Futakin Valley


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When will the next update arrive ?


Look at the roadmap. Mofu has said he is working on the game. It takes time.


Next update will be available soon. Please wait a little longer.

Ya pase todo los niveles son faciles pero gnu yo gane pero a ir ala puerta no me deja entras


El contenido aún está en desarrollo, pronto vendrán más cosas


Lo siento, esa puerta sigue incompleta.

(1 edit) (+6)

This is such a great game and blows everything else on this site out of the water in terms of what its seeking to accomplish!

I wanted to offer my abilities to you for free if you'd like it! I've started writing some musical tracks that I wrote to potentially accompany the game! For now I have just 2 tracks, but if I make more I'll add them to the playlist.

Let me know what you all think!



Yo mofu hesitant with shit like this cause what if someone just 180s and claims all rights and direction of audio like some crazed person, but cool works!


Oh no! If there's some way I could legally give him the rights to the tracks I absolutely would lol but I understand


It would be, if your music is certified as "Royalty Free" or "CC"


Thank you for sharing your wonderful music! I like them very much. If you give me your permission, I would like to add it to this game🤗


I would be honored if you added them to the game! I plan on making more that I can post later as well! If there's anything I can do to ensure that the tracks belong to you, please let me know! I will upload loopable versions of the pieces and make them downloadable.


Thank you! I would be very happy to let me use your wonderful music tracks🥰

I just made all the tracks downloadable! If you need them to be more loopable let me know and I can adjust them! There's 2 new ones in there and I extended the combat one by a few seconds https://soundcloud.com/futakenfanost/sets/futaken-fan-ost


why did mofu change the name to futas valley? futaken valley is a better name I think.

The name "Futaken Valley" was Lip's idea. I have no right to use that name. So I had to change it to something else.


Hey MOFU I want to ask you some questions 1- What is your gender 2- What is your nationality 3- How old are you 4- Do you have work pressures And last but not least can you make it in Arabic and thank you for the game I liked it so much and also what emulator you are using and thanks for the game


It's probably possible to add Arabic. However, it may require a major improvement in the system because of the different letter orientations. Also, my personal information is confidential😀

(1 edit) (+3)

Finally some good f0cking futa. ~ futa cummsey

Jokes aside, I had envisioned a Futanari game like this, and now, it exists! :D Here's to it's great completion!

Edit: Just wanted to see all the great support in the comments, as I created this account from loving the game as a whole. ^^ Saw that there was a discrepancy with someone and I'll just say, unless they're some kind of official entity, removal of any ideas of theirs, aren't all of the sudden an Intellectual Property. 

 That being said however, I do agree with your decision to remove the characters that, in posterity, might lead to said individual, to resurface, and cause a whole other sh1tstorm. Whatever you design, in place of those characters shall be marvelous, and better suited to your heart's vision. 

 On that, do take care! May your creation, flourish! ^♥^


Thank you for loving this game!🤝 And I believe this problem will not happen in the future again. And the development speed will be more than twice as fast as before.


You're very much welcome, Mofu! Till then! 🤝


It feels fine when you come back to see the game and it is still getting updates. We love you, Mofu.


Thank you for always coming back to see this🤗


I'm really curious about the Lamia. Will she have a bi-phallus like most of reptiles? (Double penis) 


Yes, She have double penis👍


Wonderful 👍


I really love Futas and I am looking forward for the next Version of the game because it's so FUCKING CUTE


Thank you! The next version will be available soon👍


Bro I love third mushroom girl, she got MUSCLES


Yes, she has muscular body💪

Yeah, but did you see the big shroomus? When I first played the game I'm like, "Oh chubby cow futa" then all of a sudden! 

Big Shroom! XD


Wow, what a situation this whole thing turned out to be. Mofu-san I want you to develop your game with peace at mind. Please ignore the negative users, I know you'll recover from this easy. Whatever attacks there are, you are the one who is making this game, no one has any power to take this project away from you. And I already like the new characters, they all look unique, and their bright colors look really nice especially the Harpy and lamia. But I'm not able to tell, what animal is the grey and white furry girl?

Lastly, are you planning to replace Ai and Ophelia with similar type animals? The cow because of the lactation and the tanuki because of the large semen amount? It would a shame to let their unique animal features go to waste.


Thank you for your kindness🤝. I hope I can make this game freely. And thank you for liking new characters.


Mofu, gostaria de ajudar procurando bugs e bugs visuais em todas as novas versões lançadas. 

Se você permitir, irei mandar um pequeno texto de 4 linhas de todos os bug que eu possa encontrar em cada versão nova.


Obrigado pelo vosso apoio!🤗 Se me denunciarem bugs, corrigi-los-ei o mais rapidamente possível.


Oh, wow. The new things looks wonderful, good job mate. 

This seems like a bright start 👏


Thank you for always supporting me🤝


I just realized that the May June and July updates are gonna get delayed. It's fine mofu, as long as you are keeping urself healthy and concentrated, you'll do great. I really love this game and I also love how good it's beginning over time with all the good updates, hopefully we will get more in the future. I love this game and I'll try my best to support you by sharing this game to someone else. By the way, any ideas for discord? I could help you make one and ju_t pass you the ownership 


Thank you for loving this game! I don't understand how to make a discord server so I can't make that yet, but I will look into it👍

(2 edits) (+1)

彼は、Discord サーバーを作成し、所有権を Mofu さんに譲渡すると言いました






Yes those are new characters. And I will add about 10 more😉


hai mofu bisa anda beritahu yang diatas bagaimana mengecilkan bola sperma. Dan jg yang dibawah dimana saya dapat menemukan village yang dimaksud itu. Kumohon dibalas


cara mengecilkan bola sperma dengan melakukan masturbasi klik tombol LT lalu tekan yang logo atas . Untuk village nya masih di bawah pengembangan jadi mohon menunggu 

Ya, terima kasih telah menjawabnya.🤝


最近な事があって、ちょっと質問しづらいのですが。。 もふりるさん、いきなりですがでっかいウマチン〇の生えているウマ耳娘とかケンタウロス娘とかみたいなキャラの実装に興味はありますか?





応援ありがとうございます!🤗 近い内にケンタウロス娘も追加します👍さらにロリダークエルフ、クモ娘も追加予定です。

(2 edits) (+2)

ケンタウロス娘実装するのですか?!それもダークエルフとケモ娘まで?! 素晴らしすぎませんか?! 







(2 edits) (+2)






I didn't want to make such a request as I don't think you've drawn a centaur character before but this is amazing news for me. I would absolutely LOVE a centaur girl in your art style!

Deleted 316 days ago

why would he do that


are u serious about that?


Again pigs offended


LOL, mad Ukrainian


Whoa dude the game got a new name


The name of this game has been changed.






hey Mofu, just wanted to say the game is perfect, it's also nice to see you made a board to say what you're going to add to the game, so you can do everything without too much pressure. also don't mind the criticism, because it's normal to receive criticism for being a futanari game, there are people who don't like it and that's why they think they need to criticize the game. well that's it and it's really nice to see the care you have with your game, you practically inspire me to want to make games, but not hentai games hahahaha. well and i hope you have a great success this year.


Thank you for your kind words! I intend to finish this game this year so I'm now going all out to make this one.👍


sorry to hear about all these things between you and lip

Ngl I will miss the lion girl she had one of the best dicks in the game

But a harpy Futa girl?????? Fuck yes too bad her art don’t show her dick 

10/10 design

What lion girl?


idk, but i think it's est


Sorry, that character has been removed.

That harpy girl is also futa so she has a dick👍


Mofu, poderia adicionar algum cogumelo de água para que facilite a natação.


Tipo um "cogumelo nadadeiras"?isso poderia ser interessante tipo fazer nadar mais rápido, em locais longos de baixo da água,so o mofu sabe se isso sera uma ótima ideia.




Sim, gostaria de acrescentar uma característica no futuro que permitirá que as personagens principais se movam livremente debaixo de água.👍


Enjoy your game so far. Looking forward to the future of it


I'm waiting for the snake girl


She will be implemented in the near future👍


Thank you! I will develop this game as soon as possible😉


Been following this project since Teala was added in 0.030 and I follow the news kind of and from what I've seen and read its a bunch of BS overreaction and it got to mofu and lip and they had be forcefully parted due to it. Sucks to Suck but sometimes it does happen look at 343 studios and the Halo Fanbase a few months ago. This is only My thought on this situation and the actions I would take.

Start up a patreon or other service for new content and to answer and address upcoming character development, ect, ect.

Release previous updates to here or f95 or both whichever who cares.

 Do Not Read Comments On Those Pages. It suck to leave the loyal fans on the back burner but it will help keep development moving and keep situations like this from happening.

If Fans want to help with development keep them on only ONE part of the game. Example, ONE translation project, ONE character, ect, ect. Ideas can be messaged to the Dev through the patreon like services.

To Mofu. Keep up the good work

To the rest of you degenerates... We know why were here....


Thank you for following this game for so long. I will not be doing that in the future as this issue was caused by my unplanned acceptance of requests. However, I'm always willing to add anyone's input whenever possible.

It seems to me that the website and the game have updated, but in the downloads part, only the old version is still showing


I'm currently working on a new version, so please wait a little longer👍


Please don't listen too much to Lipstor. She only gave you ideas for the game and nothing more. You don't need to remove anything because she says so


Hey Mofu, I know the lion girl was removed because of the recent issue, but could you maybe create a new character like that muscular lion? More muscular characters in general would be really great! 

Good luck with the development!

what was the recent issue?


Yes, I too love muscular characters, so I would like to add such a character😉


Hey Mofu good luck continuing with the development of this game! I'm glad you're starting to ignore anything now that's just unrelated to the game and move on. 

You have the potential to make this another fun game! You're a great dev and it already shows! Good luck with the timeline/lines and with the developments


Yes, I will continue to develop this game👍. Thank you for your support!


So beautiful to see the game advancing so much :) Great work Mofu! But don't forget to rest! Go at your own pace. Good Luck!👍


Thank you for your concern! I will complete this with plenty of rest🤗


Mofu Hello, I want to say I love the game please keep adding those chunky girls I love it! Love to see more Big booties, Big Boobies, and Chunky girls,  would be great for extra scenes on all characters. As it stands 10/10 Keep it going and Great work :D!

Thank you for loving this game! I hope to add many more short stacked chubby girls in the future :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Nice! Looking forward to what comes next. 



Thank you for enjoying this game🤗


very interested in that new muscular mushroom girl


She is very powerful, moves fast and has a powerful attack👍


i look forward to seeing her in action!

(1 edit) (+2)

Mofu, will you ever release the source files a version of the game? I'd love to go through your art in the games in their pure form. sometimes to see your art, you need to start a new game, as things only happen once and you can't go back. or if you don't want to do this, can you compile just your art from the game in a zip file? I don't expect this to be done right now, I just think it would be nice. you could also expand the gallery to include portraits if nothing else.


Okay, I would like to add in the future the system to see all the pictures of this game. I plan to build such a facility in the village😉


I'm a fan of this game...I wonder if the Mushroom Monster is human?...and will Nene turn into the Mushroom Monster? ... Just curious


The mushroom monsters look like humans, but they are not human, they are evolved mushrooms.😃 And Nene will not turn into the mushroom monster.

Could you please make a list of activities that can be done in this game? I don't know how far I've progressed on this

This game is not yet finished and it keeps changing day by day. So please wait until this is finished👍


berapa harga untuk game ini. Atau khusus android

Saya berharap dapat mempublikasikan game ini dengan harga sekitar $8 ketika sudah selesai. Dan saya berencana untuk membuat versi Android juga.

(1 edit) (+11)

Started following the game from version 0.031.23, now I create this account after seeing pathetic dramas.

I always appreciate creators focusing on depicting futa details. Played cursed futana and I think using points to change appearance and CGs is great. It's hard to find similar games like that.

I like this community because players give reasonable feedbacks and creators adjust their games properly. I can't understand why even someone who's not the creator could affect game contents so much. If Mofu is the only creator making this game, then just let Mofu to decide how to complete this game. It's hilarious to see second creator suddenly appears. As a result we got such a mess.

I'll just wait for the completion of this game and purchase it to support. Getting pissed off can't solve anything.

Please keep on going Mofu, the process may be long and difficult but I'm sure I'll witness another masterpiece coming out.


Thank you for your concern. When I published this game, I have accepted the names and designs of some of the characters, hoping that even the opinions of many people would be taken into account and they would enjoy this game. But as a result I had to remove them due to the rights to use those characters, the rights to use the translation, etc.


I see. So maybe it's important to avoid letting players to manage game contents directly. But honestly, I give my free ideas when I confirm the creator have the ability to realize it and I guess others will need it too. I just want to see the game become better. Personally speaking, forcing and threating creators by using ideas' copyright is hysterical and irresponsible. Mofu, I believe you know what should accept and what shouldn't. Find the way to balance and you can make it.

Yes, I will think about it a lot in the future. Thank you for your guidance.


Mofu seems to be the typical kind, modest and respectful japanese person so he's hesitant to make drastic choices and likes to simply give in when approached. On top of that the language barrier might be a factor because translating each sentence might lead to misunderstandings. But things have gotten out of hand in the last few days and it's time to lay down the iron fist now. You can't let these things get into your head, Mofu. The accusations, gaslighting, blackmailing and manipulating is going to far. I've learned the other person is not even a dev, they are not even part of the official team, they are just an overly-attached, psychopathic, lying and gaslighting hardcore fan. Its always the hardcore psycho fan that stabs the celebrity when he gets to meet their idol.  So nothing new here. Mofu, you have drawn every asset, animated each movement and have written the code to make all of this game work. I'm pretty sure there is no legal binding or genuine copyright over some ideas a fan gave you. Deleting those things is your personal choice, but not a neccesity with legal repercussions if you decide against it. Essentially the other person managed to succesfully sabotage this game, which was inevitable after reading up on this story. But you, Mofu, are not being forced to let this sabotage work. It's so pathetic and really sad that the person still comes back like a haunting ghost even after being banned. This just proves the unhealthy attachment and twisted obssesion with Mofu and/or the game. Don't let yourself get intimidated, Mofu. You got this and you have real supporters behind you. I hope you understood my entire rant here, but in case not im gonna repeat: Mofu, we are on your side, keep on going!


Thank you for your support. I'm very sorry about this problems with this game. I was very confused because I didn't expect this kind of trouble, but now I will resume the development of this game.

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