Futakin Valley


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(1 edit) (+2)

Nice! Looking forward to what comes next. 



Thank you for enjoying this game🤗


very interested in that new muscular mushroom girl


She is very powerful, moves fast and has a powerful attack👍


i look forward to seeing her in action!

(1 edit) (+2)

Mofu, will you ever release the source files a version of the game? I'd love to go through your art in the games in their pure form. sometimes to see your art, you need to start a new game, as things only happen once and you can't go back. or if you don't want to do this, can you compile just your art from the game in a zip file? I don't expect this to be done right now, I just think it would be nice. you could also expand the gallery to include portraits if nothing else.


Okay, I would like to add in the future the system to see all the pictures of this game. I plan to build such a facility in the village😉


I'm a fan of this game...I wonder if the Mushroom Monster is human?...and will Nene turn into the Mushroom Monster? ... Just curious


The mushroom monsters look like humans, but they are not human, they are evolved mushrooms.😃 And Nene will not turn into the mushroom monster.

Could you please make a list of activities that can be done in this game? I don't know how far I've progressed on this

This game is not yet finished and it keeps changing day by day. So please wait until this is finished👍


berapa harga untuk game ini. Atau khusus android

Saya berharap dapat mempublikasikan game ini dengan harga sekitar $8 ketika sudah selesai. Dan saya berencana untuk membuat versi Android juga.

(1 edit) (+11)

Started following the game from version 0.031.23, now I create this account after seeing pathetic dramas.

I always appreciate creators focusing on depicting futa details. Played cursed futana and I think using points to change appearance and CGs is great. It's hard to find similar games like that.

I like this community because players give reasonable feedbacks and creators adjust their games properly. I can't understand why even someone who's not the creator could affect game contents so much. If Mofu is the only creator making this game, then just let Mofu to decide how to complete this game. It's hilarious to see second creator suddenly appears. As a result we got such a mess.

I'll just wait for the completion of this game and purchase it to support. Getting pissed off can't solve anything.

Please keep on going Mofu, the process may be long and difficult but I'm sure I'll witness another masterpiece coming out.


Thank you for your concern. When I published this game, I have accepted the names and designs of some of the characters, hoping that even the opinions of many people would be taken into account and they would enjoy this game. But as a result I had to remove them due to the rights to use those characters, the rights to use the translation, etc.


I see. So maybe it's important to avoid letting players to manage game contents directly. But honestly, I give my free ideas when I confirm the creator have the ability to realize it and I guess others will need it too. I just want to see the game become better. Personally speaking, forcing and threating creators by using ideas' copyright is hysterical and irresponsible. Mofu, I believe you know what should accept and what shouldn't. Find the way to balance and you can make it.

Yes, I will think about it a lot in the future. Thank you for your guidance.


Mofu seems to be the typical kind, modest and respectful japanese person so he's hesitant to make drastic choices and likes to simply give in when approached. On top of that the language barrier might be a factor because translating each sentence might lead to misunderstandings. But things have gotten out of hand in the last few days and it's time to lay down the iron fist now. You can't let these things get into your head, Mofu. The accusations, gaslighting, blackmailing and manipulating is going to far. I've learned the other person is not even a dev, they are not even part of the official team, they are just an overly-attached, psychopathic, lying and gaslighting hardcore fan. Its always the hardcore psycho fan that stabs the celebrity when he gets to meet their idol.  So nothing new here. Mofu, you have drawn every asset, animated each movement and have written the code to make all of this game work. I'm pretty sure there is no legal binding or genuine copyright over some ideas a fan gave you. Deleting those things is your personal choice, but not a neccesity with legal repercussions if you decide against it. Essentially the other person managed to succesfully sabotage this game, which was inevitable after reading up on this story. But you, Mofu, are not being forced to let this sabotage work. It's so pathetic and really sad that the person still comes back like a haunting ghost even after being banned. This just proves the unhealthy attachment and twisted obssesion with Mofu and/or the game. Don't let yourself get intimidated, Mofu. You got this and you have real supporters behind you. I hope you understood my entire rant here, but in case not im gonna repeat: Mofu, we are on your side, keep on going!


Thank you for your support. I'm very sorry about this problems with this game. I was very confused because I didn't expect this kind of trouble, but now I will resume the development of this game.


God, it's funny to see all this, I haven't been here for several months when I thought Lipstor was a good person, but after reading the latest "news" I was shocked, Mofu, I just would like to give you advice not to get involved with such people anymore, they only cause problems and spoil psychological health


I thought Lip was a good person, but her rights to the requests implemented caused serious problems in the development of this game.



Will my wife Mushna be removed? ;_;

Deleted post
(1 edit) (+5)

Bro, you are adding charcoal to the fire unnecessary. 

Why siding with Lip? How is that being at favor of Mofu and against Lip is a signal of being from F95? 

The first one to start the grudges against F95 was Lip in the first place, how and why? 

Because everyone could see how demanding her comments were to Mofu and mainly in F95 people were giving its negative opinions about that behavior. What's more, let's look at her comments before the ban and the circus started:

"Mofu is bullying me" "Mofu Hates me" "Mofu is ignoring me" "Mofu why are you doing others demands?" (they were suggestions) "Mofu is X" "Why are you doing this?" "You have to do this" 

And a huge ETC.... That's not right, that's harassing and BLACKMAIL... and i don't know how, but Lip created an account in F95, ignited a fire there and then came here creating a unnecessary Two-Side fight and slandering the page and its users. 

Now @Red dead hood and other users tried to clarify things, Mofu understood and tried to being more open to others targets. Now what? Lip got ballistic and all of this became a mess. 

Now, after the ban, there are people appearing from nowhere saying that Lip is right and needs to be reconciled and slandering other users that are being reasonable, even though Lip behave in a utterly wrong way doing bad things, slandering the dev and keeping the fire burning. That's why people thinks those are second accounts of Lip. 

All of this circus could be finished by just forgetting about Lip and ignoring everything about that topic, but no... 

Deleted post

I got acquainted with your game just today, very cool. From the comments I learned about the problems with the team, it's a pity, but this happens, I wish you to cope with this situation and overcome it. Most of all, translations will be missed, my native language is Russian, for example ... I can only wish you good luck and if you have your own translation into English, I can try to translate into Russian, if there is any interest in that for you.


Thank you for your kindness. I'm currently reworking the translation. Once this is done I will update this game.



Its my first comment , but keep it up captain I'd really like to see the fruits of your efforts considering the challenges that with it 

Good job so far 👍🔥


Thank you for your comments and support🤗


У меня есть предложение:)

Это конечно вам решать добавлять это или нет но, как вам идея добавить девушку у которой будет 2 члена?:))

Или ище девушку со щупальцем?:>

А вообще игра очень интересная и очень удобный гимплей для меня😁 буду каждый день проверять не вышло ли уже обновление 🥰


Спасибо за интересную идею! Я бы хотел добавить персонажа с 2 пенисами и персонажа с щупальцами.😁👍


(1 edit) (+12)

halo mofu, good to see you responding more to comments and bringing some light on what's happening. 
It's very nice to see you trying to make things right.  

And since you are making chances, please add a way to donate to you, I like your game and when I have enough money I defo want to support you, especially after this. 

Also, if by any chance you would ever need something like beta-testing, I'm more than ready. I have more than some knowledge about game dev and I think I can give useful response, either technical or practical. 

ps please read about this game on f95 forum, people there really want to help you.



Thank you for your advise. I would like to use the accept donations feature when I'm ready. Also I would like to look at the f95 forum.


I am mostly in the dark about the chaos but, mofu I respect whatever choices you make going forward when it comes to the game, also I'm sorry to hear about the stuff that happened.


Thank you for your concern. I will start the development of this game again.


keep it up Mofu! I hope the future goes smoothly 


Thank you🤗

(1 edit) (+4)

Could you make another item to make the penis size like Cynthia? Bigger. Maybe then the character could suck their own penis like Cynthia did. Thank you for the fun game.


Yes, it's possible to add it and I will add it soon😉

oooh adding a sidequest to help her selfsuck again by bringing some body changing mushroom would be cool

Yo....I came back to download this game after a tiring day and seeing its chaos down here too

I dunno what just happened though I did alot of back reading and I saw the lore pic too but I somehow don't understand what happened...

But seeing lip and mofu fought means is this game still going on or is it stopping completely?It's kinda sad if it's the latter

Also still here waiting for cheats🥲


Good thing Gnu the best girl is still here😌


lip apparently contributed to a lot of ingame content (events, characters like the mushroom women and ophelia, etc.), but no one besides lip and mofu knew until recently. lip says she wasn't credited because mofu wanted to sell the game as his own creation. mofu says he didn't credit lip because she herself requested not to be credited.

but, as you can see, people don't care if mofu doesn't design every character. he does the art and programming which is what matters to most people. hell, the two characters on the roadmap aren't even his but, again, no one cares. we're only here for a fun futa game.

lip also felt like mofu was going to rush the game so he can sell it for some quick money. they weren't able to discuss and settle things privately, so lip started pleading with him publicly here on itch. we don't even know if mofu really planned on rushing the game or releasing it incomplete just to sell it, but she felt angry about her characters being used like that and not being credited, even though mofu said she didn't want to be credited.

lip then got even angrier on the subscribestar poll (since it was regarding her character ophelia) and got fed up with trying to get mofu to discuss things in private. in one of her comments she said "I've been creating content for this game for more than 2 years, so if you're going to try to sell my work as yours, you will need to remove all of it." 

this led to mofu removing lip's characters from the character sheet on this page, as well as the roadmap.

whenever the next update drops, we'll see what else is removed and what direction the game will be going in from now on. but it will continue.


Lip told me not to write her name because she would be attacked in the piracy forum. So I did so. Then she later said the opposite. Also Lip falsely accused me of banning her. I didn't do that.

Also, I never tried to cut content to make money, I was about to give that up because it would take over 10 years to fulfill Lip's huge and esoteric requests. Because if I make it happen this game may never be finished😞

(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you for explaining that. The whole situation makes much more sense to me now. I think people who don't do any game dev tend to massively underestimate the work involved in even small things.

Personally I think you're doing the right thing. Keep up the good work and please know that I'll readily support you if you choose to open a patreon or whatever platform you prefer. Good luck with the game!


Thank you for your kindness! I hope this problem will be resolved.


thank you very much for clearing that up. i thought it was strange she said that when many people (myself included) told you to take your time and not rush. we understand if things require more time than initially thought. all we want is a good quality game you are happy with.


Thank you! I will improve the quality of this game as much as possible👍

Whats new in the update?


The next update will be forthcoming, so please wait👍






how can i collect the semen in the bottles for the Angel?

and what happened in this months?

Deleted post

oh ty


Lip started fighting with F95 and I asked her to stop it. But Lip said "you are supporting F95" and started attacking me. I only wanted her to be peaceful.

what happened to the characters? what happened in those past days? could someone explain to me


Several characters will be removed from the next version. This is because I don't have the rights to use those characters.

(3 edits)

Just downloaded it again after a while and
10/10 love the direction the game is going in!

also what characters were removed? I may be blind because I haven't noticed any missing

Deleted post

nope Ophelia is still in it


Ophelia and three characters will be removed from the next version.

(1 edit) (+6)

It would be wise to cut ties directly with Lip, seeing how that person reacted and behaved in the last months shows that is something that you should avoid at all cost. It will be for better 


Yes, I didn't want it to happen, but I think it will. Lip sent me this message.








are you going to remove these things as well? removing the translations would destroy the game's following and you can't do that.


I will rework the English and Spanish translations myself👍

(2 edits) (+8)

Mofu man, at this point, you just need to ignore this. The ideas that's the fans have offered to you are nothing more than that, just ideas. In the end, the development had to be done by you alone, you are the sole developer and artist, so you should feel proud of your work.  You shouldn't feel like you need to actively destroy 3 years of development over this nonsense. These messages of harassment will only bring your project to its destruction, I guarantee it. So at this point, I would ignore it all and simply replace the characters you don't feel like using so at least you know the new ones are yours.  And keep moving  forward with your vision, don't let this pressure get to you. There are more fans who aren't crazy that want to support you. These  users harassing you have no power over you, you dont even have to respond to them. Be strong. 


I'm going to be honest, you don't have the obligation to do nothing about those demands. 

Those things were made by YOU and by the thought of YOUR FANS. 

If we are realistic, Lipstor is trying to ruin YOUR game, your spirit, and your image 

The best thing for everyone is to stop giving her attention, stop focusing in the words of people that is not related to you or your work. 

In my honest opinion, I'll suggest to stay away from Itch.io, Fanbox, Subscribestar; for a few days or weeks and restart the development. 

It might be stressful and tiring to have to deal with this circus. Take care of yourself and your health. My two cents. 


Not sure how well this translates to another countries laws. 

From my limited knowledge on the lip and mofu stuff. Lip gave you permission to use these characters and ideas. If you have that in writing and it's dated like a text message or email legally there is not a thing lip can do. 

It can also be argued that you are the original creator by giving the idea a medium to exist before anyone else.

You do not need to remove anti aliasing that's a standard practice in video game development.

You do not need to remove changing the body shape because mofo your the original owner of that concept from your previous game.

You do not need to remove teleport functions. Because that's a standard practice in videogames.

I understand it's easier to just remove the characters and move on and I would probably do the same to make the headache go away. However and again limited knowledge on lip but you know the details.

 It sounds to me that lip will never go away and will always bring you drama no matter what you do.

Keep up the good work mofu. Don't allow one overbearing "fan" dictate your game.


The system to change body shape was not Lip's idea. I added the system for the main character to gain weight and become muscular at the request of another person. all Lip wanted was removing the system to change body shape by equipment, and adding unlock systems for body shape. Those have not been added.

The teleport feature was not Lip's idea. I only said that she could name this character after it was completed. So I will change Teala's name.

I didn't want to remove the characters, but I have come to the conclusion that if rights issues continue to arise in the future, I have no choice but to delete it.


Alright, please Mofu and any REAL other posters who arent the psycho porn game fan, realize this is just for fans. We've seen the quality of work that mofu can produce without some fan dictating or having a say how the development goes at all. 

Clearly, this probably doesn't have to be said for anyone with half a brain cell, that "fan" is ban evading and definitely willing to create fake accounts to plug himself. All of you saw the incessant replies as if being a fan was their full time job. No one here truly cares about them in regards to their opinion about the game. We are all here from mofu's previous works and for the game itself. 

For mofu, continue working on the game and don't let something like this effect you. This will not change people wanting to play your game. A timeline, with content like you had and have, is what keep people going, at least in my opinion. We all want you to be able to fill this game with enough content and, obviously, be able to see the game before we become middle aged haha. 

Deleted post

Have you even been to the F95 page involving this game? If you did you'd see nary a fuck is given about what goes on here besides people wanting Mofu to get involved and advertise his game, get off your little crusade and unfairly targeted anger.


Ah! So Nene's egg was just taken away by that catwoman? (My child!😢 )

That puppet is your child👍

An egg becomes a puppet.🤣


Love your work!!

Thank you!🤗


Really sad to see how much of a dumpster fire Lip aka 16may and his band of merry pranksters continues to make this place, pretty sure ban evasion is against TOS but it's not like this place had any stability to begin with, gonna hop off following this for six months and come back to see if it hasn't burned entirely to the ground. Mofu, I love your work and I wish you luck, let this be a lesson to not take a backseat "dev" under your wing and may your next project, should you choose to pursue it, be filled with much less drama.

(2 edits) (+8)

Likewise. I started commenting to point out some of the lies and contradictions coming from people attacking mofu but they are endless and completely shameless.

Mofu, I really hope this game is a success and I'll be one of the first to support you and your amazing art on whatever platform you end up choosing but I've been following this drama for way too long, so bye for now. :)


Even if Lip has dedicated 100 years to this game, he is just a fan, nothing more. Whether the developer's intentions are inconvenient for Lip or not, it's all "Lip's own responsibility" I wish Moff a fresh start and good luck. I will continue to support him.

Deleted post

Things seem hard at the moment mofu, I only hope you see there is a lot of fans appreciating all the hard work that you do!


Llevo siguiendo este juego casi 3 meses y lo único que he visto es que se está llendo todo a la mierda


Perdón por causar tanta confusión debido a mi estupidez😞

I come back to lip being a victim or criminal... the hell is going on XD I expected to see a statue of Lip, not decades worth of paragraphs on why you should hate em.

Does anyone know what lipstor changed their name to? I wanted to come back to friend them but that's impossible now since mofu "shadow-banned" them from all the comments and Lip changed their name :/

Deleted 1 year ago

To Lip#2 I mean 16May61

and how is that Mofu's fault persay? Get off the guy's ass and leave him alone and let him get back to work, nothing's getting done because "boo hoo mofu so mean to me!" comedy hour doesn't end, let it go.

When's the next update?


No have a specific time



The next update will be forthcoming, so please wait👍


That's nice to know, also i love your game! i Cannot wait until it is finished

Deleted 1 year ago

I could only address some issue by removing what was added at Lip's request. I apologize that I'm unable to give you a detailed reason why.

Deleted 1 year ago

It's sad to see how many people are so under the banner of Lip's bullhock that they'll lash out at the actual developer over some crazed psycho fan.... I feel so sorry for you Mofu but my guy you brought this on yourself.

(1 edit) (+2)

Look at this simp simping for a literal bipolar schizoid 'woman'

Lipstor isnt going to fuck you bro

Nobody liked Lipstor's incessant, unprompted comments. Nobody asked for them.

Wuewe I want you to do me a favor, grab a bag of scrabble blocks, eat every single one and then take a laxative, shit out all the blocks and tell me what they say, because that'll make more sense than the contrived drivel word salad you just threw together above here man.

(1 edit) (+6)

keep op the good work  cant wait for full release


I will definitely complete a full release of this game😉

i like the sound of that


This game is great, can't wait for the full release I wish there was an easter egg

Thanks mofu 😁


Thank you! I would like to add more easter eggs to this game👍


Hi mofu! What happened to the roadmap? Plans changed?

(1 edit) (+2)

Sorry, some characters were removed due to problems encountered.

alright, that's nothing, keep up🤗

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