Futakin Valley


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Really sad to see how much of a dumpster fire Lip aka 16may and his band of merry pranksters continues to make this place, pretty sure ban evasion is against TOS but it's not like this place had any stability to begin with, gonna hop off following this for six months and come back to see if it hasn't burned entirely to the ground. Mofu, I love your work and I wish you luck, let this be a lesson to not take a backseat "dev" under your wing and may your next project, should you choose to pursue it, be filled with much less drama.

(2 edits) (+8)

Likewise. I started commenting to point out some of the lies and contradictions coming from people attacking mofu but they are endless and completely shameless.

Mofu, I really hope this game is a success and I'll be one of the first to support you and your amazing art on whatever platform you end up choosing but I've been following this drama for way too long, so bye for now. :)


Even if Lip has dedicated 100 years to this game, he is just a fan, nothing more. Whether the developer's intentions are inconvenient for Lip or not, it's all "Lip's own responsibility" I wish Moff a fresh start and good luck. I will continue to support him.

Deleted post

Things seem hard at the moment mofu, I only hope you see there is a lot of fans appreciating all the hard work that you do!


Llevo siguiendo este juego casi 3 meses y lo único que he visto es que se está llendo todo a la mierda


Perdón por causar tanta confusión debido a mi estupidez😞

I come back to lip being a victim or criminal... the hell is going on XD I expected to see a statue of Lip, not decades worth of paragraphs on why you should hate em.

Does anyone know what lipstor changed their name to? I wanted to come back to friend them but that's impossible now since mofu "shadow-banned" them from all the comments and Lip changed their name :/

Deleted 1 year ago

To Lip#2 I mean 16May61

and how is that Mofu's fault persay? Get off the guy's ass and leave him alone and let him get back to work, nothing's getting done because "boo hoo mofu so mean to me!" comedy hour doesn't end, let it go.

When's the next update?


No have a specific time



The next update will be forthcoming, so please wait👍


That's nice to know, also i love your game! i Cannot wait until it is finished

Deleted 1 year ago

I could only address some issue by removing what was added at Lip's request. I apologize that I'm unable to give you a detailed reason why.

Deleted 1 year ago

It's sad to see how many people are so under the banner of Lip's bullhock that they'll lash out at the actual developer over some crazed psycho fan.... I feel so sorry for you Mofu but my guy you brought this on yourself.

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Look at this simp simping for a literal bipolar schizoid 'woman'

Lipstor isnt going to fuck you bro

Nobody liked Lipstor's incessant, unprompted comments. Nobody asked for them.

Wuewe I want you to do me a favor, grab a bag of scrabble blocks, eat every single one and then take a laxative, shit out all the blocks and tell me what they say, because that'll make more sense than the contrived drivel word salad you just threw together above here man.

(1 edit) (+6)

keep op the good work  cant wait for full release


I will definitely complete a full release of this game😉

i like the sound of that


This game is great, can't wait for the full release I wish there was an easter egg

Thanks mofu 😁


Thank you! I would like to add more easter eggs to this game👍


Hi mofu! What happened to the roadmap? Plans changed?

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Sorry, some characters were removed due to problems encountered.

alright, that's nothing, keep up🤗

(1 edit) (+5)

The best way to stop this problems, stop talking here....Support them both silently that both of them will be okay  and I hope this will be last comment I will read about anything etc. because this will mess up the game..it's actually messed up and don't make it worse some people in other sites  talking about this page problems and this comment section. This comment section is made for feedback, asking for guide or improvement for game....stop dropping some arguments or opinions that are not related in this game. We are adults playing this R18 game so just sit, relax and play this game silently respect both of them, let them be...If Mofu change anything accept it that's the creator wants stop blaming lipstor be neutral, don't make it worse be reasonable, forgivable, or understandable....it will discourage the creator if mofu keeps reading a bad vibes comment.🤧 

This will be the last comment about this problem stop jumping here, forget this issue or reset it deym.

I do not think so. It is up to the people whether they want to talk about this issue or not. It is just too important for just ignoring it...


Well that's intresting , half of the characters are gone and almost all of the roadmap is gone too. Makes me doubt that this game will even come close to being "finished" . With how miniscule the amount of content that Mofu adds in each update , it will take years for the game to be something more than just basicly a tech demo that it is right now. 

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Most of those characters were placeholders, they didn't have any impact in the game's content if not a relevant one. 

The same goes for the roadmap, since nothing was lost to begin with, there is nothing that can "delay" the progress at all.

The update pace would still being the same even if nothing of this had happened. 

(1 edit)

what are you talking about? most of the characters are still in the game, if any was removed it'd be one or two cuz I haven't noticed any missing yet


Mofu, you should stop listening to lip because she's crossed the line too many times already. at first, it seemed to me that I was crazy, since I didn't believe what lip said and I was always on the side of mofu when the majority supported lip. I even wrote a kilometer-long message with all the arguments, but immediately deleted it, because I didn't want to aggravate the situation. but now it has come to the point that the characters have been removed from the game. And I'm terribly angry about it. especially on lip, because in some ingenious way she was able to make it so that even mofu began to think that he was not the boss here, but she. lip is just disgusting. I was grateful to her for all the help she provided before, but now for me it's just nothing compared to what she did and continues to do. I sincerely feel sorry for her that instead of living her own life, she manipulates the lives of other people, which causes even more people to suffer. and she hides it all under the words that "she is good, and mofu is bad." did she say she was 27 or something? it's very hard to believe when she behaves like a child who lacks attention, but these attempts to attract attention have gone too far. Mofu, listen to me. you should never forget that this is your game, and after all the shit Lip says about you, you should have stopped listening to her a long time ago, because she definitely doesn't deserve it anymore. even if these are really her characters, as far as I know, she refused to be credited. it was her conscious decision, and what she is doing now is complete madness. This is your game, mofu. you have to do what you want, not lip. I wish you the best of luck and hope you will make the right decisions


I agree, mofu should take full control and ignore all negativity for his peace and mind. If the characters are that big of an issue, he could always redesign and rename the ones being claimed by lip. That way there's no way anyone can claim these new characters. But even with this suggestion,  Mofu should have the final say because all of this is his game.


Regarding the conflict between Lip and Mofu, this is what i think: 

I was an avid modder/supporter by myself (just google for "surverx futa") and i know the risk of diving too deep into supporting a developer. There comes a time when you think the developer owes you something. But we do it for free and we were not asked to do it. Maybe Lip run into this issue...

Lip is a wonderful person who has supported me for a long time. However, I was unaware that the characters added at her request were not free for use.


Mofu, you made the art. It is yours. Unless you signed some legally binding agreement, Lip's words are just hot air. Also I wish you the best going forward in this project; I feel you would shine much more if you did what you yourself feel like doing instead of being constrained by others.

I'd suggest to take a break from all this for a while and think things over.

if it's not too much trouble, could you say which characters were removed? I'm playing it again after a long while and I haven't noticed any of them missing yet

Is it possible to get past the largest mushroom woman guarding the village? The mushria fight repeats indefinitely, I hear ophelia will be removed, is this true?


Sorry, Ophelia will be removed because of some issue. And the village isn't able to pass yet.


Is there a way to update without wiping my save?


Just download the latest update and replace all the files, it won't wipe your save folder.

Yes, thank you for explaining that👍

(3 edits) (+4)

I would appreciate if Mofu can make more variety for hairstyles when adding new characters, like boyish, short, bob, short twintail, long twintail, single side tail......, and so on. 🙂

p.s. For now I like the skunk's hairstyle the most. 😆


Yes, I want to give each character its own attractive hairstyle🤗

Хера тут развернулось,есть плюсы и минусы,а есть говно комьюнити,которое разраба с говном мешает не способное понять всей ситуации

А чо случилось?

Да липстор оказалась с биполяркой походу,попросила удалить ее персов,а потом обратно добавить,и с этого комьюнити начало как говно кипеть и поливать мофу дерьмом

А мне она говорила, что сам мофу добавлять не хочет и присваевывает идеи о персах другим людям... Ладно бред какой-то творится и учавтвовать в этом я бы не хотел


It just feels like two friends had a falling out. I could be totally wrong but just remember being nice goes a long way

I agree that many have left due to my stupidity.


Not that this is a issue or anything just asking out of curiosity is every character going to be a futa or will there be males and females and ball less futas as well?


All characters in this game are futa👍 And sometimes there are futa without balls.

even petra? 👀

Deleted post

Alguém poderia resumir para mim a situação atual do jogo e do Mofu por favor?  eu entendi que ouve um desentendimento entre ele e outra pessoa, também que parte do conteudo e algumas personagens do jogo foram removidas,  mas ainda não consegui entender bem o que realmente aconteceu, se alguem puder me explicar eu agradeceria muito!

(1 edit) (+4)

Lipstor tem problema mental e merece ser bloqueado. Ele está prejudicando a produção do jogo e também mandou o Mofu retirar todos os personagens que ele disse que teve envolvimento. O cara teve a audácia de mentir e ainda dizer que ele que fez muitas das mecânicasdo jogo, Mofu já desmentiu ele no SubscribeStar. Por fim o maluco pediu 1500 euros do Mofu pq disse que testar o jogo queimou a placa de vídeo dele, o Lipstor é insano.

Mofu não tem culpa e só está tentando resolver a situação.


Lipstor tava ajudando o Mofu, mostrando a ele que fazer o'que spamers pedirem não iria dar certo.


Para mano, o maluco eh doente, olha como ele fica dando blackmail no mofu.


Tengo fe en Mofu y se que le quedara espectacular esta obra maestra.


Gracias. Voy a mejorar este juego mejor🤗


i beat mushria, remi, wuelie, momo, remi's sister, the green axe gnu person, multiple times. also, i unlocked the dog and the puppet and have delivered wuelie's semen to the statue. what do i do next?


wait for more updates


Thank you for playing this game a lot! New content will be added in the future, so please wait for it👍


Mofu, this is your game, not Lip's.


Mofu I don't know what's going on, but I will support you independently of what happened. If you consider opening a monthly payment method you can count on me, I know you deliver and I know you can make incredible works. I'm a big fan of Cursed FutanaRing and I wish you the best. Waiting for news, thank you.


Thank you for your support!🤝 I would like to start Subscribestar or Patreon if possible.


the community lore so far, 

there is prob more but i don't know all of it.

also come dixxcord.gg/Tq9hYcgANg

Deleted 1 year ago

Pretty accurate. Nice job m8, you win a digital Cookie 🍪

i like lore, but that's just sad

(2 edits) (+1)

again, 16 may 16, I can't reply to you so stop asking me questions, or unblock me. He probably changed his name in preparation for people to look at his account because of his comment. having an old account and not having posts isn't suspicious. also if he is a hacker then what is he doing? is he using his super scary hacker powers to change his account age? that doesn't even make any sense. If he was a hacker he would probably do something bigger than that.


I can't reply to 16 may 16, but that doesn't mean they're a hacker, so why are you saying wcrow is a hacker? they're just a person that made an account to talk about this.

Deleted 1 year ago

yea 2015 that's cool


Hi Mofu. It is important to understand that if people are upset it is because they like the game and so they are not sure how to react to the situation. I know right now it is stressful but you can explain the situation and make a new roadmap if necessary. You have made a fun game.

I do not believe some of the things being said about you, like your game destroying a GPU. That does not make sense. 🤔


Yes, I will create a new roadmap👍. And GPU usually don't burn up under heavy loads, just slow down.


The system has a builtin shut off to prevent damage. Unless it was turned off so you can do more with it. I think the term was "Over clocking" then its the users fault for removing the safety

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
(2 edits) (+2)

I agree on the lack of credibility, but I think lip is in the wrong much more than mofu. lip is saying some pretty crazy stuff and the only evidence I've seen is screenshots of texts which can easily be faked. also, lip is demanding a expensive new GPU (or CPU don't remember which) for 1500 euro, because a unreleased build of the game reportedly "ruined" it. idk but this is all very suspicious to me. I do think mofu really does need to talk to the community more and be more open though. also the reason the characters were taken away was because they were lip's and she asked them to be deleted, so it's not mofu's fault. A lot of this message is based on only basic research so I could be getting something wrong. if so, please comment.

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Not offended at all. I also hope I didn't offend or discouraged mofu in my comment. 

I really want mofu's game to succeed and from playing his other game i know it can be done.

I hope mofu can take my comment and use it as an example of someone who really doesn't know what is going on and then noticing a large change has happened with no statement to explain why the change happened.

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Can't you just shut up and wait for the news? Please stop rehashing the topic of every single lip. I am fed up with it.

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the lore keeps changing, lip asked to delete "her" characters

game still ruined 2/10

come dixxcord

It really did get massacred.

What the hell happened? All the content is gone


mofu needs to add the characters back

Deleted 1 year ago

I will add new characters soon.


Oh man... I don't like where this is all going...

I understand that conflicts happen but it's too sad to watch.

If now this is what remains in the game at the moment after removing these characters... Idk...

I only just recently started actively following the game but did not expect that everything would change so quickly in a not very favorable direction.

Please resolve this dispute. I understand that this is a kind of business but for ordinary players these characters are already remembered and associated directly with the game itself. 🙏

I hope for your peaceful settlement of this issue (whatever is there) in the form of a compromise. 😔


I apologize for the trouble this has caused. I intend to re-start the development of this game in the future.

Deleted 1 year ago

did stuff get taken off? feels more empty than last time

I saw this on the FAQ but the response was deleted, what does sitting do (besides sitting of course), and are there any special uses for the actions besides emptying your balls when you beat Mushira?


The sitting action will regain a little bit of life power👍


Мофу желаю тебе удачи в игре! 

Спасибо! Я обязательно завершу эту игру🤗


Need more of my wife Mushna! lmao keep up the great work.


Mushna's picture will be added in the future😉

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