podria agrgarse un enemigo que sea mucho mas poderoso como para que se agregue un arma mas podersa que la de linnea como el martillo de cinthia y tambien varias cosas del cuerpo para poder levantarlo como puños grandes o algo y quisa tambien pies grandes y otras partes para ser mucho mas grande al menos un poco mas pequeño que cinthi
El martillo de Cynthia se añadirá en la próxima actualización. También me gustaría añadir una variedad de otras armas para que el jugador pueda disfrutar con ellas👍
This game is designed so that you can get weapons and beat stronger opponents by defeating them first, starting with the weakest. I'd also like to improve that design in the future to make it easier to understand👍
Um personagem criado por vc, com habilidades nas quais vc criou para ficar de lembrança e poderia ser uma personagem que teria o nome lip no começo, exemplo lip-chan 😁😁
Yes, thank you for answering that question👍. Also, this game was created to be easy to play on the itch app, so if you can I recommand you to use that.
It's my great pleasure to talk with you again. It's great good news for me and the world that you are alive. I always hope that your illuness will be cured by the progress of medical science.
Does anyone here know any other futa genre game that i can play whiles i wait for an update? (I already finished all of mofu other games and they're great 👍)
Iam now currently playing tales of androgyny and wowww there's a lot i mean a lot of texts in it. it's to much information even for a porn game. But it does have a good animation and character design.
If you think that's bad, you should see Corruption Of Champions 2. It's basically a book.
There is a cheat mode that allows you to unlock the gallery, but it is locked to Patreon copies. If you're really lazy, you can just edit your Profile to force everything to be unlocked.
If you don't mind RPG maker games or Dubcon, Futanari Alchemist Triss is pretty good. The combat is as generic as you would expect, but the scenes definitely hit in all the right places, for me anyway. Like Lipstor said, Futa games are pretty rare, especially good ones unfortunately.
Some other games would be:
Explorer of the Golden Planet, a 2D adventure game. There's no proper translation for the game, which is criminal. You get the Futa attachment about halfway through.
Max the elf, a femboy sidescroller
Futadom world, a renpy game with futa on male, if you're into that.
Captivity, a side scrolling action in the style of COD zombies. Only one stage features Futa FNAF enemies, the rest being zombies and dogs, aliens, bugs, and goblins.
Sadly, well drawn, authentic, animated (even static) futa art is quite seldom.
Personally, I prefer balls too, but don't mind if they have none; but it looks quite awkward to me if it grows directly out of the vagina like a humongous clitoris with a tiny base. 🤔
Mofu, you do a great work! Yes, i dont foggiving a little minus with android emulator (any time reaction to click is slow, but it may be a problem of my phone🙃... I think this variant more realistic XD), but your game is VERY good and i think it have a big future.
Thank you for liking this game! it's very hard for me to translate this, so if you translate this, I promise I will add it👍. The translation file is in Game_Data/StreamingAssets/language.
This has become legitimately one of my favorite games. Thank you for all of the hard work you do, Mofu. You are a great developer, and I cannot wait to see the full release of the game. Please never give up!
Sou do brasil, e realmente este jogo é muito bom a tradução ta extremamente boa nada de dificuldades, agora estou esperando próximas atualizações, seria bom se o mofu o criador disponibilizasse o hogo de graça para quem testou, vou testar e sempre passar meu feedback sobre erros e problemas, até agora tudo certo.
Muito obrigado por testar este jogo🤝. Esta tradução foi feita por j0Gim, não por mim. A tradução deste jogo é apoiada pela gentileza de muitas pessoas.
Yes, those items that can be equipped will be added in the future. I'm currently redesigning the system and once that is complete I will add lots of items👍
How do you get pregnant a second time? And I had an idea, what if the rabbit became aggressive again if you crouched in front of her for a certain amount of time.
Have you defeated the cat lady? If you defeat her, you will be prompted to disband the magic doll when you walk to the end on the left side of her room. After confirmation, you can talk with the cat lady and get pregnant again
With the new addition of Rabbit Slippers you should make it so that if you wear the slippers using the "sprint button" will make you walk slow, because I mainly use the slippers for the bonus buff they give and sprinting during mushina 2.0 is sometimes deadly.
I’m very saddened that you are in pain. I hope your condition will recover with surgery. You are loved by many people, so I'm waiting for you to come back here again😢
mofu quiero agradecerte por este espléndido juego es muy entretenido y con cada actualización presenta un desafío a cualquiera que lo juego espero que sigas haciendo maravillas cómo lo has echo en cada actualización ♥️
No son actualizaciónes muy grandes pero tú comunidad las recibimos con demaciado amor y cariño
Queria realizarles la siguiente pregunta espero no incomodarlos.¿Alguien sabe porque no puedo cojer el martillo de Gnu?me he pasado el juego 5-10 beses en cada una de las actualizaciones y en ninguna lo e podido optener
Psdt:me duele cada dedo de tanto tocar la pantalla 😭.pero no me arrepiento
Es mucho texto Haci que si te saltaste hasta aquí quiero decirte que tú comunidad y yo te queremos y apreciamos tu obra de arte_Fu❣️❣️
Gracias por disfrutar de este juego!🤗 Actualmente, el martillo de Gnu se rompe cuando la ganas, pero puedo añadirlo. Intentaré añadirlo en la próxima actualización👍
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me alegra oirlo
ho lipstor ya te recuperaste
podria agrgarse un enemigo que sea mucho mas poderoso como para que se agregue un arma mas podersa que la de linnea como el martillo de cinthia y tambien varias cosas del cuerpo para poder levantarlo como puños grandes o algo y quisa tambien pies grandes y otras partes para ser mucho mas grande al menos un poco mas pequeño que cinthi
El martillo de Cynthia se añadirá en la próxima actualización. También me gustaría añadir una variedad de otras armas para que el jugador pueda disfrutar con ellas👍
В будущем будет ли разнообразие частей тела Нены(Nene)? И насколько большим будет это разнообразие?
И хотелось бы узнать что будет добавляться в игру в ближайшем будущем
Да, я планирую добавить их. И я стараюсь добавить деревню как можно скорее👍
А грибы изменяющие грудь/член/яйца, будут ли новые разновидности таких грибов?
Да, в будущем я буду массово увеличивать количество этих новых грибов😉
Hey just noticed the small hole up there in remys sister boss room
is there anyway up there
Ah does make sense thanks as always lip 😁
Thank you for answering that question!🤝 Yes, I had her in that spot and I was trying to keep her from falling too fast
Можно писать комментарии на русском языке?
Жаль, с английским языком у меня проблемы, но придется писать на английском..
Чел, просто воспользуйся яндекс переводчиком
Да, вы можете свободно писать комментарии👍
only suggestion about this game is to have an easier mode or make the bosses easier.
Yes, that sword is the most powerful weapon now. Thank you for writing that🤝
This game is designed so that you can get weapons and beat stronger opponents by defeating them first, starting with the weakest. I'd also like to improve that design in the future to make it easier to understand👍
To entrando toda hora aqui esperando a atualização kskskks mofu deve estar se esforçando isso que amo mais e isso qie vai te levar pra frente
Você por aqui, como anda lip chan rsrs espero que bem e mofu deveria colocar vc no jogo por ajudar tanto skksks só uma idéia nunca se sabe né
Um personagem criado por vc, com habilidades nas quais vc criou para ficar de lembrança e poderia ser uma personagem que teria o nome lip no começo, exemplo lip-chan 😁😁
Obrigado por sempre voltar aqui! Atualizarei novamente dentro dos próximos dias🤗
here is the texts translated, if I verify some wrong text translated while playing futaken valley for test, I'll make it sure correctly later
Thank you guys so much!
Thank you so much for making a great translation!🤗💕 I will add it in the next update👍. I appreciate your efforts!
Alright so uh... How can I insert my works to the game?
I guess I'm not able to intervene in android file...
or could I give you my works so you can make that be applied?
Could i have the English example? And what app/site should i use to add my text to it?
Thank you so much for explaining those things so clearly Lip🥰🤝
why I can't install the game?
Yes, thank you for answering that question👍. Also, this game was created to be easy to play on the itch app, so if you can I recommand you to use that.
One thing I suddenly wonder while supporting to translate this game as korean is that some characters whether to use honorific or not.
Could I get some clue for it? Whatever it's fine even if there is no need to identify.
Thanks to read.
copy that as well, thanks for the replies you two!
There are no restrictions on the translation of this game. You are free to translate it into whatever way you feel is best for you👍
Phew.. You scared me ;) Welcome back! <3
I think i can only imagine this..
But it's all gone for now. Rest as much as you can and recover health :)
It's great that you're okay
It's OK. just believe it will recover,miracles may happen, right?
I was glad to hear the report!!
I hope everyone here understands you☺️
Glad to see surgery went well lipstor, hope things get better for you:D
About your tone.Sorry for the confusion:(
I wanted to tell you that everyone here is kind.
It's my great pleasure to talk with you again. It's great good news for me and the world that you are alive. I always hope that your illuness will be cured by the progress of medical science.
Me fuí un par de dias. Un resumen porfavor? No entiendo nada 🥲
Does anyone here know any other futa genre game that i can play whiles i wait for an update? (I already finished all of mofu other games and they're great 👍)
Thanks i will check those game out. And glad your back
Iam now currently playing tales of androgyny and wowww there's a lot i mean a lot of texts in it. it's to much information even for a porn game. But it does have a good animation and character design.
If you think that's bad, you should see Corruption Of Champions 2. It's basically a book.
There is a cheat mode that allows you to unlock the gallery, but it is locked to Patreon copies. If you're really lazy, you can just edit your Profile to force everything to be unlocked.
If you don't mind RPG maker games or Dubcon, Futanari Alchemist Triss is pretty good. The combat is as generic as you would expect, but the scenes definitely hit in all the right places, for me anyway. Like Lipstor said, Futa games are pretty rare, especially good ones unfortunately.
Some other games would be:
Explorer of the Golden Planet, a 2D adventure game. There's no proper translation for the game, which is criminal. You get the Futa attachment about halfway through.
Max the elf, a femboy sidescroller
Futadom world, a renpy game with futa on male, if you're into that.
Captivity, a side scrolling action in the style of COD zombies. Only one stage features Futa FNAF enemies, the rest being zombies and dogs, aliens, bugs, and goblins.
I know what you mean. I don't mind balls or no balls, but if I have a choice I always choose balls
I get what you meant she ain't a futa if she doesn't have balls 🤤 sometimes i even avoid them
Don't forget mage kanades futanari dungeon it's a new futa game with a smooth pixel art animation
And wolf's dungeon same smooth pixel art like the other one but it's old
Most of these games don't have decent art.
Sadly, well drawn, authentic, animated (even static) futa art is quite seldom.
Personally, I prefer balls too, but don't mind if they have none; but it looks quite awkward to me if it grows directly out of the vagina like a humongous clitoris with a tiny base. 🤔
Mofu, you do a great work! Yes, i dont foggiving a little minus with android emulator (any time reaction to click is slow, but it may be a problem of my phone🙃... I think this variant more realistic XD), but your game is VERY good and i think it have a big future.
Emulator? It's a real apk, not an emulator
I'm talking about built-in control, out of habit I call it an emulator. It's a habit after emulators of sega games. They have similar controls😅
Thank you for playing this game! I hope to improve the Android version of the controller's responsive in the future😉
Làm cách nào để đạt thành tựu giết NPC mà không gây damage vậy AD
Dùng vũ khí tầm xa, như ném dao, được bán trong cửa hàng.
Điều đó không dễ. Nhưng nếu bạn có thể dự đoán hành vi của họ, bạn có thể nhận được AD đó.👍
I really like your game, I want your game to have Thai version. The game system is good. I want to update it very quickly.
All the translations are made by fans. You can make your own Thai tl and upload it here!
Yes, I can only add the translation you gave me, because I can not translate😆
Thank you for liking this game! it's very hard for me to translate this, so if you translate this, I promise I will add it👍. The translation file is in Game_Data/StreamingAssets/language.
This has become legitimately one of my favorite games. Thank you for all of the hard work you do, Mofu. You are a great developer, and I cannot wait to see the full release of the game. Please never give up!
Yes, I will definitely release the full version of this game. Thank you for your support!😁
I don't even know what question to ask about the game. So I'll just praise Mofu for his excellent work.
You're the best!! UWU
(I'm waiting for a global update)
+ get well lip
don't get sick
Thank you! I will try to make this game better🤝
And yes, I too wish Lip get well.
非常感谢你在安卓版上完成了这一点😆👍 你是非常熟练的!
looking forward to the new update, the author is trying very hard to make a good game and I will wait for the new update as a birthday 🥰
Thank you for enjoying this game! I will update this soon for your birthday🤗
suerte lip espero te mejores y la operacion sea todo un exito
Estoy de acuerdo contigo. Yo también espero que lip esté bien.
Sou do brasil, e realmente este jogo é muito bom a tradução ta extremamente boa nada de dificuldades, agora estou esperando próximas atualizações, seria bom se o mofu o criador disponibilizasse o hogo de graça para quem testou, vou testar e sempre passar meu feedback sobre erros e problemas, até agora tudo certo.
Muito obrigado por testar este jogo🤝. Esta tradução foi feita por j0Gim, não por mim. A tradução deste jogo é apoiada pela gentileza de muitas pessoas.
Thanks for the credits Mofu!!
Muito obrigado pela grande tradução🤗
Obrigado pelo feedback ^^ . Eu sou o autor da tradução, qualquer sugestão por favor deixe-a aqui
Ganhei um também mas tive q farmar bastante cogumelos
es solamente una sugerencia pero podria agregarse audio a nene cuando salta y cuando recibe daño
por cierto soy este
Sí, es posible. Me gustaría ponerlo en práctica en el futuro😉.
Are there prosthetics like butt and gloves or only dick, balls, breast, shoes and mask?
Yes, those items that can be equipped will be added in the future. I'm currently redesigning the system and once that is complete I will add lots of items👍
Eu li que foi adicionado sapatos, como posso obtelos?
Boa noite 😄
There is a ladder at the entrance of the cat lady's room. It is near the ladder
Yes, there it is. Thank you!🤝
Achei brs
How do you get pregnant a second time? And I had an idea, what if the rabbit became aggressive again if you crouched in front of her for a certain amount of time.
Have you defeated the cat lady? If you defeat her, you will be prompted to disband the magic doll when you walk to the end on the left side of her room. After confirmation, you can talk with the cat lady and get pregnant again
Yes, thank you for writing that!👍 Also I will make sure that Rabbit and Nene can do it again in the near future.
You should add nens rape scene when she lose the battle
Yes, I plan to add that in the future👍
Oh I plan to have that happen during the battle, not when Nene's Life reaches 0 and the scene appears.
Yes, I agree that you are right. If you have to lose, the game is likely to lose its fun. I would probably prefer not to include it.
Maybe he means not specifically "rape", maybe it will be kinda "rough sex"?
very good
With the new addition of Rabbit Slippers you should make it so that if you wear the slippers using the "sprint button" will make you walk slow, because I mainly use the slippers for the bonus buff they give and sprinting during mushina 2.0 is sometimes deadly.
Ok, in the next update, I will change it to walk slow with "sprint button"👍
Alright! Thank you :>
Well ofc, I am the one always having to respond to people. You never help out or anything >:(
Of course sarcasm, I love you lipstor.
I have never ignored you😭. I have always had nothing but gratitude for you.
I have never refused your ideas😢. I'm just late in adding it due to my slow development. Thank you so much for always passing on your great ideas.
Hope it goes well and you get well soon!
Good luck, we will miss you
Best of luck to you 👍
Good luck
Get well soon
I hope its gonna be okay.
Good luck
I hope the surgery goes well. I'll miss seeing your replies under the comments here even if it's for just a couple days xD.
Good luck, get well. I hope all will be fine, come back soon :)
What's your illness if you don't mind me asking. Wishing you all the best!
come on. Everything will be fine
I hope the surgery goes fine and hope the bills aren't high. See you soon Lipstor.
I’m very saddened that you are in pain. I hope your condition will recover with surgery. You are loved by many people, so I'm waiting for you to come back here again😢
I hope all is best lip see you then
Good luck
I hope you get well soon!
Looking at your screenshots, there is no mosaic.
But my game has mosaic.
Is there any way to remove the mosaic?
Yes, the OS language is identified and mosaic are applied to the image. Thank you for answering that Lip🤗
Thank you.
I completely understand how they work.
Buenas tardes,días o noches mofu y comunidad
mofu quiero agradecerte por este espléndido juego es muy entretenido y con cada actualización presenta un desafío a cualquiera que lo juego espero que sigas haciendo maravillas cómo lo has echo en cada actualización ♥️
No son actualizaciónes muy grandes pero tú comunidad las recibimos con demaciado amor y cariño
Queria realizarles la siguiente pregunta espero no incomodarlos.¿Alguien sabe porque no puedo cojer el martillo de Gnu?me he pasado el juego 5-10 beses en cada una de las actualizaciones y en ninguna lo e podido optener
Psdt:me duele cada dedo de tanto tocar la pantalla 😭.pero no me arrepiento
Es mucho texto Haci que si te saltaste hasta aquí quiero decirte que tú comunidad y yo te queremos y apreciamos tu obra de arte_Fu❣️❣️
Muchas gracias por explicarlo🤝
Gracias por disfrutar de este juego!🤗 Actualmente, el martillo de Gnu se rompe cuando la ganas, pero puedo añadirlo. Intentaré añadirlo en la próxima actualización👍
Mind if I support you to translate all of this as Korean?
Yes, I will add it whenever you make it👍. The translation file is in Game_Data/StreamingAssets/language
I copy that, I'm doing my best right now!