Futakin Valley


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Can you provide a feature for selling objects in a store?

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That's already a feature, click trade while in the store, and at the top of the screen you can toggle between the "buy", and "sell" options


Yes, the player can sell objects in the inventory from that button. Thank you for writing that🤗


mofu,打败了慕什娜之后的urethra insertion怎么没有了?这次更新没有cg吗?


To be honest I have seen that the futanari genre adds urethral insertion and urethral penetration which is very extreme and I could say that it is a little sadistic but it would be good to see a little morbidity even if it is something extreme

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The chubby purple mushrool girl had it in her CG maybe mofu plans to ad it again... maybe not.


o CG vai sair na 0.034, se não me engano

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我相信是的,过去有一个给老板插入尿道的场景。 我认为因为 Mofu-san 仍在努力在即将到来的 0.034 版本更新中读取 Boss 和新的 CG 场景,所以当前不可用,但我认为一旦更新完成它可能会回来。




我不知道如何找到过去的版本,但我相信你可以在谷歌上找到它。 请注意,这些网站可能包含病毒,因此可能存在风险。 至于奥菲莉亚,不幸的是,她因今年早些时候的争议而被移除。 好消息是莫夫桑正计划添加一个新的牛女来取代她,所以你可以期待这一点。

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我也期待再次看到重新设计的新牛女。 我们必须等待并保持耐心,因为 Mofu-san 还没有完成她的重新设计,但我相信她会看起来非常漂亮。🥰这场争议涉及一名粉丝,当他们不断要求改变游戏时,他与Mofu-san发生了争执。 这个人参与了奥菲莉亚的创造,并告诉莫夫在不按自己的方式行事时删除她,因为他们相信他们对她的创造负有责任。 因此,他们声称负责的几个角色必须按照要求删除。




А что  у mofu с patreon типо пишет :"страница удалена"?


Его заблокировали

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Жиза канешь прям оч интересно за ше это ему страйк дали 


Да, меня забанили на patreon и все пропало🤧


Hi mofu this is my new vn translation link:https://mega.nz/file/gowmhTRI#sIPJytrcpFeX_mf6tahk2fqE85O38JCilKr1_Kp3NMA. And mofu, do you ever think about adding futaring's character into futakenvalley like easter egg in game? thanks ;)


ia ser incrível


Thank you so much for making the new translations!🤗🙏

And yes, adding futaring's character to this game is possible. I'd like to add those easter eggs when this game is almost finished.


Praise be Mofu-Sama


Hi Mofu, i love your game ! Characters are  beautiful, the difficulty is well tuned and the ambiance is very nice ! Since you are trying to vary the different sex and kink scenes i can suggest my favorite, which is cumflation (inflation of belly through huge amount of semen) Since you added the huge ball effect i thought you might know it. Anyway, great game ! I will be on stand by, waiting for the opportunity to support you through subscribestar or other :D !


Thank you for your support!🤗 I will consider adding cumflation to this! ;3


Hi Mofu, since your patreon page has been deleted I wonder if there's another way to contribute monetarily to your effort for this game. I'm having a blast playing this and I hope to see it finished, is there some other way to donate to you?


Thank you for your kindness! I'm looking into other sites and will resume something like patreon soon🤗


Maybe consider a direct donation system via something like pay pal ?


While that's possible, I'm considering sites that can offer rewards.


I'm sorry to disappoint you mofu but every site Who will see this game will immediately think of Loli content and the sexualisation of Minors. In the west there will be no official and trustworthy site where you can safely show you're content without being removed for this. I looked it up only fans has the same policy like Patreon and the other support sites simply ban Porn.


I'm considering creating a page as an nsfw artist in a form not associated with this game.









Ждем 0.034 ибо пока что патч фиксы и добавления доп контента согласно плану


What did they add in this update besides the fight with the giant mushroom girl, why did I already defeat it but I don't know if I unlocked a new scene or an additional mission


There's no scene yet. Mofu-san is working on the CG event now and the scene will be ready once version 0.034 is released.


Yes, I'm currently working on that new scene. Please wait a little longer😉


Oh okay okay I'll be patient the game is really very good


will 0.034 be finished in this month? 


Yes, I'm sure it can be done👍


eu terminei de lutar com o ultimo boss adicionado no jogo e, cara, ta muito bom, tanto o designe dos personagens como a luta, foi desafiadora mas muito divertida, é bom que seja difícil assim, gostei muito, como sempre, fico muito ansioso para as próximas atualizações porque eu sei que vai vir coisa boa com certeza! (adorei as personagens gordinhas)


Obrigado por jogares a nova luta de chefes! A próxima atualização irá adicionar a nova cena dos elfos negros🤗


will you ever open up a discord?


here it is.👍 (but that is still in preparation)



Những cô gái mà mofu làm ra quá hấp dẫn tôi hi vọng mofu sẽ ra thêm cái hay nữa 😍




bạn đánh giá thế nào về bản dịch vn?


đọc thấy cũng ổn á bạn, có mấy cái còn giữ tiếng anh mà đúng là mình thấy dịch ra cũng ko ổn lắm


Cảm ơn bạn đã thích trò chơi này. Nhiều cô gái khác sẽ được bổ sung trong tương lai😙💕


I hope mofu will make the game as long as possible so I can play the game comfortably


I intend to expand this game massively so that it can be played for a long time😉


People are talking about plants that increase nene's ball size near the elves, but I dont see them?

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You'll have to jump on the far side of the room to reach the area.


Yes, the player can get there by jumping and gliding👍


Thank you another question what if I what to send a game file to another device are you going to add something like that


The save files of this game are stored in the following directory

PC [ Documents/FutakenValley/ ]

Andorid [ Android > data > com.Mofuland.FutakenValley > files ]

From here you can copy them to another device


How do I update the game


You can update it by simply overwriting this game file👍


Where is bell?


She's located here:




No problem!😁


Thanks zxcvb for answering where she is located🤗


I dont think i was supposed to be up here


You are  i went up there last update I think the inspect is not done yet for them tho


It's a feature added for experimental purposes, so in the future it will be removed😀


I don't know what to say, there is no motivation, I'm waiting for 0.034.


Thank you for making the character that have not been added yet!🥰 ver 0.034 will be ready soon👍


Mofu, would you be able to add a slime girl/futa in the future please, that would be amazing!


Yes, I'm planning to add slime girls in the future👍


Did the black elf fight me or be with me?


That girls hide while the main character is fighting.


aha thanks 

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I LOVE this game, it's perfect in every conceivable, but even so i have some suggestions, These being:

1- Being able to fuck every enemy once you defeat them.

2- Being able to be evil and force yourself on NPCs, actions which would eventually lead to an secret ending

That's It.


Yes, I plan to add the feature to have sex with the defeated enemies at any time in future improvements. And I'm considering adding secret endings.


How to Find the Purple Mushroom Girl and Fight Her

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She's located past the statue where you have to deliver semen for on the left side of the room (where the plant that increases and decreases Nene balls).


Thanks zxcvb for explaining that!🤝


"Доброго комьюнити не существует" -  говорили они. Но я готов показать им комментарии к игре Futaken valley, еë прекрасного создателя Mofu и его не менее прекрасных фанатов. Надеюсь, что с Вами всё хорошо, ведь если что-то случится с игрой, боюсь я получу серьёзный душевный ущерб, как жаль, что я не владею знаниями в сфере разработки игр, но уверен, если бы это было не так - я с удовольствием помог в развитии игры. Мы с Вами Mofu! 

Если переводчик не сможет передать мои слова в точности, как задумывалось - просто знайте, что я глубоко впечатлён Вашей игрой и с каждым обновлением всё больше жду новой части


Спасибо за вашу доброту!🤗 Я постараюсь сделать эту игру более приятной для вас. Кроме того, это сообщество поддерживается многими доброжелательными людьми.


I've opened all the scenes but it's still 76% am I missing something?


If you've also fought the Purple Mushroom Girl, then that's everything so far. The game is still in development and many quest are still incomplete.


Yes, this game is unfinished, so it will not be 100%. Many characters that will be added are still incomplete.


Я смог скачать прошлую версию,эта опять не устанавливается по причине того что новый андроид и 64ббита


Прошу прощения. Я рассматриваю возможность создания 64-разрядной версии для Android в будущем.

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Here ya go For Thai translation 😎😎

















[ver 0.033.14] 9/11/2023

- Added purple mushroom girl battle.

- Added Slovak translation.

- Updated Vietnamese translation.

- Updated Thai translation.

- Fixed a bug that the saves cannot be deleted in Android version.


Спасибо, что написали об этом здесь🤝


So... Where is the girl...?


Please follow the path behind the huge stone statue👍


Who to get village mushrooms?


Currently, you're not able to access the mushroom village yet as it's still in development. Once the Blue Mushroom Girl is added into the game in a future update, the quest to be able to go to the mushroom village will be complete and a later update will add the village.


Thank you for explaining that! Yes, winning the 3 mushroom girls will allow the player to go to the mushroom village😁


Ophelia it look so good :o 👍


Her name is Mushria, not Ophelia😀

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Thank Mofu ._.👍



what was the new update?


Copied from Devlog:

[ver 0.033.14] 9/11/2023

- Added purple mushroom girl battle.

- Added Slovak translation.

- Updated Vietnamese translation.

- Updated Thai translation.

- Fixed a bug that the saves cannot be deleted in Android version.

If you check the bestiary tab for the Purple Mushroom Girl and the little Dark Elf, you can find alt pictures of their portraits.


Thanks zxcvb for explaining that!🤗


Mofu, i have idea. how about if Nene defeated by enemy, added animation Nene get fucked and die

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An idea for defeat animation from different characters has been suggested before (you can see a remnant of this with the Remy defeat screen). Ultimately, Mofu-san decided not to have unique defeat animation because it would ruin the flow and pace of the game if you had to be defeated by each enemy just to see it and unlock it. Maybe it's possible to just have 1 defeat animation with just Nene for gameover.


Yes, this game allows the player to move on by defeating enemies, so I felt that a system that requires the player to lose was not appropriate for the direction of this game. Therefore, I decided not to add each defeat scene to this game. However, I think it would be possible to display a random defeat scene😉


It dosent let me inspect these


 I have a question about what besides speed is affected by super huge eggs that can be obtained by touching the "plants" in the room with elves. And the second question will there be scenes with a caterpillar and a fox added in the next updates?


When her balls are huge, they will move slower. Also, the new scenes of the caterpillar girl and the fox girl are not ready yet, so please wait a little longer😉


So no point in keeping her balls huge right ?


It's to test a status debuff affect. In a later update, the plants that increase and decrease Nene's balls will be removed.


Yes, that's right! Thank you for answering🤗


Thanks for the clarification 😊


After running through the whole game again, in 30 minutes I realized that I spent 10 of them on a new boss. I hate this mushroom cattle. Her explosions made me suffer. And so the update came out good.


Thank you for playing the new update! The bombs she throws can be hit back👍


How do i collect the little dark elf semen


That's not ready yet. You will be able to once version 0.034 is released.


Yes, it will be added in version0.034👍


I'm sorry about your patreon mofu the only way to support you to finish this project a little faster.


It's no problem. I will restart it again😇


How do you see alternative versions in the game? 


This version fixes the translation and adds the mushroom boss.


OK thanks

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