wouldn't be a discord server a great idea to support the base of your project? if so contact me for help, i do own a couple of servers and i am an expert in making ones
Thank you for your support! I would like to create a discrod server but I'm wondering if it's possible for me to keep doing that as uploading my images will most likely get me banned😀
I think it is worth trying. You can mark the server as adult-only and there is an easy way to make users 'react' with a particular emoji to make sure they understand the rules before gaining access to the rest of the Discord server, many adult-only servers do this.✌ If you are posting the same images you post here things should be fine.
uploading nsfw images is completely fine on discord as long as the community will be only for those who are 18+ by having moderators to kick who identified themselves under 18 and by simply age restrict channels , and getting banned on discord isn't possible for uploading nsfw content in channels aren't age restricted, you will just get disabled for posting such content publicly for all ages, I think that's what happened to you since you didn't know the function of making a discord server, and discord itself supports such work of yours as you may get your server verified since you own a popular game and you picked discord to make a community for your game
and again, if you want to create a server for your community and to make it easier for them to feedback. I am at your serves
Hi mofu! I'm was a fan of your previous game and I'm glad to see the attention and detail you're putting into this one, your art is always excellent. I was wondering if you planned to add any chastity content to the game? I think it would be cute for Nene to wear something like that.
Hello, this game has a bug, (bow and arrow and whip attack the enemy, use the bow and arrow to attack the enemy, the enemy will not move, the whip also has a problem, can not release pictures, can only wait for the next version to fix this bug)[你好,这个游戏有个bug,(弓箭和鞭子攻击敌人,使用弓箭攻击敌人,敌人不会动,鞭子也出现问题了,没办法发布图片,只能等待下一版本修复这个bug了)]
Are you planning to re add that cow character that people voted for the body type in subscribestar, or is she taken out because of the controversy? If not, are you planning to do a similar looking type of character?
I'd love to see her, or character like her still in the game and a scene where Nene is milking her tits and cock into a bucket or something and drinking her milk and semen.
Another question that might be easier. Do you plan to have a bathhouse scene?
I think it'd be fun to make a futanari bathhouse area and you have a quest where you have to help the character that runs the bathhouse. She'll then reward you with a special massage or bathhouse scene.
Yes, I plan to add a character like her in the future. I would like her to be chubby, have big breasts and be able to milk her. Also, she could be a character who runs the bath house😉
if you have the green hammer just go to the top and hit those little eyes its they have a higher chance to drop one and then just leave the room and come back for them to respawn
It's better to use that black dildo like thing at the starting area. It drops 1 mushroom frop sky each time it is hit. You can kill tons of mushroom like that.
I enccountered the bug that the screen turns black after defeating Dorlly, even after I reinstalled the game many times. But in the new save, the bug didn't appear.
Hi, I'm playing it on android with an old save. Whenever I defeat dorlly, no cg nor text displays, and when I exit the boss room, screen goes black and screen doesn't respond. Pls fix this.
Hey mofu, first of all congratulations for this game, I'm enjoying it a lot, I wanted to ask you if there was a way to activate notifications every time the game has a new update
Hello Mofu! I'm really enjoying this game! But that ball glitch is still there (playing on Android) even after Nene cums. I hope you will fix this in future no rush just simply making you aware is all. Thank you so much for this game. Your heart is truly in the works!
If possible, I hope the author can update some non-Futa female bosses to fight with futa protagonists.By the way, I really like the game the author has developed and would support the author if it were released on steam in the future(英语水平不好主要靠机翻~)
Want help translating to Portuguese? and I also wanted to know if there are more things to do I already killed several bosses and I don't know if the game is over, because I saw an image where there are some characters and they don't have them ksksksk, and also you have some discord or something like that (I mean a group about your topics and your work)
O jogo ainda não esta completo e esta a ser desenvolvido por pelo Mofu, mas se não me engano ja tem tradução em pt, pra não falar que todos os bosses meio que estão em fase beta e ainda ira haver mais bosses no futuro
If you could make translations I would be very grateful to you.🤗 By the way, The current great translation was created by J0Gim. he is busy, so many parts are not translated.
Will only a new image of the skunk girl be added or will there be some dialogue as well? It's just that... I'm the type who enjoys the story more than the actual porn and I'm already intrigued by it
Can I help with translation? I can add a Romanian or Danish translation but I don't know if I should wait until the next update comes out cause you said it's coming out in a few days
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Почему Dorly реагирует на мочииспускание кто знает?
It's most likely her fetish.
У нее фетиш - мочиться вместе с кем-то, когда она видит, как он мочится.
Привет, как я могу увидеть новый сцену?!
Эта сцена будет добавлена в ближайшее время. Пожалуйста, подождите еще немного👍
I defeated dorly, nothing happens and the game breaks if i leave the area. what do?
Mofu will work on this problem soon. ^^
Sorry about that bug. I'm currently fixing that bug.
wouldn't be a discord server a great idea to support the base of your project? if so contact me for help, i do own a couple of servers and i am an expert in making ones
Mofu has said repeatedly that he's not interested in a official discord server, but I wouldn't be opposed to joining a fan server if you made one.
Thank you for your support! I would like to create a discrod server but I'm wondering if it's possible for me to keep doing that as uploading my images will most likely get me banned😀
I think it is worth trying. You can mark the server as adult-only and there is an easy way to make users 'react' with a particular emoji to make sure they understand the rules before gaining access to the rest of the Discord server, many adult-only servers do this.✌ If you are posting the same images you post here things should be fine.
Thank you for explaining that to me! I will look into it and see if it's possible.
uploading nsfw images is completely fine on discord as long as the community will be only for those who are 18+ by having moderators to kick who identified themselves under 18 and by simply age restrict channels , and getting banned on discord isn't possible for uploading nsfw content in channels aren't age restricted, you will just get disabled for posting such content publicly for all ages, I think that's what happened to you since you didn't know the function of making a discord server, and discord itself supports such work of yours as you may get your server verified since you own a popular game and you picked discord to make a community for your game
and again, if you want to create a server for your community and to make it easier for them to feedback. I am at your serves
Thank you for your knowledge! I would like to limit a disrod server to 18+.
Hi mofu! I'm was a fan of your previous game and I'm glad to see the attention and detail you're putting into this one, your art is always excellent. I was wondering if you planned to add any chastity content to the game? I think it would be cute for Nene to wear something like that.
Thank you for playing the previous games too!🤝 the chastity content might be interesting. I would like to add it too.
what other games did mofu make and where do I find em?
Hello, this game has a bug, (bow and arrow and whip attack the enemy, use the bow and arrow to attack the enemy, the enemy will not move, the whip also has a problem, can not release pictures, can only wait for the next version to fix this bug)[你好,这个游戏有个bug,(弓箭和鞭子攻击敌人,使用弓箭攻击敌人,敌人不会动,鞭子也出现问题了,没办法发布图片,只能等待下一版本修复这个bug了)]
很抱歉,有很多bug🙏 我将在下次更新中尽可能地修复它们。另外,这是一个可以张贴图片的地方,所以如果你有截图,我希望你能把它们贴出来。
Hey Mofu, Hope this question isn't a problem.
Are you planning to re add that cow character that people voted for the body type in subscribestar, or is she taken out because of the controversy? If not, are you planning to do a similar looking type of character?
I'd love to see her, or character like her still in the game and a scene where Nene is milking her tits and cock into a bucket or something and drinking her milk and semen.
Another question that might be easier. Do you plan to have a bathhouse scene?
I think it'd be fun to make a futanari bathhouse area and you have a quest where you have to help the character that runs the bathhouse. She'll then reward you with a special massage or bathhouse scene.
Yeah I would like a cow character with similar features as he one that was removed. And the milking as well.
Yes, I plan to add a character like her in the future. I would like her to be chubby, have big breasts and be able to milk her. Also, she could be a character who runs the bath house😉
Ooo, that'd be nice! Looking forward to it!
I defeat Dorlly but when I do it nothing happen, it's a bug or it's still under construction?
Yes, sorry, that's still under construction.
Hey Mofu, do you need an update on Russian translation?
If you could make the translation I would be very grateful🙏
Ohhh sh1t guise! We're gonna have centaurs, dark elves, and spooders soon!
Yes, I will add those 3 character's paintings first😙
and plz add muscular character
Yes, muscular characters will be added too👍
Hello, Mofu.I want to ask you, will there be any foxes related scene?I'm really looking forward to the update, thank you for your efforts!
Scenes related to foxes will definitely be added in the future👍
where can i find or buy erect dick for Nene?
I haven't found it myself, but it seems you can get it from a mushroom.
Yes, mushrooms rarely drop it👍
if you have the green hammer just go to the top and hit those little eyes its they have a higher chance to drop one and then just leave the room and come back for them to respawn
Thank you for writing how to do that🤝
Kill the walking mushrooms near the caterpillar house they will drop it
Yes, there is a 1% chance that the mushrooms will drop it.
It's better to use that black dildo like thing at the starting area. It drops 1 mushroom frop sky each time it is hit. You can kill tons of mushroom like that.
depois pego mais arcos
Obrigada por coleccionar tantos laços🤗💕
Hai mofu,bisakah anda menambahkan mini maps di layar,terkadang saya bingung mencari jalan.
Peta mini telah ditambahkan sebelumnya, tetapi sangat tidak populer sehingga sekarang disembunyikan😓
Ada orang indo ges ooomaga
Waduh bukan saya doang ternyata 🗿
Dari grup di discord bro
Is it possible to put the translation in Arabic... I know that it is a request that will take you time... and at the same time I want you to move on
mofu only does the original japanese text and the first draft of the english translation. any other languages are done by fans.
Yes, also I will add translations with machine translation from time to time.
By the way Mofu, I'm a professional English-Spanish translator. If you ever need one I'd be glad to help for free.
Yes, I think it's possible to add Arabic👍
I got so excited when I saw the schedule update...but I still wanted NENE to come out of the hole to breathe
Nene will surely reach the village on the ground in the near future😉
Mofu, what exactly is updated in version 67?(Mofu,67版本到底更新了啥?)🤔🤔🤔
Please see the Development log on this page. I wrote everything there👍
I enccountered the bug that the screen turns black after defeating Dorlly, even after I reinstalled the game many times. But in the new save, the bug didn't appear.
Thank you for sharing that with me! That's very useful information. I think I may have found the cause of this bug🤗
Hi, I'm playing it on android with an old save. Whenever I defeat dorlly, no cg nor text displays, and when I exit the boss room, screen goes black and screen doesn't respond. Pls fix this.
Mid-figt cg displays and fight has no problems
Sorry about that bug. Now I'm investigating the cause of that bug.
Do I need to play a new game to add new stuff ?!
You may find new stuff in the cave.
it's still under construction, only come back
Yes, there is nothing there yet because it is unfinished.
Hey mofu, first of all congratulations for this game, I'm enjoying it a lot, I wanted to ask you if there was a way to activate notifications every time the game has a new update
You may be notified of future updates to this game by selecting "Follow Mofu" in the upper right corner of this page👍
Hey mofu! I can't see new update download link :( plz help me
I think Mofu just updated the roadmap image for May and June, not a new update on the game. Game is still ver 0.031.67 from 3 days ago
Yes, the new update has not been uploaded yet. Thank you for explaining that🤝
whats been added?
Recently, just changes on the Roadmap picture.
3 Days ago, new transition picture for the Skunk boss fight
Yes, I have not updated anything yet.
i cant beat the sunk i mean i beat her and then game black screen is that a common thing?
Mofu, I think you should add a disclaimer saying
"This mission path is actually unfinished, wait for further updates"
On every mission without actual progress. So people will know that it is content not added yet.
Okay, I will add a sentence explaining that it's incomplete to that mission that cannot proceed. Thank you for suggesting that🤗
Wonderful, that way there will be less people confused in the comments 👍
How do I open the latest CG I defeat the skunk but it doesn't open or is it still in development?
still in development
Sorry, that has not been added yet. But it will be added in a few days, so please wait a little longer.
Hey Mofu! Update this
Okay, I have updated it👍
What about semen quest from stone statue i stuck in there after met with Wuelli and dunno anymore what to do
Sorry, that quest is incomplete and cannot be completed yet. Please wait a little longer.
Ahh i see, thank you i will wait for the next future update
Report Ryguy545, it's a spam bot
Thanks for reporting that🤝
Ok,there is russian translation
Thank you so much for making that great translation!🤝💕 I have downloaded it. I will add it in the next update!
Did it!
I'm sure you have hunted the most mushrooms👍
I'm happy you acknowledge your players! What you've made here is a great game and I'm glad I'm able to experience it!
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed this game🤗
Thank you for collecting that in large quantities🤗
Hello Mofu! I'm really enjoying this game! But that ball glitch is still there (playing on Android) even after Nene cums. I hope you will fix this in future no rush just simply making you aware is all. Thank you so much for this game. Your heart is truly in the works!
I think there is a setting to turn it off or make it not appear visually on the page where you can change your body type.
Thank you for letting me know about that glitch.🙏 I don't know what caused it, but I hope to have it fixed by the next update.
Show post...
It's not a glitch it's that plant thing that increase ur balls size if the ball are small it won't appear
yea but when I go to the plant thing to get rid of it ... nothing happens!
Additional if I got to the "grow balls" plant again it will add another balls icon on the top like I didn't have one before...
within a few days. there's no specific day. mofu updates whenever the update is ready.
Yes, I will update when I have the new painting completed👍
If possible, I hope the author can update some non-Futa female bosses to fight with futa protagonists.By the way, I really like the game the author has developed and would support the author if it were released on steam in the future(英语水平不好主要靠机翻~)
Want help translating to Portuguese? and I also wanted to know if there are more things to do I already killed several bosses and I don't know if the game is over, because I saw an image where there are some characters and they don't have them ksksksk, and also you have some discord or something like that (I mean a group about your topics and your work)
It would be really cool, I'm also Brazilian and follow the game, the biggest factor that made me love this game is the fact that it's translated.
Vasco da gama
O jogo ainda não esta completo e esta a ser desenvolvido por pelo Mofu, mas se não me engano ja tem tradução em pt, pra não falar que todos os bosses meio que estão em fase beta e ainda ira haver mais bosses no futuro
If you could make translations I would be very grateful to you.🤗 By the way, The current great translation was created by J0Gim. he is busy, so many parts are not translated.
I have a question:
Will only a new image of the skunk girl be added or will there be some dialogue as well? It's just that... I'm the type who enjoys the story more than the actual porn and I'm already intrigued by it
I forgot to say but I'm talking about the next update
The next update will include a dialogue with the skunk girl and new images😉
Can I help with translation? I can add a Romanian or Danish translation but I don't know if I should wait until the next update comes out cause you said it's coming out in a few days
Yes, of course. I would be very grateful to you if you could produce the translation💕
This game is for real fun like the gameplay is nice af the bow feels amazing
Thank you for enjoying this game🤗
after adding the game to Steam it will be for $ 5 or am I confusing something?
I plan to sell this game on Steam for 8$😀