Futakin Valley


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How about a clothing piece to make the penis smaller? ;P


That would be great


Yes, I would like to add a clothing piece with such a feature in the future😉




Мофу. Зделай так поделись идеей с модератором сайта: если человек жалуется на того кто делает творчество, не важно постит он не по теме или ещё что. Пусть тогда если этот поситетель жалуется .то он сам себя банит и более не видит всех творчеств автора которого решил "оклеветать" при этом поситетель может и далее посещать сайт, но уже без возможности узреть "пикантность"


Спасибо, что поделились со мной своими идеями. Я тоже хотел бы поделиться идеями со всеми здесь. Я надеюсь, что это место будет мирным и свободным от клеветы и т.д.


hay mofu have you thought of adding a way to make the character waing bigger  




ya like bigger than its current max size


He will probably add a mushroom to make the penis bigger as with everything else


Yes, it's possible. I intend to add a big or small penis👍

Yo Mofu.

I'm just curious, but did Lip leave this game behind or was it something else, maybe cuz of her health?

Just asking, you dont need to provide infos tho 

but good luck on the game so on.


my understanding is, she was banned by itch because people started reporting her for making off topic drama & posting screenshots of private messages

unfortunat but ok, everyone deserves something i guess  


I'm not doing anything about it, but some may have reported it.

Lip's account was suddenly suspended for some reason. But I believe she can restore it😞


Mofu, your game is awesome! I really really like it! I have a question,can you tell us exact date of when we will get the update? Love you❤️

Thank you for liking this game!💕 There is no exact date set for the update of this, I will update this when I'm ready.

Then I mofu like this, man, the LT does not appear for me, in fact, the LT would be the map

Please check out the other buttons. Any of the buttons could be that button.


you're thinking about creating a moment for character stories, Such as GNU


Yes, I'm looking to add some interesting elements to each character's story👍


I am glad to hear that. Have a good work 


i honestly enjoy this game no idea why but i hope it turns out well ^^


Thank you! I want to complete this game well^^


mofu you still got dms with lip? i hope she's ok

Yes, she's ok. If her account cannot be restored, she can make a new one.👍

Deleted 175 days ago

Yes, the full version of this game will be available on Steam and itch.io👍





Motivational Comment for Mofu #1: Love the game Mofu, the overall combat system and artstyle! Don't overwork yourself and stick to what you envisioned for the game. 

Hope everything goes well for you. 


Thank you for your kind comment👍


Hello Mofu. A man asked me here to warn you that it is dangerous to put the game on pirate forums

I understood. I will not put this game out pirate forums.


I don't think putting the game on F95 is the best idea...


Yes, I'm not planning to do that now.

Whats new in this update?

Please see the Development log above😉

updite mofu


Ok, please wait a little longer👍

Deleted post

Thank you for writing about it🤝

where ophelia house?


not in the game yet

Yes, it has not been added yet. I will add it in the near future.


Замечательная игра. Спасибо за персонализацию снабжения, за оружия,за сюжет,за рисовку. Однако не могли б вы зделать так.чтоб данный вид от лица мог включаться когда мы "берём донарский майонез?" Gif анимаций в колекции И в дальнейшем разнообразить наличие органов и их вариаций использования.да даже зделать ('), без °|°  или без °°, оставив |, (')и соответственно анимацию "утех" Например как у Цветок-тян, также при наличии пустого горшка возможность брать "майонез" у тех нпси с которыми у нас была дуэль,разговор. Сейчас доннор майонеза лиш кролик. Чую будет проблема с обновлением игры так как тут не платформа Эрогамез.удачи вам, спасибо за перевод,за озвучку. Надеюсь та статуя "ангела" обратит эту эльфийку в Ночную"темную" да и фестраловы крылья с сукубб хвостом тоже б отлично смотрелись (если были б задействованы в "утехах")


Спасибо вам за игру. В будущем я добавлю функцию, которая позволит вам увидеть различные вещи с ее точки зрения, например, посмотреть на карту. Также эта игра может обновляться автоматически с помощью itch app. Перевод этой игры был сделан "owandie, Lipstor, lolkak142, alkdog".👍

Есть маленькие минусы:" при изменении размеров тела Финиш эпизоды утех одинаковы" -(но думаю что это канон форма тела как у изначальной эльфийки в меню, такчто не партесь с дорисовкой:)  поворот при прицеливании с далнебойным оружием не возможен, также проблемно работает прицеливание,например лук не всегда целиться вертикально ровно. Управление немного неудобное если играть с сенсора, нет обычного круглого сенсор-джойстика, нет вариаций функций отображения например Y(знак уклона) Х(знак ладони) ∆(отображение оружия/атаки) например также как в некоторых играх.

Также в некоторых локациях нельзя вернуться обратно(главная сцена после падения, справа есть проход. Исследовав подземелье мы окажемся в иной сцене там рядом Грибо тЁтя закрыла проход, слева если пройдем мы не откроем возможность вернутся. (Как если б мы изнутри дома открыли запертую дверь)

_________________________________________________________Хотелось бы иметь авто прицел для дальнебойных орудий, хотя бы чтобы он срабатывал когда рядом враг, но достаточно далеко чтобы не касаться телом клинка врага.

_______________________________________________________ Если вы планируете игру совершенствовать то можно создать Кооп ( что-то подобие на VR chat  с элементами Утех, зделать так чтобы игра сохранила статус Офлайн, при возможности входить в онлайн когда есть вайфай...обратиться к Одолжению из других игр например ловушки и механизмы из Dungeon Hunters(ошибки в названии могут быть. Однако та игра очень похоже на эту.но в отличии та пиксельная) добавить эпизоды "утех" при поражении от врагов и фаталити,наше как было с Нэко и подобными...да знаю такое уже есть, но когда мы "это" делаем с ними это Очещение от скверны, а хотелось б оглушит врага, или дождаться их усталости чтобы зделать то что "делает кролик" при нападении на нас).да тут они присутствуют как например сцена захвата кролика. Но не у всех. Хотя состояние кролика вполне жизненно и оправдано. Такчто в таком плане респект вам. Также Можно конечно расширить локации добавив секретные пещеры например ту часть локации где присутствует "колодец с кислотой", я понимаю что игра про Эльфейку и ее лечебный "майонез" но хотелось бы поуправлять и другими нпси (только те которые стройняшки шимпотяшки) также в Логове Нэко возможность менять кукол.(однако только те которые уже открыты, так как каждая новая кукла после исчезновения обладает индивидуальной атакой, например кидает камни,швыряет молнии) надеюсь мир этой эльфийки будет расширяться и мы будем играть ей даже когда она вернётся в деревню(конец сюжетной игры) слишком много новелл слишком мало видео-игр в "высоком плане" и ничтожное количество таких игр как эта. я понимаю новые предложения и идеи. Это написание новых системных кодов, новые арты и Gif рисование.но это шедевр. 

Мне б очень хотелось увидеть ещё одну игру вашего исполнения  (прон)Pony Town в таком стиле. А не в пиксильном  РПГ картоном варианте. Или даже чуть лучше.хм добавить демонов,Creepy,Guru, changeling (mlp pony) Furry. При этом чтобы игра была схожа с BooBs the Sity. 

Управление телом от 3/1 лица, как в GTA, с возможностями для себя-утех. а не со стороны как в том же Pony Town.

Интересно каков уровень сложности для вас создать "ЗОРГЕН" игру по мотиву project star?( МMO аниме игра) лиш схожее подобие, а не в буквальном смысле. Или в дальнейшем объединить футабу с ней.хм получится горючия смесь. Главное чтобы она была бесплатна, без цензуры, с внутри-покупками для вашего благодарения.

P.s. пишу чисто на русском языке. Переводчик на Английском может выдать кашу.(и функция редактора коментариев на сайте не работает)

(2 edits) (+8)

Greetings, you've probably seen my posts here before but I'm a user of F95 and I'd like to clear some things up for the supporters here and people who may be unaware of a few things. Keep in mind I am simply a user and not involved with staff/development in any way.

1)F95 while it IS a form of a piracy site we actively encourage and push our users to support and buy games legally if they enjoy the products found/uploaded to the website, each post ALWAYS has links to the page where the project may be purchased as well as links to the developer's monetary support pages such as patreon, subscribestar etc etc... -I personally have supported Mofu's works after finding out about them through F95, the first being Cursed Futanaring-, and while we can't control what others do there, there are a good number of users there who DO end up purchasing the titles they enjoy and that's added revenue for the artist who deserves it, better some than none at all I'm sure everybody would agree?

2) Witch-hunts aren't something we promote in any way, this is shown if you simply browse the website, any call for one is quickly quelled and put down by moderation as well as fellow users. We're all adults and we all just want to have a good time with the fetish games we enjoy, the same can be said for here I'm sure.

3) We actively encourage artists to get involved in F95, you would be surprised just how many developers post their own works on the site and how many supporters they end up gaining by doing so, again take a look around at posts and you'll see actual testimonies of developers thanking the people there for financial support. We think Mofu would be a fantastic addition to plug his works at the website and undoubtedly gain financial backing he might otherwise be missing.

4) F95 has a community of translation volunteers who help to make these products accessible for others who may not understand them in their native created language, I was able to enjoy Cursed Futanaring due to the efforts of a community translating enough of the game to enjoy and finish from beginning to...A certain point then efforts fell apart, people have even stated once the game is translated properly they will purchase it again, myself included. While I do understand enough Japanese to enjoy the original fully now the extra effort shown from the creator goes a long way with the community. The website does a lot more good than people might believe.

Thank you for taking the time to read and understand we're not the bad people Lip painted us out to be, give it a look and I'm positive you'll see for yourself.

-どうもありがとう Red
Deleted post

We arent out to cost the artist any unfair money, people discover people like Mofu because of it, I am one such person which has given him more money than he would have had without it. I'm glad you are understanding we're not demons like we're made out to be though.


This is not the problem, the vast majority of users of such sites just download the game and are not interested in the developer and help in development. And not only that, just posting your project on a pirate forum is not a good idea, I don’t want to offend you, this is my personal opinion


Well you're wrong unfortunately because people who weren't going to buy it in the first place would have found it elsewhere, and I'm not speaking for other websites, I'm speaking for F95 only here. We at least attempt to get the artist SOME monetary gain out of it, also as I previously mentioned it helps people -discover- said artists, there would have been no gain even minimum if people didn't even know the artists existed so it's not exactly a loss in piracy if you think about it, four out of ten people then purchasing said product they found is a +4 in business sales no matter how you spin it, there are people who won't buy regardless and there's nothing we can do about them then there's people who will. You take the bad with the good, that's just business.


Thank you for your advice, I will look into it. I think that places where a lot of people congregate often generate piracy, but they also provide an opportunity for people to get to know my work. I will consider using that place when I expand my activities. I appreciate your conscience.


You're welcome, I hope you'll at least check out the website and give it an honest look instead of listening to people with clearly bias opinions.







what happened to my defense?

Oh, thank you for sharing that bug! I had forgotten to fix it😓


back on to the grind soon 69k

How did this happen?

that my little secret

Thank you a lot for collecting them😆


where can i find the villagers  

Sorry, those are not implemented yet. Please wait until this game is completed.


oooo update

Thank you for always coming to see this :3

(1 edit) (+2)

Mofu, вы не будите против, если я вам напишу? 

Я как фанат этой игры, который следит за ней уже долгое время, хотел бы поговорить о последних событиях...

Если вы не против, я могу вам написать, надеюсь я не утруждаю вас своими просьбами...

Надеюсь на ваше понимание.


Пиши на английском,быстрее ответят


Я приветствую любое ваше письмо.👍 Twitter - самый простой способ связаться со мной.


Otra actualización, a probarla, gracias mofu.


Gracias por seguir esta actualización🤗

Deleted post

Don't worry, in F95 to put the links to the Developer store, blog, etc; is a rule that never is skipped. Also, every time you download something from that page, you will get a splash screen asking you to purchase the original product. (PD: f95 has strong anti virus measurements) 

So if everything goes well, a lot people might find Mofu's projects from the multiple piracy websites and purchase it if they like them.

Thank you for writing about it.🤝 I hope those pages are conscientious.


We actively push people to support the artists and pledge to their patreon/subscribestars on every post made, that's something that is enforced heavily and why we also encourage the artists themselves to get involved. The page is a gateway to discovering many great developers people otherwise might not know.

Deleted post

Ok, I understood. I will add it to the FAQ👍. Thank you for writing that!

(1 edit) (+1)

where i can find the vilagers 

Sorry, it's not implemented yet, Mushria and Mushna are its villagers, but they are not yet available to catch.

when can I catch them both


this game is cool, I like futa with futa rarely find games in the futanari genre, the game is amazing and I'm waiting for the latest update.👍

Deleted post

Thank you! I will complete this game as a futanari action game😙


What does this do? I can't inspect it.


I believe it fills your balls with sticky stuff

It's currently a test event added for debugging. It will be gone in the near future.

Куда делся Lipstor? Он был лицом этой игры как и Mofu. 

Deleted post

Lip Аккаунт был приостановлен из-за ложного сообщения, сделанного кем-то. Однако есть вероятность, что ее аккаунт может быть восстановлен.

(1 edit)

damn, lip is gone? 

Deleted post

fair, hope she's ok tho

(1 edit) (+1)

I would like to know if in the future there will be more variants of Zetas, mushrooms I would like to know out of simple curiosity And which ones are patch updates and which ones add new content 

Deleted post

thanks for the information 

Yes, the update of this game adds 1.0 for larger and 0.01 for smaller👍


I like this game,this a good game


Thank you for playing this game🤝

Deleted post

Thank you for reporting it👍

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+3)

Cara espera, está literalmente ali em cima quando cada personagem/NPC irá lançar 

Deleted 1 year ago

Obrigado! Estou a trabalhar em novas personagens e novas cenas neste momento😙

What happened to lipstor

Deleted post

I’m kinda surprised it took this long. She had really helpful posts & was passionate about the game, but she was taking things way too far by posting screenshots of private messages to a public forum. Doing stuff like that over some silly game is not cool. I wish her the best, but she’s got some growing up to do


also she was accusing Mofu of blackmail which is a crime.


🦀 Certified W Moment 🦀

But in all seriousness it was ridiculous how immature they turned out to be.
Seems like reporting actually did something!

And so we shall hopefully return to peace and spread love (:
or keep lurking like so many

Deleted post

you reckon she will be back?

i would be surprised if she wasn't back at some point honestly

Deleted post
(1 edit) (+1)

Maybe M0fu, not Mofu?
M0fu is the "Suspended account" below, and was the account without name posting strange videos and using hollow bold fonts.

Deleted post

I'm not very familiar to this comment thread, but I saw that Lipstor angrily replied to mofu with a screenshot. In which m0fu says he will delete many characters...? When I found that the no-name account's url was M0fu, I was shocked.

I don't know because I didn't see that comment, but it appears that that account was warning of some kind of attack. Also, according to Lip, the trolls may have attacked from F95.🤔

(1 edit) (+3)

i think she might have initiated the account deletion. it seems a little weird to me that the countdown guy's posts say "suspended account" whereas lip's say "deleted account". ofc i'm not a mod so i'm just bullshitting but yeah.

i mean i do get her frustration with mofu being a people pleaser and not focusing as much on the story updates, but it was clear nothing would be resolved between them despite her making dozens of posts about it. it is probably best for her to cut her losses and move on if she can't just sit back and enjoy the updates as a lurker.

Deleted post

I mean, Lip was constantly announcing that her account will be deleted, so I assume it was a manual deletion.

Anyways, that's what happens when you take things into a extreme 

Lip says she didn't delete her account. So I don't know why this is happening.


Lipstor we'll miss u

(1 edit) (+1)

Depois de ter escrito o comentário abaixo, percebi que a conta do Lip foi "Apagada/Deletada"

Oque é isso!? Ataque hacker?

Deleted post

Parece que a conta de Lip foi atacada por alguém. E parece que a conta da outra parte também foi suspensa🤔?

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