working. How do I fix it? I'm on a PS controller
Please open key configuration from Settings and set it up.
私がMofu先生と日本語で話したら親しみがありますか? (笑)
Wait, wait, Mofu or Lipton, are you saying that the villagers are female futa mushrooms? When I started playing, I thought there would be other women in the village as well? Do I understand correctly what the inhabitants of this village look like?
Yes, that's right👍 There is a village above ground and another village deep underground where mushroom people live.
don't say like that, you never done nothing bad here
I don't know what other people think, but you are really nice, always, answering literally to every comment, you never said something mean, I really like you, you are making a lot for this game, thank you for this
I will always accept your translations👍. And I apologize again for the loss of your translations in the past. Please back it up when you give it to me.
Thank you for reporting the spam🤝