Mofu, Lipstor, Im starting to worry about all this of the blackmailing and the manipulation, please, i know im just a random on the internet, but, i think im speaking in the name of this entire community when i say that, you two, should solve your problems in the way you want, the game and us are not going anywhere, and you both know that you can tell us everything, because we are your friends, and if you don't want to, its ok, so take your time to talk and solve your problems, we will support you in everything we can
I have never ignored you😥. I was just adding the easy requests. And it's often necessary to put off difficult requests in order to hurry the development of this game.
No man, stop putting pressure on him, Lipstor got nothing to do with the game lmao, just let the real dev of the game work in peace that's the bare minimum you can do
Bruh are you gaslighting everyone to think Mofu is treating you bad? Just let him do his game, let him do his thing, as long he delivers the game I'm supporting him no matter what.
I apologize for the pain my inconsiderate and foolish actions have caused you😔. I have always been grateful to you and have tried to please you. However, I have made the decision to make this game all by myself, as I can not delay its development any longer. So I will make the development myself along that roadmap. Please forgive me for that.
You've been talking about Mofu blackmailing you a lot, can you explain this a little bit more? Are you sure Mofu is actually blackmailing you? If so, real blackmail is a crime. In turn, falsely accusing Mofu of blackmail is also a crime, so be careful.
i hope mofu can stick to the roadmap but i'm also scared it's a bit too ambitious. new fights/cgs/etc every month seems like a hard thing to accomplish.
if you have to update the roadmap to give yourself a bit more time to make sure the new story events/cgs/etc are just right, please do! most of us are patient and will understand!
Hello Mofu! Made an account to let you know your game is amazing and I hope you take your time developing it!
I have a question for you too, will there be more lowblow/ballbust scenes for the player or other characters just like the loss scene against the first boss, the little fox sister?
That scene is currently only the fox sister, but others could be added. An element where the main character has to lose might not be a good idea, so I'm thinking of an element where that can be seen by some action😉
I forgot to add this game to my list and when I went to search games it wasn't there I had to search in my browser why was this game shadow banned?
I never follow the comment sections since I only check if the latest version has been updated but I had to get involved voicing my opinion
Mofu, I think you should do yourself a favor and disable comments temporally and save yourself from responding to those for a bit till the flame dies down. Most creators in for their game developments would have disabled comments so they do not deal with misinformation and BS
Maybe block spammers that keep DMing you constantly if it feels like its annoying you or interfering your work.
Hearing its being 'rushed' or cut of content; apparently I dealt with it in college before for gaming industry but still, I'm sure in the future; the potential 'cut content' can be re-added if redesigned/adjusted since it may have been needed or planned.
Also; if stuff has been cut from the game but not planned to be removed entirely; id put a placeholder letting players know its being fixed/redesigned
I also know you have life outside the game development so take it easy and don't overwork yourself.
PSA; Lipstor, I read that you invested more than 300$ in his game development yet you claim to be out of money and cannot afford medicine; that $300 or more should been on your own medical issues and not his development from the beginning. So focus on your own life ASAP and stop engaging constantly in the comment section
Now ima gonna go research for science purpose, kudo folks
Lip, I can rework this game as many times as I can. And I will not sell it unfinished. I will finish this. For it, I have been improving the system for a year. It is hard to see from the outside, but the inside of the system has been greatly streamlined.
Thanks for your concern🤝. However, there is no need to disable this comment section. Because no matter how rough it gets here, it will not affect this game development.
And I'm not going to cut any content. I will speed up production by making everything based on my judgment alone.
I'm not interested in getting into any of this drama, it seems like it's not really helping any part of the game development. I would say that as long as you have regular updates so the game isn't just abandoned, the eventual release date isn't important to me personally. If you're worried about not getting it out on time, you could have a collaborator (if you already do, outside of people in the community, ignore that suggestion). Hopefully you can get some things resolved as there appear to be issues.
You should take a rest,not rushing the game. If you tired of developing or want to complete this game faster,just to sell it faster or forget about it,you definetely should take a rest(1-3 months),it will really helps you. Don't read comments just to please everyone,this is your project and only you decide what should be added.
Yes, I have seen that page. However, this is a different situation. This game was shadowbanned on Feb 14. It was removed from the search index and the devlog no longer appears. I have asked itch io why and have not heard back😞
I got a suggestion, it's to add more loli futa, like Teala, with unique cocks, or maybe with a human cocks but with a phimosis or something. What do you all think?🤔
To Mofu , i say this: Well , that's certainly a way to lose >80% of your community. Entitled community. And you know what that means? You lost money in the long run.
[Edit: And you lost your respect from others , something probably even worse imo.]
If i were doing this as a hobby , i would notify every person , probably in the devblog, that i need a break, to fix my financial and personal issues.
And hey , Liptor. Go take a break. A person not able to keep a promise doesnt worth your time, at least the nighttime. Go get some sleep brother!
well, there are no other files, it's in the store there are ver3.40 versions only I bought but I can't the site does not accept master cards, VTB and VISA, because I'm in Russia and what's going on in the world and so it's clear can you share files I can pay? well, only in rubles (
берешь название японской игры английскими символами , подкидываешь скачать , только на англ. Вылазит тонна сайтов , ищешь с последней версией, да и все
а то я чёт не понял как брать японскую английскими буквами она на англ cursed futanari ring , а на Поиском хз , если не так то расшифруй , а то я чёт не. Вдуплил как это...
O jogo está ficando meio chato apenas atualizando personagens que ja estão acrescentados, ou cenas de luta.
Mofu trabalhe nos outros npc's ignore oque todos pedem ou até mesmo oque eu peço, [...] menos ce for um bug realmente ruim.
Se não vai acontecer de pessoas parando de jogar e voltando apenas quando atualizar, alguns vão acabar esquecendo de olhar se atualizou ou não, e nunca mais voltarem a jogar.
Tem pessoas que realmente estão esperando este jogo evoluir, mas você não colabora com a comunidade, apenas adiciona/remove/arruma oque spamers pedem, assim este jogo nunca terá um progresso realmente grande apenas concertos pequenos. (ou teria mas assim iria demorar até mesmo 2 anos)
Eu queria que este jogo tivesse mais coisas, eu já basicamente consegui 100% umas 27 vezes e nada me surpreende mais.
Não era igual antes cada atualização era legal, agora é apenas correções e pequenas atualizações.
E eu sei que você irá parar de atualizar a versão beta e lançar a versão completada paga, eu provavelmente nunca mais irá jogar isto no futuro.
Obrigado Mofu por estragar nosso pequeno joguinho de cogumelos, obrigado mesmo 😞
As minhas desculpas por decepcioná-lo.😔 Demora muito tempo a completar um jogo e é natural que alguém se aborreça pelo caminho. No entanto, pretendo iniciar uma grande actualização deste jogo a partir de agora. Espero que volte a jogar este jogo.
i mean if there is not a dm feature (i think) but if you feel like "i'm not like other girls" kind , there are encryption methods that need a key to give a correct output, so you can do that if you want
E: [ However , i heard that the pages (at least the product ones , are very customizable so I'reckon you could make some comment box on your profile like in steam.
maybe you even could make it so nobody else sees the comments , only you. No idea. Never read their documentation , if they have one]
well, there are no other files, it's in the store there are ver3.40 versions only I bought but I can't the site does not accept master cards, VTB and VISA, because I'm in Russia and what's going on in the world and so it's clear can you share files I can pay? well, only in rubles (
Hello, I am writing this as a fan of this game from the beginning. I don't comment often but I make it a routine to check this page daily for updates to the game, I would simply check for an update and leave. However, it seems that there is some internal drama going on between Mofu (The Developer) and Lipstor (#1 fan and contributor) that if not resolved may slowly kill the game for us long time fans and potential new fans to the game. Based on my observation from reading the comments it seems that there may be a misunderstanding between both parties that may have been caused by translation error due to both users being speaking two different languages. When using translators, certain phrases and meaning can be "Lost in Translation" simply bacause every language has their own way of saying things that a machine may not be able to account for. I say this simply because we don't know what is happening behind closed doors and we are left to only assume what is going on. I really hope that this game does not slowly die because of a conflict that can be avoided and resolved with some transparency from either end.
To Mofu: English [I am glad that you are taking time to give us a high quality game and I respect your dedication to taking requests into consideration when making the game. However, this has slowed down the development of the game very significantly and it seems that you are aware of that. Please do not rush the game due to feeling like you are falling behind your development schedule. This will be very apparent in your work when we play the finished product even if you may not believe it. Thank you for continuing to work on this game despite everything that is going on. I apologize in advanced if there is any misunderstanding between my intentions and what may have been translated.]
To Mofu: 日本語 [ハイクオリティなゲームを提供するために時間を割いてくださるのは嬉しいことですし、ゲームを作る際に要望を考慮する姿勢は尊敬に値します。しかし、そのためにゲームの開発が非常に遅れており、あなたもそれを自覚しているようです。開発スケジュールに遅れをとっていると感じて、ゲームを急がせないでください。これは、完成品をプレイしたときに、あなたが信じなくても、あなたの作品にはっきりと現れることでしょう。このような状況にもかかわらず、このゲームに取り組み続けていただき、ありがとうございます。もし、私の意図するところと、翻訳されたものに誤解があったなら、先に謝っておきます。]
To Lipstor: English [From what I have read it seems that you feel betrayed by someone you thought very highly of and it hurts very much when it happens. However, in this case it seems that you have put too many eggs in one basket and you came out losing in the end. This is a very common mistake we as humans make when we become very invested in something that we really enjoy. There is a phrase/saying that I believe should be used more often "You should never conflate business and friendship" and I think it is very applicable in this situation. On one hand we have Mofu who is making a game with the ultimate goal of selling it upon completion and on the other we have you who it is a very dedicated fan as well as someone who have made many contributions throughout the years. Mofu has made a "product" that you as a "customer" have really enjoyed and decided to be a part of. I just want remind you that Mofu is running a business and the perpose of a business is to make money at the end of the day. I tell you this because it seems like you have invested a lot of time and possibly money into something that did not work or seems to not be working as you thought. When I was reading the comments, I also came across a comment where you mentioned having nothing such as a job, friends, and your own house which was very saddening but also allowed me to better understand why this may be happening. Idolizing anything to this degree can never be good so I would suggest retracting yourself from the situation for a while and taking some time to think about things. In the end, I have always noticed that you would reply to comments and sometimes act as a mediator for Mofu and to I am grateful. If you feel like you have nothing it does not have to be that way. For example, if you would like to have friends then I am willing to become a friend of yours but understand that friendships sometimes take time to build but nothing stops us from getting acquainted. Just let me know what platform you are most comfortable with using and I will send you my username or code. If possible dm me and if not let know in the comments so I can provide the info. The platforms I use are mainly Twitter and Discord so let me know your preference.]
To Lipstor: Español [Por lo que he leído parece que te sientes traicionado por alguien a quien tenías en mucha estima y duele mucho cuando ocurre. Sin embargo, en este caso parece que has puesto demasiados huevos en la misma cesta y al final has salido perdiendo. Este es un error muy común que cometemos los seres humanos cuando invertimos mucho en algo que realmente nos gusta. Hay una frase que creo que debería utilizarse más a menudo: "Nunca hay que mezclar negocios y amistad", y creo que es muy aplicable a esta situación. Por un lado tenemos a Mofu, que está creando un juego con el objetivo último de venderlo una vez terminado, y por otro lado te tenemos a ti, que eres un aficionado muy entregado y alguien que ha hecho muchas contribuciones a lo largo de los años. Mofu ha creado un "producto" que a ti, como "cliente", te ha gustado mucho y del que has decidido formar parte. Sólo quiero recordarte que Mofu está dirigiendo un negocio y el propósito de un negocio es hacer dinero al final del día. Te digo esto porque parece que has invertido mucho tiempo y posiblemente dinero en algo que no ha funcionado o parece que no está funcionando como pensabas. Cuando estaba leyendo los comentarios, también me encontré con un comentario en el que mencionabas no tener nada como trabajo, amigos y casa propia, lo cual me entristeció mucho pero también me permitió entender mejor por qué puede estar pasando esto. Idolatrar cualquier cosa a este grado nunca puede ser bueno así que sugeriría retraerse de la situación por un tiempo y tomarse un tiempo para pensar las cosas. Al fin y al cabo, siempre he notado que respondías a los comentarios y a veces hacías de mediador para Mofu y te estoy agradecido. Si sientes que no tienes nada, no tiene por qué ser así. Por ejemplo, si te gustaría tener amigos entonces estoy dispuesto a convertirme en amigo tuyo pero entiende que las amistades a veces tardan en construirse pero nada impide que nos conozcamos. Solo dime en que plataforma te sientes mas comodo y te enviare mi nombre de usuario o codigo. Si es posible mandame un dm por aqui y si no dejar saber en los comentarios para que pueda proporcionar la información. Las plataformas que utilizo son principalmente Twitter y Discord así que hazme saber tu preferencia.]
On a final note, I am not taking sides in this conflict because I am able to see it from both perspectives. I hope this issue is resolved in some way so that this game does not die a very sad and unfortunate death. If you read this far thank very much for taking the time to read my thoughts.
Hello Lipstor, it seems that your situation is more serious than I have imagined and I am sorry that you are going through such troubling times. I want to thank you for taking time out of your days sick to read and reply to my comment. I myself am going through some difficult times as well but I will not say it compares to your current struggle. I would like to remind you that you are not alone and that there are people that are willing to at least listen to your troubles even if they are not resolved whether professional or just a friend. Will these words, I hope that you are still taking care of yourself regardless of what may be happening around you.
Hello Lipstor, The email I will be providing is not my main email but through that you can provide me your preferred platform for communication. I will also assist you in ways to find professionals that you can speak with. The email is:
well, there are no other files, it's in the store there are ver3.40 versions only I bought but I can't the site does not accept master cards, VTB and VISA, because I'm in Russia and what's going on in the world and so it's clear can you share files I can pay? well, only in rubles (
I left for 2 weeks and there's another fight going on in the comments... c'mon it's just a porn game let's just appreciate mofu for the things he made, the dedication he put and the hours the pours in.
If he's going to just rush it and cut a lot of the content (then so be it, he will see why games shouldn't be rushed in the future and don't last long) will he at least add the cut content back to the game after he rushed it and improve it? Or just leave it?
thats disappointing. he won't get as much sells than if he would take time... oh well. it is what it is. This game will probably be forgotten after its ready (or even before) to be "sold" because there won't be any content why buy a game if there is no content? No one will buy that game. It will just die in the corner while the other games that are actually taking to to be developed are actually growing and will last for a longer time. And they also use different ways to get money, early access, patreon, subscribe star, have one or two versions ahead and people buying the version that is ahead, etc.
I fixed it , it 's just not clear why winrar64 doesn 't want to save the gameplay , if you save it yourself and the automatic saves , I screwed up the norms , and such a question is Mofe , is this your company MOFULEND and you are the creator of the game Curesed futana ring ? please write me a couple of questions that I don't understand about the game
well, there are no other files, it's in the store there are ver3.40 versions only I bought but I can't the site does not accept master cards, VTB and VISA, because I'm in Russia and what's going on in the world and so it's clear can you share files I can pay? well, only in rubles (
Я как раз хотел дождаться либо крупной обновы, либо почти самого релиза игры, чтобы начать переводить все по нормальному. А то там некоторое переделывается, что то добавляется. Переводить по 2 раза не камельфо
saya rasa saya tidak akan beli game ini jika masih dalam akses awal karna untuk membelinya kita perlu berpikir dua kali
tapi jika gamenya sudah full rilis saya akan usahakan untuk membelinya itupun jika konten yg ada di dalam game nya bagus seperti story karakter item monster map dan lain lain
Ya, game ini masih belum lengkap di banyak bagian. Dan saya berniat untuk menyelesaikan bagian terpenting dari game ini dan menyelesaikan versi beta dalam waktu 6 bulan dari sekarang.
Sorry, it's a no from me. I don't buy a game while it's still in early access, most of the time (this applies to all kind of game, okay). Not that I don't want to support it, but I currently can't risk in investing money for it. I don't have the extra budget.
Moreover, it's on Steam. I don't buy anything through Steam.
I in fact would buy it from steam in early acess but only IF i was sure that Mofu would treat this game with love and care.Me and the fans put our hopes on you Lip but i want to be realistic and say that Mofu will not change BUT a man can hope so i will wait patiently and see what this game becomes.
Lip, Thank you so much for making that poll🤗. However, I don't plan to make the early access. It causes a lot of trouble. I will stop updating for a while after I have finished the beta version and will release the full version.
it's not that we are bored because it isn't finished, but because he is so focused on the every single little minor details that its just taking so long to get the main content. We don't want it rushed, we don't need every single minor details yet, maybe over time, but not all the time ignoring the main content for a long period of time.
Thank you for making that statistic. I understood it. Please don't worry about anything. I will not remove any character. What I plan to do is to develop this game fast, using only my decision.👍
I am honestly starting to get confused now. One says this, and one says otherwise. I am not saying someone is lying here, but I think there some misunderstanding happening lately (and it's getting out of hand quick). Maybe you need to post some kind of statement about how you're going to develop the game, to stop this unnecessary misunderstanding. You know, make something like a roadmap, a plan on what you're trying to make the game to be.
Also, perhaps the reason why Mofu is not able to finish what he planned is because real life problem gets in his way? Especially this is a creative works. Its progression is prone to the emotion and the mood of its creator. I more or less know how it feels, since I do drawing sometimes, and it's hard to get it done when suddenly your mood is wrecked by an unwanted real life problem that comes out from nowhere.
And if anyone was wondering why im so mad about all of this it is because when i discovered this game it was a truly unique and fun game and i was exited with each new update and playing more of the game. And then recently all this stuff about Mofu not finishing the game and how he was going to ruin the game and how he was treating lip by apparently not listening and as lip said blackmailing.
This game doesn't feel the same as when I started playing and I just wished it would go back to how it was without all this stuff going on.
I'm probably not going to say much more here because mofu probably won't change his mind but I hope he continues this game.
Also ive noticed a trend of people siding with mofu not have an account that has been registed for more than 2 days 😱
It's almost like they are alt account made to praise mofu because no one sides with him 😱
It's almost like lip did a poll and 95 % of people sided with lip about developing the game because the poll was ip regulated and mofu couldn't add more votes 😱
It's almost like Mofu is still trying to hide the fact that he's ruining the game and disappointing all his real fans 😱
← Return to game
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Mofu, Lipstor, Im starting to worry about all this of the blackmailing and the manipulation, please, i know im just a random on the internet, but, i think im speaking in the name of this entire community when i say that, you two, should solve your problems in the way you want, the game and us are not going anywhere, and you both know that you can tell us everything, because we are your friends, and if you don't want to, its ok, so take your time to talk and solve your problems, we will support you in everything we can
With love, KiiruZaKira, just a fan💖
Lip, please think first about what you are going to do for your life. It's most important that you live.😞
I have never ignored you😥. I was just adding the easy requests. And it's often necessary to put off difficult requests in order to hurry the development of this game.
No man, stop putting pressure on him, Lipstor got nothing to do with the game lmao, just let the real dev of the game work in peace that's the bare minimum you can do
I'm sorry to cause you concern. I would like to discuss this issue with Lip and hope to reach a settlement.
I am sorry to hear that
I wish u live more :( u seem like a nice person
Bruh are you gaslighting everyone to think Mofu is treating you bad? Just let him do his game, let him do his thing, as long he delivers the game I'm supporting him no matter what.
hey man, just wanna ask, is everything alright with you?
i've been always reading these little "chats" or commends and sawn a lot of your health problems.
i am an atheist but may god be with you and get you thru everthing life has to offer
I apologize for the pain my inconsiderate and foolish actions have caused you😔. I have always been grateful to you and have tried to please you. However, I have made the decision to make this game all by myself, as I can not delay its development any longer. So I will make the development myself along that roadmap. Please forgive me for that.
You've been talking about Mofu blackmailing you a lot, can you explain this a little bit more? Are you sure Mofu is actually blackmailing you? If so, real blackmail is a crime. In turn, falsely accusing Mofu of blackmail is also a crime, so be careful.
Ah yeah sure "he is treating me terribly but I can't say how" stop with that nonsense, stop making such a terrible image of him
I never once blackmailed you. The message I wrote to you stated that I would remove the four characters, if that is what you wanted.
And, I will do what you want, but please forgive me for not being able to make it all happen😞
I'm not ignoring you. I just don't have the time to do it😢
are the updates for march coming out all at once or coming out one by one
I intend to make them from the top down😉
what that mean from top down
I make them in order from top to bottom👍
i hope mofu can stick to the roadmap but i'm also scared it's a bit too ambitious. new fights/cgs/etc every month seems like a hard thing to accomplish.
if you have to update the roadmap to give yourself a bit more time to make sure the new story events/cgs/etc are just right, please do! most of us are patient and will understand!
Thank you for your approval🤗. If I do my best to develop this, this Roadmap is fully achievable. And I can make new CG every day.
i shaved my legs and for some reason that made me happy af lol
i do cuz my legs grow hair like crazy cuz am biologically male :1 its so disgusting
It's a great game I hope they continue to develop it
Thank you! I'm continuing development this as usual👍
The roadmap? Yeah, it's good to see.
Thank you! I plan to add a lot more than this Roadmap👍
Да нет обновы
Hi mofu, just wanted to thank you for this game, it's probably one of the best games in this site.
The combat system is well made and easy to understand.
The sex scenes are great and every character is hot, i cant even choose a favorite between them, they are all hot and well designed.
Make sure to take a pause and relax yourself :) , you deserve it.
Bye mofu, have a nice day
Yes, I voted all of them.
i'm sure he knows that and he doesn't ignore you on purpose, maybe he just wants a little of personal space, that's it
Bye and have a nice day lipstor :)
Lip, I cannot delay this development any longer. But that doesn't mean that the quality will deteriorate.
Thank you! I will do my best to make this game even better😙
Hello Mofu! Made an account to let you know your game is amazing and I hope you take your time developing it!
I have a question for you too, will there be more lowblow/ballbust scenes for the player or other characters just like the loss scene against the first boss, the little fox sister?
That scene is currently only the fox sister, but others could be added. An element where the main character has to lose might not be a good idea, so I'm thinking of an element where that can be seen by some action😉
I see, looking forward to what you come up and implement in the game!
I forgot to add this game to my list and when I went to search games it wasn't there I had to search in my browser why was this game shadow banned?
Yes, I have not received a reply from itch io😞
I have no idea why this game is being shadow banned🤔
oooo roadmap
Thank you for looking into that🤝
о обновление алилуя )
Бля чел что с тобой не так,какое к херам обновление
которое анонсировали , и свое мнение при себе
Это дорожная карта кент,ничего не анонсили еще
I never follow the comment sections since I only check if the latest version has been updated but I had to get involved voicing my opinion
Mofu, I think you should do yourself a favor and disable comments temporally and save yourself from responding to those for a bit till the flame dies down. Most creators in for their game developments would have disabled comments so they do not deal with misinformation and BS
Maybe block spammers that keep DMing you constantly if it feels like its annoying you or interfering your work.
Hearing its being 'rushed' or cut of content; apparently I dealt with it in college before for gaming industry but still, I'm sure in the future; the potential 'cut content' can be re-added if redesigned/adjusted since it may have been needed or planned.
Also; if stuff has been cut from the game but not planned to be removed entirely; id put a placeholder letting players know its being fixed/redesigned
I also know you have life outside the game development so take it easy and don't overwork yourself.
PSA; Lipstor, I read that you invested more than 300$ in his game development yet you claim to be out of money and cannot afford medicine; that $300 or more should been on your own medical issues and not his development from the beginning. So focus on your own life ASAP and stop engaging constantly in the comment section
Now ima gonna go research for science purpose, kudo folks
Lip, I can rework this game as many times as I can. And I will not sell it unfinished. I will finish this. For it, I have been improving the system for a year. It is hard to see from the outside, but the inside of the system has been greatly streamlined.
Thanks for your concern🤝. However, there is no need to disable this comment section. Because no matter how rough it gets here, it will not affect this game development.
And I'm not going to cut any content. I will speed up production by making everything based on my judgment alone.
I'm not interested in getting into any of this drama, it seems like it's not really helping any part of the game development. I would say that as long as you have regular updates so the game isn't just abandoned, the eventual release date isn't important to me personally. If you're worried about not getting it out on time, you could have a collaborator (if you already do, outside of people in the community, ignore that suggestion). Hopefully you can get some things resolved as there appear to be issues.
I appreciate your great stats. I understand it and my goal is to complete this game carefully and quickly.
I will continue to develop this game under any circumstances. It's my daily routine and there is no way to stop it👍
I don't intend to sell this in an unfinished state😓
Are you still only able to get cum from the rabbit girle
Thank you for writing it🤝
I have a feeling that mofu really fucks up,but i don't have permission to continue thinking that way,i'm just hope this situation doesn't get worse
I think you misunderstand me. I don't know what it means🤔
You should take a rest,not rushing the game. If you tired of developing or want to complete this game faster,just to sell it faster or forget about it,you definetely should take a rest(1-3 months),it will really helps you. Don't read comments just to please everyone,this is your project and only you decide what should be added.
Can't really blame you , but i think you do have a permission whatever the hell you want to think.
Mofu さん、このゲームは search で見つかりませんのことについて、これを見ましたか?
Yes, I have seen that page. However, this is a different situation. This game was shadowbanned on Feb 14. It was removed from the search index and the devlog no longer appears. I have asked itch io why and have not heard back😞
booth で封呪姫を買いました!非常に面白かったです!
I got a suggestion, it's to add more loli futa, like Teala, with unique cocks, or maybe with a human cocks but with a phimosis or something. What do you all think?🤔
good idea! :)
I think it's good. I like that each character's cock has its own personality👍
I had to make an account for this.
To Mofu , i say this: Well , that's certainly a way to lose >80% of your community. Entitled community. And you know what that means? You lost money in the long run.
[Edit: And you lost your respect from others , something probably even worse imo.]
If i were doing this as a hobby , i would notify every person , probably in the devblog, that i need a break, to fix my financial and personal issues.
And hey , Liptor. Go take a break. A person not able to keep a promise doesnt worth your time, at least the nighttime. Go get some sleep brother!
I agree that Lip needs to sleep well. And I hope that Lip can chill out and talk about the facts.😞
Speaking of facts, looks like you ignored most of my message.
Well, that's how some people are. But it's you who chooses to stay or leave , and I'm sure no one is holding you here (right?)
dude , go sleep
well, there are no other files, it's in the store there are ver3.40 versions only I bought but I can't the site does not accept master cards, VTB and VISA, because I'm in Russia and what's going on in the world and so it's clear can you share files I can pay? well, only in rubles (
Bro stop spamming
Stop spam
Чел , игра щас бесплатная , оплата не обязательная , внимательно огляни элементы всплывающего окна.
Спамом тебе никто не поможет.
есть ссылка на игру брат , я задолблся просто качать не то , задолбало че у других есть , а у меня нет ( подкинь сылку на сайт тогда чтоль
берешь название японской игры английскими символами , подкидываешь скачать , только на англ. Вылазит тонна сайтов , ищешь с последней версией, да и все
гуглить на английском название игры или тупо японское брать , а скачать на английском и искать версию 3.40 так пологаю ?
а то я чёт не понял как брать японскую английскими буквами она на англ cursed futanari ring , а на Поиском хз , если не так то расшифруй , а то я чёт не. Вдуплил как это...
Parando para pensar
O jogo está ficando meio chato apenas atualizando personagens que ja estão acrescentados, ou cenas de luta.
Mofu trabalhe nos outros npc's ignore oque todos pedem ou até mesmo oque eu peço, [...] menos ce for um bug realmente ruim.
Se não vai acontecer de pessoas parando de jogar e voltando apenas quando atualizar, alguns vão acabar esquecendo de olhar se atualizou ou não, e nunca mais voltarem a jogar.
Tem pessoas que realmente estão esperando este jogo evoluir, mas você não colabora com a comunidade, apenas adiciona/remove/arruma oque spamers pedem, assim este jogo nunca terá um progresso realmente grande apenas concertos pequenos. (ou teria mas assim iria demorar até mesmo 2 anos)
Eu queria que este jogo tivesse mais coisas, eu já basicamente consegui 100% umas 27 vezes e nada me surpreende mais.
Não era igual antes cada atualização era legal, agora é apenas correções e pequenas atualizações.
E eu sei que você irá parar de atualizar a versão beta e lançar a versão completada paga, eu provavelmente nunca mais irá jogar isto no futuro.
Obrigado Mofu por estragar nosso pequeno joguinho de cogumelos, obrigado mesmo 😞
As minhas desculpas por decepcioná-lo.😔 Demora muito tempo a completar um jogo e é natural que alguém se aborreça pelo caminho. No entanto, pretendo iniciar uma grande actualização deste jogo a partir de agora. Espero que volte a jogar este jogo.
how can i contact lip ? i cant find a dm section xD i am new to itch
I'm new to itch too, but lip reads every comment here so just talk here unless you mean you want to talk to lip in a private way
i mean if there is not a dm feature (i think) but if you feel like "i'm not like other girls" kind , there are encryption methods that need a key to give a correct output, so you can do that if you want
E: [ However , i heard that the pages (at least the product ones , are very customizable so I'reckon you could make some comment box on your profile like in steam.
maybe you even could make it so nobody else sees the comments , only you. No idea. Never read their documentation , if they have one]
есть сылка на сайт где ее скачать можно коль шариш за это ?*
euuuu idk i wanted to ask u some stuff and i am not comfortabel talking in coments lol but anyways it's fine
well, there are no other files, it's in the store there are ver3.40 versions only I bought but I can't the site does not accept master cards, VTB and VISA, because I'm in Russia and what's going on in the world and so it's clear can you share files I can pay? well, only in rubles (
Hello, I am writing this as a fan of this game from the beginning. I don't comment often but I make it a routine to check this page daily for updates to the game, I would simply check for an update and leave. However, it seems that there is some internal drama going on between Mofu (The Developer) and Lipstor (#1 fan and contributor) that if not resolved may slowly kill the game for us long time fans and potential new fans to the game. Based on my observation from reading the comments it seems that there may be a misunderstanding between both parties that may have been caused by translation error due to both users being speaking two different languages. When using translators, certain phrases and meaning can be "Lost in Translation" simply bacause every language has their own way of saying things that a machine may not be able to account for. I say this simply because we don't know what is happening behind closed doors and we are left to only assume what is going on. I really hope that this game does not slowly die because of a conflict that can be avoided and resolved with some transparency from either end.
To Mofu: English [I am glad that you are taking time to give us a high quality game and I respect your dedication to taking requests into consideration when making the game. However, this has slowed down the development of the game very significantly and it seems that you are aware of that. Please do not rush the game due to feeling like you are falling behind your development schedule. This will be very apparent in your work when we play the finished product even if you may not believe it. Thank you for continuing to work on this game despite everything that is going on. I apologize in advanced if there is any misunderstanding between my intentions and what may have been translated.]
To Mofu: 日本語 [ハイクオリティなゲームを提供するために時間を割いてくださるのは嬉しいことですし、ゲームを作る際に要望を考慮する姿勢は尊敬に値します。しかし、そのためにゲームの開発が非常に遅れており、あなたもそれを自覚しているようです。開発スケジュールに遅れをとっていると感じて、ゲームを急がせないでください。これは、完成品をプレイしたときに、あなたが信じなくても、あなたの作品にはっきりと現れることでしょう。このような状況にもかかわらず、このゲームに取り組み続けていただき、ありがとうございます。もし、私の意図するところと、翻訳されたものに誤解があったなら、先に謝っておきます。]
To Lipstor: English [From what I have read it seems that you feel betrayed by someone you thought very highly of and it hurts very much when it happens. However, in this case it seems that you have put too many eggs in one basket and you came out losing in the end. This is a very common mistake we as humans make when we become very invested in something that we really enjoy. There is a phrase/saying that I believe should be used more often "You should never conflate business and friendship" and I think it is very applicable in this situation. On one hand we have Mofu who is making a game with the ultimate goal of selling it upon completion and on the other we have you who it is a very dedicated fan as well as someone who have made many contributions throughout the years. Mofu has made a "product" that you as a "customer" have really enjoyed and decided to be a part of. I just want remind you that Mofu is running a business and the perpose of a business is to make money at the end of the day. I tell you this because it seems like you have invested a lot of time and possibly money into something that did not work or seems to not be working as you thought. When I was reading the comments, I also came across a comment where you mentioned having nothing such as a job, friends, and your own house which was very saddening but also allowed me to better understand why this may be happening. Idolizing anything to this degree can never be good so I would suggest retracting yourself from the situation for a while and taking some time to think about things. In the end, I have always noticed that you would reply to comments and sometimes act as a mediator for Mofu and to I am grateful. If you feel like you have nothing it does not have to be that way. For example, if you would like to have friends then I am willing to become a friend of yours but understand that friendships sometimes take time to build but nothing stops us from getting acquainted. Just let me know what platform you are most comfortable with using and I will send you my username or code. If possible dm me and if not let know in the comments so I can provide the info. The platforms I use are mainly Twitter and Discord so let me know your preference.]
To Lipstor: Español [Por lo que he leído parece que te sientes traicionado por alguien a quien tenías en mucha estima y duele mucho cuando ocurre. Sin embargo, en este caso parece que has puesto demasiados huevos en la misma cesta y al final has salido perdiendo. Este es un error muy común que cometemos los seres humanos cuando invertimos mucho en algo que realmente nos gusta. Hay una frase que creo que debería utilizarse más a menudo: "Nunca hay que mezclar negocios y amistad", y creo que es muy aplicable a esta situación. Por un lado tenemos a Mofu, que está creando un juego con el objetivo último de venderlo una vez terminado, y por otro lado te tenemos a ti, que eres un aficionado muy entregado y alguien que ha hecho muchas contribuciones a lo largo de los años. Mofu ha creado un "producto" que a ti, como "cliente", te ha gustado mucho y del que has decidido formar parte. Sólo quiero recordarte que Mofu está dirigiendo un negocio y el propósito de un negocio es hacer dinero al final del día. Te digo esto porque parece que has invertido mucho tiempo y posiblemente dinero en algo que no ha funcionado o parece que no está funcionando como pensabas. Cuando estaba leyendo los comentarios, también me encontré con un comentario en el que mencionabas no tener nada como trabajo, amigos y casa propia, lo cual me entristeció mucho pero también me permitió entender mejor por qué puede estar pasando esto. Idolatrar cualquier cosa a este grado nunca puede ser bueno así que sugeriría retraerse de la situación por un tiempo y tomarse un tiempo para pensar las cosas. Al fin y al cabo, siempre he notado que respondías a los comentarios y a veces hacías de mediador para Mofu y te estoy agradecido. Si sientes que no tienes nada, no tiene por qué ser así. Por ejemplo, si te gustaría tener amigos entonces estoy dispuesto a convertirme en amigo tuyo pero entiende que las amistades a veces tardan en construirse pero nada impide que nos conozcamos. Solo dime en que plataforma te sientes mas comodo y te enviare mi nombre de usuario o codigo. Si es posible mandame un dm por aqui y si no dejar saber en los comentarios para que pueda proporcionar la información. Las plataformas que utilizo son principalmente Twitter y Discord así que hazme saber tu preferencia.]
On a final note, I am not taking sides in this conflict because I am able to see it from both perspectives. I hope this issue is resolved in some way so that this game does not die a very sad and unfortunate death. If you read this far thank very much for taking the time to read my thoughts.
I have not blackmailed you once. And please forgive me for not having time to discuss this with you often, as I don't have time😔
Hello Lipstor, it seems that your situation is more serious than I have imagined and I am sorry that you are going through such troubling times. I want to thank you for taking time out of your days sick to read and reply to my comment. I myself am going through some difficult times as well but I will not say it compares to your current struggle. I would like to remind you that you are not alone and that there are people that are willing to at least listen to your troubles even if they are not resolved whether professional or just a friend. Will these words, I hope that you are still taking care of yourself regardless of what may be happening around you.
Hello Lipstor, The email I will be providing is not my main email but through that you can provide me your preferred platform for communication. I will also assist you in ways to find professionals that you can speak with. The email is:
well, there are no other files, it's in the store there are ver3.40 versions only I bought but I can't the site does not accept master cards, VTB and VISA, because I'm in Russia and what's going on in the world and so it's clear can you share files I can pay? well, only in rubles (
I left for 2 weeks and there's another fight going on in the comments... c'mon it's just a porn game let's just appreciate mofu for the things he made, the dedication he put and the hours the pours in.
Thank you for your concern. I hope everyone can clear up any misunderstandings and keep their cool.
If he's going to just rush it and cut a lot of the content (then so be it, he will see why games shouldn't be rushed in the future and don't last long) will he at least add the cut content back to the game after he rushed it and improve it? Or just leave it?
thats disappointing. he won't get as much sells than if he would take time... oh well. it is what it is. This game will probably be forgotten after its ready (or even before) to be "sold" because there won't be any content why buy a game if there is no content? No one will buy that game. It will just die in the corner while the other games that are actually taking to to be developed are actually growing and will last for a longer time. And they also use different ways to get money, early access, patreon, subscribe star, have one or two versions ahead and people buying the version that is ahead, etc.
(Im just being realistic. Nothing rude intended)
People going crazy over a hentai game lmao
I fixed it , it 's just not clear why winrar64 doesn 't want to save the gameplay , if you save it yourself and the automatic saves , I screwed up the norms , and such a question is Mofe , is this your company MOFULEND and you are the creator of the game Curesed futana ring ? please write me a couple of questions that I don't understand about the game
I believe the reason is that winrar64 refers to the file without decompressing it, so it does not have access to other files.🤔
well, there are no other files, it's in the store there are ver3.40 versions only I bought but I can't the site does not accept master cards, VTB and VISA, because I'm in Russia and what's going on in the world and so it's clear can you share files I can pay? well, only in rubles (
sad of course (
Yes, I'm the creator of the "Curesed futana ring"👍
Походу обновы я не дождусь,чинить перевод начну в скором времени,его как раз много будет
Я как раз хотел дождаться либо крупной обновы, либо почти самого релиза игры, чтобы начать переводить все по нормальному. А то там некоторое переделывается, что то добавляется. Переводить по 2 раза не камельфо
saya rasa saya tidak akan beli game ini jika masih dalam akses awal karna untuk membelinya kita perlu berpikir dua kali
tapi jika gamenya sudah full rilis saya akan usahakan untuk membelinya itupun jika konten yg ada di dalam game nya bagus seperti story karakter item monster map dan lain lain
Ya, game ini masih belum lengkap di banyak bagian. Dan saya berniat untuk menyelesaikan bagian terpenting dari game ini dan menyelesaikan versi beta dalam waktu 6 bulan dari sekarang.
Tive que votar em não, sinto muito Mofu mas não tenho condições de gastar na steam.
Sorry, it's a no from me. I don't buy a game while it's still in early access, most of the time (this applies to all kind of game, okay). Not that I don't want to support it, but I currently can't risk in investing money for it. I don't have the extra budget.
Moreover, it's on Steam. I don't buy anything through Steam.
I in fact would buy it from steam in early acess but only IF i was sure that Mofu would treat this game with love and care.Me and the fans put our hopes on you Lip but i want to be realistic and say that Mofu will not change BUT a man can hope so i will wait patiently and see what this game becomes.
I want to avoid getting a lot of criticism for publishing an unfinished game. It’s not a matter of money.
Lip, Thank you so much for making that poll🤗. However, I don't plan to make the early access. It causes a lot of trouble. I will stop updating for a while after I have finished the beta version and will release the full version.
I’m not ignoring anyone😓
Yo, it's obviously I choose the first one! Art can't be rush, that's a fact.
I do like the hot girls in the game, but I also want the game to be rich in story and lore.
Also, I am not one of those that got bored.
Say what?!
it's not that we are bored because it isn't finished, but because he is so focused on the every single little minor details that its just taking so long to get the main content. We don't want it rushed, we don't need every single minor details yet, maybe over time, but not all the time ignoring the main content for a long period of time.
Thats a pity, a game with great potential will be ruined because of rushing and greed(?) For money.
All I can say to that is just wow. Just wow... 😞
Thank you for making that statistic. I understood it. Please don't worry about anything. I will not remove any character. What I plan to do is to develop this game fast, using only my decision.👍
I am honestly starting to get confused now. One says this, and one says otherwise. I am not saying someone is lying here, but I think there some misunderstanding happening lately (and it's getting out of hand quick). Maybe you need to post some kind of statement about how you're going to develop the game, to stop this unnecessary misunderstanding. You know, make something like a roadmap, a plan on what you're trying to make the game to be.
Well, the roadmap looks solid enough to me.
Also, perhaps the reason why Mofu is not able to finish what he planned is because real life problem gets in his way? Especially this is a creative works. Its progression is prone to the emotion and the mood of its creator. I more or less know how it feels, since I do drawing sometimes, and it's hard to get it done when suddenly your mood is wrecked by an unwanted real life problem that comes out from nowhere.
At least that's my guess.
And if anyone was wondering why im so mad about all of this it is because when i discovered this game it was a truly unique and fun game and i was exited with each new update and playing more of the game. And then recently all this stuff about Mofu not finishing the game and how he was going to ruin the game and how he was treating lip by apparently not listening and as lip said blackmailing.
This game doesn't feel the same as when I started playing and I just wished it would go back to how it was without all this stuff going on.
I'm probably not going to say much more here because mofu probably won't change his mind but I hope he continues this game.
I will continue to work on this game as I have been and complete this. I apologize for any confusion I have caused you.😥
Also ive noticed a trend of people siding with mofu not have an account that has been registed for more than 2 days 😱
It's almost like they are alt account made to praise mofu because no one sides with him 😱
It's almost like lip did a poll and 95 % of people sided with lip about developing the game because the poll was ip regulated and mofu couldn't add more votes 😱
It's almost like Mofu is still trying to hide the fact that he's ruining the game and disappointing all his real fans 😱
Lip said that mofu doesnt make alt accounts which is cool but i still dont know where the sudden surge of accounts is comming from
I have not voted. And I have never made an alt account😓