Futakin Valley


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Por cierto, me enteré de que usted a hecho un juego más, no se si es solo uno o si hay más juegos creados por usted, me gustaría saber cual juego es y en qué plataforma o aplicación, me gustaría jugar más creaciones de usted.


Puedes comprarlos en DLsite. Son: 

-Curse of Futanari ring (aka Futaring) [Disponible en japonés e inglés de máquina] 

- una novela visual la cual creo que está solo en Japonés 


Ya que no hay versión en inglés de esos juegos. En el futuro les añadiré una versión en inglés.👍


Hola quisiera comprobar si es seguro descargarlo, ya que me sale que al ser antigua podria ser dañino 


Yes, it's safe. Just a false positive 👍


es seguro descargarlo yo lo analize y no tiene nada de virus


Este juego envía la configuración de hardware de su PC al servidor de Unity mediante la funcionalidad de Unity justo después de iniciarse. Por lo tanto, puede ser detectado como un virus, pero creo que este juego no contiene un virus.


is that skunk girl ready to battle yet 


Not yet, but Soon™


That skunk girl will be ready soon. Please wait a little longer😉


Is it possible to make potions ?

Like to restore health, magic, or increase damage

(1 edit) (+2)

You can restore health by:

-Resting with the special action 

-Eating food or mushrooms (ask the Caterpillar for help with that)

-Damage buff I think you get with the Mushroom Staff that you can purchase in the store 


What I'm trying to say

It's fun to incorporate some mushrooms

So you get a special potion

like a shield. Damage . Magic. Speed

Not just restore health


Thank you for your idea! I would love to add the system to make different potions with the mushrooms😋


The new skill button where the inventory slot 0 is now a quick cast trigger is amazing. 

Now we can have fast healing anytime 


Thank you for using that feature!🤝


Hey mofu, I just wanted to ask you some questions if you don't mind answering:
1) I saw you have changed the name of the game 
2) removed some characters
3) changed the roadmap

is there any specific reasons behind this?


There were some potential legal issues so changes had to be made. Don't worry about it. 


Oh, Alright


I have stopped using them because the person who made them has informed me that they does not approve me to use them.

Alright thanks for replying.

How do I sync my previously saved archive


Older save files might not be compatible with the newest versions, mainly due to several major changes in the system and CGIs. 


The save files are automatically synchronized when the application is overwritten and updated👍

Who's cum are we supposed to collect?? Please help and i can't seem to find mushira anywhere


The collection mission is not complete, it just a placeholder. The second mushroom boss is under reworking 


Yes, the second mushroom boss will be added again soon👍


Sorry, that quest is not finished yet, so please wait a little longer.

I can't get past the cat (I forgot her name) I don't know what to do cuz it's to hard


You have to use roll to avoid her attacks. Also in the second stage of the fight, the real cat girl doesn’t have a sheath on her penis while all of the clones do


Yes, rolling are the most powerful means of evasion👍


You need to have at least 5 mushrooms soups. 

Try to use the cursed sword, thats weaponry sweeps every boss. 

As well if you need them, buy several knifes. 

In the second phase, the cat puppet reveals where the original boss is.


Yes, mushroom soup is the most powerful recovery item. Thank you for explaining how to fight🤝


You can buy food to restore your health... Try to avoid attacks by rolling... The cat has a pet that follows the original version





Also Mofu I messaged you on Twitter about the music! Idk if you're still active on there?

Thank you for sending me a message on Twitter!🤗

Sorry if I missed it but is the Mushria boss fight unavailable currently?


yes, later on it will be re-added


Yes, she will reappear with a different story later👍

(2 edits) (+4)

Hi Mofu I'm back so what's new this time to download and see. keep up the amazing work.


Thank you for always checking this game🤝

(3 edits) (+2)

Hi Mofu, a question about your previous work futaring,  which character was your favorite to work on? For me i think it would have to be Sakume. I think she's the red haired woman who sold special materials. My favorite parts about her was she had crazy yellow eyes, wore a very attractive gypsy outfit, and had wide hips/very curvy. She was one of the best designs besides Illy the servant.

I hope we get to see more girls like her or maybe a guest appearance. 


Thank you for playing my previous game🤗

There will be a character similar to Sakume in this game as well. Once I have a few more designs completed, I will add them to the list above.

futaring? where can I play that, tried searching it up nothing came up


Yo no sé si estoy en lo cierto pero creo que mañana a a subir un nuevo personaje con su historia y su batalla, yo opino eso por qué en el calendario Road map dice lo que agregara en el mes, y mañana es el último día de Marzo y en Abril aparecería otro personaje nuevo co su historia y su batalla, y si me equivocó porfavor me podrían explicar ¿para que ese tipo de calendario?


Actualmente estoy trabajando en el contenido de Skunk Girl con prisa. Lo siento por el ligero retraso debido a algunos problemas🙏

No se preocupe, hágalo con tranquilidad y sin prisa, lo que se hace con paciencia sale mejor que 💯 🤜🤛


Quando haverá uma possível atualização de história, para as irmãs rapozas?

Espero acrescentar essas histórias assim que o actual roteiro estiver completo👍



The boss fight is being reworked as well as the CGI, please wait for further updates 


Yes, she will reappear later👍


Mushna is so hot, i hope to see more animations and pictures of her! cant wait for more updates!


The Dev made a good job with her design 👍


I plan to add many more pictures of Mushna, so please stay tuned for future updates😉

(1 edit) (+8)

Hello Mofu-sensei, I'd like your opinion about  certain climax scenes in the CGs. For certain characters, would it be possible to make them have different textured semen? What I mean is, regular characters like Nene, Momo, etc are normal girls and their semen would look normal just like how you already did.

But for the larger or more horny beast-like characters like: wolves, centaurs, orcs, cows, etc  they could have thicker semen. Because they might have bigger animalistic penises and balls, they might have a richer, different colored semen(maybe more yellow) that could have a thicker consistency with different textures like globs or sticky clumps or have way more bubbles etc in that girl's load . Certain beast girls that make sense would have different qualities of semen. This semen quality difference between Nene and certain girls that have richer semen could be a nice finishing touch to the climax scenes  especially if they mix. 

Again I was curious on your thoughts on this, if this would even work. Thank you for your hard work. 


Thank you for your idea! I would like to add a representation of each character's semen in different colors and textures.👍


I can't wait to see your creativity,  good luck.

Deleted 1 year ago

How do you get out of the cave i've been trying for so long and still can't get out?


Sorry, the cave exit is not installed yet. But it will be added soon😉


I think there is a bug with the "Mushroom Totem" at the beginning of the game. It doesn't spawn mushrooms after being hit


Yeah that one hasn't from the start of creation, was always wondering if it was just a sort of "Hey this is a thing, strike it and see what happens" sort of show for safety. Could be wrong buuuuut, that's my best guess.


Yes, this feature was created for debugging purposes. But it will remain in the future.


Oh, it's a bug. Thank you for letting me know about it! I have changed the coordinates of the map and it seems no longer spawning.😓








(1 edit) (+2)

(Japanese only) 自然界に雌雄同体な生き物「ウミウシ」の一種「テングモウミウシ」

If you want to know more, please search "sea slug" or "leaf sheep".

私が大好きな生き物です。もちもちな感触と鮮やかな色で、Mofu さんの絵を思いだしました。😄



とても可愛くて綺麗で面白いうみうしですね🥰 そのデザインを元にしたキャラクターとかも作ってみたいです!それを教えてくれてありがとう🤝

Inciting suicide is intolerable, I hope that itch will take action against those of you who have done this atrocity.

who died?

Deleted post

@16 may 61 I don't see any inciting there... The guy is talking about how that person uses the suicide as a threat...

(1 edit) (+5)

I am ever confused by these screenshots that don't seem to have anything to do with what they're always claiming.

The person is this screenshot doesn't 'incite suicide' anywhere. From what I can see they were just upset at Lipstor's abusive behaviour.

If anyone did do what 16 may 61 is saying, (sadly a common occurrence on the internet), they were probably banned and that would be why their account disappeared.


Imagine, being a shitty person and getting called out for it is somehow equated to promoting suicide.... I want to know what sort of olympic level training was done for that level of mental gymnastics because good lord that's the mother of all reaches.

wait what?


That is a serious accusation that goes against all the evidence I've seen. I once said you've all crossed a line but you've gone way, way beyond it now. What you're claiming is shameful, it is abusive and it is sick. Leave everyone here alone.


voce tem algum discord pra poder acompanhar o seu trabalho e as futuras atualizações?

Deleted 49 days ago

Não tenho um servidor de discórdia. Mas gostaria de o criar, se possível😉


I love the fox sisters 🙏


Thank you🦊


great game, found a few bugs though, one was having the big balls debuff icon appearing twice, but I haven't managed to reproduce it, it's probably a combination of switching balls items and loading, dying or changing zone
it's a minor problem since it disappeared after saving and reloading.
the other bug is that the mushroom girl cg didn't appear after defeating her.

for people wondering about the big balls it's a tricky zone to get to, you need the mushroom from the caterpillar girl after defeating the mushroom girl, then head to the zone after the angel statue, jump on the 2 falling mushrooms, then from the ledge double jump, hover (j) and hold sprint (shift) you should be able to get on a rock and from there you can jump on the platform with 2 long mushrooms, the left one increasing ball size and decreasing movement speed, and the right one doing the opposite.


Sorry, that cg has now been removed.

Also, thanks for letting me know about the bug with the multiple debuff icons. I will investigate about it👍


thx for the update.                                                                                                                        how do i get more cum?

(1 edit) (+3)

wait for future updates, the system was recently added


By fapping, obviously? Lol


Fap until you get unconscious, that always help to speed up things XD


Please wait a little longer as that system is not yet complete👍

Mushria's CG disappeared after the updat


That CG has been removed due to several issues.

Deleted 1 year ago

I think there is only one girl so far you can get semen from


Sorry, that quest is still incomplete. Please wait a while until it's completed.


Warms my heart to see all the positive messages and constructive feedback finally starting to roll in. Keep up the great work Mofu, we're looking forward to another great game from your hard work!


a whole bright starts arise from the horizon 🌄

Deleted post

Water under the bridge DN, sorry I tore into you also. Hope we can get along now and help keep this on track.


I appreciate your calm. She hates f95 with a passion and I can assume that there has been some conflict in the past. She sought to block many people here, but I could not do.


Thank you for your positive messages. I will work hard to make this a good one🤝


so wheres the new zone and what do i do to get to the zone


The new zone is a showcase by the way, so it would be better to wait for the next update


Yes, currently that zone is a showcase. In the next update or the one after that it will be complete👍


Please go down to the bottom of the first zone's hole and from there you can go to the hole on the right.


tiene una falla en el personaje de conejo electrico cuando la esquivo al otro lado se para el ataque y cuando me hacerco me ataca 😕😕


Gracias por informarme de ese fallo. Investigaré la causa🧐


Ok me ayudas hacer un juego creativo si tu puede


 I know you dont want to say too much right now since thats the mystery, but out of curiosity about what percentages will  the cave, forest, and other areas be? You can leave "other areas" as ambiguous. 


This game will be managed in 12 large maps, and the current area is about 5%. And after implementing some bosses, the whole map will be rebuilt.


I see. The scale of this sounds very promising,  I hope you'll continue to have fun with development and that you'll  able to complete this game with the vision you're aiming for.


Thank you! I'm looking to create a large map that players can enjoy exploring👍

(1 edit) (+1)

How to interract with skunk girl? I need to talk to someone before reaching her or something else? She's just sitting behid the rocks...


I believe that's all you can do with her for now. there will most certainly be more with her in future updates


Thanks for the answer


Thank you for answering that!🤝 the main character can talk to her in the next update. Please wait a little longer.


I thought we would have to piss on her in the future. Because now she's reacting to it


What changes did the recent update add?


Mostly just system things and the new zone, anything special yet


The design of the map of the skunk girl has been added. Also, a lot of data has been sprite-atlased to speed up image processing.👍


Remember when it was called futaken valley? It wasnt even that long ago but it still makes me feel like its been over a year


Sorry for changing the name of this game.

I dont mind the name changes  so its ok


Hi Mofu, this game is fantastic, really good job.

If you already planned it, how much long the finished game will be?


I plan to this game to take at least 10 hours to play through all of the content.


Thanks a lot for the answer, but if the content present now in the game is the 5% i think that i can play this game for much more than 10 hours a this is an amazing thing. 

Just another question, but the final version will be uncensored?


Of course, the final version will be also uncensored👍


Mofu, I don't know how much you've already got planned out, but could I respectfully request a moth girl in the future?


"Catera" will turn into a moth in the near future😉


Excellent, can't wait

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