Futakin Valley


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The succubus is gone and the girl which was there ophelia and muschna (purple mushroom) is gone the furrys are gone there is now a New cave where the Skunk girl is. Thats all i could find what is New 

wdym by the furries?

probably the tanuki girl and lion girl that you talked to to change your body type before.


Yes, those character has been removed.







do i have to restart every time i download a  new version or is  there a way to keep my stuff in the previous version in the new one?


This game can be updated by simply overwriting the previous version👍

What new here


wait for the devlog update if you don't want to look for yourself.


I have added a dev log, so please see it😉

oh yeah mofu what date is the update with a new storyline


Oh, damn, look at those abs that blue mushroom monster has!

Anyway, Mofu, the game name is changed?


Yes, that name has been changed due to rights issues.

Ah, I see. I never expect the name "Futaken" was copyrighted.

So, is it the reason why the game was shadowbanned before?



give more proof that Mofu is guilty, stop throwing this little part of your dialogue with lip, everything you say can be done, it sounds like you want to frame Mofu. Скинь пруфы что ты не врëшь


eu tive medo que depois do ocorrido você desanimasse de trabalhar com o jogo, fico feliz em saber que você esteja continuando com o ótimo trabalho mofu :D  espero que tudo ocorra bem daqui para frente, em todo caso pode contar com o nosso apoio! 


Obrigado pelo vosso apoio! Gosto sempre de fazer jogos🤗


Mi comentario anterior no era hate, espero que todo vaya bien mofu

Gracias por su preocupación🤝



You are incredibly paranoid and creepy. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're from a piracy forum. Those screencaps you keep posting don't seem to contain what you think they do. Everyone can still see the post on subscribestar where "that person" asked for the content to be removed, and everyone can see that the nonsense you keep posting changes and contradicts itself every few days.

I am one the older followers you keep claiming are all leaving. I've decided to stay and support Mofu. Why don't you just please leave calmly and let the dev continue his work in peace. No one is buying your lies anymore. The drama is over. To anyone who is newer here, please know that the Lipstor these people keep mentioning is nothing but an obsessed fan, not a member of the development team or anything else. Suggesting some ideas does not give you ownership over a product.

To mofu, I promise this is the last thing I will say about this. From now on I will only post to talk about your game.


I think 16 may 16 might be lip's alt account as all they ever talk about is lip and how she was right. also, 16 may 16 seems to know a lot of stuff about what lip did that's not public info and only lip or mofu would know. I'm not super sure but I think 16 may 16 also only showed up after lip left.


Ikr i hate it when they assume we left just because we are not actively comment on the page lmao




Oh and its pretty clear the user Darkest Nightmare is another account he uses too. Combine both 16 may, which is the complaining and aggressiveness and controlling, with Darknest Nightmare, who is responsive to users here about any miniscule question, and who has shown defense for the "fan", and you get the entire picture of the person who got banned.  Dont be fooled anyone, it is the person defending themself and playing victim with other accounts because almost no one would defend such toxic actions. Multiple accounts are clearly at play here and no matter what they say, it is ban evading. 

Deleted post

Hello Mofu!

I have gone through the game completely as far as it allows me to. And many times I caught myself thinking that the theme of transformation could fit great in here.

Is there a chance it is planned for the future, will it ever be implemented and if so, will Nene be able to change into someone/turn into another specie? I'd love that very much!

I really like this game and want it to become really amazing as a finished product!

Strength to you and calm peaceful development! 🤞


Thank you for playing this game! It's difficult to change to an another species due to the design of this game, but it's possible to add the ability to become a different animal as a temporary change.👍


Oh yeah it's understandable but yay, that sounds nice! 😁
Same question but about NPCs, may this be possible for them because of something (event/item/edible)?


NPCs will be able to eat something or cause an event in the future😉

(1 edit)

is there some sort of guide to the game? like a walkthrough? it would be hella helpful 


I'm curious about the Skunk Girl boss fight. 

How it's planned to be like? I wanna make a plan before dealing with her 💪


bow, sword and 10 food you kill any boss


The old reliable, but i like more to pick the cursed sword and go berserk hahaha

I just use throwing knife


The skunk girl has a widespread farting attack when she turns her butt toward you. And she moves very fast.😉

(1 edit)


I like this idea


Oh, interesting. Seems like we will need to use the umbrella and arch 💪


Mofu, I would appreciate it if you could answer my question, because the question in the message has been ignored and answered with a defensive response, I don't know if it was on purpose, but I would like to know the answer to that question, sorry for the inconvenience.


Mind your own business and pay attention to the game, stop bringing this up. Quit drumming up the drama and let it die, it doesn't matter anymore.


and just like a stalker, there you are. Not one to disappoint me are you Lip?


I'm glad you care enough about me to watch for my posts, shall I send you an autographed napkin for your efforts? :) Once I saw he was cutting ties with you I decided to stick around so don't worry, you'll have plenty to cry about still kiddo!


Sup Mofu, id say we forget abt Lip for a sec.

i wanna ask, is there any way to contact you more privatly because i wanna talk about something wich may or may not get this game promo.



You can always talk to me on Twitter👍

where is the sunk girl?


Currently, she is under the hole in the first map.


Hello Mofu-san, after playing again from the beginning I remembered I enjoyed Teala and Remy's gentle personality which made me wonder if you plan on making characters that are the opposite? I mean arrogant/rude petite teen girls that Nene ends up teaching them a lesson? I imagined characters like Asuka Langley add fiery characters to contrast  the gentle/ kind characters you already have. These types of girls could be prideful and cry tears when the get dominated/lose. But most importantly,  I hope you can continue to enjoy your development. 

I'm looking forward to your work!


It's also possible to add a character with an arrogant and aggressive personality. I would like to add such a character in the future😋

Deleted 1 year ago

Приветствую Мофу, с порога хочу сказать что эта игра лучшая в своём роде из всех что я видел (а я уж повидал многое). Слежу за игрой почти с самого начала, заходя на сайт и видя новое обновление радуюсь, как маленький ребёнок. Я очень надеюсь что ты доведёш игру до логического завершения и очень жду новых обновлений. 

У меня есть вопрос по гемлею: как использовать пустые баночки, а второй: на карте нашёл место с растениями увеличивающими (уменьшающими) яички, это так и запланировано или это тестер? 

Извиняюсь сразу за ошибки в тексте, да я не грамотный физик-математик. 

Спасибо, что вам понравилась эта игра! Функция пустой бутылки будет добавлена в будущем. Кроме того, растение, изменяющее размер яичек, будет удалено в будущем для тестеров.


What's going on here!? as I understand it, Lipster got angry and because Mofu pays too much attention to ideas in the comments, yes, this is not good, but this is not a reason to force him to delete everything related to her, maybe I don’t understand something, but apparently  she is VERY angry, I hope you Mofu will come up with something to solve this problem,

Такой шум устроили ХЗ


I accepted several requests from Lipstor and added them to the game. When I tried to redraw that characters, she became angry and demanded that I remove everything she requested if I didn't obey her orders. So I decided to remove them.


In a long period of surveillance of this game, it still begins to surprise that mofu still does not abandon his project, after going through all the hard times, I'm proud of you mofu keep going!


I continue to develop this game as usual😉


The mushroom girl most to the right looks quite...promising


Her pleasure is handling other people's penises and making them ejaculate. She trains her body for this purpose👍

I'm really curious with how harpy's penis will look like🤔🧐


The harpy girl's penis is similar to penis of a bird👍

wow! I'm really curious how it looks like, I like unique futa penises😀


Hello, I would like to ask you something from a neutral point of view, I am not on either side, I've been following the game for a long time and it makes me sad that the characters are being removed from the game, and that the 2 people I had as a reference for the game; Mofu who is the creator, and Lip the person who gave the most support to the game until recently, are in discussion. My question is this; have you tried to talk after what happened? I know this is going to sound childish, but I would like to see the 2 people who were once super friends reconciling, I would like to see Lip apologising for any trouble he may have caused Mofu. And Mofu stopping being resentful, I can see that feeling in your posts, I know there's more to this than meets the eye, after all you say you've been in this relationship for years, it's better for you and the fans to get rid of those bad thoughts, it's the healthy thing to do. Mofu and Lip, if you feel remorse for what happened, it's because you took some actions based on anger, but you really didn't mean to hurt each other. Do yourselves a favour and try to make amends, I'm sorry to meddle in your relationship, but I don't like to see people fighting over mundane things.

I speak for myself and others that I have been reading that we would like to see the development resume as it was before that event, and see the girls that will be removed again, their designs were beautiful, and an argument should not be a reason to end something that was once beautiful. Best wishes to you both and the project, and please, people don't insult anyone, I say this for everyone, Mofu, Lip, and any user, talking bad about others even as a response generates a toxic and harmful environment, I know it's hard, but it's better to try to understand why that person is angry than to try to defend yourself in the same way, thanks for reading me.

(1 edit) (+5)

That is none of your business and he already made his choice clear, be at peace with him doing things on his own

Please don't attack me for my comment in good faith, forgive my rudeness but it seems to be the same case for you, however I see that your comments are based on hatred towards that person and you clearly want it all to end that way, plus Mofu's responses are conditioned by the comments he reads and responds to.

I know this is none of my business as well as yours, I am just trying to resolve this in a peaceful way rather than bringing out the pitchforks and torches, violence is not the solution,  violence and confrontation hurt everyone, not just one side.


The issue has already been resolved and leave it as is.

- End of the drama. -


Thank you for your conscientious consideration. 

I have always been grateful to Lip and have tried to accommodate her requests. However, she tried to stop the development of this game and asked for a lot of content to be removed, so I had no choice but to remove them. I have no desire for confrontation. And no matter how much she accuses me, I accept it.

Sorry Mofu, but you have ignored the question, I would like you to answer it please, you have acted defensively instead of trying to reason the message, calm down and read it again to answer the question please.

(1 edit) (+8)

i think he answered it indirectly. "i have no desire for confrontation" = no, he probably hasn't talked to her.

also, i hope his response makes it clear he doesn't want to  go into much detail regarding the situation. no matter what his reasons are, i think we should respect that and let him continue to develop as he sees fit. 

i understand why you want to get them to resolve things peacefully and potentially have lip and her content back here, but they're both adults. if they want to reconcile, they can do it. 

it's sad to see how lip lashed out, but i genuinely believe she had an unhealthy attachment to the game. this is probably for the best, drastic as it may seem.


He does not need to answer something like that. The only thing his true fans, not the fan in question, care about, is Mofu and developing the game. Everything else is secondary. You can paint this as malicious but the only one confrontational here is you, forcing someone to respond. He doesnt need to address anything else further than he has. I'm sure you can give him the respect he deserves by not pushing any further and disregarding boundaries here

(2 edits) (+5)

Hi Mofu. Some of the bosses attack and then attack a 2nd time very quickly. Sometimes I get hit twice in a row because I get pushed from the first hit and cannot dodge the 2nd hit. With healing items I can win, but sometimes it is difficult to avoid damage because of how quickly the bosses attack multiple times. Maybe the attacks could do more damage, but have a longer wait from one attack to another?

Can we give an item to Cynthia to make her penis bigger? That way she can be happy and suck herself like she used to.

I wanted to say that while I am very glad to see you responding to comments, if you need to focus on making the game or focus on important things in your life, you can let us know and most of us will understand. Tell people to look at the roadmap! :)
Thank you for making a fun game!


Please try using rolling after you have been attacked. That will help you avoid the next attack quickly.👍

Also, Cynthia will be adding a story in the future where she can change her body shape. It will allow her to suck herself again.


Mofu do you have plans to have more small dick futas or more focus on the fox sisters? Just hopefully wishing as I like them a lot.


It's possible to further reduce the size of the Fox sisters's dick. However, I would like to add characters with even smaller dicks in the future👍


Voy a extrañar a Ophelia, ella me encantaba y ojalá que  agregen más más personajes gorditos esos son los mejores


Sí, a mí también me encantan los personajes gorditos, así que añadiré personajes así en el futuro😉

When will the next update arrive ?


Look at the roadmap. Mofu has said he is working on the game. It takes time.


Next update will be available soon. Please wait a little longer.

Ya pase todo los niveles son faciles pero gnu yo gane pero a ir ala puerta no me deja entras


El contenido aún está en desarrollo, pronto vendrán más cosas


Lo siento, esa puerta sigue incompleta.

(1 edit) (+6)

This is such a great game and blows everything else on this site out of the water in terms of what its seeking to accomplish!

I wanted to offer my abilities to you for free if you'd like it! I've started writing some musical tracks that I wrote to potentially accompany the game! For now I have just 2 tracks, but if I make more I'll add them to the playlist.

Let me know what you all think!



Yo mofu hesitant with shit like this cause what if someone just 180s and claims all rights and direction of audio like some crazed person, but cool works!


Oh no! If there's some way I could legally give him the rights to the tracks I absolutely would lol but I understand


It would be, if your music is certified as "Royalty Free" or "CC"


Thank you for sharing your wonderful music! I like them very much. If you give me your permission, I would like to add it to this game🤗


I would be honored if you added them to the game! I plan on making more that I can post later as well! If there's anything I can do to ensure that the tracks belong to you, please let me know! I will upload loopable versions of the pieces and make them downloadable.


Thank you! I would be very happy to let me use your wonderful music tracks🥰

I just made all the tracks downloadable! If you need them to be more loopable let me know and I can adjust them! There's 2 new ones in there and I extended the combat one by a few seconds https://soundcloud.com/futakenfanost/sets/futaken-fan-ost


why did mofu change the name to futas valley? futaken valley is a better name I think.

The name "Futaken Valley" was Lip's idea. I have no right to use that name. So I had to change it to something else.


Hey MOFU I want to ask you some questions 1- What is your gender 2- What is your nationality 3- How old are you 4- Do you have work pressures And last but not least can you make it in Arabic and thank you for the game I liked it so much and also what emulator you are using and thanks for the game


It's probably possible to add Arabic. However, it may require a major improvement in the system because of the different letter orientations. Also, my personal information is confidential😀

(1 edit) (+3)

Finally some good f0cking futa. ~ futa cummsey

Jokes aside, I had envisioned a Futanari game like this, and now, it exists! :D Here's to it's great completion!

Edit: Just wanted to see all the great support in the comments, as I created this account from loving the game as a whole. ^^ Saw that there was a discrepancy with someone and I'll just say, unless they're some kind of official entity, removal of any ideas of theirs, aren't all of the sudden an Intellectual Property. 

 That being said however, I do agree with your decision to remove the characters that, in posterity, might lead to said individual, to resurface, and cause a whole other sh1tstorm. Whatever you design, in place of those characters shall be marvelous, and better suited to your heart's vision. 

 On that, do take care! May your creation, flourish! ^♥^


Thank you for loving this game!🤝 And I believe this problem will not happen in the future again. And the development speed will be more than twice as fast as before.


You're very much welcome, Mofu! Till then! 🤝


It feels fine when you come back to see the game and it is still getting updates. We love you, Mofu.


Thank you for always coming back to see this🤗


I'm really curious about the Lamia. Will she have a bi-phallus like most of reptiles? (Double penis) 


Yes, She have double penis👍


Wonderful 👍


I really love Futas and I am looking forward for the next Version of the game because it's so FUCKING CUTE


Thank you! The next version will be available soon👍


Bro I love third mushroom girl, she got MUSCLES


Yes, she has muscular body💪

Yeah, but did you see the big shroomus? When I first played the game I'm like, "Oh chubby cow futa" then all of a sudden! 

Big Shroom! XD


Wow, what a situation this whole thing turned out to be. Mofu-san I want you to develop your game with peace at mind. Please ignore the negative users, I know you'll recover from this easy. Whatever attacks there are, you are the one who is making this game, no one has any power to take this project away from you. And I already like the new characters, they all look unique, and their bright colors look really nice especially the Harpy and lamia. But I'm not able to tell, what animal is the grey and white furry girl?

Lastly, are you planning to replace Ai and Ophelia with similar type animals? The cow because of the lactation and the tanuki because of the large semen amount? It would a shame to let their unique animal features go to waste.


Thank you for your kindness🤝. I hope I can make this game freely. And thank you for liking new characters.


Mofu, gostaria de ajudar procurando bugs e bugs visuais em todas as novas versões lançadas. 

Se você permitir, irei mandar um pequeno texto de 4 linhas de todos os bug que eu possa encontrar em cada versão nova.


Obrigado pelo vosso apoio!🤗 Se me denunciarem bugs, corrigi-los-ei o mais rapidamente possível.


Oh, wow. The new things looks wonderful, good job mate. 

This seems like a bright start 👏


Thank you for always supporting me🤝


I just realized that the May June and July updates are gonna get delayed. It's fine mofu, as long as you are keeping urself healthy and concentrated, you'll do great. I really love this game and I also love how good it's beginning over time with all the good updates, hopefully we will get more in the future. I love this game and I'll try my best to support you by sharing this game to someone else. By the way, any ideas for discord? I could help you make one and ju_t pass you the ownership 


Thank you for loving this game! I don't understand how to make a discord server so I can't make that yet, but I will look into it👍

(2 edits) (+1)

彼は、Discord サーバーを作成し、所有権を Mofu さんに譲渡すると言いました

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