Your game is so beautiful, cute and hot ! Can I make let's play videos on it ? (knowing that I post on porn website and earn a bit of ads revenues from that ^^)
Too bad I hope Mofu will earn a bit of money from this if he needs it. And well it's a bit of free marketing promoting actually when your games get tested and view by 100k people. If I had cool video games I would like let's player to make videos of it. But maybe that's just my point of view ^^'
Sorry, I hope you won't do that, because this game still has a lot of unfinished parts and is not of a quality that can be officially released as a game🤔
Sorry I i sound rude my intention is just asking. But when's the update? Or is this update is huge that it will take a couple more days. (Again sorry if I sound rude. I'm just asking)
I have plan to add the slime girl. I would like to add that once we have a little more development. I also want to add bug girl and wolf girl and slug girl👍
As much as I would like the big update, I want to say that I am thankful for artist like Mofu who are making a futanari focused game. There are so few games of this type that I am inclined to voice my support to any artist that embarks on this journey. I also would like to say futanari as old as it may be is still a very unexplored fetish especially in non-hentai manga so it is always great to see new content that involves my favorite kink. It is unfortunate this fetish is often used as cash grab by artist that clearly do not like or have any real interest in the fetish which is reflected in their work. Finally, this is another reason that I am grateful for artist like Mofu who create content out of their genuine interest in the fetish. Thank you for creating and continuing to work on this game.
To Mofu: "Keep up the great work and never give up on this game!"
I believe there are a couple typos or innacuracies in the "readme.txt" file for Futaken Valley Version 0.031.40.
The Version header at the top still says 0.031.39. Also the "Inside water" operation mentions A or D + Z, however when playing the game, movement in water is controlled by holding any directional movement key A (move left), D (move right), W (look up), S (crouch) and tapping the Space (jump) button to move (or in the case of swimming left or right, to move faster) in the held direction. I understand that this is a very minor issue and that it can be corrected in later versions, I just wanted to bring attention to it.
I apologize for the incorrect description of that keyboard. After changing the default settings for the keyboard I forgot to rewrite it. Thank you for letting me know about that!
Really great game mofu. Amazing artwork, love where this game is heading, honestly listening to feedback is great but don't forget this is your game, keep your values close to your chest because the game you're making is really something great. Don't forget it's not our game it's yours and your ideas are amazing
P.s. I vote for all futa 😅 makes sense too cause the futa don't need any other genders to reproduce
Oh, side question. Have you plans to add group "interactions" in the game or just one on one scenes?
That's actually reasonable enough for me, you had good intentions
It's because you are so important here that people react so strongly to your comments though, they fear the same thing you do, him being influenced, I'll delete my message to take away from the chaos
I rarely make comments on game pages but I did have to say this is a amazing game. It's going to be really fun when the game comes out and so far I really like each update. There are no there games like it.
I am sorry that so many comments have made Mofu upset lately. I can see where a lot of people are coming from as to me Lipstor seems really rude at times. That said it may be because of the translation they are using. I would recommend Mofu also get someone else to help answer comments that could work with Lipstor.
Regardless, I think the game is wonderful so far as is. Best of luck Mofu I look foreword to paying for this game!
Thank you for your kindness. All the trouble in the comments section is due to my slow updates😞. I believe that if I update faster that problem will be solved.
правда, что mofu единственный разработчик? если да, то за сколько времени он сделал такую потрясающую игру? почему некоторые выступают против добавления персонажей с другим полом? это ведь его игра
If the game does end up being ready for sale, I hope I can establish a bank account by then. I have enough to buy it but I cannot do online transactions :(
Anyway, take your time with the game. There is no rush, and only add suggestions if Mofu FEELS that it will add to the game. Mofu is a solo developer, let them do what they think is necessary.
Also, good job on the muscular body type art for Nene. Looks really Alluring.
the hell going on over here it looks like there's an all out war in here. There hasn't been a single week where this comment section doesn't have a fight in them. At the end of the day it's just porn it's just a porn game that some guy named mofu made just because he likes futa that's it why does it needs to be complacated if you have "suggestions" for mofu just ask him and it's up to him to decide whether he wants it or not
the problem was never about the suggestion, lipstor is the one who keeps bringing that up even though no one's really talking about that
the main problem is that lipstor person's attitude ngl, I been following this game since nearly the beginning and have been ignoring that person (they live in the comments) even though I noticed their shamelessness a few times, now I have to make an account seeing how shameless they are this time so that I can comment, they can't admit it even though they were clearly in the wrong.
In short they are just a %$&* people got fed up with because they crossed the line
I sure wish people could accept that not everything they see needs to appeal to them.
If you don't like it, just look somewhere else. The fact that something doesn't appeal to you does not mean that it needs to be changed until it does. Bickering about what the project should be just makes the whole thing undesirable to anyone.
Including the creator. I can't be surprised at the lack of updates when the comments are so toxic and entitled. Especially since this is the first time Mofu has made development public. I doubt he has experience dealing with this many frivolous and immature demands.
Yes, with so many games available on itch and steam, anyone can choose the game they like the most. And it takes a lot of work to get the author to rework the game into the form they want it to be😓
I think there's a lot of misunderstanding in the comments here. I just want to see a cool game get made. I like the content I've seen so far, but I'm worried that all the hostility in the comments may negatively impact Mofu, the game's developer. Putting my concerns bluntly, I'm worried that the pressure may cause the dev to stop, or delay, or otherwise negatively impact development for the game.
I've some concerns regarding the claims that the developer adds content because of requests rather than their own will. From what I understand, the developer seems to want to please their audience, and that is a good quality to have. However, I'm afraid that it's also important to exercise restraint in what requests you do add or explore the possiblity of adding. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to please everyone. The evidence is right here in the comments. Many argue over what content should or should not be included; from small issues like whether or not to include a mini-map, to larger issues like the inclusion of non-futa characters. There will inevitably be someone left unpleased, as much as one may want to try to avoid that. In the end, I think the most important person to please in this situation would be yourself. It may sound selfish, but I believe it's best for something as subjective as a video game. There will be no "best choice" for all in this situation, so I believe it's best to look at what the best choice is for you. It's important to be able to enjoy your own creation and be proud of it. I believe if you make something you're proud of and make sure that your hard work shows, that others will also enjoy your work.
Ultimately I'm no expert on such matters, so I urge others reading this to research and come to their own conclusions. I just wished to offer my own insight and possible advice to this situation. Overall, I just hope development will continue on this game and that it won't wind up dead in the water.
I agree. Of course there is nothing wrong with trying to appeal to your core audience. But, that begs the question: If someone is making demands to change your project, are they your core audience?
Sorry Lipstor, could you elaborate by what opposite audience means? From my understanding, when you say opposite audience, you are referring to people who would have content rather than futa in the game, is that assumption correct? Also, an additional question, are you a native English speaker or is English a second, third, etc. language that you know?
To Lipstor: Okay, thanks for the clearing that up. Also, I was only curious because I felt that there was some miscommunication among persons involved. I just noticed small errors with your typed English that made me think that English may not have been your native language. What I'm implying is that there may be information literally lost in translation.
I would just like to ask another question in regards your comment about you being with or knowing Mofu for a year. I know this may be a bit personal, but how have you known Mofu? Are you two friends or business partners? I ask because I think clarification may be necessary. I've noticed a lot of harassment here in the comments and I'm afraid that this sort of environment could be harmful to not just the dev, but everyone involved and interested with this game. Of course, if this question, or any other question, is too personal for you to answer, publicly or otherwise, I understand your want for privacy.
Anyways, from my understanding, Mofu is not a native English speaker either, and you seem to be a sort of translator to help get across some of the ideas Mofu has to other language speaking audiences, is this correct? I've come to this conclusion since it seems there's been a lot of breakdown on communication here and I suspect multiple language barriers, mistranslation, and miscommunication may be the culprit here and that you seem to speak on Mofu's behalf quite frequently.
Again, you are undermining his intelligence, as the creator he surely has a demographic in mind the game was aimed towards and you understand this too, you can continue to be difficult here all day, but I won't hear it, as always, I will support this game and look forward to its updates.
Nothing, this is a beta after all, I could've sworn I sensed either mockery or sarcasm in your question, but since you're genuinely asking whether it's possible for this to be implemented there is no problem, Really funny you turned into the person you were against from the beginning though.
The heck are you on about? No one is promoting that as I've said before, the problem began with your attitude and you criticizing mofu for things he didn't even do, I don't know why your brain can't process that
As you can see it's as I said, as a developer he knows what he is doing for his game, yet what kind of manipulative trash are you saying?
It's really annoying arguing with people who don't have a brain ngl, I was simply saying why the option could possibly be considered by the developer as a buff to my point that the developer has the right to do whatever he thinks is in the game's best interest and take suggestions (which YOU clearly do not think), not having to cater to your self-absorbedness, as I said in my first comment.
At this point I'm really concerned about your communication skills, unless you actually have something relevant to say could you stop replying nonsense that is just further proving to everyone your faults?
Honestly I understand her here and it's completely valid. His aim is to do X but he wants to please everyone (not a bad thing) but it will ultimately slow down updates and make the game his fans' rather than his own imagination of the game. Personally I want to see mofus version and what he thinks is perfect because he is an amazing developer and while listening to fans is great he also needs to keep his own values close to his heart. Sure lip might be a bit rude sometimes but she's the most helpful person here and bruh it's the internet. You're gunna see rude people come on. If she was coming here to troll and abuse people that's bad but she's not. She's usually extremely helpful so what if her personality is 'to the point ' and truthful even if she comes off as rude. Leave her alone, build a bridge get over it and move on, ignore it if it makes you happier and just wait for updates
Yeah but the thing is neither of them are wrong, lip was pretty overbearing and manipulative, and sorata just believes mofu is capable of making his own game which lip thinks they are too kind to do or some thing which I don't agree with either, I mean look at this game for heck's sake how can they not know what they're doing, they just have different opinions, and at this point it isnt even about the actual problem anymore, its more of the two of them refusing to give in to the other. I am still slightly against lip though.
Helpful or not they were out of line, and their stubbornness is what caused this to blow up in the first place
Your post is because you got madness absolutely.You are not the only one girl here,the others are not gonna like it,and none of them is so embarrassing like you.
There are a lot of game which is the kind you meant,go to play any one of them, don't make this game yours.
Obviously,you wanted to ruin this game by yourself alone.
When did i say that?you fucking liar, i didn't talk to him with that attitude which you do.i just want to you not to control him, can't you fuck understand?your brain is so strange,go to see a doctor.
You motherfucker, really make me feel sick,i want to fucking kill your and your foolish mom,you should die and you should leave long time ago.
You really should get the fuck out of here,it will be better without you,every time i post,then you this motherfucker repeat me,i don't even want to see you ulgy old gross bitch animal.
She's looking out for what the developer envisioned for this game your taking things to an extreme. So like others have said if you don't like it just leave peacefully the game isn't for you. Not every game is made for everyone that's not the way people work or gaming for that matter.
Someone suggested non-futa content, the dev carelessly replied that they will think about it, lipstor take a ss of the dev's comment and started criticizing him for it and guilt tripping.
People didn't like lipstor's attitude and over-involvement in things. Maybe because they were afraid lipstor would change the dev's mind if he made a decision that wasnt in line with their personal preferences because lipstor is a regular around here and has influence.
But lipstor keeps bringing up the futa/non-futa thing which keeps confusing everyone, she can't see people aren't arguing about the suggestion, they're just arguing about how manipulative of the dev she's being. The dev already said he wasn't fooled for past instances; it was all optional updates that he wanted too.
i also love futanari the most but it really doesnt change much to have a few non futa characters so do whatver u want i love this game either way, been following it for a year now
You are treating mofu as a puppet, but I hardly believe anyone who could develop a game this great is naive, they surely know what they are doing and what they should and shouldn't add. Rather you as someone who've been following this for probably the longest, its rather surprising you'd turn to criticizing him before suggesting otherwise.
Wow this blew up, I think you're slightly wrong as well though lipstor, most good developers give amiable responses to feedback but almost never actually put in things that would be detrimental to the game, as far as I've seen even though he gave vague responses to some odd requests he never actually implemented it, isn't it just to keep the community engaged?
When will you add new upgrade? We're waiting for new update for a long time...😞 I know, 15 days is not long time and I know the game upgrading is not easy but I am very exited for new update😀. I hope, this upgrade will be so big😃. Btw, (if I can) I will add turkish translation😉.
what I mean is apologizing for my impulse this morning, not support him to add non futa option.Of course my position is to hope that the game is full of futa,but I suddenly realized that I should not act like a commander,then say something that confuses mofu.There's one thing you have to know,I just a fan,a player,not dev,I have no right to control mofu.Ohterwise I think it will make Mofu hate me. If Mofu hates me, I will be very sad
Once again,my position is not change,I also hope that mofu will not add non-futa contents.But I also think that I should not say mandatory sentences. I think this problem can be discussed in a peaceful way.
Is it meaningful to bring up the past argue?I've really been impulsive to you before,it's really my fault,but I advised you not to commit suicide when you were in a bad mood,why do you just remember the argue between us?Please talk about what the matter now. This time, the question is "whether to add non-futa content or not". My attitude is very clear. I don't think I need to explain it anymore.
I believe you have seen the comments I deleted today,they all complain about mofu,and said a lot of rude words, do you think I should keep them?I just don't think we should talk about the problem in the form of quarrels.
Then you answered me directly, whether you were rude to mofu or not, just because he didn't add what you wanted.I admit that I was rude to Mofu today, and deleted the comment and apologized. Can you admit it?And I can also admit that I have criticized you before because of different opinions,but I hope you can also answer some of my questions positively
Forget it. I don't want to participate in this fight anymore. I'm tired. I just want to support mofu silently. Goodbye.I know it will be an endless battle, because people on both sides hold different views, so I will wait for mofu's choice
I will show my attitude again:I hope mofu can do what he said before,not to add non-futa contents,but at the same time, I think it's wrong to be rude to mofu
Mofu's game is a masterpiece, I think it's also cool that mofu takes the time to read the feedback about the game and listens to ideas commented, Futa or non-Futa the game is great, and you two shouldn't get on his case for a 'possibility' that isn't even decided on (@Lipstor, @Meow ne). They don't have to report the things they consider to you, and you shouldn't expect them to when things seem to be going in a way different than you prefer.
Even if in the rare chance they implement non-futa npcs, it won't change the nature of the game, Futa on fem is also an important genre and major fetish under the category 'Futa' to be considered.
Not to mention, the point of this being a free game is so that they can receive a lot of feedback and suggestions during the development of it to bring it closer to perfection, naturally they will take into consideration suggestions.
I may be too excited,I'm sorry. I just expressed my opinion because I questioned the previous guarantee of mofu,but now calm down and think about it. You are right. I should not think so much,because the settings that have not been executed may change,but I also hope that mofu will not listen to the opinions of all players too much, because satisfying all players will also make him tired,this is also a problem that has been discussed for long time.
Yeah, it's completely understandable getting passionate about something you love, no worries there. I too think that they don't need to cater for everyone to that extent.
About "accept everyone's suggestion",mainly because there was such an example before:A user has been urging mofu to develop Android version,Mofu may have been driven to helplessness, so he directly developed the Android version. As a result, the person behind said something like, "You've been cheated, idiot, thank you for developing this"(I don't remember the original sentence),anyone will be angry at this situation.It's just a thankless task.So the reaction will be great in the face of this situation.And I don't want him to be influenced by the opinions of a few players then influence developing what he likes to develop.
After all, as a big fan, I certainly hope he can be better.
Sometimes people will say, "He is a game developer, and the development of the game is decided by the developer, so we have no right to interfere." But because mofu is too kind, he will accept ideas of almost all users,even some unreasonable suggestions, so at this time people would say, "Don't listen to the players too much." To be honest, this situation is really contradictory.
^ what @Kari said, though since it seems mofu considers their opinions often regardless, even if it isn't always for the best, I at least hope he won't be criticized for it
Sorry but I'm not wrong at all? Did I ever say that it was always going to be free? When I said 'the point of this being a free game is so that they can receive a lot of feedback and suggestions during the development of it to bring it closer to perfection' I was implying so that it would sell better when it's completed.
Also, people's intentions can change, and sometimes creators like to cater to the whims of the community for better feedback, did you even stop to consider how many more people would buy the game if more fetish options were opened?
There is no use getting into technicalities, you know as well as I do that that is on the more extreme spectrum compared to what was suggested, I recommend you take a step back and re-evaluate what his purpose in making this game was, and whether you are actually being constructive here.
← Return to game
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Ok, I will fix it in the next update. thank you!👍
Your game is so beautiful, cute and hot ! Can I make let's play videos on it ? (knowing that I post on porn website and earn a bit of ads revenues from that ^^)
Aren't you the same dude that talk over sex scene lol
Well yeah that's what I do ^^' Commented playthrough with sometimes voiceover or kinda ASMR vibes
Too bad I hope Mofu will earn a bit of money from this if he needs it. And well it's a bit of free marketing promoting actually when your games get tested and view by 100k people. If I had cool video games I would like let's player to make videos of it. But maybe that's just my point of view ^^'
Sorry, I hope you won't do that, because this game still has a lot of unfinished parts and is not of a quality that can be officially released as a game🤔
Ok no problem, let me know if you want me to give you a bit of visibility later :)
I would argue with that
For a reason, then they give birth to eggs and become insane
(I would put a smiley face but I'm with a pc)
Yes, I added the eggs and puppets because there may be representational issues with this game.
She has some resistance to diseases and poisons in nature😆
Is this a minor update?
I understand that the global will be at 32. ?
Yes, this is a minor update, major update will add more pictures👍
Sorry I i sound rude my intention is just asking. But when's the update? Or is this update is huge that it will take a couple more days. (Again sorry if I sound rude. I'm just asking)
Yes, I will update when new content is complete👍
After the full version of the game is it still Gona be free? I live at another country so I hope is free when it is full version.
I hope that too 🥺
Thank you
Thank you for answering! Yes, I will continue to publish the demo version after it's completed😉
Thank you for reporting that🤗
I really love this game.
Is there a way to support the game?
Thank you for writing that!🤝 I hope to add translations to it in the future.
Thank you for your support! I would like to start something like Patreon if possible.
Yes, thank you for writing what I'm thinking!🤗 I plan to add those scenes.
I have plan to add the slime girl. I would like to add that once we have a little more development. I also want to add bug girl and wolf girl and slug girl👍
is the full version coming in the 2023?
Yes, I will complete 2023 because it's impossible to complete this this year😓
As much as I would like the big update, I want to say that I am thankful for artist like Mofu who are making a futanari focused game. There are so few games of this type that I am inclined to voice my support to any artist that embarks on this journey. I also would like to say futanari as old as it may be is still a very unexplored fetish especially in non-hentai manga so it is always great to see new content that involves my favorite kink. It is unfortunate this fetish is often used as cash grab by artist that clearly do not like or have any real interest in the fetish which is reflected in their work. Finally, this is another reason that I am grateful for artist like Mofu who create content out of their genuine interest in the fetish. Thank you for creating and continuing to work on this game.
To Mofu: "Keep up the great work and never give up on this game!"
[大型アップデートもさることながら、Mofuさんのようにフタナリにフォーカスしたゲームを作っているアーティストに感謝したいです。この手のゲームは少ないので、この道に踏み出すアーティストには応援したくなる。 また、「ふたりエッチ」は古くからありますが、特に非エンタイマンガではまだ未開拓のフェチなので、私の好きな変態を扱った新しいコンテンツを見るのはいつも素晴らしいことです。残念なのは、このフェティッシュが、明らかにこのフェティッシュを好まない、あるいは全く興味のないアーティストによって、しばしば金儲けの道具として使われ、それが彼らの作品に反映されていることです。最後に、これが、フェティッシュへの真の興味からコンテンツを作成するMofuのようなアーティストに私が感謝するもう一つの理由です。このゲームを作り、そして続けてくれてありがとうございます。
Thank you! Yes, I will continue to publish this here until it's complete👍
Thank you for your support! I promise I will release a full version of this as making games is my pleasure😁
I believe there are a couple typos or innacuracies in the "readme.txt" file for Futaken Valley Version 0.031.40.
The Version header at the top still says 0.031.39. Also the "Inside water" operation mentions A or D + Z, however when playing the game, movement in water is controlled by holding any directional movement key A (move left), D (move right), W (look up), S (crouch) and tapping the Space (jump) button to move (or in the case of swimming left or right, to move faster) in the held direction. I understand that this is a very minor issue and that it can be corrected in later versions, I just wanted to bring attention to it.
Alright, good to know.
I apologize for the incorrect description of that keyboard. After changing the default settings for the keyboard I forgot to rewrite it. Thank you for letting me know about that!
I came back, as always, with new questions .с.
What's up?
And how's the game going?
it, how are you doing?
Have you checked out yet?
Well then, good health to you
Thanks for the music, and do not be sad
(The music is fun until you start translating)
ignore -,^-
well, good luck, don't get sick, otherwise I heard that a new virus is walking
Yes, I'm drawing for a new big update right now👍
It all makes sense now
I totally love your game Mofu!!! And I wonder, do you have a Discord? and if not it would be my pleasure to help you set a community up if you wish! ~
Thank you for loving this game!🥰
The discord server may not be accessible in some areas so I dont plan to make it.
Really great game mofu. Amazing artwork, love where this game is heading, honestly listening to feedback is great but don't forget this is your game, keep your values close to your chest because the game you're making is really something great. Don't forget it's not our game it's yours and your ideas are amazing
P.s. I vote for all futa 😅 makes sense too cause the futa don't need any other genders to reproduce
Oh, side question. Have you plans to add group "interactions" in the game or just one on one scenes?
Yes, futa is perfect!🥰
Now I'm not planning to add the ability to move other characters, but I would like to add the ability to take certain character with Nene.
Very interesting! I would love that feature!
That's actually reasonable enough for me, you had good intentions
It's because you are so important here that people react so strongly to your comments though, they fear the same thing you do, him being influenced, I'll delete my message to take away from the chaos
Thank you for your kind words. I would like to add group "interactions" in this game in the future😉
Awesome I really look forward to that, double team is so damn good haha
Когда новое объявление?
Я обновлю эту игру в течение нескольких дней😉
I rarely make comments on game pages but I did have to say this is a amazing game. It's going to be really fun when the game comes out and so far I really like each update. There are no there games like it.
I am sorry that so many comments have made Mofu upset lately. I can see where a lot of people are coming from as to me Lipstor seems really rude at times. That said it may be because of the translation they are using. I would recommend Mofu also get someone else to help answer comments that could work with Lipstor.
Regardless, I think the game is wonderful so far as is. Best of luck Mofu I look foreword to paying for this game!
they seem to be normal so dont be negative
Thank you for your kindness. All the trouble in the comments section is due to my slow updates😞. I believe that if I update faster that problem will be solved.
It was never your fault, maybe people don't like someone,but one thing has no doubt that everybody here like you.
I noticed that one of the bosses shoots their cum as an attack. Will it be possible for Nene to do such a thing in the future? Why or why not?
Semen bullet?
Yes, that's the one. It's an attack used by one of the mushroom bosses.
That would be really nice but isnt her cum for healing? If you shot cum during battle it'd just end the battle cause they'd be cured
lol open up a milking bar to heal the whole village
Yes, Nene's semen has special powers, so it may not be possible to add that🤔
If her semen heals, is it possible to make the masturbation action heal a portion of her health?
Hello Mofu, Does the game have a roadmap?
If you are talking about the map that shows where you are going, you can buy it from the shop with the caterpillar lady.
Ohh OK. Thank you for clearing that up.
Yes, I need to finish them as soon as possible👍
A roadmap for this game is
- Draw a village (1 week).
- Place the boss there and battle. (1 month)
- Ending (2 weeks)
I'm thinking of a roadmap like this. But it has made little progress since two years ago😓
Well, take your time. There is no need to rush.
I'll wait for the game!!!(sorry, I can't speak English well, because I am Chinese.
I'm working on it now and can update soon👍
правда, что mofu единственный разработчик? если да, то за сколько времени он сделал такую потрясающую игру? почему некоторые выступают против добавления персонажей с другим полом? это ведь его игра
Я работаю над ней уже 3 года, но, возможно, только год или около того, не считая периодов, когда разработка была приостановлена😓
Также в настоящее время нет планов по добавлению персонажей разного пола.
If the game does end up being ready for sale, I hope I can establish a bank account by then. I have enough to buy it but I cannot do online transactions :(
Anyway, take your time with the game. There is no rush, and only add suggestions if Mofu FEELS that it will add to the game. Mofu is a solo developer, let them do what they think is necessary.
Also, good job on the muscular body type art for Nene. Looks really Alluring.
Good, I hope the focus stays on big content-focused updates for a while, bug fixes can come later. It's been months since a content update.
Yes, thank you for explaining it!🤝
Good to hear. I will enjoy the almost finished beta until I can buy the game properly. They deserve the money for the work they're doing.
Thank you! I will make this game carefully👍 And, a bank account is very useful. You are advised to open it😉
I don't have any money 😫
Yes it's 7$, I don't think it's expensive too.
sorry but I don't have ANY money😣
when will the update be some kind of story or something else
Yes, I'm working on some new scenes right now😉
New update will be available within a few days. I may be able to do it tomorrow👍
Are you still awake?Oh sorry,I forgot that We have time difference🤣
Good morning
Everyone can have their own opinions, they can also make their own opinions, why curse?
Yes, anyone can write anything here👍
the hell going on over here it looks like there's an all out war in here. There hasn't been a single week where this comment section doesn't have a fight in them. At the end of the day it's just porn it's just a porn game that some guy named mofu made just because he likes futa that's it why does it needs to be complacated if you have "suggestions" for mofu just ask him and it's up to him to decide whether he wants it or not
Yes, I will accept anyone's suggestions, but I cannot take suggestions that require a radical change in the direction of the game.
the problem was never about the suggestion, lipstor is the one who keeps bringing that up even though no one's really talking about that
the main problem is that lipstor person's attitude ngl, I been following this game since nearly the beginning and have been ignoring that person (they live in the comments) even though I noticed their shamelessness a few times, now I have to make an account seeing how shameless they are this time so that I can comment, they can't admit it even though they were clearly in the wrong.
In short they are just a %$&* people got fed up with because they crossed the line
Wow, it's rough again… I say what I want to say(I am using translation.😢)
1.This is Mofu’s game. If he says ''No'', we have to agree with him and don't ask the same question twice. If you disagree.Go away.
2.You know nothing about the game. It's not as easy as making progress in a few weeks.Moreover, Mofu is making it alone. Don't threaten him.
3.This is a hentai game site. Used only for reporting bugs and thanking Mofu. This is not a place for quarrel with strangers.(Help is in the Q&A.)
That’s all. Please let me know if you have any ideas.
Thank you for your concern. I don't want anyone to get into a fight in this comment section😞
It's end,keep a good work,Mofu san,don't be influenced by these.
I sure wish people could accept that not everything they see needs to appeal to them.
If you don't like it, just look somewhere else. The fact that something doesn't appeal to you does not mean that it needs to be changed until it does. Bickering about what the project should be just makes the whole thing undesirable to anyone.
Including the creator. I can't be surprised at the lack of updates when the comments are so toxic and entitled. Especially since this is the first time Mofu has made development public. I doubt he has experience dealing with this many frivolous and immature demands.
Yes, with so many games available on itch and steam, anyone can choose the game they like the most. And it takes a lot of work to get the author to rework the game into the form they want it to be😓
I think there's a lot of misunderstanding in the comments here. I just want to see a cool game get made. I like the content I've seen so far, but I'm worried that all the hostility in the comments may negatively impact Mofu, the game's developer. Putting my concerns bluntly, I'm worried that the pressure may cause the dev to stop, or delay, or otherwise negatively impact development for the game.
I've some concerns regarding the claims that the developer adds content because of requests rather than their own will. From what I understand, the developer seems to want to please their audience, and that is a good quality to have. However, I'm afraid that it's also important to exercise restraint in what requests you do add or explore the possiblity of adding. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to please everyone. The evidence is right here in the comments. Many argue over what content should or should not be included; from small issues like whether or not to include a mini-map, to larger issues like the inclusion of non-futa characters. There will inevitably be someone left unpleased, as much as one may want to try to avoid that. In the end, I think the most important person to please in this situation would be yourself. It may sound selfish, but I believe it's best for something as subjective as a video game. There will be no "best choice" for all in this situation, so I believe it's best to look at what the best choice is for you. It's important to be able to enjoy your own creation and be proud of it. I believe if you make something you're proud of and make sure that your hard work shows, that others will also enjoy your work.
Ultimately I'm no expert on such matters, so I urge others reading this to research and come to their own conclusions. I just wished to offer my own insight and possible advice to this situation. Overall, I just hope development will continue on this game and that it won't wind up dead in the water.
I agree. Of course there is nothing wrong with trying to appeal to your core audience. But, that begs the question: If someone is making demands to change your project, are they your core audience?
What he agress to is his own opinion, stay out of that fucking line, that's the only thing i keep talking about.
You fucking bitch,who the hell you think you are?
He doesn't need a fool to tell him what to do.
By the way i haven't never ever seen someone who is so gross until you showing up.
Sorry Lipstor, could you elaborate by what opposite audience means? From my understanding, when you say opposite audience, you are referring to people who would have content rather than futa in the game, is that assumption correct? Also, an additional question, are you a native English speaker or is English a second, third, etc. language that you know?
To Lipstor: Okay, thanks for the clearing that up. Also, I was only curious because I felt that there was some miscommunication among persons involved. I just noticed small errors with your typed English that made me think that English may not have been your native language. What I'm implying is that there may be information literally lost in translation.
I would just like to ask another question in regards your comment about you being with or knowing Mofu for a year. I know this may be a bit personal, but how have you known Mofu? Are you two friends or business partners? I ask because I think clarification may be necessary. I've noticed a lot of harassment here in the comments and I'm afraid that this sort of environment could be harmful to not just the dev, but everyone involved and interested with this game. Of course, if this question, or any other question, is too personal for you to answer, publicly or otherwise, I understand your want for privacy.
Anyways, from my understanding, Mofu is not a native English speaker either, and you seem to be a sort of translator to help get across some of the ideas Mofu has to other language speaking audiences, is this correct? I've come to this conclusion since it seems there's been a lot of breakdown on communication here and I suspect multiple language barriers, mistranslation, and miscommunication may be the culprit here and that you seem to speak on Mofu's behalf quite frequently.
I don't think I was fooled, I added the Android version because I wanted it. Please don't worry about😉
Again, you are undermining his intelligence, as the creator he surely has a demographic in mind the game was aimed towards and you understand this too, you can continue to be difficult here all day, but I won't hear it, as always, I will support this game and look forward to its updates.
Nothing, this is a beta after all, I could've sworn I sensed either mockery or sarcasm in your question, but since you're genuinely asking whether it's possible for this to be implemented there is no problem,
Really funny you turned into the person you were against from the beginning though.
The heck are you on about? No one is promoting that as I've said before, the problem began with your attitude and you criticizing mofu for things he didn't even do, I don't know why your brain can't process that

As you can see it's as I said, as a developer he knows what he is doing for his game, yet what kind of manipulative trash are you saying?

It's really annoying arguing with people who don't have a brain ngl, I was simply saying why the option could possibly be considered by the developer as a buff to my point that the developer has the right to do whatever he thinks is in the game's best interest and take suggestions (which YOU clearly do not think), not having to cater to your self-absorbedness, as I said in my first comment.
At this point I'm really concerned about your communication skills, unless you actually have something relevant to say could you stop replying nonsense that is just further proving to everyone your faults?
What even is this screenshot now? What does this have to do with anything?
Honestly I understand her here and it's completely valid. His aim is to do X but he wants to please everyone (not a bad thing) but it will ultimately slow down updates and make the game his fans' rather than his own imagination of the game. Personally I want to see mofus version and what he thinks is perfect because he is an amazing developer and while listening to fans is great he also needs to keep his own values close to his heart. Sure lip might be a bit rude sometimes but she's the most helpful person here and bruh it's the internet. You're gunna see rude people come on. If she was coming here to troll and abuse people that's bad but she's not. She's usually extremely helpful so what if her personality is 'to the point ' and truthful even if she comes off as rude. Leave her alone, build a bridge get over it and move on, ignore it if it makes you happier and just wait for updates
Yeah but the thing is neither of them are wrong, lip was pretty overbearing and manipulative, and sorata just believes mofu is capable of making his own game which lip thinks they are too kind to do or some thing which I don't agree with either, I mean look at this game for heck's sake how can they not know what they're doing, they just have different opinions, and at this point it isnt even about the actual problem anymore, its more of the two of them refusing to give in to the other. I am still slightly against lip though.
Helpful or not they were out of line, and their stubbornness is what caused this to blow up in the first place
Your suggestion got rejected, simple as that. Sorry for you there but, still don't see how this relates to the main problem?
Your post is because you got madness absolutely.You are not the only one girl here,the others are not gonna like it,and none of them is so embarrassing like you.
There are a lot of game which is the kind you meant,go to play any one of them, don't make this game yours.
Obviously,you wanted to ruin this game by yourself alone.
That was just Ridiculous.
When did i say that?you fucking liar, i didn't talk to him with that attitude which you do.i just want to you not to control him, can't you fuck understand?your brain is so strange,go to see a doctor.
You motherfucker, really make me feel sick,i want to fucking kill your and your foolish mom,you should die and you should leave long time ago.
And what is the connection?i said i don't mind.
Is there anything wrong that no male in futanari game?
where is your brain?
What he plans to do is not your business,plan could be changed.
You gross Dumb ass.
You fucking psycho,always try to change what someone has meant,and you always say someone is wrong who is not.
Why the fuck a girl,i mean a shit can be gross as you are.
Please don't make offensive comments😞
You are just an idiot trys to act you have brain,but you dont.
You are supposed to suicide,i believe no one like you or love you piece of shit in reality.
You really should get the fuck out of here,it will be better without you,every time i post,then you this motherfucker repeat me,i don't even want to see you ulgy old gross bitch animal.
And next time i post, don't fucking repeat me.i don't need your bullshit.
How can a fucking clown who only know tell someone to extract to solve black screen tell me something useful but shit?
Wo ren le zhe bi hen jiu le,ta ta ma tai e xin le,😂
What have you presumed? didn't you say you fool want to add male in this game?
She's looking out for what the developer envisioned for this game your taking things to an extreme. So like others have said if you don't like it just leave peacefully the game isn't for you. Not every game is made for everyone that's not the way people work or gaming for that matter.
oh then what was the issue. I must have missed the larger picture here
Someone suggested non-futa content, the dev carelessly replied that they will think about it, lipstor take a ss of the dev's comment and started criticizing him for it and guilt tripping.
People didn't like lipstor's attitude and over-involvement in things. Maybe because they were afraid lipstor would change the dev's mind if he made a decision that wasnt in line with their personal preferences because lipstor is a regular around here and has influence.
But lipstor keeps bringing up the futa/non-futa thing which keeps confusing everyone, she can't see people aren't arguing about the suggestion, they're just arguing about how manipulative of the dev she's being. The dev already said he wasn't fooled for past instances; it was all optional updates that he wanted too.
We are not promoting that suggestion here; we simply have a problem with how you're underestimating his intelligence.
i also love futanari the most but it really doesnt change much to have a few non futa characters so do whatver u want i love this game either way, been following it for a year now
Please rest assured I'm not going to do that😓
You are treating mofu as a puppet, but I hardly believe anyone who could develop a game this great is naive, they surely know what they are doing and what they should and shouldn't add. Rather you as someone who've been following this for probably the longest, its rather surprising you'd turn to criticizing him before suggesting otherwise.
Wow this blew up, I think you're slightly wrong as well though lipstor, most good developers give amiable responses to feedback but almost never actually put in things that would be detrimental to the game, as far as I've seen even though he gave vague responses to some odd requests he never actually implemented it, isn't it just to keep the community engaged?
Stop presuming it,we all know that bullshit is not gonna happen,you always try to dumb fuck.
Thank you for explaining those things🤝. but I have not added any requests that I don't like, so it's true that I'm doing what I want to do.
When will you add new upgrade? We're waiting for new update for a long time...😞 I know, 15 days is not long time and I know the game upgrading is not easy but I am very exited for new update😀. I hope, this upgrade will be so big😃. Btw, (if I can) I will add turkish translation😉.
stop acting like a know it all ur not in his head
im not even complaining i dont eally care but ur really annoying
Please forgive any comments that you find offensive😞
Yes, those are things I have written in the past. Thanks for explaining that👍
Yes, thank you for writing it🤝
A new update will be done within a few days👍. Also if you translate this I promise to add it😉. (I'm so hard to make it)
MOFU, 封呪姬会 有 手机版(移动版)吗?
what I mean is apologizing for my impulse this morning, not support him to add non futa option.Of course my position is to hope that the game is full of futa,but I suddenly realized that I should not act like a commander,then say something that confuses mofu.There's one thing you have to know,I just a fan,a player,not dev,I have no right to control mofu.Ohterwise I think it will make Mofu hate me. If Mofu hates me, I will be very sad
Once again,my position is not change,I also hope that mofu will not add non-futa contents.But I also think that I should not say mandatory sentences. I think this problem can be discussed in a peaceful way.
Is it meaningful to bring up the past argue?I've really been impulsive to you before,it's really my fault,but I advised you not to commit suicide when you were in a bad mood,why do you just remember the argue between us?Please talk about what the matter now. This time, the question is "whether to add non-futa content or not". My attitude is very clear. I don't think I need to explain it anymore.
I believe you have seen the comments I deleted today,they all complain about mofu,and said a lot of rude words, do you think I should keep them?I just don't think we should talk about the problem in the form of quarrels.
Then you answered me directly, whether you were rude to mofu or not, just because he didn't add what you wanted.I admit that I was rude to Mofu today, and deleted the comment and apologized. Can you admit it?And I can also admit that I have criticized you before because of different opinions,but I hope you can also answer some of my questions positively
Rude words to me are not a problem. I don't mind it👍
Forget it. I don't want to participate in this fight anymore. I'm tired. I just want to support mofu silently. Goodbye.I know it will be an endless battle, because people on both sides hold different views, so I will wait for mofu's choice
I will show my attitude again:I hope mofu can do what he said before,not to add non-futa contents,but at the same time, I think it's wrong to be rude to mofu
Mofu's game is a masterpiece, I think it's also cool that mofu takes the time to read the feedback about the game and listens to ideas commented, Futa or non-Futa the game is great, and you two shouldn't get on his case for a 'possibility' that isn't even decided on (@Lipstor, @Meow ne). They don't have to report the things they consider to you, and you shouldn't expect them to when things seem to be going in a way different than you prefer.
Even if in the rare chance they implement non-futa npcs, it won't change the nature of the game, Futa on fem is also an important genre and major fetish under the category 'Futa' to be considered.
Not to mention, the point of this being a free game is so that they can receive a lot of feedback and suggestions during the development of it to bring it closer to perfection, naturally they will take into consideration suggestions.
I may be too excited,I'm sorry. I just expressed my opinion because I questioned the previous guarantee of mofu,but now calm down and think about it. You are right. I should not think so much,because the settings that have not been executed may change,but I also hope that mofu will not listen to the opinions of all players too much, because satisfying all players will also make him tired,this is also a problem that has been discussed for long time.
Yeah, it's completely understandable getting passionate about something you love, no worries there. I too think that they don't need to cater for everyone to that extent.
About "accept everyone's suggestion",mainly because there was such an example before:A user has been urging mofu to develop Android version,Mofu may have been driven to helplessness, so he directly developed the Android version. As a result, the person behind said something like, "You've been cheated, idiot, thank you for developing this"(I don't remember the original sentence),anyone will be angry at this situation.It's just a thankless task.So the reaction will be great in the face of this situation.And I don't want him to be influenced by the opinions of a few players then influence developing what he likes to develop.
After all, as a big fan, I certainly hope he can be better.
Same, I hope he does not have to feel pressure while making the game
Sometimes people will say, "He is a game developer, and the development of the game is decided by the developer, so we have no right to interfere." But because mofu is too kind, he will accept ideas of almost all users,even some unreasonable suggestions, so at this time people would say, "Don't listen to the players too much." To be honest, this situation is really contradictory.
^ what @Kari said, though since it seems mofu considers their opinions often regardless, even if it isn't always for the best, I at least hope he won't be criticized for it
It's true that I have had a few not good updates in the past🤔
Sorry but I'm not wrong at all? Did I ever say that it was always going to be free? When I said 'the point of this being a free game is so that they can receive a lot of feedback and suggestions during the development of it to bring it closer to perfection' I was implying so that it would sell better when it's completed.
Also, people's intentions can change, and sometimes creators like to cater to the whims of the community for better feedback, did you even stop to consider how many more people would buy the game if more fetish options were opened?
There is no use getting into technicalities, you know as well as I do that that is on the more extreme spectrum compared to what was suggested, I recommend you take a step back and re-evaluate what his purpose in making this game was, and whether you are actually being constructive here.
I have one policy of not drawing the unsanitary ones, so I have no plans to add them😓
You always say someone is wrong,you stupid fucking idiot.just like a dog,wo wo wo, haven't you got some new words?