Futakin Valley


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hi mofu i was thinking do you want implement where you can be pregnent by all the characters like wuelie and impregnate the other ones?                            this will be so dope


in the left of Momo's house could get pregnant too,of course it's just  still an incomplete system

how do you do that

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oh thx a lot


Yes, it's currently possible that way. Thank you!👍

Thank you for explaining that!🤗

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Yes, I would like to complete that feature as a top priority.😉


encontré un bug muy gracioso, cuando luchas con la hermana zorro mayor en su segunda fase y cuando este apunto que el rayo mortal de la espada impacte en nene rápidamente debes hacer la animación de orinar ocurrirá que nene quedara en una animación sin movimiento, las animaciones de correr o caminar dejaran de funcionar, nene será inmortal ya que los ataques no le hacen daño, la animación de combate y las armas dejaran de funcionar no podrás derrotar a la hermana zorro mayor quedando en un bucle que solo se puede arreglar si reinicias el juego, este bug lo encontré por casualidad además que es un poco difícil de realizar ya que ocurrió a la primera y cuando reinicie el juego ya no lo volví a hacer, posiblemente mofu ya arreglo este bug o no sabe de su existencia, no tengo capturas o un video que muestre el bug ya que como dije antes ocurrió a la primera y cuando volví al juego después de reiniciarlo y lo volví a intentar no lo pude realizar

Gracias por informarme de ese fallo. Quizás Nene fue atacado en medio de la animación y el estado no se libera. Lo he probado varias veces y aún no he podido reproducirlo, ¡pero quiero arreglar ese fallo lo antes posible!


so, I think I've done everything I could for now, even tho it says 40%. Pretty good game. Keep up the good work. :D

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Thank you! I will make this 100%. :)

how do i interact to gloomy girl at the dark place and how to interact to GNU and also where's the cow?

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Thank you for writing that!🤗

The gloomy girl is not yet working. And the gnu girl will work if you take the mushroom dog. and the cow girl is not yet implemented. sorry, I will complete them as soon as possible!🙏


19 subversions and fixes for a single version, dear lord, Mofu, you are polishing that game with unfathomable zeal

Thank you! I will keep polishing this until it's complete😁

Is all the CG's unlockable? Also is there any items to change the size of other body parts?

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Lipstor... your a legend. Always having to repeat yourself here XD

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Thanks lot for all the many explanations! Your explanations are the wiki of this game.🥰

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Ahh, but I do have a question about this. Do you know if there will be more CG's than what is listed? Like will there be more ?grey ?" than there are now, or are you unsure.

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Yes, because I have not yet decided what to add and suddenly CGs are added.

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Yes, I plan to do that.😉

Will you plan to add cheats in this game?

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That's not impossible, but currently I don't plan to add it.

Aww, that's too bad! (ᗒᗩᗕ)

Help people, I can't play games without guides. How to interact with the characters in general, that is, I defeated everyone and run around the map in a misunderstanding of what to do next

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Thank you so much

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Deleted 2 years ago

Thank you so much for writing great guides.🤗

How to beat bosses it is so hard

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Yes, Thank you for explaining how to beat them!👍

What's new in this update? i zeroed it and found nothing new the only difference i saw was the bigger breasts of the initial fox (which by the way i loved it)

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Yes, the save system has been changed in this update.👍 And the breast size of Remy is the same as before.

Found a glitch where you can't do anything when getting stunned while fighting Cynthia

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Perhaps, the bug occurs when Nene is stunned while holding her bow and is further attacked.

like i got stunned and then i was unable to attack nor get damaged but can move around, the only way i could die was to eat poisonous mushrooms from the inventory 

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Looks like any stagger will lock the character, performing an emote or taking additional damage will fix it for now

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Sorry about that bug!🤧 I will fix and update it now.


are all the CGs in? I have some I don't know at all how to get and could use some hints. 

me,too! I have the same difficulties as you.

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I see. Thanks for your explanation.


Thank you for answering that!🤗

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Yes, and I might as well hide its placeholders.😅


The game has an implemented "show hints" button in the CG gallery, all CG's that are implemented will show a hint underneath them... oi Mofu, you should add some special CG's for people that get all achievements (Mainly no damage challenges) in the game when you are finished the game :3 totally not self projecting here.

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when does cow release?


Surprisingly mofu is the only dev working on this game right now. So it might be a little longer.

He has team or it's solo project?


Only him


Yes, but lots of people help me.😇

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You are Mofu's helper? I often see you in comments and i'm just wondering

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Yes, you are my best supporter! the Spanish translation would never have been possible without you.👍

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como puedo comprar los otro juego si me sale de otro pais soy de latino america

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¡Muchas gracias por escribirlos! Espero traducirlos pronto.😉

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Yes, this update contains it.👍 I believe I have also fixed the bug you previously told me about, where the number of items in the shop could not be changed. Thank you so much!🤗

Is there a way to transfer the save for the new update?


Your saves will transfer automatically because they are located in a different directory. Alternatively you can access them through documents/FutakenValley

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Yes, I try to keep them compatible so that the game can also load older saves.😉

Yes, the saves are stored in the MyDocuments folder, so they will be passed on without problems.😁

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May I use 1 of character on this page as avatar?

P.S. only face

You can use it. But please don't sell it.😉

Is it possible to interact with her?

not yet

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Yes, thank you for explaining that!🤗

She can not move yet, but I will complete her in the near future.👍

Controls for Android? Or use wireless 

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Yes, that's right! Thank you for answering that🥰

I find interesting little glitch 😁 

Is it exploitable with the two puppets?

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I can use only 1 of them, I find it when take dog for glu futa and after fight use secret reset in neko girl house and take new doll

Thank you for letting me know about the bug! I will check how to do that.🙏

Why I didn't be pregnant when fighting against the rabbit girl?

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Yes, It's possible to do it that way too. Thank you!👍

And I will soon add the system to get Nene pregnant with any character.

But I have beaten her. How can I sex with her again?

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Yes, I will add them!👍

I would like to note in my first playthrough I didn’t even get stunned while fighting her, yet I still became pregnant. I mean, I’ll take it bc free companion.

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i does't want to play. im downloading pc version win.zip and then extrac it but i can't play it when  i click the " game.exe " nothing poop out just some bit lag for a sec and then nothing happen

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Yes, I too think that the 64-bit version may be the cause.🤔

my OS are for 64bit but my windows are 32 bit


OMG, it was my anti virus

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Thank you for resolving it🤗

How could i fight with gnu girl😢

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thank u👍

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Thank you so much for answering that!🤗

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mofu will you release it on itch.io for free?

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Yes, I plan to do so.😉


A que huele el pene de nene? Teala dijo que olia muy bien XD

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El pene de Nene emite una dulce fragancia que atrae y excita a otras chicas.😁

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Aprovechando que se que puedes leer comentarios en español creo que deberias dejar el juego en nombra tu precio, en lo que a mi respecta es un juego de muy buena calidad, apesar de estar en tan temprano desarrollo, no solo eso sino las ilustraciones y animaciones tambien son muy buenas, creo que mas de uno estaria dispuesto a apoyarte

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¡Muchas gracias por presentarlo!🤗

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I guess you can  speak spanish well, right? Espero sí.
Supongo que ¿Lo último es derrotar a los 6 jefes? De ser así ya lo acabé hasta dónde va el juego, la verdad es que es muy buen juego, los visuales, mecánicas y demás cosas, están muy bien pensadas, desarrolladas y hacen quedar muy bien en el juego. Creo que lo único que no me gustó es el sistema de combate en su totalidad, y creo que de alguna manera siento que el dash/esquivar no es realmente funcional, pero bueno, capaz y es percepción mía. XD soy un manco, no me hagas mucho caso.

Felicitar a quien está haciendo los visuales se queda corto, son fabulosos. Una pregunta ¿La chica conejo es con la única que está la mecánica de embarazo, verdad? Porque  ahí me tienes investigando si las otras jefes también tienen dicha mecánica

¿Será la única (la chica conejo)     que tenga la mecánica? Sería un desperdicio XD, es interesante el ganar cosas raras de maneras muy inesperadas.

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Sí, la traducción al español de este juego es apoyada por ustedes. Muchas gracias.🥰


Buah, entonces mis respetos, porque el español está tan bien colocado que  parece nativo del juego. Un aplauso de pie, de corazón. Bien hecho, buen trabajo.

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Muchas gracias por explicarlo todo.🤗👍


Yo entiendo, de hecho es la función principal de dicha mecánica y lo entiendo, no obstante, sin llegar a comparar, sin afán de ofender, en otros juegos que también tienen acción constante con muchos "colliders", priorizan dicha mecánica pues es dicha mecánica la única con la que puedes hacer frente a la desventaja natural de los jefes.  Aunque, como digo, son otros juegos y lo menciono porque tal vez yo estaba acostumbrado a otros "dashes", igual puede que sea cierto y sea problema mío, XD es que soy medio manquito jaja.

Mis respetos entonces a Mofu, pues su trabajo es excelente, yo también hago ilustraciones y sé el trabajo que requiere por lo menos de tiempo el entregar dicha calidad. ¿Y además hace el código? Buah, no puedo sentir más que admiración.  Y también aplausos a los traductores. Porque fue genial la traducción, pocos juegos los he sentido tan bien traducidos.

Y para Mofu  頑張ってくださいよ!あなたは才能がありますから!(Lo siento si está mal escrito, mi japonés está muy oxidado XD) Paz y amor a todos.


¡Gracias! La traducción de este juego ha sido excelente gracias al gran esfuerzo de Lipstor.👍


Es cierto la mecanica de esquivar es muy fuerte cuando se usa bien, creo que lo que sucede mucho es que el juego usa hitbox constantes, lo cual hace que con el simple hecho de que tu perosnaje este encima del arma enemiga te haga daño lo cual puede ser un poco frustrante

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Justo a eso me refería en que no me termina de convencer del todo el "dash" aunque también como dije, puede que sea porque esté mal acostumbrado a otros juegos y así. Mala mía, saludos.


Muchas gracias por sus comentarios. El sistema de embarazo es todavía un trabajo en progreso y voy a trabajar para mejorarlo. Haré que sea posible con todos los personajes.👍


Suerte y mucho éxito, tienes mucho talento. C:

Tanto visual como en código es una joyita.


¡Muchas gracias!😉

Donde se encuentran los siudadanos o todavía no esta implementado 

Donde se encuentran los siudadanos o todavía no esta implementado 

Donde se encuentran los siudadanos o todavía no esta implementado 

What happens after reaching 100% of pregnancy? I received it and nothing happend ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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thanks 🙏 

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Thank you for answering that!🤗 Yes, as it stands, that is the only way to go.

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Is there an option to interact with the bunny boss after defeating it?

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I intend to implement the system to interact with her in the near future.👍

Why futa? Good painting style,but l don't like futa. 


So I suggest you play other game with no futanari contents, because the theme of this game is futa,and developer draws futanari


Yes, the theme of this game is futa🤗


That's because I love futa😉


I also really like futa, this game is very good one of the best I've ever played 


That's right,this game will lost its spirit if all characters changed into non futa girls,of course,not only this game,but all Mofu's artworks.Futanari is their essence😆

Thank you! I will make all characters futa in this game.😇

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Personal preferences are different, we can't force others to like something,but expressing dislike of futa in comment of a game with the theme of futanari,I think he should find other non-futa games😅

By the way,I don't care if futa has balls,of course I prefer futa with balls.

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No,forcing others is just my automatic speaking.

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I agree with you, I too like the full package futas with balls.🥰👍


if you don't like the futa style and feel uncomfortable and just don't play


When I first heard of futa I had the same mindset but after a week of thinking about futa I love it way more than a female and male having sex. Cause with futa they are both girls, sure one (or maybe both) has a penis, but at least they are still a female. Whereas with a guy and girl one has a penis, but that is a dude and dudes ain't pretty... most of the time, but girl pretty UwU

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I also like that boy that looks like a girl🥰

I agree with you! I like pretty girl with penis too🤤

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Is cowgirl and succubus not in game yet?, Because I can't find them


Nope, only girls in the game are (sorry, wont do names right now, MIGHT edit them in after... im terrible remembering names IRL too)

Fox sisters (2 fox girls)

1 Gnu

1 Cat girl (Momo <3)

1 Rabbit Girl

1 Catterpillar

1 Mushroom girl

1 Allarune girl (Teleporter Plant with the inverted penis)

----- Girls that just sit there and look pretty (2 can change your appearance)

Buff Lioness girl

Chooby Tanuki Girl

Huge sexy Demon Lord looking girl on a throne

A mine explorer (that got stuck/lost)

And a, uhhhhh, neet or maybe that girl from "Ring" huddled in a corner

Thank you for explaining that! They have not yet been implemented but plan to be named Ophelia and Keira.😁

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I wasn't planning on it, but I would like to make her like "the ring".😁


Sorry, cowgirl and succubus are not implemented yet. I will bring it into the game soon!😉

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Yes, I intend to implement it all!👍

How to defeat momo the catgirl? still wandering


A tip I was giving by our very helpful lipstor to no hit it for my achievement was to use my bow and stay on the ground. So do that and you should be perfectly fine if not... get some golden shrooms and buy food for healables.

Thank you for explaining how to win!👍 Yes, you may have a relatively easy victory if you attack Momo with a bow.

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Me who expert when use whip😑

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Yes, follow the cat and you can find Momo's main body.😉


Very good futa game


Yes,awesome artwork and artist


Thank you!👍

Is there any sexual clip of her?

Not yet, currently the CGs are only for the Fox sisters, the Rabbit girl, the Gnu, the catgirl and the plant girl

Yes, and I will add more CGs.😉


Nope, but there will be and we will also watch her grow up into her butterfly form :P 

Yes, I will paint her in butterfly form.😙

How i can wakeing up the gnu girl?

Feed mushroom dog a mushroom to let it follow you,them bring it to gnu

Thank you for answering!🤗


My pleasure

thanks for yoyr anser and what about the girl was siting end of the cave ?


Stay tuned, her contents has not finished yet

Yes, That'right, thank you!👍

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hola mofu

que contenido traera la proxima actualizacion?

La próxima actualización será una revisión total del sistema de guardado. Tengo previsto actualizar mañana o al día siguiente.👍

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and how to give birth to a baby about a bunny girl if I have a pregnancy scale already at 100 %


You go into the house in the area you fought (or should have fought) MoMo, the cat girl (she is in the middle of the map by the huge demon girl... cant wait for her to be completly implemented.

Yes, that way it is possible.👍 Thank you for replying! Nene can give birth by talking to Momo.

The key config for mobile is messed up. I locked myself out of the game basicaly, it needs to be fixed as soon as posible. Also cant increase the amount of stuff to buy at a time in the shop.


Sorry, the key config for the mobile version is currently not working.🙏 And the behavior of the buttons to increase the number I will fix it as soon as possible!

when you fix it will i keep my progress?


the save files are located in a different directory so you should be able to keep your progress throughout the future updates

Yes, The save files will not be overwritten if you update this game.👍

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Deleted 1 year ago
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you need to find and hit the real one, the original one is the one that doesn't have the codpiece (or koteka) on her model. Her cat will also follow her but it won't climb the platforms 

Thank you for answering that question! Yes, you are completely correct.👍

When the game is fully developed, will you consider releasing it on other platforms? Like steam or more? I'd love to pay for the full version, but I can't sponsor it on itch I really love this game! So I also hope to help game development!


Mofu is going to release this game on Steam in the near future. He also has plans on releasing his other game FuujuHime once it gets an English version


Yes, I will do so.👍 And I plan to release it on itch.io.


Thank you for your kindness!🤗 I would be happy to have your support when I start Patreon etc.

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