Futakin Valley


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what is the Butterfly mask for


It just give you extra stats, plus it looks nice


By equipping it, you can change the appearance of the main character👍

(1 edit) (+2)

ok thank you for explaining really wish good luck with the game

Deleted 1 year ago
(5 edits) (+11)

Why would you post that here? This is completely heartless and manipulative of you. Speaking as someone who struggles with their mental health and has had therapy in the past, Lipstor clearly needs professional help, not the help of a comment section for an indie h game.

Edit 1: One more thing. Holding the threat of suicide over someone is a well known and incredibly abusive act.

Edit 2: Yet another thing. I don't know who any of you people are or how you are connected/related. I hope if you were able to then you contacted someone more appropriate about this than an internet comment section to get Lipstor help they need.


Lipstor always threatened me by saying she would "I will suicide" and subjected me with many demands. But I don't know if the threats were true or not.


Usually, people that tends to use the "I will suicide" as a threat doesn't end up doing it in the end. 

(1 edit) (+6)

This is just pure emotional manipulation. 

I doubt anybody would even seriously consider suicide for such petty reasons, those threats were most likely false.


I hadn't realised this situation was that bad. That must have been very difficult to deal with while trying to make a game along with your day job. Just keep in mind that there are plenty of people here to support you when needed and that what anyone else does or doesn't do isn't your fault. Hopefully Lipstor will speak to a professional.

(1 edit) (+3)









I tried to get Lip to understand my way of thinking, but it didn't work. And I didn't bully or threaten Lip😞


From everything I've seen, you've tried your best this whole time. I'm sure it's difficult but I would suggest you just try and ignore this sort of thing going forward. Good luck.


Thank you for your support.


Hey don't feel bad! Anyone with this pattern of behavior is very clearly toxic. The action that they do with blackmailing or blaming their poor mental health on you for some reason, is very toxic and abusive.

Look, they say they did stuff for the community. Sure, but the way they did it seems...transactional. They are saying they did all those things, and because of it, they want something in return(to get unbanned, their ideas implemented, to talk to you, etc). That is not doing something because of the goodness in your heart. 

Keep on focusing on the game! Once this game is complete all of this doesn't matter. We are here for futa porn lol, nothing else. If anyone else wants more than that, then that's on them


Yes, my goal is to make futa porn game. I will focus on making this. Thank you for your support!

(1 edit) (+4)

The F is wrong with you? It was necessary to share this just to make everyone feel bad with themselves? Shame on you if that is a real attempt against one's life.... 


I literally made an account just to say, if you kill yourself over an online dispute centered around a futa hentai game, the world probably isn't losing anyone significant.


Wtf is this?

Lip is talking about blackmail yet she's the person who litteraly threatened to take down the game because her OC characters were in it?

She's talking about blackmail while litteraly making coercive suicide threats just to get the ways she wants?

I feel so bad for Mofu who didnt deserve to get involved in this mess. Stay strong my dude! I'm excited to see what your game will become.


Man if this isn't the biggest bag of "Manipulation gaslight tactics" I ever seen.....

Deleted post
(1 edit) (+1)

Well, at least some progress is being made. 

If you keep talking with her or trying to introduce her into something new, things might get better (? 


Yep, sounds like any advice that isn't something they want to hear is just filtered.  That is something, I know from life experience, that toxic people do.

I touched on this, but if they feel like they are "owed" something because of the community work they did, then they never truly did it from passion and from the goodness of their heart

(1 edit) (+2)

I for one don't care. Also reported. 

Deleted post

If that's true then fair enough. I don't mean to hold ill will toward anyone here. Hopefully someone else is in a better position to support her with whatever it is she needs. I also hope this is the last I have to say on this topic as this certainly isn't the place for it.

Well, I find it very sad that you have decided this Mofu, I'm not saying it because of what happened with her, I'm saying it because you have allowed your community to be filled with people with very bad intentions, if it is true that they deleted her account in a matter of minutes because of the mass reports, it's scary even to follow you because of the actions that these people can take, so far I have only posted comments without insulting anyone to ask you about things I was curious about, but after watching the paronama for a couple of days, with constant insults towards me for asking a question, I have lost all desire to support you seeing that you support this issue of harassment towards a person, if you tolerate criticism as well as you say you do, why don't you stop people harassing others? I'm sorry but I can't believe anything about you after this situation.

(2 edits) (+7)

I haven't seen anyone harass you at all. In fact one could say that you persistent and intrusive questions about the dev's personal life are closer to harassment. Furthermore, when has Mofu ever harassed or supported harassing anyone? Please post evidence of this if it exists.


Man, you are not just simply asking questions. You are falling in the act of personal harassment and people were warning you about it. 

You kept insisting about it, people got disgusted and reacted negatively against your actions, either by just giving you warning about cease your toxic behavior but you keep doing it non stop.

What we have to care most, is the development of the game, not the personal life issues of anyone. 

You also took part in this disaster, you are as we part of the problem. Don't act as a innocent victim 


I'm sorry that I have offended you. But I don't know what caused her account to be deleted. And I don't support them.😞


There's probably a button to delete your account, may I suggest doing that since you clearly are part of the problem here? This also isn't an airport either, no need to announce your departure. To the point of tolerating criticism: It isn't his job to babysit little children like you who get a rise of causing problems where there are otherwise none. Please be gone now, thank you and have a nice day!


Oh shut the fuck up. If you don't like it. Fuck off

(2 edits) (+4)

great game Mofu, i wish you the best.
very excited for the skunk she's cute and has the prettiest penis


Yes, she will be completed in the next big update😉

And when will this update be released?


I may update this tomorrow, although I have not yet completed the planned content.


If you feel like it isn't complete at all, don't worry about delaying it some more. 😉

А фистинг в игре будет?

Фистинг в настоящее время не включен.


Буду ждать, но если не дождусь то всё равно ваша игра очень крутая и классная. А фистинг я бы добавила там, где роды. Например при повторных родах доставать яйцо из анального отверстия одной или двумя руками. Это просто как пожелание, если это не возможно, то не делайте.


Спасибо за это эталонное изображение. Я подумаю над созданием такой сцены.😉👍

Вам огромное спасибо дорогой Мофу за такую замечательную игру.

Если вы хотите и если вы не против, я буду ещё присылать подобные фото для развития вашей игры.


any chance you gonna add 'connected' features for all characters like the rabbit and the cat?


Yes, that will be added to all characters in the future👍


Mofu, this game is awesome !


Thank you🤗

Hello Mofu. Download the "session" back. I'll just give you some information and if you want you can delete it again


Thanks for your improvement of this game. It's because of people like you that life gets more interesting. I'm looking forward to the full version of this game.😊


Thank you for enjoying this game! I will definitely make the full version of this🤗

Вы не боитесь, что вашу игру украдут?

Существует множество мошенничеств, связанных с продажей чужих игр.

Но только в долларах или в других валютах?

Я считаю, что любая валюта, которую можно использовать в Steam, может быть использована👍


una pregunta recien juego el juego y en una mision me pide que encuentre los aldeanos pero no me aparece en ningun ladooo alguien me ayuda ?


Esa misión es sólo de relleno, actualmente no hay aldeanos que buscar. En futuras versiones serán añadidos ;)


Sí, se implementarán en una versión futura👍

Lo sentimos, esos aldeanos aún no están implementados.

Deleted 193 days ago

I didn't find the lion, the chubby girl that was beside her, mushra and ophelia.


Due to some trouble, I removed the cow girl, raccon girl, lioness, and succubus girl.

Deleted 193 days ago

Okay, I would consider adding the racoon girl😉

(2 edits)

who is mushira and where do I fight her?(I am trying to complete the scene tab in the inventory. also what does the mask do?)


She was temporary removed for rework, soon she will be added again with a new CGI


Yes, she will be implemented again soon.


Sorry, that character is not currently implemented.


Hola mofu como estas el dia de hoy

Estoy bien. Gracias👍

puedo preguntar algo al momento de derrotar otros jefes se prodra cojer con ello o algo por el estilo 


@16 may 61 so we are going to ignore the whole leaking of private conversations, slandering, and other things that goes against Itch rules? Ok 👍


Можно ли как-то скачать старую версию игры с удаленными персонажами? 

Is there any way to download an old version of the game with deleted characters?


Sadly, no.


Вы можете вернуться назад, перейдя в "Контроль версий" в "itch app" и выбрав прошлую версию. Однако она будет удалена примерно через 6 месяцев.


Спасибо за ответ 


Mofu i loved your game i look forward to the game release <3 and I'm happy to know that it's in Portuguese uwu

I just saw the FAQ and saw that the game will be paid ;w;


But you will be able to play most of the game for free, so think about it as a way to support the developer and thank them ;)


it's all right!


Sorry, but I will increase the content in the paid version about 10 times more than the free version.


Your game will be amazing! :3

so has everything come out for march if not what has not come out


Tô muito ansioso pra próxima atualização 5🌟

A próxima actualização estará pronta em breve😉


5⭐️,very funng


Thank you!🤝




Thank you🤝


I'm aware that you said Mushria's old docking scene won't be coming back due to issues with Lip in an previous comment, which I understand, but will she get an new one at least? or will any other characters get an docking scene in the future as an replacement as well?

futa docking, futa balls inflation/balls expansion, and overfull balls in general are some of my favorite fetishes, so it's just an bit of an shame to see my favorite CG scene had to get removed :'^))


Yes, I will add new scenes similar to those docking scenes in the future.👍 I apologize for removing those scenes this time.


alright, awesome, thank you for the response!

is there a way to complete any quest that are given at the moment or will it be later


Likely it will be expanded in future updates, right now is more like a place holder


Sorry, some quests are incomplete and cannot be completed. Please wait a little longer.


no worries i absolutely love the game and i was just wandering if i could complete the quests that are given right now thats it

(1 edit) (+4)

will emote reactions be added to all? i know 4 people do but whats your plan for the rest?


Yes, that reaction will be added to all in the future.👍


Hello, I just wanted to say that the game was incredibly interesting, and I liked the things added, and since I'm not one to complain, even because it must have been a lot of work, actually I can imagine why I tried to create -u-, and as a player I must show positive things, even because negative things only get in the way and such, you did a great and beautiful job, I look forward to your future work, updates and etc...


Thank you for your concern. I will definitely complete this game😉


wow there must've been some drama I missed what happened


don't worry about it. some characters got removed for certain reasons and some people are so horny and attached to those characters that they're getting angry.


ok thx


I like how simple and accurate this describes the whole thing.


Thank you for explaining that!🤝


Hello again Mofu-san, I know there was a really good comment a while ago requesting a dark elf loli, but I wanted to add to that idea. Could that character also have a plump,sweaty, but also very kind (but surprisingly perverted) dark elf milf as her parent? It could help make an interesting oyakodon scene with Nene later on in the story. I think the suggested idea was something like teaching lewd ideas to the curious loli, so maybe Nene and the milf could feel good together in front of the loli and eventually all 3 of them together. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Another thing I wanted to mention was the older comment about aggressive personalities, perhaps this character and Nene don't like each other at all which leads to a lot of arguing. Which eventually leads to intense angry sex. Something like that could be interesting.  


Thank you for suggesting great ideas! I too would like to add dark elf milf. That scene looks very interesting.🤗 I will also consider adding a girl with an aggressive personality.

(1 edit) (+2)

You know these talks about  characters reminds me of the Pirate Shantae games. Theres someone named Risky boots who's the main female villain.  She's rude,  selfish, hates everyone but she's really fun to interact with. I recommend you look into the series Mofu sensei,  its a fun 2d platformer with magic,combat, and transformations. Its a popular series.


I love that series so much! I refer to them in making this game😉

Deleted 1 year ago

I should have guessed! You have excellent taste, the Shantae games are some of my favourite metroidvanias.



I have talked with Lip many times after this issue. I hope that Lip has understood that on this matter.

I don't understand what you mean, wasn't she supposed to not let you use her characters? So you tried to talk to her to add them back and she refused? One more thing, there is a large percentage of your active community that is very toxic, despite asking questions in a good way everyone starts insulting me, I think you should moderate that instead of supporting it, that tends to scare off new followers, just imagine coming in, asking a question, and being insulted and told to get lost.

(2 edits) (+9)

No no no  you don't get to make yourself the victim here. The people who were here before you and  the people who were directly involved have more or less resolved this matter. Now here comes you, this new user who is constantly poking the issue despite everyone here agreeing that this is done. You are not entitled to any info that Mofu clearly doesn't want to tell.  So if you truly wish to respect the developers wishes, you'll stop talking about this closed topic. 

Now if you choose to further stick your nose in affairs that don't concern you, most people are going to assume that you're also in connection to the accounts that causes this whole mess. So you can make that choice, but if you keep making noise, don't be surprised if someone or everyone comes together to ban you. No one wants to deal with this issue anymore. Move on.

(1 edit) (+4)

At this point I bet you are just a troll now. 

The Dev clearly stated many times that he did remove the character by petition from the owner (Lip) and decided to directly create their own characters to avoid any problem in the future plus, some other clarifications about the topic. 

But no, you are just ignoring that and keeping poking the wound by asking the same thing over and over again. And if people starts to be somewhat rude with you, it's because you and the other 2 guys keep talking about a SETTLED issue and demanding the Dev to return with the person that caused all this mess in the first place. 

Everyone is tired of this, everyone only wants to enjoy the game development but neither of you 3 will let the matter end and then complain about how people is toxic when you all are keeping the fire burning and building aggro cuz yes... 


I have talked with Lip about this issue and I have determined that if I add those characters, this game will never be finished. In the last year I have painted over 100 pictures just for Lip and devoted over 1000 hours to her. However, going forward, I don't have the time to do that.


You have chosen the best course of action which is to leave all the attachments to lip behind and focus on your work, don't look back and do your best facing forward.


Please add the raccoon girl again she was my favourite character


I will be adding character similar to the raccoon girl in the future👍




(1 edit)

can I talk to gnu or is it the update(also how to get cum besides the bunny)


Only bunny is available for milking, more character will be added for semen collection later

(1 edit)

thx but what about gnu is she available right now


Once you defeat her, she will tell you her story. I think there aren't any dialogs for her by the way


thx figured it out


Thank you for answering! I will add a dialog in the near future that will also get cum from that gnu girl.

oh yeah mofu what date is the update with a new storyline


there is no set date for updates.


Yes, the update is irregular. I will update when I can create new content.

Deleted post

now after the damage was done, and the characters were removed creating confusion to most of us, wants to bring them back, for real? 

Yeah, it's better to end this nonsense by ignoring her from now on 


Agreed, absolutely not. All it would take is one bad spat and then the whole shebang starts all over again, leave it behind and let it go. Poor guy is already behind on development and having to pick up the pieces because of this mess, never again.


No, thank you


Stop opening closed doors... It is enough that the characters were removed because of the drama... The fact that people contribute to the development does not mean that they have ownership rights to the characters... But in order to avoid future problems, they were deleted


Yeah, like others mentioned, one bad spat and its back to this. That person is not stable and can clearly flip if a circumstance comes to it. Glad you wanted to mention it. But its better to let things be like others mentioned. Also, they don't get to paint everyone but the people supporting them as trolls. That isn't fair to anyone, even people truly supporting the game. They're not mutually exclusive. 

Anyways we are here for mofu's work and his work only, if anyone else has a problem with that or want to get involved(why? That's so strange wanting to force yourself into the development of a game), they can go make their own works


1) I understood it. Thank you for always supporting Lip.

2) If I add her characters, I will not do it in the future because Lip can kill my game at any time.


The game is of course great, but the control for android spoils all the impressions, will it be remade more playable?


The android version wasn't planed from the beginning, so it would be better if you only stick for the PC version by the way


Sorry for the poor usability of the android version. I'm trying to figure out how to make it easier to control it.




Big Mushroom say : Please go find the villagers,

and where is the villager?


character with be added in the future


there is only one so far I believe. because the other that was there is not there anymore i think. please don't quote me on that tho also the other 2 have not been added yet 


Sorry, those villagers are not finished yet, so please wait until they are.

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