Futakin Valley


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Mushria's CG disappeared after the updat


That CG has been removed due to several issues.

Deleted 1 year ago

I think there is only one girl so far you can get semen from


Sorry, that quest is still incomplete. Please wait a while until it's completed.


Warms my heart to see all the positive messages and constructive feedback finally starting to roll in. Keep up the great work Mofu, we're looking forward to another great game from your hard work!


a whole bright starts arise from the horizon 🌄

Deleted post

Water under the bridge DN, sorry I tore into you also. Hope we can get along now and help keep this on track.


I appreciate your calm. She hates f95 with a passion and I can assume that there has been some conflict in the past. She sought to block many people here, but I could not do.


Thank you for your positive messages. I will work hard to make this a good one🤝


so wheres the new zone and what do i do to get to the zone


The new zone is a showcase by the way, so it would be better to wait for the next update


Yes, currently that zone is a showcase. In the next update or the one after that it will be complete👍


Please go down to the bottom of the first zone's hole and from there you can go to the hole on the right.


tiene una falla en el personaje de conejo electrico cuando la esquivo al otro lado se para el ataque y cuando me hacerco me ataca 😕😕


Gracias por informarme de ese fallo. Investigaré la causa🧐


Ok me ayudas hacer un juego creativo si tu puede


 I know you dont want to say too much right now since thats the mystery, but out of curiosity about what percentages will  the cave, forest, and other areas be? You can leave "other areas" as ambiguous. 


This game will be managed in 12 large maps, and the current area is about 5%. And after implementing some bosses, the whole map will be rebuilt.


I see. The scale of this sounds very promising,  I hope you'll continue to have fun with development and that you'll  able to complete this game with the vision you're aiming for.


Thank you! I'm looking to create a large map that players can enjoy exploring👍

(1 edit) (+1)

How to interract with skunk girl? I need to talk to someone before reaching her or something else? She's just sitting behid the rocks...


I believe that's all you can do with her for now. there will most certainly be more with her in future updates


Thanks for the answer


Thank you for answering that!🤝 the main character can talk to her in the next update. Please wait a little longer.


I thought we would have to piss on her in the future. Because now she's reacting to it


What changes did the recent update add?


Mostly just system things and the new zone, anything special yet


The design of the map of the skunk girl has been added. Also, a lot of data has been sprite-atlased to speed up image processing.👍


Remember when it was called futaken valley? It wasnt even that long ago but it still makes me feel like its been over a year


Sorry for changing the name of this game.

I dont mind the name changes  so its ok


Hi Mofu, this game is fantastic, really good job.

If you already planned it, how much long the finished game will be?


I plan to this game to take at least 10 hours to play through all of the content.


Thanks a lot for the answer, but if the content present now in the game is the 5% i think that i can play this game for much more than 10 hours a this is an amazing thing. 

Just another question, but the final version will be uncensored?


Of course, the final version will be also uncensored👍


Mofu, I don't know how much you've already got planned out, but could I respectfully request a moth girl in the future?


"Catera" will turn into a moth in the near future😉


Excellent, can't wait



i literally forgot about the game and wanted to check updates...

Time to grind


Thank you for checking this update🤗


Old save files seems to be somewhat not compatible with the new version, so it would be safe to recommend to wipe all the game's data before paying the latest versions. 

(Active "See hidden files" option) C:/Documents/Futaken Valley <-Delete this folder


Figured that would be the case, especially with all the reworking of certain aspects, of the game.

In the future, I'd like to create a "Futakin Valley" folder and add the system to copy from the "Futaken Valley" folder.👍


Honestly it would be better to directly start from zero. 

Taking save files from older versions before a major update doesn't bring good results in the long period 


Yes, I plan to disable old save files in the final version.


can’t wait for the fight with the stink girl!

And to know why she get hard if you pee on her 😚


She attacks by farting👍


😋 sniff sniff 

nothing happens here when i pee at her :(


I guess it doesnt happen in this version. it worked when when was just standing near a cliff before she moved to her new location


Oh yeah, that's true i checked here, nice touch.


omg I didn't notice that before! I went to go check for myself and sure enough she got hard and started peeing too! Love it! Hope to see more characters reacting to urinating and masturbating around them


That just reminded me of those scenes in Futanaring with the merchant girl haha

(1 edit) (+4)

Wonderful. A new update, you did a great job with the new things 👍


Thank you for checking out the new update🤝


anybody know what happened to horny craft?


oooo update



Loving the look of the new mushroom character! Thank you for your hard work.


Thank you for liking the look of that character👍


Uhh, im really stuck rn- where csn i find the villager of the mushroom village?? And wht to do after i already beat the bosses-? Where can i find the village or sumn like the next objective, coz there's no guide to where i should go @-@. Also about the statue, where can i collect the sperms besides the rabbit girl?? 0- o


the game isn't done yet. you can't do anything else yet. also please stop typing like that dude it's cringe


Oh aight, sorry m just a bit curious


you've done everything there is to do at this point. the village and villagers, harvesting semen from other characters, etc, will be added bit by bit in newer updates.


Yes, they will be added in future updates👍


Sorry, this game is unfinished and you can only play so much. Thank you for playing all of this beta!

у меня есть вопрос почему я не могу скачать эту игру с этой плотформы и когда будет новое обновление 


Added 3 new tracks to the potential OST! They need polishing but I think they're cool!



Oh, it sounds pretty good 👍


Thank you so much for letting me listen to your wonderful OSTs. I was thrilled to hear them. You are great artist.🤗


that big boss ost do be hitting hard


thank you!


Puedes arregar una mision de recolectar sepa de 82 cada una puedes y ganas un habilidad de recuperacion


Tengo previsto añadir el sistema para encontrarlos escondidos en varios lugares.😉


Oooh, I like the look of the... enemies? At the bottom of the character list


Yes, they appear as enemies.


I wonder if there is a mermaid character


I would like to make a character like Giga mermaid🤤


This would be amazing ... I love mermaids ... The fight would be so much fun ... especially Nene's work after every fight ^_^


hi mofu still a great game thank you to you big dedication o this fantastic game and i was wondering you will do you can have sex with everyone character but you can be impregent by them and can you impregent the others? and i suggest 

you can speak with all npc to give you a quest and later if you increase a affection with them can follow you and help you to open a secret paths ot other areas o actived some event


Thank you for all your great ideas! Right now I don't have the ability for each NPC to come with the mc, but I would like to add that ability. and I would also like to have all NPCs have quests😉


Great game. Sorry you've been dealing with the drama, this reminds me why i don't usually scroll the comment section here. Hopefully they will be OK but at this point it seems like you should remove their work and move on. This is your personal game, it should be a labor of love not a headache. You've got a pretty good foundation and i look forward to the final release.


Thank you!🤝 and I'm sorry that this comment section is often rough.

I will definitely finish the final release of this game, as making games is my greatest joy.


I wasn't saying this one, just in general. It's common and cause many creators to lose the spark. Keep at it, it's a great game

(1 edit) (+3)



Thank you for your support! I have not suffered any mental damage, so I'm totally fine.👍 The problem is that I lost a lot of the time. This requires me to hurry up this development.

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you for liking this game💕

(2 edits) (+8)

Hey Mofu-san,  I know youre currently working on replacing the characters you lost but I also wanted to give an additional idea, what about a cow family of 3? They could own a mushroom farm that they they like to harvest as well as a milk farm. They could be like another store like catera and could often have quests for Nene. These three could be of different ages like the oldest could be the aunt/Mother that is strong-willed and bold, has short hair.  The 2 younger ones could be sisters or cousins. The middle girl could be on the innocent shy one who gets very embarrassed even though she's the older sister/cousin.  And the youngest could be a troublemaker but is also surprisingly busty(like oppai loli) since they're all cows. Of course they would still have different size figures and ages.  They  could  wear the usual farmers clothing like overalls etc. And have different skin tones, freckles, or have redish, yellow, or orange hair etc(Since I noticed you gave ophelia bright colored hair. I wanted to keep your vision the same)

These farmer girls could offer different types of milking or harvesting "events" and in return they could offer you different kinds of mushrooms that could help Nene with various magical buffs or ingredients (i dont know if your gonna have a crafting system this is just a guess).  Or have magic milk that comes from both types of ....white fluids. The different milks or semen could give different effects.

These are ideas I wanted to help you not only replace but to further increase the possibilities to expanding your forest and help it feel alive. Feel free to pick and choose or modify whatever.  I just wanted to help you with your recovery  with development. I don't claim any ownership,  because these are just ideas and can't be made real until you make them. Which is why these characters become special.  


Thank you for all your great ideas! I'm planning to add about 10 more new characters and would like to add 3 of them. Also I would like to add quests etc. that can be repeated for these girls🤗


I hope you can make the best version of this game with great success!


Thank you! I will do my best to complete this👍

what is the Butterfly mask for


It just give you extra stats, plus it looks nice


By equipping it, you can change the appearance of the main character👍

(1 edit) (+2)

ok thank you for explaining really wish good luck with the game

Deleted 1 year ago
(5 edits) (+11)

Why would you post that here? This is completely heartless and manipulative of you. Speaking as someone who struggles with their mental health and has had therapy in the past, Lipstor clearly needs professional help, not the help of a comment section for an indie h game.

Edit 1: One more thing. Holding the threat of suicide over someone is a well known and incredibly abusive act.

Edit 2: Yet another thing. I don't know who any of you people are or how you are connected/related. I hope if you were able to then you contacted someone more appropriate about this than an internet comment section to get Lipstor help they need.


Lipstor always threatened me by saying she would "I will suicide" and subjected me with many demands. But I don't know if the threats were true or not.


Usually, people that tends to use the "I will suicide" as a threat doesn't end up doing it in the end. 

(1 edit) (+6)

This is just pure emotional manipulation. 

I doubt anybody would even seriously consider suicide for such petty reasons, those threats were most likely false.


I hadn't realised this situation was that bad. That must have been very difficult to deal with while trying to make a game along with your day job. Just keep in mind that there are plenty of people here to support you when needed and that what anyone else does or doesn't do isn't your fault. Hopefully Lipstor will speak to a professional.

(1 edit) (+3)









I tried to get Lip to understand my way of thinking, but it didn't work. And I didn't bully or threaten Lip😞


From everything I've seen, you've tried your best this whole time. I'm sure it's difficult but I would suggest you just try and ignore this sort of thing going forward. Good luck.


Thank you for your support.


Hey don't feel bad! Anyone with this pattern of behavior is very clearly toxic. The action that they do with blackmailing or blaming their poor mental health on you for some reason, is very toxic and abusive.

Look, they say they did stuff for the community. Sure, but the way they did it seems...transactional. They are saying they did all those things, and because of it, they want something in return(to get unbanned, their ideas implemented, to talk to you, etc). That is not doing something because of the goodness in your heart. 

Keep on focusing on the game! Once this game is complete all of this doesn't matter. We are here for futa porn lol, nothing else. If anyone else wants more than that, then that's on them


Yes, my goal is to make futa porn game. I will focus on making this. Thank you for your support!

(1 edit) (+4)

The F is wrong with you? It was necessary to share this just to make everyone feel bad with themselves? Shame on you if that is a real attempt against one's life.... 


I literally made an account just to say, if you kill yourself over an online dispute centered around a futa hentai game, the world probably isn't losing anyone significant.


Wtf is this?

Lip is talking about blackmail yet she's the person who litteraly threatened to take down the game because her OC characters were in it?

She's talking about blackmail while litteraly making coercive suicide threats just to get the ways she wants?

I feel so bad for Mofu who didnt deserve to get involved in this mess. Stay strong my dude! I'm excited to see what your game will become.


Man if this isn't the biggest bag of "Manipulation gaslight tactics" I ever seen.....

Deleted post
(1 edit) (+1)

Well, at least some progress is being made. 

If you keep talking with her or trying to introduce her into something new, things might get better (? 


Yep, sounds like any advice that isn't something they want to hear is just filtered.  That is something, I know from life experience, that toxic people do.

I touched on this, but if they feel like they are "owed" something because of the community work they did, then they never truly did it from passion and from the goodness of their heart

(1 edit) (+2)

I for one don't care. Also reported. 

Deleted post

If that's true then fair enough. I don't mean to hold ill will toward anyone here. Hopefully someone else is in a better position to support her with whatever it is she needs. I also hope this is the last I have to say on this topic as this certainly isn't the place for it.

Well, I find it very sad that you have decided this Mofu, I'm not saying it because of what happened with her, I'm saying it because you have allowed your community to be filled with people with very bad intentions, if it is true that they deleted her account in a matter of minutes because of the mass reports, it's scary even to follow you because of the actions that these people can take, so far I have only posted comments without insulting anyone to ask you about things I was curious about, but after watching the paronama for a couple of days, with constant insults towards me for asking a question, I have lost all desire to support you seeing that you support this issue of harassment towards a person, if you tolerate criticism as well as you say you do, why don't you stop people harassing others? I'm sorry but I can't believe anything about you after this situation.

(2 edits) (+7)

I haven't seen anyone harass you at all. In fact one could say that you persistent and intrusive questions about the dev's personal life are closer to harassment. Furthermore, when has Mofu ever harassed or supported harassing anyone? Please post evidence of this if it exists.


Man, you are not just simply asking questions. You are falling in the act of personal harassment and people were warning you about it. 

You kept insisting about it, people got disgusted and reacted negatively against your actions, either by just giving you warning about cease your toxic behavior but you keep doing it non stop.

What we have to care most, is the development of the game, not the personal life issues of anyone. 

You also took part in this disaster, you are as we part of the problem. Don't act as a innocent victim 


I'm sorry that I have offended you. But I don't know what caused her account to be deleted. And I don't support them.😞


There's probably a button to delete your account, may I suggest doing that since you clearly are part of the problem here? This also isn't an airport either, no need to announce your departure. To the point of tolerating criticism: It isn't his job to babysit little children like you who get a rise of causing problems where there are otherwise none. Please be gone now, thank you and have a nice day!


Oh shut the fuck up. If you don't like it. Fuck off

(2 edits) (+4)

great game Mofu, i wish you the best.
very excited for the skunk she's cute and has the prettiest penis


Yes, she will be completed in the next big update😉

And when will this update be released?


I may update this tomorrow, although I have not yet completed the planned content.


If you feel like it isn't complete at all, don't worry about delaying it some more. 😉

А фистинг в игре будет?

Фистинг в настоящее время не включен.


Буду ждать, но если не дождусь то всё равно ваша игра очень крутая и классная. А фистинг я бы добавила там, где роды. Например при повторных родах доставать яйцо из анального отверстия одной или двумя руками. Это просто как пожелание, если это не возможно, то не делайте.


Спасибо за это эталонное изображение. Я подумаю над созданием такой сцены.😉👍

Вам огромное спасибо дорогой Мофу за такую замечательную игру.

Если вы хотите и если вы не против, я буду ещё присылать подобные фото для развития вашей игры.


any chance you gonna add 'connected' features for all characters like the rabbit and the cat?


Yes, that will be added to all characters in the future👍


Mofu, this game is awesome !


Thank you🤗

Hello Mofu. Download the "session" back. I'll just give you some information and if you want you can delete it again

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