Futakin Valley


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If possible, I hope the author can update some non-Futa female bosses to fight with futa protagonists.By the way, I really like the game the author has developed and would support the author if it were released on steam in the future(英语水平不好主要靠机翻~)




Want help translating to Portuguese? and I also wanted to know if there are more things to do I already killed several bosses and I don't know if the game is over, because I saw an image where there are some characters and they don't have them ksksksk, and also you have some discord or something like that (I mean a group about your topics and your work)


It would be really cool, I'm also Brazilian and follow the game, the biggest factor that made me love this game is the fact that it's translated.

Vasco da gama


O jogo ainda não esta completo e esta a ser desenvolvido por pelo Mofu, mas se não me engano ja tem tradução em pt, pra não falar que todos os bosses meio que estão em fase beta e ainda ira haver mais bosses no futuro

If you could make translations I would be very grateful to you.🤗 By the way, The current great translation was created by J0Gim. he is busy, so many parts are not translated.


I have a question:

Will only a new image of the skunk girl be added or will there be some dialogue as well? It's just that... I'm the type who enjoys the story more than the actual porn and I'm already intrigued by it


I forgot to say but I'm talking about the next update

The next update will include a dialogue with the skunk girl and new images😉


Can I help with translation? I can add a Romanian or Danish translation but I don't know if I should wait until the next update comes out cause you said it's coming out in a few days

Yes, of course. I would be very grateful to you if you could produce the translation💕


This game is for real fun like the gameplay is nice af the bow feels amazing

Thank you for enjoying this game🤗


after adding the game to Steam it will be for $ 5 or am I confusing something?


I plan to sell this game on Steam for 8$😀

Deleted 1 year ago

Are you make this game solo or with team?


This game is made by me (Mofu) alone. But translations are being added with the help of many people👍


I really appreciate the work urve done. Most impressive is that u do it alone


I hope you can make this game better and better. This game supports Chinese, and I can understand it.(希望你这个游戏越做越好,这个游戏是支持中文的,我也看得懂)


Seriously, I love this game.(说真的,我很喜欢这个游戏)




Awesome game but so small hope soon get lots of update

Thank you! The next update will be completed within the next few days😉




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Thank you for your report👍


where do i find the skunk girl?


If youre on the surface jump in the first hole and cross the great rift down there on the left. After that move to the left until you enter a New room

Yes, thank you for explaining that!🤝


I will wait for next update soon. I want to see a new story.


Maybe you shouldnt expcz a whole new story stuff like this takes a lot of time

The next update will add a new picture of the skunk girl😉


How the hell i do the mushroom girl quest to find it's people ?


next update

but i see the picture of it in google after i search the game name


Jes you can find her but there is no quest yet

how tell me and also there is the quest when i talk to giant (not a boss) mushroom lady laying on the ground eating she tell me to find it's people


Patience man patience the game is still in development. A lot of stuff is not added to the game yet.


do you understand what i sad? ITS NOT THERE JET

Yes, sorry, her quest cannot proceed yet.


I noticed that a new mushroom character was added and I found her beautiful, the musha still remains my favorite haha, she inspired me in creating an original character so much that I liked.


Thank you for liking her🤗 There will be many mushroom girls in this game and the player will be able to visit their villages.



谢谢您的支持🤝 也感谢你喜欢她

can you play on iPhone???


Yes there is an apple version

Sorry, this game may not playable on the iPhone.


Como se consigue la imagen de derrotar a dorly por q la derroto pero no pasa nada


Todavía se está programando lo que viene después de la pelea. Paciencia.

Sí, la nueva imagen y diálogo se añadirán dentro de unos días. Por favor, espere un poco más.


Yeah I don't wanna be that guy but the bug still there I can't interact after defeating the skunk girl and can even exit the place


Jes its a bug if you would read the devlog you could see that

Sorry, the dialogue with her will be added soon. Please wait a little longer.


Akhirnya ada subtitle Indonesia nya, aku sudah bermain game ini sudah dari dulu dan aku sangat menantikan update update seperti ini.. bahkan aku membuat akun dengan nama mofu karena aku sangat suka dengan game ini.. Semangat buat Mofu :D.. jika game ini suatu saat game ini berbayar aku tidak peduli..


Terima kasih telah menyukai game ini! Saya berniat untuk menyelesaikan game ini pada akhir tahun ini.👍


Очень красивая девочка скунс, особенно красива картинка перед газовой атакой. И я так поняла, что пока Русского перевода в этой сцене не будет?

Перевод будет добавлен в будущем мной с помощью машинного перевода👍


I want to know why I beat the skunk, but I can't have any interaction. Going anywhere will be black, and my game version is the latest

Sorry about that bug. By next update I will fix it.


Please Report ItchyForContent its a spam bot


Thank you for reporting that👍


After laying the egg, can Wuelie get you pregnant again?


No you can just reset the pregnancy by using the test Tool on left of the cat house


Yes, it can be initialized that way👍


Currently, only one pregnancy is possible. Therefore, if you already have a current puppet, the mc cannot become pregnant.


is it possible for you to update this game so it's compatible with Android 13 64bit phones? My current device says it's incompatible for that reason  :( If not is ok!


Its compatible. You just need to ihnore the massage and clik install anyway

If I build this game with the latest version of Unity it will be 64bit compatible. so eventually I would like to create it.

take your time, thank you!

Deleted 308 days ago

its safe


Ist just the stoopid play protect you can ignore the text


I believe this app is safe, but I cannot rule out the possibility of some kind of trouble🤔


I've beaten the skunk, but nothing happened, can't be interacted with at all


Next Scene will be added soon in this update its one scene added read the Log

Yes,i just met the same situation. You piss on her and she wake up bt nothing will happen next.





(1 edit) (+1)

And also where is purple mushroom monster? And chubby woman? I remember they were in the place after where the Statue was, are they were removed?

And again there's a path above where the Caterpillar's shop is, no one can get up there yet?


I telly you a secret ist an early Access so things change all the time. Read the logs


Yes, this game is unfinished and many changes will be made abruptly.

I know this is still early access and I don't know what's new because there's nothing in the log


The devlog. It's on this site. Read it.  the log ingame is a log of all the dialogue 


Oh shit...

Sorry then


Thank you for explaining that! Yes, it's a log of in-game dialogue.


There is nothing in that place above caterpillar's shop. I went there once out of curiosity and it was just a gap not a path.

Yes, there is nothing there👍

(1 edit)

Same, a bit curious, want to go up there but can't


The purple Mushroom girl is temporarily hidden. She will be fixed and reappear, so please wait a little longer.


Alright thanks, I was a bit confused when I wanted to fight the purple mushroom monster, the character that would trigger the arrival of the monster didn't exist


Because you play an early game version. The CG's are not fully there jet

Sorry, I have not yet implemented a her dialogue.

(1 edit)

I can't play, it's crashing a lot


Without any further information mofu cant do much about it

What is your OS? or, your pc may not have enough memory capacity.


anyone know how to get "semen" ? there's only 2 chara that is fuckable in game but one of them is a can't have it semen


This game is in Beta state so please be pacient wuelie the rabbit girl is the only one to collect it. Joy need to get the bottel of the big stone statua.


Yes, Sorry, that has not been implemented yet. Soon it will be added.


Also fyi Mofu I deleted my Twitter account but the music is still yours if you still want it! If you need me to resend you the google drive link just dm me :)


Oh, why did you delete your Twitter account? I wanted to write a link to your account if I use your music.


oh that's really nice of you! Thank you! You can link to this soundcloud account: https://soundcloud.com/musicguyosts


Thank you for sharing that link! I will write it🤗


maybe I'm just dumb but I fought the skunk and I haven't encountered any foot fetish stuff or pee that everyone's talking about lol just a little skunk spray attack

(1 edit) (+1)

The cg scenes are not implemented jet bc mofu isnt done with her jet


She likes the smell of feet and body odor, so those scenes will be added in the future👍

(1 edit) (+1)

And she, will it take time to update it?


Shes finished


How do you interact with her? I just get bounced back each time, and the interaction area just before her only has Nene say "...?


you need to geht the shroomdog by feegmding hin a shroom after that hes going  to bite her and you can fight her


Thank you for writing that🤝

How to get Nene such a big cock ?


Find a mushroom


Its a cosmetic you can find by killing the walking shrooms. I reccomend equiping other cosmetics that rise the drop chance.

Yes, thank you for explaining that! More types of big cock will be added in the future.


You will be able to collect semen from her in the future. Please wait a little longer👍



As a Turkish person, i would most likely want tp help for any kind of Turkish translation for the game, Your game is upgrading everytime with the updates and its truly a masterpiece 🔥

(1 edit) (+1)

For the translation take an pc version of the game and search in the game Files for the Language folder there you can create a new one sending it to mofu is working best with weshare


How can i post the new file to mofu?


use the site we share


Yes, or I recommend using "WeTransfer".


ah sorry I fuked up the name 

Okay ^^ i will use the WeTransfer then, Btw should i create a fully new txt file or can i modify the English One? is that works


Yes, you can find the translation files in "Game_Data/StreamingAssets/language". And there is an explanation in the "Readme.txt" file.

Thank you for playing this game!🤝 If you translate this game, I will add it to this game.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+1)

I have the same problem lts kinda the only issue am experiencing after the newest update on mobile


Its bc the game shoud play the CG there and this cg is not finished jet 


Deleted 1 year ago

it's better to wait


Yes, the skunk girl's dialogue will be ready soon, so please wait a little longer.


Yes, a new CG will be added there soon👍


Sorry, the black screen is a bug. I need to fix it soon.

(1 edit) (+1)

On my phone, I'm having a lot of trouble setting up the joystick. Please adjust it so that it can be set freely for every button, please.
Nice quality game + good fun but secretly frustrated in forcing the character because the button cannot be set as desired

Can play both on phone and computer But prefer playing on the phone because it's more convenient.

Thanks for a great game :3


I understood. I will look into adding the ability to change the button settings for the Android version in the future👍

Youre the first one that complains about that. Have you tried zooming it ? Or to readjust the reaction size of the buttons ?

Size is not the issue. It just doesn't feel smooth to play on phone.

(1 edit)

maybe it's your phone that has the issue 


Now we have a "bestiary" panel listing NPCs and a "state" panel for Nene. How about adding body details to these panels? Like dick length before/after erection, balls' weight or something. Also Nene adjusts her body shape and detail information by equipping different items.

It's always fun(maybe also a little sexy?) to compare different characters' body details, and numbers helps a lot.:p


Thank you for your idea! I'm planning to add the system to add penis information to Bestiary when the player talk to characters that will appear in the future.


That's nice. Thank you for your reply:D


Does anyone know the location of the Zeta villagers, which is needed to fulfill the village guardian mission?


I think its not added yet


Yes, sorry, it has not been added yet.


Mofu, will there be an opportunity to do my own body parts, and will there be new suits


Great Idea. Mofu will add that in the future soon

I plan to add new body parts in the future👍

(1 edit) (+2)

For those that are still waiting for the upcoming updates. We would like for you to be patient while Mofu is working on some updates in the future. 

Mofu will be adding *X-ray* scene that the idea is created by me in the future.

For more updates be sure to follow Mofu and me for announcement

You can download this image by holding it and save it to your photos ♥️

Me podrias decir el nombre del autor de esta imagen 

Esta foto es "boy", no futa🤔

Yes I would like to add x-ray scenes to some of the scenes😉


Would you like to stop forcing your ideas into mofus game ?

just give some ideas in the future and maybe Mofu will reply back to you and accept that idea. 

I'm sorry if I went to far. I just want to support the game for new content and updates in the future. Pls forgive me and I'm not forcing anyone or ideas.

your  comments so far tell me all you said here is bullshit. You put ideas in the comment and literally expect mofu to implement them. Mofu tries to pleas everyone who comments so he tries to do all of this. But no one has the right to expect his ideas make it into the game. Mofu is just one guy and there where times here where he was absolutely flooded with ideas. Just stop this. It delays his progress and all those comments block out people that want to report bugs or want to give mofu links to translations, music anything. Plus he still wants to answer you all that also eats time like popcorn. So please stop this. Search for bugs and report them support mofu on his site or something like that but stop forcing ideas or scenes that mofu hasn't intended doing jet.

your  comments so far tell me all you said here is bullshit. You put ideas in the comment and literally expect mofu to implement them. Mofu tries to pleas everyone who comments so he tries to do all of this. But no one has the right to expect his ideas make it into the game. Mofu is just one guy and there where times here where he was absolutely flooded with ideas. Just stop this. It delays his progress and all those comments block out people that want to report bugs or want to give mofu links to translations, music anything. Plus he still wants to answer you all that also eats time like popcorn. So please stop this. Search for bugs and report them support mofu on his site or something like that but stop forcing ideas or scenes that mofu hasn't intended doing jet.

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