Futakin Valley


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(1 edit)

can I talk to gnu or is it the update(also how to get cum besides the bunny)


Only bunny is available for milking, more character will be added for semen collection later

(1 edit)

thx but what about gnu is she available right now


Once you defeat her, she will tell you her story. I think there aren't any dialogs for her by the way


thx figured it out


Thank you for answering! I will add a dialog in the near future that will also get cum from that gnu girl.

oh yeah mofu what date is the update with a new storyline


there is no set date for updates.


Yes, the update is irregular. I will update when I can create new content.

Deleted post

now after the damage was done, and the characters were removed creating confusion to most of us, wants to bring them back, for real? 

Yeah, it's better to end this nonsense by ignoring her from now on 


Agreed, absolutely not. All it would take is one bad spat and then the whole shebang starts all over again, leave it behind and let it go. Poor guy is already behind on development and having to pick up the pieces because of this mess, never again.


No, thank you


Stop opening closed doors... It is enough that the characters were removed because of the drama... The fact that people contribute to the development does not mean that they have ownership rights to the characters... But in order to avoid future problems, they were deleted


Yeah, like others mentioned, one bad spat and its back to this. That person is not stable and can clearly flip if a circumstance comes to it. Glad you wanted to mention it. But its better to let things be like others mentioned. Also, they don't get to paint everyone but the people supporting them as trolls. That isn't fair to anyone, even people truly supporting the game. They're not mutually exclusive. 

Anyways we are here for mofu's work and his work only, if anyone else has a problem with that or want to get involved(why? That's so strange wanting to force yourself into the development of a game), they can go make their own works


1) I understood it. Thank you for always supporting Lip.

2) If I add her characters, I will not do it in the future because Lip can kill my game at any time.


The game is of course great, but the control for android spoils all the impressions, will it be remade more playable?


The android version wasn't planed from the beginning, so it would be better if you only stick for the PC version by the way


Sorry for the poor usability of the android version. I'm trying to figure out how to make it easier to control it.




Big Mushroom say : Please go find the villagers,

and where is the villager?


character with be added in the future


there is only one so far I believe. because the other that was there is not there anymore i think. please don't quote me on that tho also the other 2 have not been added yet 


Sorry, those villagers are not finished yet, so please wait until they are.

能不能做点攻略放在专栏,玩到后面不知道要干嘛了     QAQ




How do I get the fresh semen?


By interacting with the Bunny girl after defeating her. 

First, you have to interact with the spot near the statue to obtain the bottles then, go with Wulie and talk to her. Collect the seamen and return with the statue

I did that but will doesn't wor


Thank you for writing that🤝



I made a poll. Please vote any name you like🤗

I'm willing to change the name of this game.




Futakin sounds pretty attractive


Okay, I'm going to change the name to "Futakin Valley"🤝


Polls are a good way to involve the community if you really want their input!

No burden or issue with a single individual this way either. I like it!


Thank you! I will make polls here when I decide on something🤗


I want to ask a few things about Fat,  cow type NPC and change NPCs' weight.

I know ophelia gone for design right, so I want ask about is there going have different NPC/s for really obese or cow type?

and do Mofu have any idea for feed NPCs item to change NPCs' body? (like bigger balls, D, breasts and gain fatter or thinner)


Yes, I plan to add the system to change NPC's body shape by giving food to an NPC.👍


hi,I haven't posted anything in a very long time.i see mofu Always update the game,I'm not sure what happened in the past. But I won't bother However, everything must go on.Keep trying, I'm looking forward to playing your game // However, I'm forgetting what characters are missing. But I'm just asking for one thing. Please keep some small penis characters I love it <3


Thank you for playing this game! I love small penis characters too🤗


why buttons not working on android???

sadly yes.

Sorry, it's most likely a bug. If you tell me your android version, I may be able to fix it.

I have version 12 android

12 Android may not work properly with 32bit apps.🤔 This game is a 32bit app.


When Mushria is added back, will the docking scene be added back too?
If not, it's not an issue, I'm sure you can come up with something even better given time.


That docking scene has been removed and it will not be re-added, Mushria's picture will be newly redrawn.

Ah well.  I had hoped this was something you came up with on your own instead of being related to Lip.  I'll just keep an old build of the game and maybe wait for someone to mod it back in. 

Hello Mofu, I would appreciate it if you could answer my question, because the question in the message has been ignored and answered with a defensive response, I don't know if it was on purpose, but I would like to know the answer to that question, sorry for the inconvenience. Original message below.

"Hello, I would like to ask you something from a neutral point of view, I am not on either side, I've been following the game for a long time and it makes me sad that the characters are being removed from the game, and that the 2 people I had as a reference for the game; Mofu who is the creator, and Lip the person who gave the most support to the game until recently, are in discussion. My question is this; have you tried to talk after what happened? I know this is going to sound childish, but I would like to see the 2 people who were once super friends reconciling, I would like to see Lip apologising for any trouble he may have caused Mofu. And Mofu stopping being resentful, I can see that feeling in your posts, I know there's more to this than meets the eye, after all you say you've been in this relationship for years, it's better for you and the fans to get rid of those bad thoughts, it's the healthy thing to do. Mofu and Lip, if you feel remorse for what happened, it's because you took some actions based on anger, but you really didn't mean to hurt each other. Do yourselves a favour and try to make amends, I'm sorry to meddle in your relationship, but I don't like to see people fighting over mundane things.

I speak for myself and others that I have been reading that we would like to see the development resume as it was before that event, and see the girls that will be removed again, their designs were beautiful, and an argument should not be a reason to end something that was once beautiful. Best wishes to you both and the project, and please, people don't insult anyone, I say this for everyone, Mofu, Lip, and any user, talking bad about others even as a response generates a toxic and harmful environment, I know it's hard, but it's better to try to understand why that person is angry than to try to defend yourself in the same way, thanks for reading me".


If he hasn't answered it he's not going to answer it, last time I'll even acknowledge your blatant trolling to say once more: "Let it go, it doesn't matter anymore". Mofu has left that behind and now he's full focused on the game, nothing else needs to be said.


The fact that it doesn't answer or ignore your questions is a indication that is something they don't want to talk about. Don't be rude and cease it


Why do you want to interfere in the Dev's personal matter? Do you even know how lipstor and mofu are related? You came here to play the game so play the game and talk about the game. If the dev wants to discuss his personal matter then he will. Why are you interfering


I have talked with Lip many times after this issue. I hope that Lip has understood that on this matter.

And I apologize for removing some characters. I would like to add more attractive characters than those.

(1 edit) (+1)

Here you go again...trying to force someone to talk about something they dont want to. This is clearly toxic behavior


how do you fight mushria another time  after she runs off?


She will be added again in the near future, so please wait for that👍


thx for telling i would have been there for ever lol

purple mushroom missing? i beat it once out of order from how you're (i think) supposed too, i started a new save and now neither the cow girl nor the purple mushroom appear? did i miss a trigger?


mofu is working on readding the purple mushroom to the story without the cow girl. there was an issue with the creator of the cow girl, so she has been removed from the game.


Yes, I will do so. Thank you for explaining that🤝

(1 edit) (+2)

the mushroom girl (mushria) was temporarily removed due to issues with Lip, I believe she'll get added back later

the cow girl (ophelia) won't be coming back tho due to being created by Lip


ah makes sense


Yes, that mushroom girl will be added later.

How do you fight against gnu when you already got the puppet


If you have a puppet you can still fight the Gnu girl if you bring your dog👍

alr appreciate you


I believe there's an option in the pause menu to get rid of your current companion (you should be able to pick the puppet back up later if you want even after removing her)

after removing the puppet, you have to give an mushroom to the dog, making it your new companion and allowing you to fight the Gnu girl

alr appreciate you


Thank you for elaborating on that!🤗

I dont mean to be rude but, can someone pls tell me about the current drama? I havnt been so active lately 


there's a little discord server that has the drama mostly explained https://discord.gg/wNc46vPt you'll have to ping the owner to get verified to see the server


It'd be better to forget about that drama and move on


I hope you don't mind that because this issue is hard to explain.



Mofu, i don't know if i have asked this before but you have any plans about creating a discord server?


If i remember correctly, i dont think he will 


I'm currently learning how to make it and will be making it in the future😉


solo se cambiaron las ubicación de los personajes no hay batallas pero bueno jaja sigue así siempre miro las actualizaciones pero esta buena el juego 


Gracias por volver siempre a ver las actualizaciones de este juego🤝


very good game, too bad it is not finished, I look forward to the final update, I look forward to replay. Good point for your game 👍


I intend to finish this by the end of this year.👍 Thank you for your support!






Wasn't this last update be the ophelia story? and where did she went to Mofu cuz i had decorated the whole spot to know where Ophelia and the others were but now with new spots it gets kinda hard to decorate again


Ophelia and other characters were removed due issues with property claims. Later on, new characters will be added to replace them


Yes, thank you for explaining that. I will be adding lots of characters in the future.


I think maybe you should add these kind of questions in the  FAQ.


Okay, I understood. I will write it in the FAQ.

thx for the info ^^

(1 edit) (+9)

Mofu stay strong! A lot of things happend lately but you will be able to coupe with it in no time! We love you mofu thanks for your amazing work! Never lose the spirit!


Thank you for your kindness! I will continue to make this game as always. Also, this development speed will be faster in the future👍







Deleted post

Siding with a website or not, that is his choice. Why try and impede so many inconsequential things as a "fan" when he can make his own decisions without you trying to impose what you believe onto him? 

More telling that you are an alt account, your credibility means nothing due to post history if your mannerisms, your obsession with continually bringing up drama, and now a tell sign of you even behaving the same way as the crazed fan and parroting their beliefs. And now you trying to tell Mofu how to act? I hope he does what he chooses to do

Deleted post

Damn son I didn't know I lived rent-free in your head! I also know full-stop you haven't even glanced at the F95 page considering you think I'm a "troll" and that I'm here for bad reasons, your idiocy and audacity are astounding and I honestly feel bad for you now.


I was gonna say, yeah not red. I'm just some degenerate who never commented on any porn anything until i saw the shitstorm brewing here. Still, weird of me to even be here but I have been a mofu fan for years. Essentially seeing a dev bullied made me want to say something though 

Also, I'm not an idiot and don't want to control anything about the game at all and want Mofu to be completely in control, like it should be. Here to voice support of that


I have always agreed with you. I don't accept the pirates at all.  There may be some misunderstandings, I hope they will be cleared up. And I appreciate your conscientious comments.

Who are the characters who can get milked?

Deleted post

who is Nene?




Yes, and more characters that can do that will be added in the future👍



Worth a read, wouldn't you say?


Really selfish and tiresome, leave it alone.

(1 edit) (+6)

Leave it alone, mofu doesn't want this drama, nobody but lip and his cronies want shit to hit the fan.


1 post account, about drama with screenshots included. Very telling what you actually care about, cause it's clearly not the game. Move on

Deleted post
(1 edit) (+8)

Just made this account to give you some encouragement. I'm quite aware of assets ownership being a massive threat to pretty much any kind of development, I've experienced it myself, and it is much worse when the assets are already implemented, mostly for the community's reaction. It's a tough hit.

I've looked up about the issues regarding the game, in this particular instance, it sucks to be forced to get rid of things that both you and your community wish to be kept in the game, which is why I'm showing up here to encourage you to keep it up. I won't go into details, but since there's already a "solution" for it, there's no need to keep talking about it.

It's pretty charming and nice to see you trying to answer to most users discussing about the game, shows that you care, not only about the project itself, but about community and their feedback as well. Gotta add that your tolerance to toxic and rude comments is solid, which is also always a great treat for developers!

As for the game, I tried it myself and was pleasantly surprised, this has potential, and I really wish to see it grow to a full release and a finished product.

Best of luck with your project, I'll be sure to keep checking it every few days or so.

Keep it up!


Thank you for your concern and kindness! I will continue to make this game.🤗 and I reply to all of them whenever I can. Thanks for checking this game!


who the hell is this lip person 

Deleted post

Toxic obsessed fan


Hey Mofu!

Sorry, I will add that translation in the next update!


Honestly, I miss futaken as I'm able to play it in public and it's more discreet, but the community still knows...


also futaken just sounds better in english


I wouldn’t consider playing any H game in public 💀

Although, I agree the old name was better lol

true lmao

(2 edits) (+3)

Shame to see all this drama happen i dont mind the lose of the characters to much. (Except Ophelia and Raccoon girl sad they're gone but rather seeing the game survive and grow rather then dieing becouse of drama.)

But anyway that aside hope evrything is going well for you Mofu glad to see your still going with the game despite evrything thats happend and looking forward to see the game continue to grow.


Much Characters were removed because of Rights to Lip or some Things between Mofu and Lip what is private. At some point Mofu didnt even had a choice or else there wouldnt be a game 

(1 edit) (+3)

I know that 4+ characters got removed due to things between Mofu and Lip i did do some reading in the comments here and the patch log after seeing the page had changed.

And even though it's sad to see the characters (for me mostly Ophelia and Raccoon girl) being gone but still im very glad that Mofu decieded to remove the characters and keep the game alive and continue working on it instead of picking option 2 and abandoning the project.


Thank you for your consideration. I know my decision on this issue was disappointing to other people, but it was necessary for the continued development of this game. I believe I had no other choice as I cannot abandon this game.

has ophelias story been added? I remember seeing her on the roadmap but it seems to have disappeared 


Ophelia has been removed from the game because of some Rights and things to do with Lip


Yes, thank you for explaining that.


Sorry for the sudden change of roadmap. Those characters have been removed.

(1 edit)

So I tried to download the game on Android, but when I attempt to it gives me this message. 

I'm worried it could possibly mess with my phone.


It's a warning Google puts on apps from non-Google sources. In this case, it's probably bitching about the fact that it's 32-bit, because they're planning on removing support for it in Android 13.


That and some telemetry things that usually comes within Unity apps. Play Protect is a bitch with almost everything that doesn't come from the play store 


I think that is a fake positive, since at it says "Was made for older versions of Android". It sometimes happens, but if you are still unsure, go to Virustotal and scan the Apk. 


I've scanned it twice and there was nothing so it should be safe. Thanks for the help :D


I'm confident that this game does not contain Virus. However, if you feel that it's dangerous, you may not want to install this game. It's not 0% that my pc is not infected with a virus😓






(1 edit)

i will miss the succubus girl :,(

Sorry, that character has been removed.



Cause of some rights and things with Lip he removed some characters and to focus more on his ideas i think too


Damn! What a beautiful game. waiting for more update XD


Thank you!🤝

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