Futakin Valley


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I wonder if there will be any affection that Nene or any other npcs would recieve,would really like to see nene hug someone or get pats on her head

(1 edit) (+2)

such as Linnea, Cynthia, Wuelie, Remy, Dorlly, Tilo, the can pat on her head, hug, kiss,will receive affection

I think so and mofu will add it in the future :3


i hope so


Yes, I plan to add those features. I would like to be able to do that when using [Look]😉


Mofu, can you tell me where is the gnu boss located ?


She's located in the room to the left of where the pink dot is:

When you find her, she'll be stuck in a crevice. You'll need to find a dog (located just above the area with the ladder, to the right), give the dog any mushroom and make it follow you to the gnu girl. Once there, get close to the gnu girl until you see the interact button, so the dog can bite the gnu boss and begin the battle.


Thanks zxcvb11 for explaining that🤗💕


No problem!😁


Oh.. thank you very much


You're welcome!😁


Did something happen to your Fanbox, or are you just not posting on it?


In my fanbox, I only update this when a big picture is added👍


for some reason, my game is in chinese


Here are screenshots of how to change the language in the game



Thank you for explaining how to do that!🤝


many thanks

Currently, language setting is designed to select the number 0 in the list if it cannot be identified. If the language is different, please change that from the settings.


can someone pls help? I had found some mushrooms in the cave with the poisoned water and now I'm slowed.


There should be another plant, next to the one that makes your balls big, that returns them back to normal when you interact with it. If that doesn't work, use the masturbation emote and make Nene cum. This should return them back to normal and you won't have the slow debuff anymore.

Deleted 1 year ago

Yes, the player can restore Nene's balls that way. Thank you for writing that!🤗

(4 edits) (+1)

mofu can you put the boss in this cave here, I came to this place but nothing, hope you put the boss here :3

How to go up this place:

you need to jump into this rock slot then press a second time to jump higher (note you need to hold your button to jump higher) and you can get up this place :)


He'll do it himself if he needs to...

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i think so ._.


let him work smh


В этом нет смысла ибо там босс  сестра лесицы той (которая старшая босс)  2 босса на 1 локации да пусть " разделенной  переходом " 

не очень


Я бы рассмотрел возможность расширения этого места, чтобы создать новую комнату👍


Okay, I'd like to add a new boss at there👍

I want to add a lot of fun to this game by hiding things in places😋

(2 edits) (+1)

maybe some another cave in under construction 🤔


If you could read the Roadmap you would read that mof plans to Rework the whole map after some Characters are Finished. So where is the point of starting a New Boss in a cave that won't be there anyway after the map gettes revised. Dude stop being so demanding for stuff that just you want to Happen. Every post I see that is from you either Talks about a Feature you want to have added or a character you want to see. This behavior is just rude. Either you stop this or at least stop commenting and tell your demanding to a wall or something.

What you are doing is not good for the progress or the quality of the game. Do translations or something  but stop this.


That was before, but now I've changed my personality a bit. I'm not too demanding on ideas and I really like the girl Linnea in terms of her figure being so pretty. i know mofu will rework the Whole Map.

I apologize for asking too much before, hope you will understand me but you changed me thank you

Deleted 272 days ago

Tengo previsto añadir la función de mostrar libremente todos los diálogos y cambiar la posición de los botones en la interfaz de usuario.


Привет мофу, можешь показать всю карту игры?


Это общая карта экрана разработки👍


Dorlly is sooooooo cute! I think she has taken top spot from Mushna as my favourite!


Thank you!🤗 New pictures will be added for Dorlly in the future.

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will it be related to what she's got already? or will folks who aren't into that get something from her as well?


I plan to add a scene where she can get semen from her. By using it, Nene can become stronger👍


I am even more excited for the future!🤗

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would doing that do anything special or would it just be something you can do with anyone to achieve the same results?

and will it be a unique scene or no?

Nene thereby gains special powers that allow her to oppose other characters who have gained that power😁


I really love Dorlly's Penis! Especially when it gets really big! <3 ^-^


I love it when its big but it's so cute when its flaccid lmao!










How much semen does it take to collect semen?


you can only get Wuelie (Rabbit) semen and other girls' semen will be added in the future


Yes, I will add them in the future, please wait.


How to get into the village


villager has not been added yet, mofu will add it in the future soon👍


Yes, thank you for answering that🤗

(1 edit) (+7)

can you add small monsters like slime that can make nene get stuck

Okay, I would add little monsters like slime😉


One question, I simply installed the one that was uploaded 1 day ago and it automatically updates?


no, you have to download and install the updates each time manually


Won't you have to then start all over again?


nope, they transfer progress thankfully


Yes, this game progress was saved in a different location👍

Yes, this game need to be downloaded manually each time. But if you are using itch app, this game will update automatically.


Mofu, when you finish the game and like, put it for sale, do you have a like, an idea of how much it's going to cost?

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when mofu finish this game mofu will sell it for 10$ or 5$, i think so


he has said 1000 yen in the past. 

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._. that to much


it's about the same as his previous game. futaring is 970 yen. so it makes sense.


1000¥ is about $7


Yes I'd like to publish this for 7$ or 8$.

So.. there is no more  free version?


the free version will be updated until the game is close to being done. i don't know how long that will be. but once it's close to being done, the free version won't be updated anymore.


Yes, I plan to do so.

In the future, this game will be separated into a demo version and a final version that will not be released to the public.


E os outros monstros por que eles não aparecem


ele ainda esta produzindo os novos 

Irei adicionando-as à medida que o jogo se aproxima da sua conclusão👍

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey Mofu if don't mind me asking when the next update yeah I know it just came out just 3 days ago but like a Major Update and also some small updates


there are no set dates for updates. they come out when they're ready. last time, mofu gave an exact date for an update everyone went crazy on the day of, lol.


is there a discord of some kind




There is a discord server, but it is currently in preparation.


Mofu san the discord server is uhh ready already so now only divulgation about it is needed

Yes, I can publish it at any time👍


Updates of this game are irregular. I will update this from time to time.

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boss dövüşü var  ama sekanslar yok süper :>


Yakında eklenecektir. Lütfen biraz daha bekleyin👍


Ребят а это нормально что после победы над боссом и разговора с Беллой катсцена снова повторяется и приходится заново убивать босса и так снова и снова? 


Это намеренно. В настоящее время Мофу пытается закончить историю этой сцены с боссом и исправляет любые ошибки/глюки, поэтому он разместил переключатель рядом с комнатой, чтобы сбросить битву с боссом, чтобы помочь с тестированием.

Да, это сделано намеренно, как только история Беллы будет закончена, переключатель будет удален.


Whats new on this update?


bug fixes 


Yes, I have fixed bugs and updated some translations👍


finnally new update's ! 
but it's only add one battle action with bella with not continuing the stories after defeat the boss... the map still same 
but yea not bad for a lil update ! <3 
futaken valley is a good art i love it and dont mind to wait even take a few years !

Thank you for looking at the new update!🤗 Bell's story is incomplete, so it will be added in the next update.


Hello mofu, you could add weaker enemies that randomly walk around the map in the game, such as wolves and wild boars, they could drop meat to recover life


honestly,isn't elwyn forest :) 


Yes, I plan to add lots of weak enemies in the future. When I have finished the whole game a bit more I will add a bigger map and will do that😉

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This is not his game, but he sells it + he is a spam bot https://itch.io/profile/werty-l


Yes, I think so too.


How can nene give birth for second time


we can't for now


Yes, currently Nene unable to give birth a second time. I plan to add it later in this game.


after you defeat Momo ,go inside her house and go to the workbench to the left and there will be a prompt to dismiss your puppet, say yes and you will be pregnant again. you can keep doing this.


Thank you for writing that!🤝 It's being added for debugging purposes.


After new boss defeated , whats the new mission ?


I'm currently working on it. Please wait a little longer👍


Guys any tips to beat the new boss?

(2 edits) (+3)

If you're having trouble with the boss, make sure to stock up on lots of recovery items, like mushroom soup at the shop. 

Also, use the dodge roll as much as you can, as it give you invincibility  frames (the boss does have a pretty large collision box, so make sure to dodge roll when you're close to it, that way you don't get hit if you touch it). Good luck!👍

А что за босс?


босс находится здесь. Это странно выглядящий грибной босс с длинными ногами.


Спасибо zxcvb11 за ответ!🤝


Thank you for explaining that fight🤗. Yes, with recovery items the player can easily beat it.


mofu, after days I decided to download the game I will download it now 😀 

Thank you for deciding that😇


you should add weapons to this game for new bosses like:

Scythe, ax, spear, crossbow, claw glove, katana, Twin swords, that's all I know mofu :3

(1 edit) (+2)

Having twin sword could be a fun weapon. Maybe it could be a faster, three hit combo type weapon, when you press the attack button consecutively. To compensate for being a faster weapon, it could be slightly weaker, to balance the game. 

Also a katana could be fun as a weapon, basing it around a parry system like Sekiro. If you time the parry button correctly just before the enemy hits you, it could knocked back enemy attacks, leaving them open for hits.


:) 👍


It would be interesting to have twin sword, combo, parry, etc. It seems difficult to design but I will consider adding that in the future😉💪


Thank you for your ideas! I plan to add more weapons and various motions in the future🤗


boop :3


boop :3


boop :3


Idea, nene cae a un charco de líquido rosa extraño, ese líquido emana un exitante aroma, poniendo caliente a nene, con su pene erecto se chupa su pene.  


Gracias por tu idea🤗. Es una escena muy bonita que hace que ella quiera chupar su pene por el olor del líquido que la excita.


Name lol



love her feet!

(1 edit) (+1)

У меня вопрос. А как найти сбежавших жителей грибов для задания у жирного огромного гриба закрывающий проход?


Никак , нету еще деревни


К сожалению, эта деревня еще не реализована. Пожалуйста, подождите, пока она не будет завершена.


What's new in this update


Простое патч фикс обновление 


Translation has been updated and some bugs have been fixed👍


que actualizaciones (personajes)posee la nueva actualización?


Esta actualización corrige errores y actualiza las traducciones. Consulte el registro de desarrollo para obtener más información.

Deleted 1 year ago

Гриб с длинными ногами возрождается при перезагрузки комнаты. Так и должно быть?


Да, это нормально, поскольку история Белла еще не завершена, и этот бой можно повторить.


А где найти этого босса? У меня есть ощущение что я не всё открыл(( 

Этот босс здесь👍


are there any mushroom villagers in the game yet?


Currently there is only the Pink mushroom girl you can fight. The purple and blue mushroom girls have yet to be added in the current build and the mushroom village are not available at this time.


Thanks zxcvb11 for answering that🤝. Yes, those villagers are not implemented yet.


I think the collision damage of weapons greatly increases the difficulty of completing a harmless achievement,has anyone achieved a harmless achievement?


I think that would be very difficult and nearly impossible to achieve😆


Скажи пожалуйста когда ты будешь писать dev log


Как только ver.033 будет завершена, я напишу новый журнал разработчиков👍

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