Yes, I would prefer to use subscribestar. And, I can publish the same file on patreon at the same time. If I get banned on patreon, I will give up using there.
Thank you for your suggestion. I would like to do so. However, if I publish this on patreon, etc., I need to reflect the opinions of those who are willing to help me. so my development will be even slower. I really need to develop this faster.
if what Lip said is true i hope you reconsider mofu, the game is very promising and with time, effort and care it can become a really good game but if its rushed and a lot of things are cut people arent gonna enjoy it as much as they could have
I'm just writing this to say that the votes don't lie mofu. When you check you will see that out of 50 votes currently, 48 of them want you to develop the game properly and I'm guessing that one of the other votes was you. Even if you are looking for a quick cash grab, wouldn't you make more by devolving a game that your fans would willingly pay for rather than some half-assed game that none of your fans will want. And it is fine to take suggestions for content but don't just add every idea that someone's says. Also there are some sick f*cks out there that like to see ch*ld content and other weird sh*t but for the overwhelming majority of fans that like this game for simple futa content please don't add that stuff. This game is great every though it is unfinished, and if what lip said is true about you deleting the other characters to finish the game quicker then you will see a lot of your loyal fans stop playing this game which is something I'm sure you don't want. Even if you have lost the motivation, if you stop production now you will look back in the future and regret not making this the great game that it could be. Please continue to develop this game and keep it legal. There are a lot of people that enjoy your content and if you have any care at all for them then you will do the right thing.
Also lip there were some people that were questioning your judgement but I've been a follower of this game for along time without a itch account and know that you put in just as much if not more work into this game than mofu and are the most helpful person to all people that have questions and that you shouldn't doubt yourself. I know that you and mofu are disagreeing on some stuff but I know that you are a good person and I trust that you will do good for this game.
Lip, thank you for making that poll. I appreciate that you are serious about this. I need to understand and accept what you are saying.
But I never once said I would cut characters or storylines. I intend to make them all. I only said I will make them all at my discretion to make them faster😓
This is completely out of bounds and i dont have any right to say this but still.I praise your patience and perseverance Lip but dont you think this is enough?Youve been trying to change Mofu for 1 year and still no result;this may well be a fruitless journey.Still if you want to keep going because you believe that you will make it i and everyone here fully support your efforts(Again this may aswell be me poking my nose where it doesnt belong but the situation youve revealed to us is downright criminal.Still i hope whatever you choose it works out for the best)
I might be completely wrong but Lip youre just a fan right? So in the end you wont earn anything from the money the game makes. I mean, I know this a passion project for u but arent u going a bit too far for just a fan? No hate, just geniuently wondering
Lip... It's still too much. If it were me, I would be beyond grateful and fearful if an individual contributed 300€. Besides, all your arguments are based on the assumption that you have a perfect understanding of Moff's ideas. I don't have the full picture either, but what you are doing puts a lot of pressure and is a bit extreme in my opinion.
Still Lip while this is admirable of you you must think about how much you are going to suffer because of Mofu if this keeps up.You do what you think is right but pls dont let your passion about Mofus game blind you and lead down a horrible fate(plus i saw you fell down the stairs so get better soon)
Липстор похоже считает, что Мофу слишком много уделяет внимания каждой мелочи, предлагаемой другими челами. Сам Мофу хочет всем угодить, поэтому мы и получаем микроскопические обновы. У мужика с планированием и распределением приоритетов проблемы
i just want to say wow the expanding cock variety really makes me feel yummy, it honestly makes my day is there a way you can make it so you can stretch the foreskin as an attack method? or an emote
I like long foreskin as well! However, Mofu should probably focus on developing the core game further than adding stuff like this. It wouldn't take very long to add if its made into a mushroom, like the big balls mushroom or the like.
saya ada sedikit saran mungkin bisa jadi pertimbangan di update selanjutnya tolong tambahkan mini monster random seperti kelelawar atau tanaman lain agar lebih seru dan menantang jadi ga cuma monster jamur biasa dan monter jamur berduri doang
selebihnya mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan kata terima kasih
I know there's some drama going on here so sorry for asking a question during these trying times, but i had a qustion regarding a mushroom. I started a new game and Wuelie dropped a "pine mushroom", are there other methods to get this mushroom outside of her fight? I've been farming the other mushrooms for like an hour with no luck.
Pode alterá-lo a partir da configuração da chave do ecrã de definição. Se houver algo de errado com a detecção de entrada, por favor tente desmarcar e configurar os paus analógicos no canto inferior direito👍
Então ele ta fazendo tudo que as pessoas (spamers) tão pedindo? Tipo ele concertou o sensor da água só por que eu pedi...
A resposta dele é muito idiota (sem ofensas) a comunidade que são os que apoia o jogo, só falam coisas que ajudam o jogo a ter a qualidade perfeita para o público. E eu não percebi que mudou a batalha da Wuelie, eu ando farmando 10 itens por dia e saindo do jogo até lançar uma nova atualização.
Nunca te faltaré al respeto. Usted es quien hace las puntualizaciones más acertadas sobre este juego. Le pido disculpas por el disgusto que le he causado con mi decisión arbitraria de reflejar varias peticiones en el juego.😥
Maybe it's not because of loli content,I have browsed this dev's past works and they were created about five years ago,many of his works contain loli content,I think it is impossible to mention this until now,and many Japanese works contain this kind of content,maybe other reasons,I don't know.
Hola Lipstor, disculpa mi intromisión estuve leyendo si había alguna novedad con el desarrollo del juego que me llamó la atención esto. Por lo que lei deberían de aclarar esto en privado si es que tiene alguna red social para conversar y evitar que aumente más ese mal entendido, sea cual sea el problema a veces pienso que al tener abierta esa sección de comentarios Mofu hace caso las sugerencias que piden la gente que esto implicaría alargar más el proyecto y provocar conflictos en su desarrollo.
Espero que esto no se extienda y eviten un gran problema que termine decepcionando a los fans.
I think we need a public statement from Mofu. If it's just loli stuff then I don't really care, but as we are the people that support him, we should know what's happening so we can decide whether to continue our support.
I was making an assumption based on the wording, and what I assume to be the most controversial aspect related to it. Loli's the main thing that people rant about, the only other thing I could maybe see having issues is incest, but if nobody's going to say anything then we're left to make assumptions about what it could be.
Regardless, you shouldn't have brought the discussion to the public. It makes you seem like an asshole.
Lip, I understand what you are saying. It's a serious problem that I'm adding the requests of people who think nothing of my game being broken and not adding the requests of those who truly support me into the game. This may cause the game to be broken and of low quality. I respect your opinion and will work hard to improve the game. My deepest apologies for any discomfort I may have caused you😞
i actually only listed mofu's booth page at first, then went down to reference your comment and added the other store links lmao. so thank you for always posting the links! much appreciated
Я недавно создал аккаунт,чтобы поблагодарить Мофу,за создание этой игры,спасибо вам! Надеюсь вы поймете мой язык,потому что я русский.А так же,можно спросить,будет ли в будущем аксессуар,с помощью которого Нене,сможет мастурбировать? Спасибо вам большое!
Нет,это моя первая учётная запись,я создал ее,чтобы отблагодарить автора,потому что я давненько слежу за этой игрой,из тени.И мне хочется сказать,спасибо автору,за подобную игру!
Да,я его удалил самостоятельно,потому что,думал что никто не ответит на него,поэтому решил написать тот же самый коментарий только позже,в то время,когда вы сможете ответить
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I will not do so for money. I just think this game is too far behind and needs to be developed quickly😔
It also has to do with my situation. Time is not infinite and I need to complete this as soon as possible.
全部を自分でやって常にファンに邪魔されることも嫌だかもしれないね。急にゲームが思ったより人気になるとそれは自然だと思う。マイクラのNotch先生も同じように思えたよ! 今は全部ストレスだったら戻る日程を発表してから休んでください。一ヶ月、2ヶ月、とかどっちでもいいよ。発表した日程より早く戻ってもいいよ。モフさんはたぶん日本人の親友がいますよね。その人と話し合って(相談)ください。
Yes, I would prefer to use subscribestar. And, I can publish the same file on patreon at the same time. If I get banned on patreon, I will give up using there.
Thank you for your suggestion. I would like to do so. However, if I publish this on patreon, etc., I need to reflect the opinions of those who are willing to help me. so my development will be even slower. I really need to develop this faster.
if what Lip said is true i hope you reconsider mofu, the game is very promising and with time, effort and care it can become a really good game but if its rushed and a lot of things are cut people arent gonna enjoy it as much as they could have
I agree with your opinion. I just think that making games based on my own judgement is what is needed to develop this the fastest😓
I'm just writing this to say that the votes don't lie mofu. When you check you will see that out of 50 votes currently, 48 of them want you to develop the game properly and I'm guessing that one of the other votes was you. Even if you are looking for a quick cash grab, wouldn't you make more by devolving a game that your fans would willingly pay for rather than some half-assed game that none of your fans will want. And it is fine to take suggestions for content but don't just add every idea that someone's says. Also there are some sick f*cks out there that like to see ch*ld content and other weird sh*t but for the overwhelming majority of fans that like this game for simple futa content please don't add that stuff. This game is great every though it is unfinished, and if what lip said is true about you deleting the other characters to finish the game quicker then you will see a lot of your loyal fans stop playing this game which is something I'm sure you don't want. Even if you have lost the motivation, if you stop production now you will look back in the future and regret not making this the great game that it could be. Please continue to develop this game and keep it legal. There are a lot of people that enjoy your content and if you have any care at all for them then you will do the right thing.
Also lip there were some people that were questioning your judgement but I've been a follower of this game for along time without a itch account and know that you put in just as much if not more work into this game than mofu and are the most helpful person to all people that have questions and that you shouldn't doubt yourself. I know that you and mofu are disagreeing on some stuff but I know that you are a good person and I trust that you will do good for this game.
I did not vote and I agree with you and Lip. I need to take my time and improve the quality of this game. Thank you for your concern.
i hope you Develop the game with care and time
Yes, I will do so. Thank you👍
Pelo visto é raro meu estoque aumentou muito. (Desculpe por este segundo comentário)
Caraca mn, tu farma esperando o proximo update? Pq se for assim vai demorar um pouco amigo, ainda mais com essa treta ai
Sim, eu farmo por que perdi um save com 10 mil de cogumelos dourados? A moeda esqueci o nome agora kkkkk
TAPORRAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK o jogo ainda tá em beta mano, pra quê farmar tanto assim?
Sei la
Thank you for farming that so much! You play this game the most😆
Isso é raro??
Poderia me mostrar todos?
Obrigado por explicar isso! Sim, essa estatística é uma adição aleatória de probabilidade muito baixa.👍
just rest Lip, you've done what you can
i really hope mofu changes his mind
cutting all those characters would suck! please don't rush the game, Mofu.
I have never thought to cut them🤔
If the game is released as it is currently then a lot of people with good hands won't even take an hour to complete.
I intend to make this game so that it can be played for about 20 hours😉
Lip, thank you for making that poll. I appreciate that you are serious about this. I need to understand and accept what you are saying.
But I never once said I would cut characters or storylines. I intend to make them all. I only said I will make them all at my discretion to make them faster😓
Mofu... As coisas tão ficando sérias você devia ouvir o que Lip tem a dizer, por favor fale com ela, pelo bem do jogo
Parece haver alguns equívocos sobre eles😓
This is completely out of bounds and i dont have any right to say this but still.I praise your patience and perseverance Lip but dont you think this is enough?Youve been trying to change Mofu for 1 year and still no result;this may well be a fruitless journey.Still if you want to keep going because you believe that you will make it i and everyone here fully support your efforts(Again this may aswell be me poking my nose where it doesnt belong but the situation youve revealed to us is downright criminal.Still i hope whatever you choose it works out for the best)
I might be completely wrong but Lip youre just a fan right? So in the end you wont earn anything from the money the game makes. I mean, I know this a passion project for u but arent u going a bit too far for just a fan? No hate, just geniuently wondering
Lip... It's still too much. If it were me, I would be beyond grateful and fearful if an individual contributed 300€. Besides, all your arguments are based on the assumption that you have a perfect understanding of Moff's ideas. I don't have the full picture either, but what you are doing puts a lot of pressure and is a bit extreme in my opinion.
I'm grateful to you. But I am not asking you to spend your precious money. You need to use all your money for the treatment of your disease😞
Also, I'm not in a hurry to develop this game fast for the money. I just want to finish this game as soon as possible.
Still Lip while this is admirable of you you must think about how much you are going to suffer because of Mofu if this keeps up.You do what you think is right but pls dont let your passion about Mofus game blind you and lead down a horrible fate(plus i saw you fell down the stairs so get better soon)
I just want say can mofu Indonesian language?😄
Ya, saya menulis dengan menggunakan terjemahan mesin👍
Para que serve a quarta animação da nene?🤔
Sim, é um "descanso". Restabelece a sua força😉
Может кто нибудь написать что произошло( с мофу и липстером) через перевод непонятно
Абасрался он, xdd
можешь нормально обьяснить?
Липстор похоже считает, что Мофу слишком много уделяет внимания каждой мелочи, предлагаемой другими челами. Сам Мофу хочет всем угодить, поэтому мы и получаем микроскопические обновы. У мужика с планированием и распределением приоритетов проблемы
Hello, do you will add circumcised penis skin?
Yes, I will add that in the future👍
thank you for adding the Indonesian translation.
This excellent translation was made by DaikonOcelot. Please thank him😉
nene(the protagonist) got pregnant and i need help how to give birth in the game
won the fight with the cat girl
Yes, the player have to win the cat girl first👍
Thanks Lip for explaining that!🤗
oh you kean the shaman cat?
i just want to say wow the expanding cock variety really makes me feel yummy, it honestly makes my day is there a way you can make it so you can stretch the foreskin as an attack method? or an emote
I like long foreskin as well! However, Mofu should probably focus on developing the core game further than adding stuff like this. It wouldn't take very long to add if its made into a mushroom, like the big balls mushroom or the like.
I too like the long foreskin👍. I would like to add it in the future. Also I will consider adding the ability to use emote etc with it.
saya ada sedikit saran mungkin bisa jadi pertimbangan di update selanjutnya tolong tambahkan mini monster random seperti kelelawar atau tanaman lain agar lebih seru dan menantang jadi ga cuma monster jamur biasa dan monter jamur berduri doang
selebihnya mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan kata terima kasih
Ya, saat ini saya sedang mengerjakan beberapa monster mini dengan beberapa perilaku khusus. Mohon tunggu sebentar lagi untuk menambahkannya.😉
I know there's some drama going on here so sorry for asking a question during these trying times, but i had a qustion regarding a mushroom. I started a new game and Wuelie dropped a "pine mushroom", are there other methods to get this mushroom outside of her fight? I've been farming the other mushrooms for like an hour with no luck.
Thank you for the quick response i hope all goes well for you!
Thanks Lip for responding to that question!🤝
fui testar meu controle no seu jogo, e descobri que não é possível correr usando o controle, tem como arrumar isto?
Pode alterá-lo a partir da configuração da chave do ecrã de definição. Se houver algo de errado com a detecção de entrada, por favor tente desmarcar e configurar os paus analógicos no canto inferior direito👍
Mofu porfavor escuta oque lipstor diz, seu jogo é um dos melhores que encontrei no itch.
Sim, eu respeito a opinião de Lip e agradeço-lhe pela sua grande tradução e por relatar muitos bugs.
what happened? 😶
so the biggest problem you have is with the rape in the game? I had to translate this message so I wanted to make sure
Então ele ta fazendo tudo que as pessoas (spamers) tão pedindo? Tipo ele concertou o sensor da água só por que eu pedi...
A resposta dele é muito idiota (sem ofensas) a comunidade que são os que apoia o jogo, só falam coisas que ajudam o jogo a ter a qualidade perfeita para o público. E eu não percebi que mudou a batalha da Wuelie, eu ando farmando 10 itens por dia e saindo do jogo até lançar uma nova atualização.
Nunca te faltaré al respeto. Usted es quien hace las puntualizaciones más acertadas sobre este juego. Le pido disculpas por el disgusto que le he causado con mi decisión arbitraria de reflejar varias peticiones en el juego.😥
You're threatening to get him banned now because you don't like the way he's making the game.
Got to praise your patience and determination Lip.I hope this works out for the best
Yes, I respect Lip's opinion and would like to improve this game👍
woah what happened
i see :<
hi saya sangat suka dengan game ini dari segi cerita dan grafiknya keren saya sangat menantikan update selanjutnya terima kasih
salam kenal dari saya orang indonesia
Terima kasih telah memainkan game ini🤗
Will someone tell me all the games that mofu has ever made?(including paid games)
Thank you
Thanks Lip for explaining those!🤗
ngl it's fucked up to air dirty laundry like that
I highly doubt whatever change Mofu is planning on is as bad as you're making it out to be.
Edit: Based on the "illegal" "immoral" and "mother with a little kid" comments, I'm assuming Mofu wants to add loli content to the game.
Loli is banned in the UK, and parts of Europe and America, but NOT Japan.
I mean, wasn't Mofu the creator of Fujuu Hime? That game had loli content and a scene with a fairy that looks like a fucking toddler.
pretty sure by "mother with her little kid" she meant she is treating him like a mom tryna help him fix his miistakes n stuff
Maybe it's not because of loli content,I have browsed this dev's past works and they were created about five years ago,many of his works contain loli content,I think it is impossible to mention this until now,and many Japanese works contain this kind of content,maybe other reasons,I don't know.
i mean the first fox girl seems like a loli
Joder se puso seinen de golpe🗿, que paso? Podemos ayudar en algo?.
Hola Lipstor, disculpa mi intromisión estuve leyendo si había alguna novedad con el desarrollo del juego que me llamó la atención esto. Por lo que lei deberían de aclarar esto en privado si es que tiene alguna red social para conversar y evitar que aumente más ese mal entendido, sea cual sea el problema a veces pienso que al tener abierta esa sección de comentarios Mofu hace caso las sugerencias que piden la gente que esto implicaría alargar más el proyecto y provocar conflictos en su desarrollo.
Espero que esto no se extienda y eviten un gran problema que termine decepcionando a los fans.
Les deseo lo mejor y aclaren esto con calma.
yah maybe you should keep this shit to PM's instead of telling mofu what they can and can't do...
how about no, and you piss off??
I think we need a public statement from Mofu. If it's just loli stuff then I don't really care, but as we are the people that support him, we should know what's happening so we can decide whether to continue our support.
I was making an assumption based on the wording, and what I assume to be the most controversial aspect related to it. Loli's the main thing that people rant about, the only other thing I could maybe see having issues is incest, but if nobody's going to say anything then we're left to make assumptions about what it could be.
Regardless, you shouldn't have brought the discussion to the public. It makes you seem like an asshole.
Какие страсти, как я понимаю, Мофу был очень виноват, липстер в этой ситуации, ты прав! Интересно, чем это закончится
no one cares
I think it would be best to delete this and send him a PM yourself
Lip, I understand what you are saying. It's a serious problem that I'm adding the requests of people who think nothing of my game being broken and not adding the requests of those who truly support me into the game. This may cause the game to be broken and of low quality. I respect your opinion and will work hard to improve the game. My deepest apologies for any discomfort I may have caused you😞
I'm not lying. But sorry, I'm often mistaken and I may have misunderstood your opinion😞
I just fucked the giant purple mushroom lady. Where do i go from there?
Thanks Lip for making that great image🤗
Ждём с нетерпением крупного обновления! Успехов с проектом Мофу! Смотри не сгори за работой!
Большое спасибо! Большое обновление займет некоторое время, но я его сделаю😉
what's new update ?
Yea, probably bug fix
Yes, this update fixed the bow bug👍
I never use bow in this game
The bow is the most useful weapon in the game😉
idk, I more like melee weapons
oooo new update
Thanks for coming back to see my updates🤗
np! love the game
great game i love it thank's for the game
i'm waiting for new update
Thanks Lip for explaining that🤗
Thank you! I will keep updating this game😙
how can we support you? Do you have patreon or accept fans on pixiv? Amazing work!!
he's not currently accepting any paid fanbox subscribers or anything like that, but you can support mofu by buying his older games.
he also has a subscribestar that might be active in the future. no paid support, but it's free to follow. same for his fanbox.
oh wow didnt know mofu made other games
never noticed
i actually only listed mofu's booth page at first, then went down to reference your comment and added the other store links lmao. so thank you for always posting the links! much appreciated
Thank you for writing about them!🤝
@Lipstor @Mofu
Does the pine mushroom do anything?
Using it will restore a little Life👍
Я недавно создал аккаунт,чтобы поблагодарить Мофу,за создание этой игры,спасибо вам! Надеюсь вы поймете мой язык,потому что я русский.А так же,можно спросить,будет ли в будущем аксессуар,с помощью которого Нене,сможет мастурбировать? Спасибо вам большое!
Нет,это моя первая учётная запись,я создал ее,чтобы отблагодарить автора,потому что я давненько слежу за этой игрой,из тени.И мне хочется сказать,спасибо автору,за подобную игру!
Да,я его удалил самостоятельно,потому что,думал что никто не ответит на него,поэтому решил написать тот же самый коментарий только позже,в то время,когда вы сможете ответить
Спасибо, что создали свой аккаунт! Я бы хотел в будущем добавить аксессуары, на которые Нене сможет мастурбировать.👍
The new version can't be downloaded!!
Thx it worked
Thanks Lip for resolving that question😇