I'm sorry about that bug. I don't know the cause of it, but I believe that a bug has occurred that prevents the dialogue from being executed. Thank you for reporting that bug🤝
Go to where you defeat the mushroom lady, after that glide down to the little spot that has like, a little pot and stuff there, go in the entrance, you'll see a character stick in the ground, by helping them, it'll trigger the boss battle
Yes, 0.032.7 is the latest version and latest Devlog. The reason it says its from 40 days ago is because the latest version is a continuation from version 0.032 which was from 40 days ago.
Yes, this game does not contain a virus. The unity free version may be detected as a virus because it sends information about pc to Unity's servers when it starts.
A alguien más le sucede que muchos botones de la pantalla táctil dejaron de funcionar? No puedo cambiar de arma, abrir el inventario, mirar el mapa, pausar partida para guardar o cargar otra, no sé puede jugar así
I think the invisible button/switch Mofu-san mentioned is the actual game script/code, that triggers when you exit in and out of the boss room; resetting the boss fight and event so you can do it again. I think the actual story for bell (post boss fight) is still in production and not actually complete.
Thanks zxcvb11 for explaining that!🤝 Yes, Bell's story is still unfinished, so there is a trigger in place to initialise it. It's not a button, but a collider as shown below.
Por el momento es solo un poco más de historia para la chica rubia y se ha agregado una pelea de jefes. Supongo que habrá otra actualización que agregará una escena de sexo con la chica rubia, junto con correcciones de errores para el nuevo jefe poco después.
jooo, yo queria una escena de sexo ya... enfin no pasa nada este juego promete ser uno de los mejores juegos futa, aunque vaya lento y eso me apene mucho esperare otra vez mas tiempo para ver la historia de Nene 🥺
Download the game's apk file, go into your phone's files and tap the apk file. Your phone will ask if you wanna use that file to update the game, so say yes
1. When I started the battle nene's picture did not go and covered the screen. Though it happened only once(i played 3 times)
2. When I lost against the leg monster on my first try the game stopped and nothing responded so I had to exit and restart the game. This did not happen against the small mushrooms on my second try.
Everything went alright on my third try.
Also i have a suggestion, why dont you replace this Equipment section
And make it so that all the 10 equipment appear at once instead of using LB and RB to browse through equipments and switch them with one tap.
I am saying this because it's sometimes difficult to switch between equipments and food during battle.
Yes, it's very accessible, just like Minecraft or Trraria. However, this game rarely uses a lot of equipment like a craft game, so I keep the number of displays small.
Sorry for the many bugs. For some reason, a bug may occur where the big picture does not disappear. Also, the bug that the game stops working may occur when two processes are executed at the same time. Anyway, I will fix them soon.
up, só relatar um pequeno bug, aonde o pequeno cogumelo fica parado, e sem receber dano, mas se encostar nele, ainda recebe dano
Não é algo que atrapalha o jogo, já que resolve voltando pra luta
E pensei na possibilidade da nene, usar uma roupa de coelhinha, entre outras, acho que seria uma grande adição no jogo, ter um vestuário, talvez mudando o corte de cabelo e a cor, mas tudo no seu tempo, esperarei ansiosamente por novas atualizações
E uma ultima coisa, por quanto $$ planeja vender o jogo completo? E não se esqueça das dlc 😉
Lamento o erro que está a fazer com que os pequenos cogumelos parem. Pode ocorrer quando se avança rapidamente. Estou a investigar a causa deste problema.
E seria bom ter um fato de coelho. Gostava de o acrescentar👍
Além disso, gostaria de vender este jogo por 8$ quando estiver concluído.
← Return to game
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bug report: i defeated the boss (the legs one) but the fight didnt end so i tried poisoning myself, died but it didnt put me to a previous save file
Where is it and what is this boss backpack?
I'm sorry about that bug. I don't know the cause of it, but I believe that a bug has occurred that prevents the dialogue from being executed. Thank you for reporting that bug🤝
Se me reinicio otra vez el jefe.?
Sí, actualmente está inacabada y puede reabrirse.
Como me encuentro con la baca y la zeta gorda q entro a la zona y no aparecen (soy de celular)
Sí, será rediseñada y vuelve al juego👍
I think there is a bug with the new boss, could've been my game though(stopped moving mid battle)
Still a W update, new boss look kinda weird but they still a cool boss
How do I get to this leader, because I considered that I had walked all over the map and could not find him
Go to where you defeat the mushroom lady, after that glide down to the little spot that has like, a little pot and stuff there, go in the entrance, you'll see a character stick in the ground, by helping them, it'll trigger the boss battle
Thank you for answering that🤝
Sorry, this boss still has many bugs. So I'm fixing them now.
Thanks for coming back to see this update!👍
I will do the challenge to earn 1,000,000 million mushrooms and me like this
It's my first time doing this super hard challenge mofu and I'll finish it soon mofu😌👍
Thanks for your challenge, but I recommend you don't do it for the sake of your health😓
i can edit the challenge and i will get 250,000 or 200.00 i will do that mofu😀
dont know if you are worried about me it was just my joke😅
I am farming this column for faster mushroom money, I hope you make this game better than Ganbare mofu!👍(hopefully)
Thank you! I'd like to add the feature to unlock new body shapes using the mushroom money you have collected😉
I like so much when mofu will add some body shapes :3
How to load saves to new version on android
Please download apk for this game and tap on it to update. It will keep your saves.
if u need a Chinese translator, I can help u
Thank you for your help🤝. Please edit the translation files in [Game_Data/StreamingAssets/language] of this game.
Its a great game i love to play :D continue working is amazing :D
Thank you! I will continue to update this ;)
Мда вот это обноаление разочарование прям , ну ждем будущие
Согл, могли наверное хоть новую сцену секса добавить
В ближайшее время я буду добавлять новые картины👍
Esto debe pasar? Ya vencí al hongo raro de patas largas(y como prueba tengo las panties equipadas) se reinicia cada vez que entras 🤔
Sí, el interruptor para la depuración se encuentra allí👍
Osea que la historia de Bell sigue en desarrollo , comprendo. Me alegra saber que el proyecto avanza. Ánimo Mofu 💪🗿
Sí, la historia de Bell se añadirá en la próxima actualización😉
The new boss are the best one so far lmaooo
Peak design 10/10
Thank you🤗
我认为 Mofu 计划在游戏完成后以 8 美元左右的价格出售游戏
muchas gracias mofu esperava mucho esto <3
Gracias por esperar la actualización ;3💕
where's the changelog
Copied from current devlog:
[ver 0.032.7]
- Bow is automatically added to inventry when there is no bow.
- Added "Always Dash" to the settings screen.
- Display loading text and the name of the file being loaded at startup.
where's the devlog
It's located at the bottom of the current Devlog.
Yes, the devlog is located on this page under "Development log"👍
is this the latest changelog? it says it was 40 days ago
Yes, 0.032.7 is the latest version and latest Devlog. The reason it says its from 40 days ago is because the latest version is a continuation from version 0.032 which was from 40 days ago.
i wished to see changelogs that contain tangible changes like new bosses or new scenes
You might see that, once bell's story is complete and the game is updated to version 0.033
I can't install the game because it says there is a virus in the file, could you repair this
Yes, this game does not contain a virus. The unity free version may be detected as a virus because it sends information about pc to Unity's servers when it starts.
Oh okay, do you know what I could do to prevent that ? I would really like to play this game on pc
I believe you can play this on pc if you allow this game in the anti-virus software settings.
Where the dorlly
Please go to this white circle.
А что добавили по итогу ? Не понимаю , что почти 22 дня делалось, а все старое не понял.?
Босса добавили и нового перса
Последние две недели я работал над созданием нового босса👍
это хорошо
Какой же ты душный я не могу
when there will be a sex scene with Belle, I would really like to see😍
Now I'm making it😉👍
A alguien más le sucede que muchos botones de la pantalla táctil dejaron de funcionar? No puedo cambiar de arma, abrir el inventario, mirar el mapa, pausar partida para guardar o cargar otra, no sé puede jugar así
Siento lo del error. Investigaré su causa🤔
Please help me i can't find the invisible button for start the bell story
I think the invisible button/switch Mofu-san mentioned is the actual game script/code, that triggers when you exit in and out of the boss room; resetting the boss fight and event so you can do it again. I think the actual story for bell (post boss fight) is still in production and not actually complete.
Thanks zxcvb11 for explaining that!🤝 Yes, Bell's story is still unfinished, so there is a trigger in place to initialise it. It's not a button, but a collider as shown below.
Que trae de nuevo la actualización? Trae relaciones sexuales nuevas o solo el boss?
Por el momento es solo un poco más de historia para la chica rubia y se ha agregado una pelea de jefes. Supongo que habrá otra actualización que agregará una escena de sexo con la chica rubia, junto con correcciones de errores para el nuevo jefe poco después.
jooo, yo queria una escena de sexo ya... enfin no pasa nada este juego promete ser uno de los mejores juegos futa, aunque vaya lento y eso me apene mucho esperare otra vez mas tiempo para ver la historia de Nene 🥺
Gracias, por favor espere a futuras actualizaciones😉
Sí, su escena de sexo se añadirá en una futura actualización👍
Y el boton invisible para ver la historia de bell donde está? quiero ver que ofrece ese pito🙂
i dont understand how pragnancy works here, after ypou arrive to 100% what should i do?
Once you're at 100%, you need to go to Momo (cat girl) and talk to her inside her house. If you haven't fought her yet, you need to do that first.
Thank you for writing that!🤝 Yes, the player can do that by talking to the cat girl.
thx , apreciate the help
I received that. Thanks Gucco for your efforts and kindness🥰
А что добавили то , или все старое ?
Босса нового добавили
Where is the new boss located on the map
It's located here:
Pass the room where the blonde girl with long foreskin dick use to be. You have to help her up, then the battle will begin.
No problem!😁
làm cách nào bạn có thể lấy bản đồ được vậy mong bạn chỉ mình với😅
tôi vừa sao chép bản đồ Mofu đã đăng
hi bác
Thanks for explaining that!🤗
If anyone has completed the boss fight please help me at Instagram
I'd - ver7ch3
The boss is incomplete, so please wait a little longer.
Hey can you please contact me?
Instagram - ver7ch3
It's possible to add that. She just went back into the hole, so Nene can go into that hole in the future.😀
Yes, and it's currently possible only once.
how do I update the game? if just redownload it will it keep the save files?
The save files are in other folders, so just replace the game file with a new one.
is it the same on mobile?
On mobile, savefiles will be lost when uninstalling. So please don't uninstall, and overwrite this app.
Please update this by simply overwriting the game👍
how do I do that, sorry I'm just a bit lost
Download the game's apk file, go into your phone's files and tap the apk file. Your phone will ask if you wanna use that file to update the game, so say yes
Yes, that's right. Thanks for answering that!🤝
Two problems:
1. When I started the battle nene's picture did not go and covered the screen. Though it happened only once(i played 3 times)
2. When I lost against the leg monster on my first try the game stopped and nothing responded so I had to exit and restart the game. This did not happen against the small mushrooms on my second try.
Everything went alright on my third try.
Also i have a suggestion, why dont you replace this Equipment section

And make it so that all the 10 equipment appear at once instead of using LB and RB to browse through equipments and switch them with one tap.
I am saying this because it's sometimes difficult to switch between equipments and food during battle.
Wouldn't it still be easier if all the equipment can be seen at once? I sometimes forget what I have placed where.
Yes, it's very accessible, just like Minecraft or Trraria. However, this game rarely uses a lot of equipment like a craft game, so I keep the number of displays small.
Sorry for the many bugs. For some reason, a bug may occur where the big picture does not disappear. Also, the bug that the game stops working may occur when two processes are executed at the same time. Anyway, I will fix them soon.
When i leave the boss room after defeating it and go back, Bell is in the hole again.
Para que?
I have 13 pairs of panties, but I will get 0 money if I sell them :)
Yes, an invisible button to initialize the Bell's story is located just outside that room👍
Não é algo que atrapalha o jogo, já que resolve voltando pra luta
E pensei na possibilidade da nene, usar uma roupa de coelhinha, entre outras, acho que seria uma grande adição no jogo, ter um vestuário, talvez mudando o corte de cabelo e a cor, mas tudo no seu tempo, esperarei ansiosamente por novas atualizações
E uma ultima coisa, por quanto $$ planeja vender o jogo completo? E não se esqueça das dlc 😉
No meu jogo aconteceu o mesmo, só que quem bugou foi o boss principal.
Inclusive, esperando o Deus J0Gim atualizar a legenda em ptbr.
Lamento o erro que está a fazer com que os pequenos cogumelos parem. Pode ocorrer quando se avança rapidamente. Estou a investigar a causa deste problema.
E seria bom ter um fato de coelho. Gostava de o acrescentar👍
Além disso, gostaria de vender este jogo por 8$ quando estiver concluído.
I found a bug where the boss is stuck on the ground in the first phase and doesn't attack. I don't know what I did for this to happen.
? Boss is look like this
If you meet a little girl, she is not boss.
And also, If you meet the real boss is stuck on the ground, you can try to press the keyboard.
I have tried several times but don't encounter this situation, so I guess the problem is on your side. If I'm wrong, please don't mind.
in my case, it was the giant mushroom that was stuck in the ground and didn't make any attacks making the fight very easy.
Sorry about that bug!
It's probably due to the fact that when she jumped, etc., she got stuck somewhere and stopped working🤔
Error reporting:
First, the battle scene with the new Boss will be repeated when you re-enter the scene.
Second, the new equipment(black briefs)has a display error like this
The scrotum isn't covered in the black briefs. It's showing.
My English is a little poor, so it may sound strange. Hope this can help you.
Thank you for letting me know about that bug🤝. I will fix it soon!
Also, the switch is placed where you leave that room so you can fight again when you enter that room😀
Aahhahahah,what is this incomprehensible miracle?crriiinge :D
I expected more from the update...
Please wait for the next update😷
what's new?
mofu đã thêm trùm nấm (2 chân) vô khu vực cô gái nhện và giúp bell bạn sẽ chiến đấu với nấm 2 chân
khi bạn tiêu diệt được nấm 2 chân bạn sẽ có quần lót nữ :)
tưởng có cảnh mới
ảo tưởng :)
Những cảnh mới sẽ sớm được thêm vào👍
mofu đã cập nhật rồi kè bro
oke bro
hay un error el cual se reinicia la pelea con el hongo morado :(
Esto no es un error, sino que se coloca un botón fuera de la sala para iniciar la historia de Bell ;3
no esta en español la actualizacion :c
Gracias por hacer traducciones tan buenas🤝