alguien sabe si como pasar se el juego y porque en la parte del hongo con patas cuando acabo la batalla y despues vuelvo tengo que repetirlo como si no lo hubiera hecho
El juego aún está en desarrollo y la mayoría de las misiones están sin terminar. La razón por la que repites al jefe una vez que sales de la habitación y vuelves a entrar es porque hay un interruptor invisible que restablece el evento nuevamente. Esto se debe a que la historia posterior al jefe aún no está terminada y también para fines de depuración y prueba del jefe.
¡No hay problema! 😁 Mofu-san tiende a actualizarse de forma semirregular, lo que puede ser cada 2 semanas más o menos, a menos que ocurra algo que interfiera con el desarrollo.
No hay problema. Si escribe metroidvania en la barra de búsqueda de, debería poder encontrar otros juegos similares a este. ¡Espero que ayude!😊
Mofu, what has changed in the game over the past half a year? Have bosses been added or changed? The last time I played there were: 2 foxes, gnu, rabbit and 2 mushroom girls (the first one was to the right of the store, and the second one was on the left side of the map and next to it was cowgirl)
The 2nd mushroom girl on the left side of the map has been temporarily removed, as well as the cow girl. Those 2 are being reworked/redesigned and will be added at a later update. The tanuki and the tiger girl have been removed, as well as the succubus and the character kneeling on the floor with her back turned, due to a controversy that occurred earlier in the year.
Dorlly (the skunk girl) boss fight was added and a new long legs mushroom boss has also been added.
At the moment, the game is still under development and many quest are currently incomplete. Right now, there should be a total of 8 bosses or so that you can fight. All the quests that are incomplete are marked on the bottom right of the quest tab in the menu, to show that it's still in development.
This game is still in development like zxcvb11 said, you can do the achievement quest without no damage, you will feel its difficulty, good luck I believe you will do it :3
Mofu-san is currently working on the next update and should be ready when the developer is ready. The current roadmap shown above is currently outdate but will be updated when the developer is ready. Please be patient.
It should be fine, since the maps will be redesigned and rebuilt in a future update anyways and Dorlly may be in a completely different area.
Right now, most of the game maps are placeholders and the game is currently on version 0.032, which might be drastically different, once the full game is released on version 1.0.
It's important for people to test out systems and bosses, so providing them info and where they're at/ where to test them when they ask for help should be fine.
Also, the creator has provided and used this image lots of times to help people when they ask where she is. Sorry if the above image has ruined your experience in anyway.😔
Mofu, ia ser legal se em algum uptade, colocar um evento, tipo de páscoa, ou halloween, aonde vc derrota algum boss no estilo, e a recompensa seja algum objeto, acompanhado com uma cena ero, com alguma personagem
E talvez uma boa idéia para o jogo, ia ser um sistema de afinidade, aonde aumentava fazendo algumas quest para as personagens, assim liberando cenas ero
Tenho certeza que um sistema de afinidade/sistema de relacionamento para personagens já foi solicitado por algumas pessoas e acho que Mofu-san disse que estava interessado/querendo adicioná-lo.
Quanto ao traje de halloween ou outros eventos específicos de feriados como natal ou páscoa, acho que outras pessoas sugeriram fantasias baseadas nesses feriados e Mofu-san expressou interesse em adicioná-los como fantasias cosméticas no futuro
Não tenho certeza se Mofu-san pode fazer atualizações em dias de eventos específicos, como halloween ou páscoa. Mofu atualiza em uma programação semi-regular quando podem (cerca de 2 semanas, acho que Mofu foi citado como objetivo) e parece focado em completar o jogo primeiro, em vez de tratá-lo como um jogo de serviço ao vivo, já que Mofu é o único desenvolvedor. Pode acontecer no futuro, porém, quando o jogo estiver completo.
Sim, este jogo está incompleto e a minha prioridade é completar este sistema e completar a história geral. Depois disso, talvez possa acrescentar roupa da Páscoa e do Dia das Bruxas😀
Numa atualização futura, tenciono acrescentar um sistema em que [Look] mostrará o seu nível de intimidade e este aumentará à medida que fores cumprindo as missões👍
find Bell and help she, you can fight the mushroom 2 leg in cave here, if you beat the mushroom 2 leg done it drop women's shorts hope you understand :3
Olá Mofu, vim apenas dar um "Olá" para você e agradecer por ainda continuar com seu jogo. Eu estou passando por uma pequena mudança e irei parar de me atualizar sobre seu jogo.
Então peço que continue seu trabalho até 27/04/2024 e espero que eu volte antes desta data para ver como está seu jogo, prometo voltar mais ativo depois desta data.
Hey Mofu, I think the Chinese version dialog is obviously machine translation. Although we can easily read it but it's not smooth, maybe just like you read my English.
For example, we usually translate"It's burning" into "烧起来了" or "着火了", not "它在燃烧". That's a grammar mistake. We can easily understand it just because we r using it every day.
I'm glad to but I don't have any experience about that. I'm in China now, if you really want me to try to translate it, we may try to use email or discord to do further communication.
Thank you for letting me know about that translation errors! If you can, please let me know which line of text to change and how, and I will change it🙏
most of the sentences have problems of incoherent, but the meaning are clear.the main problem are inconsistencies in adress, repetition of sentence elements and so on. It is felt that these problems are more common in conversation. There are a lot of them, and I think we could go through them all again. Of course, it doesn't make too much difference on understanding the dialog.
На данный момент игра находиться на стадии разработки. Некоторые мисси завершить нельзя, незавершённые локации помечены табличками на которых об этом сказано либо как в локации у Енота вас перекидывает в самую начальную локацию. Битва с боссом грибом на больших ногах будет повторяться каждый раз как вы входите на его локацию, после победы над ним с него выпадут трусы. На скриншотах показаны все миссии которые на данный момент завершить нельзя, способности, питомцы, карта на которой показано где находиться Енот, Белль и страж грибной деревни и прочее.
The game is currently under development. Some missions cannot be completed, unfinished locations are marked with signs that say this, or as in the location of the Raccoon, you are transferred to the very initial location. The big leg mushroom boss fight will repeat every time you enter his location, after defeating him, his underpants will fall out. The screenshots show all the missions that cannot be completed at the moment, abilities, pets, a map that shows where the Raccoon, Belle and the guardian of the mushroom village are located, and so on.
почему после битвы с большим грибом с ногами ничего не происходит, почему после битвы с Енотом она говорит то что можно пройти в деревню на право а там ничего нету? Почему нельзя пока что найти грибы и пройти в деревню и нельзя собрать 2 банку спермы? И будет ли контент кроме обычного секса, какие либо фетиши?
Енот не завершен, с гриба должны упасть трусы( если их нету возможно баг), на данный момент можно собрать сперму только с кролика. Игра находиться на стадии разработки и в будущем появится больше сцен, квестов и возможно новые механики.
Скорее всего у мофу нет конкретного представления игры либо нет девплана, так как для инди разработчика делать все и сразу это ужас,особенно если части нового геймплея зависят от старого кода. Про рисование новых спрайтов и наличия личной жизни у разработчика я вообще молчу,это и так очевидно.
В нашем графике разработки этой игры приоритетным является добавление того, что можно добавить за короткий промежуток времени. Так что это займет время, но все, что я добавлю, будет добавлено👍
Извините, эта игра еще не завершена, и многие истории остановлены на середине. Однако все они будут добавлены в будущих обновлениях. Я буду добавлять деревни в будущем👍
I wanted to ask the game community something, apart from the primary characters such as cat, caterpillar, gnu Rabbit, etc. can it show others because I don't and more after I finish defeating The fire mushroom as soon as I leave the mission makes me redo it for a second. Basically I don't see the new characters and plus it doesn't let me go forward with the story, I don't know if it's a bug
Thank you for playing this entire game!🤗 Unfinished stories will be initialized when you walk out of that room. Other characters will be added in the near future, so please wait a little longer.
Hello Mofu I love your games but I have discovered that you can play without censorship, for some reason I have censored, could you tell me how to remove censorship? By the way I want Mofu's answer, I'm sorry but I don't trust what others may say, so I want a response from the developer himself
Trust me or not its bound to your selected language. Im a translator for german and in some respect english. If you select a Language that isn't japanese the censorship should disappear. If its still there after the change its a Bug that mofu fixed with one if the last Hotfixes then you should just download the latest Version.
la quête de la statue n'est pas terminée, vous ne pouvez obtenir que du sperme de wulie (lapin), et mofu ajoutera du sperme d'autres filles lorsqu'elles seront vaincues ou interagissent
everyone we need to be patient, quality takes time, yes mofu is a god with the content that he releases but time isn't always on his side if he has time he will work on it when he can
i literally have all the time in the world to wait, however if i could make a request i would be that i would like to see a few futa scat scenes. nobody really make those at all and the ones from the futa ring game of your were fantastic
hola! alguno si podria ayudarme. cuando derroto a la chica zorra, no me solto su espada y ella se quedo tirada en el suelo junto a su hermana, creen que es un bug? simplemente me da la opcion de observar el cuerpo de la hermana y poco mas, no tengo su espada en el inventario.
bueno no intento cambiar las cosas pero ya q este juego esta siendo muy apoyado bueno ehh por q no hacerlo gratis muchas personas no pueden pagar de ahí comienza los los rodós :( atentamente: Alex ❤
intenta ponerte en el puesto de mofu, esta desarrollando un juego el solo y lleva desde hace mucho tiempo, es dificil desarrollar un juego y cada esfuerzo merece su ganancia aparte de los comentarios bonitos, merece la pena pagar por el juego completo
А когда будет обновление, Мофу? Просто уж очень хочется увидеть новые сцены, я ни в коем случае вас не тороплю, просто интересно узнать, в какой период ожидать обновление?
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Are you going to add update logs for the new updates? No rush, just asking 😁
I will add update logs in the next update😉
Ждемс новую обнову, надеюсь в ней будет больле контента
Сейчас я работаю над новым обновлением. Пожалуйста, подождите еще немного👍
alguien sabe si como pasar se el juego y porque en la parte del hongo con patas cuando acabo la batalla y despues vuelvo tengo que repetirlo como si no lo hubiera hecho
El juego aún está en desarrollo y la mayoría de las misiones están sin terminar. La razón por la que repites al jefe una vez que sales de la habitación y vuelves a entrar es porque hay un interruptor invisible que restablece el evento nuevamente. Esto se debe a que la historia posterior al jefe aún no está terminada y también para fines de depuración y prueba del jefe.
aaaaa ya gracias
sabes cuando va a estar la proxima actualizacion
¡No hay problema! 😁 Mofu-san tiende a actualizarse de forma semirregular, lo que puede ser cada 2 semanas más o menos, a menos que ocurra algo que interfiera con el desarrollo.
aaa dale prgunta un juego similar o del mismo genero para jugar
solo que sea compatible con 32 bits gracias y disculpa las molestias
No hay problema. Si escribe metroidvania en la barra de búsqueda de, debería poder encontrar otros juegos similares a este. ¡Espero que ayude!😊
Sí, ese jefe está inacabado, así que el jugador puede repetir ese combate.
Mofu, what has changed in the game over the past half a year? Have bosses been added or changed? The last time I played there were: 2 foxes, gnu, rabbit and 2 mushroom girls (the first one was to the right of the store, and the second one was on the left side of the map and next to it was cowgirl)
The 2nd mushroom girl on the left side of the map has been temporarily removed, as well as the cow girl. Those 2 are being reworked/redesigned and will be added at a later update. The tanuki and the tiger girl have been removed, as well as the succubus and the character kneeling on the floor with her back turned, due to a controversy that occurred earlier in the year.
Dorlly (the skunk girl) boss fight was added and a new long legs mushroom boss has also been added.
Thanks zxcvb11 for explaining about it!🤗 In addition, the system has been greatly improved and made lighter in operation.
How to complete the game 100% on the phone?
At the moment, the game is still under development and many quest are currently incomplete. Right now, there should be a total of 8 bosses or so that you can fight. All the quests that are incomplete are marked on the bottom right of the quest tab in the menu, to show that it's still in development.
Yes, most of the quests are incomplete. Thanks for answering that!🤝
This game is still in development like zxcvb11 said, you can do the achievement quest without no damage, you will feel its difficulty, good luck I believe you will do it :3
Yes its very difficult quests ;D
Yo when is the next update? The map thing says june
Mofu-san is currently working on the next update and should be ready when the developer is ready. The current roadmap shown above is currently outdate but will be updated when the developer is ready. Please be patient.
Yes, the next update will be done as soon as it's ready😉
Sorry, this development has been delayed considerably. I will hurry up and make the next update👍
Take your time! Your fans appreciate your work!
Comments these has so much spoiler its ruining the games huh!!!
i dont think so😅🫵📸👍
Please be careful not to look at the comments😓
Where can I find Drolly? Is Drolly even in the game yet?
She's located here:
She'll be hiding behind a rock, which you'll need to interact with to start the fight.
It should be fine, since the maps will be redesigned and rebuilt in a future update anyways and Dorlly may be in a completely different area.
Right now, most of the game maps are placeholders and the game is currently on version 0.032, which might be drastically different, once the full game is released on version 1.0.
It's important for people to test out systems and bosses, so providing them info and where they're at/ where to test them when they ask for help should be fine.
Also, the creator has provided and used this image lots of times to help people when they ask where she is. Sorry if the above image has ruined your experience in anyway.😔
Thank you for explaining that!🤗 Yes, this map will be remake in the future. Currently it's a very small map, but I plan to make this huge.
Yep she in game just explore in caves i cant tell where exactly she cause its gonna ruined the game
what if mofu will update to 3.3?
I'm curious about that 3.3 update, what will mofu add in the 3.3 update when it comes out :3
I'm guessing that version 0.033 will include the end of the current story for Bell and a new event scene for her.
ohhhhh that sound good :D
Yes, ver 0.033 will add a new scene for Bell. That is possible in the next few days I believe😉
I'm excited to see ver 0.033!🥰
Mofu, ia ser legal se em algum uptade, colocar um evento, tipo de páscoa, ou halloween, aonde vc derrota algum boss no estilo, e a recompensa seja algum objeto, acompanhado com uma cena ero, com alguma personagem
E talvez uma boa idéia para o jogo, ia ser um sistema de afinidade, aonde aumentava fazendo algumas quest para as personagens, assim liberando cenas ero
Tenho certeza que um sistema de afinidade/sistema de relacionamento para personagens já foi solicitado por algumas pessoas e acho que Mofu-san disse que estava interessado/querendo adicioná-lo.
Quanto ao traje de halloween ou outros eventos específicos de feriados como natal ou páscoa, acho que outras pessoas sugeriram fantasias baseadas nesses feriados e Mofu-san expressou interesse em adicioná-los como fantasias cosméticas no futuro
Não tenho certeza se Mofu-san pode fazer atualizações em dias de eventos específicos, como halloween ou páscoa. Mofu atualiza em uma programação semi-regular quando podem (cerca de 2 semanas, acho que Mofu foi citado como objetivo) e parece focado em completar o jogo primeiro, em vez de tratá-lo como um jogo de serviço ao vivo, já que Mofu é o único desenvolvedor. Pode acontecer no futuro, porém, quando o jogo estiver completo.
Sim, este jogo está incompleto e a minha prioridade é completar este sistema e completar a história geral. Depois disso, talvez possa acrescentar roupa da Páscoa e do Dia das Bruxas😀
Numa atualização futura, tenciono acrescentar um sistema em que [Look] mostrará o seu nível de intimidade e este aumentará à medida que fores cumprindo as missões👍
great work on the game keep up the great work
Thank you, I will keep making this🤗
can't wait for the new version to come out, this game is amazing
Thank you! I'm working on a new version now👍
Hi i found a bug: Using the latest version
How it happened:
1-Defeat skunk girl using bow
2-The location of her defeat is by the left corner of the sage (right by the red thing barrier)
3-after defeating her return to the previous room (exit from the left side of the stage)
Bug: The screen goes black but the hud is still visible
Thank you for letting me know about that bug!🤝 I will investigate about it.
I haven't been here in a month what did a miss?
you should update your game play.
find Bell and help she, you can fight the mushroom 2 leg in cave here, if you beat the mushroom 2 leg done it drop women's shorts hope you understand :3
Thank you for writing about it! Yes, there is a new boss added👍
Such an amazing game...i have a question, can i get the main character Chubby ?
Or it's just slim/average ????
I'm pretty sure you can change it whenever you want in the options somewhere :) there's normal, chubby and muscular.
Yes, the player can change her body shape in the states screen👍
Thank you so much !
go to the gym
Mofu any updates in game?
Please see the development log for the latest updates.
Olá Mofu, vim apenas dar um "Olá" para você e agradecer por ainda continuar com seu jogo. Eu estou passando por uma pequena mudança e irei parar de me atualizar sobre seu jogo.
Então peço que continue seu trabalho até 27/04/2024 e espero que eu volte antes desta data para ver como está seu jogo, prometo voltar mais ativo depois desta data.
Ok, estou à espera do dia em que estarás aqui novamente. Tenho a certeza que nessa altura este jogo estará completo😉
This is already such a great game with visiuals, 10/10 would play again to bust.
not only the visuals to be honest, its the entirety. From the visiuals, to the lore and the characters. like god damn.
Thank you for liking this game🤝 This is still a work in progress, but I hope to expand on this and make it more interesting.
The game is very good and makes me addicted to the plot and the enemies I'm looking forward to the updated version 😄
Thank you for playing this game! I will continue to update this🤗
Hey Mofu, I think the Chinese version dialog is obviously machine translation. Although we can easily read it but it's not smooth, maybe just like you read my English.
For example, we usually translate"It's burning" into "烧起来了" or "着火了", not "它在燃烧". That's a grammar mistake. We can easily understand it just because we r using it every day.
Hope you have a good solution for that.
If you can provide a better translation I bet there are manny people who would be graetful about it. Maybe you could do that ? Its fairly easy.
I'm glad to but I don't have any experience about that. I'm in China now, if you really want me to try to translate it, we may try to use email or discord to do further communication.
You dont have to talk to me. You just have to provide Mofu with the Translation file. He'll update it in the next hotfix/update.
Thank you for letting me know about that translation errors! If you can, please let me know which line of text to change and how, and I will change it🙏
most of the sentences have problems of incoherent, but the meaning are clear.the main problem are inconsistencies in adress, repetition of sentence elements and so on. It is felt that these problems are more common in conversation. There are a lot of them, and I think we could go through them all again. Of course, it doesn't make too much difference on understanding the dialog.
Thank you for your advice!
Btw, the dialogue document is here. If possible, please correct this, I will fix it👍
I fixed the cn.txt, and how can send it to you?
Mofu, você tem discord? Se tem você passa para mim?
Aqui está o servidor discord deste projeto👍 (mas ainda estou a testar o funcionamento)
(edit) I made a mistake with URL🤧
É muito obrigado por deixar o jogo mais leve❤
I forgot about bestiary,sorry
Updated translation
Спасибо за обновление перевода!🤗💕
Сейчас я добавляю новые картинки и диалоги и обновлю перевод через некоторое время.
На данный момент игра находиться на стадии разработки. Некоторые мисси завершить нельзя, незавершённые локации помечены табличками на которых об этом сказано либо как в локации у Енота вас перекидывает в самую начальную локацию. Битва с боссом грибом на больших ногах будет повторяться каждый раз как вы входите на его локацию, после победы над ним с него выпадут трусы. На скриншотах показаны все миссии которые на данный момент завершить нельзя, способности, питомцы, карта на которой показано где находиться Енот, Белль и страж грибной деревни и прочее.
The game is currently under development. Some missions cannot be completed, unfinished locations are marked with signs that say this, or as in the location of the Raccoon, you are transferred to the very initial location. The big leg mushroom boss fight will repeat every time you enter his location, after defeating him, his underpants will fall out. The screenshots show all the missions that cannot be completed at the moment, abilities, pets, a map that shows where the Raccoon, Belle and the guardian of the mushroom village are located, and so on.
Tell em pino
Благодарим вас за прохождение всей игры! Многие части в настоящее время не завершены, но в будущих обновлениях они будут завершены😉
素敵なゲームだよねー Thank you, Mofu-san! Momo is the best
Thank you! New Momo scenes will be added in the future🤗
почему после битвы с большим грибом с ногами ничего не происходит, почему после битвы с Енотом она говорит то что можно пройти в деревню на право а там ничего нету? Почему нельзя пока что найти грибы и пройти в деревню и нельзя собрать 2 банку спермы? И будет ли контент кроме обычного секса, какие либо фетиши?
Енот не завершен, с гриба должны упасть трусы( если их нету возможно баг), на данный момент можно собрать сперму только с кролика. Игра находиться на стадии разработки и в будущем появится больше сцен, квестов и возможно новые механики.
Спасибо, что объяснили🤝. Да, недостающие части этой игры будут добавлены в будущих обновлениях.
Потому что альфа и разрабочик 1 игры много хочешь брат , это все будет она ещё альфа
Да, эта игра является альфа-версией.
Скорее всего у мофу нет конкретного представления игры либо нет девплана, так как для инди разработчика делать все и сразу это ужас,особенно если части нового геймплея зависят от старого кода. Про рисование новых спрайтов и наличия личной жизни у разработчика я вообще молчу,это и так очевидно.
В нашем графике разработки этой игры приоритетным является добавление того, что можно добавить за короткий промежуток времени. Так что это займет время, но все, что я добавлю, будет добавлено👍
Извините, эта игра еще не завершена, и многие истории остановлены на середине. Однако все они будут добавлены в будущих обновлениях. Я буду добавлять деревни в будущем👍
I did it!
me too :D
Thank you for accomplishing that too!🤗
Thank you for accomplishing that difficult Achivements!🤝
Обнову позязя
Patience is just patience
3 дня прошло какая обнова чел
Пожалуйста, подождите еще немного👍
I wanted to ask the game community something, apart from the primary characters such as cat, caterpillar, gnu Rabbit, etc. can it show others because I don't and more after I finish defeating The fire mushroom as soon as I leave the mission makes me redo it for a second. Basically I don't see the new characters and plus it doesn't let me go forward with the story, I don't know if it's a bug
it's not a bug, that's just as far as the story goes currently. everyone else you see above hasn't been added yet.
thanks I did not know😅 in case you know when there will be the update?
nope, i have no idea, sorry. there isn't really a set schedule for updates. they just get put out when they're ready.
Yes, the update date for this game is irregular. it will be updated about once every two weeks.
Thank you for playing this entire game!🤗 Unfinished stories will be initialized when you walk out of that room. Other characters will be added in the near future, so please wait a little longer.
Hello Mofu I love your games but I have discovered that you can play without censorship, for some reason I have censored, could you tell me how to remove censorship? By the way I want Mofu's answer, I'm sorry but I don't trust what others may say, so I want a response from the developer himself
Trust me or not its bound to your selected language. Im a translator for german and in some respect english. If you select a Language that isn't japanese the censorship should disappear. If its still there after the change its a Bug that mofu fixed with one if the last Hotfixes then you should just download the latest Version.
Yes, thanks for explaining that!🤝 There was a version that was censored by a bug, but perhaps in the latest version those censors are gone.
Comment fait on pour remplir les bouteilles pour la statue ? Je doit aller voir qui ?
la quête de la statue n'est pas terminée, vous ne pouvez obtenir que du sperme de wulie (lapin), et mofu ajoutera du sperme d'autres filles lorsqu'elles seront vaincues ou interagissent
Oui, j'ai l'intention de rendre le sperme de toutes les filles disponible à l'avenir👍
This game is good ngl can't wait until it finish
Thank you! This game will be finished for sure😉
everyone we need to be patient, quality takes time, yes mofu is a god with the content that he releases but time isn't always on his side if he has time he will work on it when he can
I know, so we need to wait patiently for the next update!
Thank you for waiting to update for this! I will work on this game with all of my time🤗
i literally have all the time in the world to wait, however if i could make a request i would be that i would like to see a few futa scat scenes. nobody really make those at all and the ones from the futa ring game of your were fantastic
Yes, I will add futa scat scenes👍. Also I will add the feature to show a message before showing that scene and allow it to be skipped.
get help
hola! alguno si podria ayudarme.
cuando derroto a la chica zorra, no me solto su espada y ella se quedo tirada en el suelo junto a su hermana, creen que es un bug? simplemente me da la opcion de observar el cuerpo de la hermana y poco mas, no tengo su espada en el inventario.
Lo siento, creo que se trata de un bug. Investigaré la causa.
bueno no intento cambiar las cosas pero ya q este juego esta siendo muy apoyado bueno ehh por q no hacerlo gratis muchas personas no pueden pagar de ahí comienza los los rodós :( atentamente: Alex ❤
intenta ponerte en el puesto de mofu, esta desarrollando un juego el solo y lleva desde hace mucho tiempo, es dificil desarrollar un juego y cada esfuerzo merece su ganancia aparte de los comentarios bonitos, merece la pena pagar por el juego completo
Tengo previsto crear dos versiones, una gratuita y otra de pago
Me supongo que la versión de paga vendrá con más contenido y la versión gratuita con menor contenido no?
Sí, pienso hacerlo.
А когда будет обновление, Мофу? Просто уж очень хочется увидеть новые сцены, я ни в коем случае вас не тороплю, просто интересно узнать, в какой период ожидать обновление?
В настоящее время я работаю над содержанием для новых обновлений. Пожалуйста, подождите еще немного.👍 Эта игра обновляется примерно раз в две недели.