Sorry for the slow development.😭 Those updates are mainly bug fixes. However, I'm confident that when the system for this game is complete, I will be able to add a lot of pictures at a very fast rate.😁
oya amigo me entra este juego y e seguido las actualizaciones y agradezco a creador o los creadores por esta joya de juego y más por que se pude conectar mandos blutu
Bueno, primero que nada, me encanta su juego y creo que tiene muchísimo futuro.
Tengo una duda, ¿el combate contra "gnu girl" esta implementado?, porque mi marioneta lleva 3 minutos lanzándole rocas en el traser* y nada que se mueve
wow el juego es espectacular no solo por los artes (que esta muy buenos ) si no tambien en gameplay y que tenga varios idiomas incluido el español, la mayoria de juegos solo estan solo en ingles, se nota mucho que se hace con mucho empeño y esfuerzo, un fuerte abrazo sigan asi ❤
If you got a ps4 controller try using that (share button and home button to pair it) it helped me play the game because how hard it was to use the controls on phone
Solid game, controls feel a bit floaty but everything else is of a lot higher quality than I expected. Will definitely keep following the development. Thanks for making it.
I just wanted to thank you for your work I know creating a game is hard takes a lot of time but it's turning out great oh your game I'm looking forward to the final version have a great day ♥️
all joke aside this game is really good. I love the metroidmania game and I love futanari I love monster girl woah this game has everything I love pack into one game
after 2 hour of playtime I explore every possible path and fough all the boss
I would say I really enjoy this if the full game came out I pretty sure I'll grab it before everyone haha (jk)
btw can you add the option to "play" with the boss we already save? so I have something to do while travel back and front pass them
Thank you for playing this! I love the metroidvania game and futa and monster girl too!🥰 and I will be adding the ability to sex with all characters in the future.
This has a lot of potential. Good job. Though a bit of early feedback:
- It was really not intuitive for me to need to hit jump right as I hit the ground after falling from a long height. Nothing explained this, I discovered it by accidentally pressing random buttons. Furthermore, when you fall and break your legs or whatever then the game just kinda leaves you there paralyzed... can't do anything, but it doesn't take you back to the last save, no you have to load it on your own for some reason.
- Please make the Escape key function the same as Backspace. It really just makes sense that Escape should get out of menus and such.
- The mushroom boss's second phase... damn, _constantly_ attacking? Having failed on it several times now, it's seeming like a bit too much for my reflexes. What, do I need to grind for a bunch of healing mushrooms? No how I prefer to play. And even then, how am I going to do enough damage when it keeps. doing. attacks. with. no. pause.
Thanks for that video. It helped having confirmed that there's no secret to learn or pattern to recognize. Just gotta dodge. A lot. Like 3-5 dodges per each hit on the boss.
There is a penis statue at the start, hit it and you get tons of gold because....... it spawns an infinite amount of mushroom dudes to fight, this also means you get mushrooms and some other drops (Just sell the mushrooms, dont eat em) then with all that money buy some soup, though, I recommend what Lipstor stated, get used to dodging, all these bosses become extremely easy afterwards, only boss that might still give you trouble is Momo (beloved cat girl) because of her second phase spamming attacks, use a bow for her and stay on the ground if you really wanna cheese her.
Thanks a lot for your feedback! The inoperability when falling from a long height is most likely a bug. That is likely fixed in the current version. Sorry for the many bugs!🙏
As for the Escape key, I understand. I would add to it the same behavior as Backspace.👍
Encontre un error, una vez acabe la batalla contra gnu volvi a subir a donde se hace la primera fase, y me ocurrio algo raro, estaba intentando pasar de un lado a otro y me caí porque confundí las teclas, y una vez caí me hice daño por caída, pero la posición quedo quieta, una vez se acabó el estado ya no me podía mover ni nada, nada de interacciones, solo el menú
Intente replicarlo varias veces y todas me funciono, lo que hice para quedarme atorado es saltar desde un lugar alto y mantener el ataque oprimido hasta caer
¡Perdón por el error fatal!😭 He confirmado el fallo. Parece que se detiene cada vez que Nene cae desde una posición elevada. Arreglaré este fallo lo antes posible.
tranqui, un proyecto de un solo desarrollador es dificil ya de por si y que tengas todas las variables en mente ya es casi imposible ajajaja, te lo dice un compañero programador
hi mofu i was thinking do you want implement where you can be pregnent by all the characters like wuelie and impregnate the other ones? this will be so dope
encontré un bug muy gracioso, cuando luchas con la hermana zorro mayor en su segunda fase y cuando este apunto que el rayo mortal de la espada impacte en nene rápidamente debes hacer la animación de orinar ocurrirá que nene quedara en una animación sin movimiento, las animaciones de correr o caminar dejaran de funcionar, nene será inmortal ya que los ataques no le hacen daño, la animación de combate y las armas dejaran de funcionar no podrás derrotar a la hermana zorro mayor quedando en un bucle que solo se puede arreglar si reinicias el juego, este bug lo encontré por casualidad además que es un poco difícil de realizar ya que ocurrió a la primera y cuando reinicie el juego ya no lo volví a hacer, posiblemente mofu ya arreglo este bug o no sabe de su existencia, no tengo capturas o un video que muestre el bug ya que como dije antes ocurrió a la primera y cuando volví al juego después de reiniciarlo y lo volví a intentar no lo pude realizar
Gracias por informarme de ese fallo. Quizás Nene fue atacado en medio de la animación y el estado no se libera. Lo he probado varias veces y aún no he podido reproducirlo, ¡pero quiero arreglar ese fallo lo antes posible!
The gloomy girl is not yet working. And the gnu girl will work if you take the mushroom dog. and the cow girl is not yet implemented. sorry, I will complete them as soon as possible!🙏
Ahh, but I do have a question about this. Do you know if there will be more CG's than what is listed? Like will there be more ?grey ?" than there are now, or are you unsure.
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Defeated every boss still like 8 gallery things still locked and hints don't show up. I have no clue what to do but amazing game
Thank you so much
Thank you so much for solving the question!🤗
New update when ? And also when new version comes can u say what's new in that? Cuz since 31.17 to 31.20 I haven't found any new thing
Thank you for explaining it!🤗 My development is often stagnant, but it's definitely progressing.
Do not urge him,It's useless even if you're in a hurry,because just one develper works on this game,be patient.
Thank you for your concern! I will make this as soon as possible👍
Sorry for the slow development.😭 Those updates are mainly bug fixes. However, I'm confident that when the system for this game is complete, I will be able to add a lot of pictures at a very fast rate.😁
oya amigo me entra este juego y e seguido las actualizaciones y agradezco a creador o los creadores por esta joya de juego y más por que se pude conectar mandos blutu
Sí, y tú eres el que más me ha ayudado.🤗
Gracias por seguirme. Seguiré actualizando esto.😁👍
what should i do ? ._.
You mean how to react this girl?her content has not been finished yet.
oh thanks for the info
Thank you for explaining it!👍
Yes, thank you for writing it!🤗
How to get pregnant again after give birth ?
Yes, currently there is only those way to do it. thank you for writting that!
what do I have to do?
Where is it ?
bring the mushroom dog
Yes, that's right!👍
Thank you for your attention, I hope you are always healthy
Thank you for your detailed answer!🤗
Just finished the game, it was great! Some of the cg was missing but guess that will be added later?
Also I wish a sex scene with Remy was added too~
Also in the cg replay feature of linnea and momo didnt seem to work, not sure if it its intended or not?
sorry, it has not yet intended a setting to replay.🙏
Thank you for playing this! There will be many more the cgs added in the future.👍 Of course a sex scene with Remy will also be added.
Thank you so much for letting me know about that! I will fix those in the next update.🤗
Offtop report
I don't know anything about it, so I can't say anything. Anyway, I suggest you avoid looking at that page.
So I want to know what he said has anything relation with futaken and Mofu san?I don't understand what he want to express😅
So there's no any relation with the theme of here,To express this behavior in Japanese is“空気が読めない”😅
I don't care what kind of comments anyone posts here. However, I cannot accept comments that attack anyone.🤧
how to give birth to Nene ?
How to get there ? (After beat rabbit girl)
How to fight the girl cat ? It's was so hard in the beginning game
btw, what Will i get when Nene give birth ?
How to defeat mushna ? I was trying so much, but i can't even defeat her
Bueno, primero que nada, me encanta su juego y creo que tiene muchísimo futuro.
Tengo una duda, ¿el combate contra "gnu girl" esta implementado?, porque mi marioneta lleva 3 minutos lanzándole rocas en el traser* y nada que se mueve
Sí, se puede despertar a la chica gnu de esa manera. ¡Muchas gracias por explicarlo! Y, perdón por la confusión de esto.🙏
Okay, muchisimas gracias por la ayuda
great game def my favourite
Thank you for liking this game!🤗
Lmao, I didn't know there was only 6 bosses I spent around 3 hours doing nothing.
Thank you again for all the advice! I'm going to create a page (Q&A) explaining it now.👍
Yeah, Don't worry it's my fault for not checking sooner.
Yes, there are 6 bosses in this game. But I plan to increase that in the future.😉
I Hope they can released as fast you can
i cant find cow and succubus
Where are they?
How to beat the mushroom monster ? It's so hard to beat
Sorry, those two have not yet been implemented. They will be implemented in the near future.
where did y’all find the map?
Yes, thank you for writing that!🤗
Hello Mofu, i really enjoy your work, amazing arts and amazing mechanics, I'm studying to create games too, i hope one day be able to do it like you.
Thank you! Creating games is a lot of fun and I hope you enjoy it too😁👍
this game is excellent
thank you
Thank you for playing this!👍
wow el juego es espectacular no solo por los artes (que esta muy buenos ) si no tambien en gameplay y que tenga varios idiomas incluido el español, la mayoria de juegos solo estan solo en ingles, se nota mucho que se hace con mucho empeño y esfuerzo, un fuerte abrazo sigan asi ❤
Sí, tu traducción es ridículamente impresionante y te lo agradezco enormemente.🥰👍
¡Gracias por jugar a este juego! Las traducciones son posibles gracias al apoyo de muchas personas maravillosas.😉
How do I play on mobile? It's only giving me controller instructions and nothing I do works ;~;
If you got a ps4 controller try using that (share button and home button to pair it) it helped me play the game because how hard it was to use the controls on phone
Yes, It would be easiest if you could use a controller👍
Tap the controller icon at bottom left to show the control
Yes, It can be operated that way.👍
Thank you for explaining that!🤗 I'm not sure if I can use the controllers on Android, but it may be possible.
The Tanuki/Lion is alredy in the game but has no funktion
It's OK
Thank you! I'm currently making their motions, so I think I'll be able to implement their battles soon😁
Take your time to make them look great, if you rush the development too much it probably won't look as good
Yes, I will try to make this game look good. Thank you😉
Solid game, controls feel a bit floaty but everything else is of a lot higher quality than I expected. Will definitely keep following the development. Thanks for making it.
Thank you! I would like to so😉
Thank you for following this! I will strive to improve the quality of this game.🤗👍
I just wanted to thank you for your work I know creating a game is hard takes a lot of time but it's turning out great oh your game I'm looking forward to the final version have a great day ♥️
Thank you for playing this! It's very time consuming but I will definitely make the final version of this😁
There are only 5 months left before the end of the year, but Mofu says he will (try to) finish the game in that time. Is it really possible?
I just hope there will be plenty of images and sprites post-release, this game is too pretty and neat to be forgotten that quickly
Thank you for your kindness.🥰 I would be so happy if I could make living from my games.
Thank you! The main content of this game is images and sprites, so I'll put in a lot of it😁
Yes, once the code is complete, all I have to do is add images, so it's very fast😙
Could you please tell how much of the coding is approximately left? If it's not a secret
The rest of the coding is the behavior of about 10 characters. Once that is done, the project is almost complete.👍
This is just the progress that he hopes or estimation,in fact, there is hard to tell,but he's trying his best
Yes, the progress of this is very vague. Because the schedule of what I make is changing.😅
she is stuck in this position what do i do
you need to go there whit the mushroom dog
thanks friend it helped me a lot
Yes, bring it and the battle will begin. Thank you👍
I love what you are doing, this is a great game already I look forward to the full game. Thank you for all your hard work.
Thank you! I want this game to be the full game by the end of this year.😁
" what a delicious looking mushroom
pretty sure I would be
deadfine if I eat them "all joke aside this game is really good. I love the metroidmania game and I love futanari I love monster girl woah this game has everything I love pack into one game
after 2 hour of playtime I explore every possible path and fough all the boss
I would say I really enjoy this if the full game came out I pretty sure I'll grab it before everyone haha (jk)
btw can you add the option to "play" with the boss we already save? so I have something to do while travel back and front pass them
Yes, I plan to do so👍
Thank you for playing this! I love the metroidvania game and futa and monster girl too!🥰 and I will be adding the ability to sex with all characters in the future.
is this jump possible
Edit: I can't do it
Edit 2 I got it
Yes, VERY possiible... you get a double jump quite literally at the start of the game in a house that a fox girl is at XD
Yes, it's also possible to do it that way. thank you!🤗
Yes, thank you for writing that!👍
This has a lot of potential. Good job. Though a bit of early feedback:
- It was really not intuitive for me to need to hit jump right as I hit the ground after falling from a long height. Nothing explained this, I discovered it by accidentally pressing random buttons. Furthermore, when you fall and break your legs or whatever then the game just kinda leaves you there paralyzed... can't do anything, but it doesn't take you back to the last save, no you have to load it on your own for some reason.
- Please make the Escape key function the same as Backspace. It really just makes sense that Escape should get out of menus and such.
- The mushroom boss's second phase... damn, _constantly_ attacking? Having failed on it several times now, it's seeming like a bit too much for my reflexes. What, do I need to grind for a bunch of healing mushrooms? No how I prefer to play. And even then, how am I going to do enough damage when it keeps. doing. attacks. with. no. pause.
Yes, thank you so much for your wonderful video and explanation!🤗
Thanks for that video. It helped having confirmed that there's no secret to learn or pattern to recognize. Just gotta dodge. A lot. Like 3-5 dodges per each hit on the boss.
There is a penis statue at the start, hit it and you get tons of gold because....... it spawns an infinite amount of mushroom dudes to fight, this also means you get mushrooms and some other drops (Just sell the mushrooms, dont eat em) then with all that money buy some soup, though, I recommend what Lipstor stated, get used to dodging, all these bosses become extremely easy afterwards, only boss that might still give you trouble is Momo (beloved cat girl) because of her second phase spamming attacks, use a bow for her and stay on the ground if you really wanna cheese her.
noooooooo, make it harder, or at least with variable difficulty
I plan to add both easy and hard locations😁👍
Thank you so much for explaining in detail!🤗 I agree that the recovery items make it so much easier.
Thanks a lot for your feedback! The inoperability when falling from a long height is most likely a bug. That is likely fixed in the current version. Sorry for the many bugs!🙏
As for the Escape key, I understand. I would add to it the same behavior as Backspace.👍
Can someone help me?
Where can I find the 'Gnu', 'Lion', and 'Tanuki', characters in this game? 🤔
Thank you for explaining it! Yes, that's right🤗
The Kagebushin Catgirl Shaman got the difficulty level of a newbie trying to Solo a Dark Souls Final Boss
Yes, with mushroom soups you may easily take her down😁
Sorry that the difficulty level is very high.🙏 In the future, I would like to increase the number of items and make it easier to beat her.
I'm stuck at the chasm part.........
Perhaps there may be nothing there. Most of the places in this game are in the middle of development.
Thank you for elaborating!🤗
he's pumping out updates but it's not growing in size so i'm guessing i'm just gonna be disappointed if i try playing all of them...?
Yes, thank you so much for explaining that!🤗 I added the number to the back of the version because I frequently fix bugs.
Encontre un error, una vez acabe la batalla contra gnu volvi a subir a donde se hace la primera fase, y me ocurrio algo raro, estaba intentando pasar de un lado a otro y me caí porque confundí las teclas, y una vez caí me hice daño por caída, pero la posición quedo quieta, una vez se acabó el estado ya no me podía mover ni nada, nada de interacciones, solo el menú
apenas aperta Q e usa alguna animacion, asi si podes mover
Perdón por tantos errores. Ya he corregido este error.👍
¡Perdón por el error fatal!😭 He confirmado el fallo. Parece que se detiene cada vez que Nene cae desde una posición elevada. Arreglaré este fallo lo antes posible.
tranqui, un proyecto de un solo desarrollador es dificil ya de por si y que tengas todas las variables en mente ya es casi imposible ajajaja, te lo dice un compañero programador
Sí, es muy difícil hacer un juego solo. A veces no estoy muy seguro de cómo funciona el sistema de este juego.😆
hi mofu i was thinking do you want implement where you can be pregnent by all the characters like wuelie and impregnate the other ones? this will be so dope
in the left of Momo's house could get pregnant too,of course it's just still an incomplete system
how do you do that
oh thx a lot
Yes, it's currently possible that way. Thank you!👍
Thank you for explaining that!🤗
Yes, I would like to complete that feature as a top priority.😉
encontré un bug muy gracioso, cuando luchas con la hermana zorro mayor en su segunda fase y cuando este apunto que el rayo mortal de la espada impacte en nene rápidamente debes hacer la animación de orinar ocurrirá que nene quedara en una animación sin movimiento, las animaciones de correr o caminar dejaran de funcionar, nene será inmortal ya que los ataques no le hacen daño, la animación de combate y las armas dejaran de funcionar no podrás derrotar a la hermana zorro mayor quedando en un bucle que solo se puede arreglar si reinicias el juego, este bug lo encontré por casualidad además que es un poco difícil de realizar ya que ocurrió a la primera y cuando reinicie el juego ya no lo volví a hacer, posiblemente mofu ya arreglo este bug o no sabe de su existencia, no tengo capturas o un video que muestre el bug ya que como dije antes ocurrió a la primera y cuando volví al juego después de reiniciarlo y lo volví a intentar no lo pude realizar
Gracias por informarme de ese fallo. Quizás Nene fue atacado en medio de la animación y el estado no se libera. Lo he probado varias veces y aún no he podido reproducirlo, ¡pero quiero arreglar ese fallo lo antes posible!
so, I think I've done everything I could for now, even tho it says 40%. Pretty good game. Keep up the good work. :D
Thank you! I will make this 100%. :)
how do i interact to gloomy girl at the dark place and how to interact to GNU and also where's the cow?
Thank you for writing that!🤗
The gloomy girl is not yet working. And the gnu girl will work if you take the mushroom dog. and the cow girl is not yet implemented. sorry, I will complete them as soon as possible!🙏
19 subversions and fixes for a single version, dear lord, Mofu, you are polishing that game with unfathomable zeal
Thank you! I will keep polishing this until it's complete😁
Is all the CG's unlockable? Also is there any items to change the size of other body parts?
Lipstor... your a legend. Always having to repeat yourself here XD
Thanks lot for all the many explanations! Your explanations are the wiki of this game.🥰
Ahh, but I do have a question about this. Do you know if there will be more CG's than what is listed? Like will there be more ?grey ?" than there are now, or are you unsure.
Yes, because I have not yet decided what to add and suddenly CGs are added.
Yes, I plan to do that.😉