Futakin Valley


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That best game! I'm from China and I hope you can release the Steam version as soon as possible so that I can better support your game and update your game more easily. 


Thank you for all your support! I plan to finish this and release this to Steam by the end of this year. Also, this game will update automatically when you use the itch app.👍





Just want to say I really love this game and to keep up the great work. Also thanks for making it mobile friendly!


Thank you for loving this game!🤝 I will be improving the controls for the mobile even more in the future.


what de fok is this game


This game is futanari action game👍


Gonna correct you there, Mofu: it's the best futanari action game :D

Thank you🤗


How is the game holding up, Mofu? You used to mention that you want to integrate new mechanics and systems before adding CGIs and arts into the game. Does it meet your expectations now, or you are still in progress


I'm currently reworking the entire file management system. Since this game takes a long time to start up, so I'm improving the format to separate most of the images into files and load them😉


Dear, sounds like you are making a full-fledged game engine now...


Yes, currently all images are loaded at startup, but if the number of images increases any further, memory will be overwhelmed and the program will not be able to start. So I have improved the system to output them all to a file and load them individually👍


In regards to the Roadmap I'd love to see some cosmetic items sprinkled in there as well. One of my favorite aspects TBH.


true, an even bigger dick mushroom would be cool


Yes, that's not written in the roadmap, but I will be adding those in the future👍


after defeating the portal girl how do i enter the passage behind her because i can't enter how do i do that?


Feed mushrooms to dogs


Yes, the player can take that dog👍





hey mofu on the map below it shows the map and the girl from the portal but i also wanted to know how can i get past the mud that is blocking the passage the mud that collapsed how do i get past it?


take the dog over there

Thank you for answering it🤝











how many equipable items are available? cause the ones i have are the two boob size and ball size mushrooms and the mask and bunny slippers


there's also a mushroom that makes nene erect, but I think that's all of them. If you want to see all the items in the game then check the translation file

Yes, that's all. This game is not yet complete, so only test items have been implemented. I plan to add lots of items in the future👍


cool good to know, I didn't want to waste my time finding items that aren't there.


This character in the image below is at the bottom of the cave, if it is, could you show me exactly on the map so I can know more or less where it can be?

The map for that area is not implemented yet, so please wait until that is finished.



Thank you for posting that Lip's FAQ image🤗


what version has all this


how many cum viles will we have to collect. how many villagers do we have to find


The total number has not been implemented yet, currently I think it's MC and rabbit girl.


Yes, currently the only semen that can be collected is the rabbit girl's semen. I will be adding Remy's semen next.

How soon?





Сколько человек на русский переводило,почему методы перевода везде отличаются?

Этот перевод выполнили owandie, Lipstor, lolkak142 и alkdog. Любой может свободно редактировать этот текст, поэтому перевод может отличаться в некоторых частях.😉


На данный момент переводом на русский занимаюсь я, начал я это делать в начале месяца. Я отправил Mofu отредактированный перевод, он появится в следующем обновлении. В нем я постарался исправить ошибки и неоднородность стиля текста.
Пожалуйста, прочитайте мое обращение в следующем обновлении, оно будет доступно на странице новой версии.


Я сейчас чиню перевод,уже половину сделал,а то глаза режут речевые обороты


Интересная ситуация получается. Вы читали мой комментарий? Я написал, что я уже отредактировал перевод и отправил его Mofu. Даже если вы сейчас внесете свои правки в устаревший перевод, будет не понятно, чей добавлять

Давайте так. Вы прочитаете мою версию, она уже готова, и если вы найдёте, что нужно исправить - свяжитесь со мной в комментариях, или оставьте свой контакт, а я вам напишу. Лучше работать вместе и не тратить время на одну и ту же задачу по нескольку раз, да и мне как раз не хватало постороннего мнения.

Если вы желаете помочь - переведите, пожалуйста, названия предметов, которые не перевёл я. Нужно, чтобы их стиль совпадал с названиями уже переведённых предметов. Я отложил эту задачу на потом, но вы её можете сделать сейчас.


Я исправляю перевод с 60 версии,и связываться в комментах на итче это костыли


Скинем 2 варианта третьему переводчику,пусть он выберет

О, я сдесь ещё что-то решаю, ура

Извините за задержку в реализации перевода. Я добавлю его в следующем обновлении. Я все еще нахожусь в процессе исправления системы, но я обновлю ее специально для вас😉👍

(1 edit) (+3)

Doggu stuck when i enter the portal girl while carried the dogalso doggu and i stuck on mino at the time doggu stuck in the portal girl.

how do i get to the portal girl?

The portal girl is at the bottom of the cave👍


Sorry about that bug😓. I will fix that in the coming days.

Where can I get a big penis?


As far as I know, the big penis cosmetic is a random mob drop. At least, that's how I think I got it.

Yes, it drops from the Walking mushroom.


Nice to see a clear roadmap for the following months. Although it might seem a bit too ambitious when you compare it to the progress made in the last months. Whether Mofu meets his own deadlines or extends them, I don't care. Don't stress yourself and deliver when you feel like it. But it would be amazing if the roadmap stays more or less on track.

Also I agree with some commenters below that increasing / decreasing the characters penis size would be a nice cosmetic mechanic in the future. I heard you could do it in Mofu's previous game with quite a wide range of options.


Thank you for looking at that roadmap! I will do my best to make it happen. However, the order may change depending on the requests.

And I would also like to enhance the cosmetic mechanic as I believe it will be a fun feature for various penis forms👍


Any chance of having ps4 input icons seeing how it works with the game?

Also is there any way to get more boob drops for different boosts on the equipment and is there a list of items and equipment that's in game so far? My need to get every piece of fashion is bugging me, but thanks for this amazing game. Looking forward to the next updates to come.

Sorry, I don't have a ps4 controller. so I will buy it in the future and look into it.

Also, the only equipment that currently drops is the "Erecshroom" that drops when you beat the "walking mushroom". I plan to add more equipment in the future👍


for sure thanks for the info and fun game. I'm looking forward to seeing you have in store for future updates thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

Thank you🤗


Is there currently no more story past defeating Mushria? I have defeated Mushria, Cynthia, Momo, Linnea, Mushna, and Wuelie, and now there is nowhere left to go. The sparkly doorway past Cynthia doesn't actually work and the giant mushroom girl blocking the one doorway underground won't move even though I've defeated both mushroom villagers.


please ,give me answer,where i should find the giant mushroom girl ? 



Either go past the caterpillar girl's shop to the right and defeat the mushroom girl then keep going right and jump down into the canyon, or jump down the very first canyon by where you first meet the fox girl, being careful not to land on the spikes at the bottom, then keep going down until you're at the bottom where the flying mushrooms are. Both paths lead to the same spot. Once you're at the bottom, head to the right and you should find the giant mushroom girl.

Thank you for playing all of this!🤗 Currently this game is incomplete and you can only advance so far. Please wait a little longer until this is completed.

o que aconteceu com o lipstor ?


her account was banned

Sim, a conta de Lip está actualmente suspensa. Não sei a sua causa😞

Eu sei a causa

Todos nós sabemos

(1 edit)

Mofu, a question, why when I go to install the app it tells me if I want to UPDATE this app instead of do you want to INSTALL this app, I'm worried because I don't have the app installed right now, and it seems strange to me that it asks me that, and it's not a phone thing

I have never seen it, but maybe your phone gives that display when you install it🤔


How about a clothing piece to make the penis smaller? ;P


That would be great


Yes, I would like to add a clothing piece with such a feature in the future😉




Мофу. Зделай так поделись идеей с модератором сайта: если человек жалуется на того кто делает творчество, не важно постит он не по теме или ещё что. Пусть тогда если этот поситетель жалуется .то он сам себя банит и более не видит всех творчеств автора которого решил "оклеветать" при этом поситетель может и далее посещать сайт, но уже без возможности узреть "пикантность"


Спасибо, что поделились со мной своими идеями. Я тоже хотел бы поделиться идеями со всеми здесь. Я надеюсь, что это место будет мирным и свободным от клеветы и т.д.


hay mofu have you thought of adding a way to make the character waing bigger  




ya like bigger than its current max size


He will probably add a mushroom to make the penis bigger as with everything else


Yes, it's possible. I intend to add a big or small penis👍

Yo Mofu.

I'm just curious, but did Lip leave this game behind or was it something else, maybe cuz of her health?

Just asking, you dont need to provide infos tho 

but good luck on the game so on.


my understanding is, she was banned by itch because people started reporting her for making off topic drama & posting screenshots of private messages

unfortunat but ok, everyone deserves something i guess  


I'm not doing anything about it, but some may have reported it.

Lip's account was suddenly suspended for some reason. But I believe she can restore it😞


Mofu, your game is awesome! I really really like it! I have a question,can you tell us exact date of when we will get the update? Love you❤️

Thank you for liking this game!💕 There is no exact date set for the update of this, I will update this when I'm ready.

Then I mofu like this, man, the LT does not appear for me, in fact, the LT would be the map

Please check out the other buttons. Any of the buttons could be that button.


you're thinking about creating a moment for character stories, Such as GNU


Yes, I'm looking to add some interesting elements to each character's story👍


I am glad to hear that. Have a good work 


i honestly enjoy this game no idea why but i hope it turns out well ^^


Thank you! I want to complete this game well^^


mofu you still got dms with lip? i hope she's ok

Yes, she's ok. If her account cannot be restored, she can make a new one.👍

Deleted 175 days ago

Yes, the full version of this game will be available on Steam and itch.io👍





Motivational Comment for Mofu #1: Love the game Mofu, the overall combat system and artstyle! Don't overwork yourself and stick to what you envisioned for the game. 

Hope everything goes well for you. 


Thank you for your kind comment👍


Hello Mofu. A man asked me here to warn you that it is dangerous to put the game on pirate forums

I understood. I will not put this game out pirate forums.


I don't think putting the game on F95 is the best idea...


Yes, I'm not planning to do that now.

Whats new in this update?

Please see the Development log above😉

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