Futakin Valley


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Hi, Moff, hello, I am a boy from China, I like your game very much, I recommend it to my good brother, he is very happy, we are proud of this game, it may be the only game we have found with Chinese translation, thank you for bringing such a good game


Thank you for liking this game!🤝 This translation was created by an anonymous person.

(1 edit) (+5)

Hi, mofu.

As you can see, this game has been paid attention by many people, and I believe it must be a good thing.

But, when a lot of people pay attention to it, there will be greater risks 😔

There may be some people who will hurt your work and your spirit with malicious words, pointing out the "bad" things in your work from various angles, and making you think that you are not doing well.

If you have been hurt by bad words and have to listen to them, it means that the game has deviated from the original plan of your creation. I have to "avoid" these bad things for some "reasons".

It's not your fault, it's just that people with "bad intentions" are so hateful.

Your work and your decisions need to be respected, and I hope so today and in the future.

Come on, please! 💪


Thank you for your kind concern. I try not to look at critical comments against me. I don't look them, then I don't be hurt.👍


As the saying goes: "Hear no devil; See no evil."

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Мофу, не обращайте внимание на критику и плохие отзывы, ваша игра замечательная. А под всех игру не настроить, у каждого своё мнение, идеи и желания. Если под всех подстраиваться можно сума сойти.

(1 edit) (+2)

Not sure how you'd tie it into the story/gameplay but I wonder if Nene could 'interact' more when looking at the girls in the future.

Like when looking at Remy, maybe a fellatio? :')

Though it's going to be a lot of work to do it for *every* character, was just thinking of how you can vary the scenes. 

Remy is a cute, so is Tilo!


Thank you! Yes, I will add that 'interact' feature to all characters👍










try this game,


can't find it


I love that game too👍

(1 edit)

is it on steam

(1 edit)

where to get it?


i hope you add alot more sprite animated sex scenes, i think theyr'e very cute and enjoyable


Yes, I plan to add more sprite animated sex scenes in the future and create a gallery as well👍


On Chinese steam, this kind of game will be mosaic, or part of it will be cut out to make dlc. You can't meet everyone's requirements, but you can make relevant dlc, so that the clothing problem required by others can be solved well. In addition, you can set a reasonable price for the game and another price for dlc, and then encourage more people to create free dlc.


I plan to add the system to restore data in a patch for this game. And I may make DLC as well.


One question, i can't get past the guardian of the mushroom village, is there any way to find the villagers or it isn't in the game?


(2 edits) (+2)

it is not in the game yet but will be in the future updates which come out with intervals up to 10 days so it will be soon


Sorry, that quest is not yet completed. It will be completed in the future, so please wait a little longer.






Is there more story after the balls inflation scene?


Not yet, but Soon™


theres a scene? or are you referring to the plants that make the characters balls bigger?


balls inflation scene


I have removed that balls inflating scene and will create another scene and story similar to it in the future.

Can I fight Mushria? And if I can how do I fight her?


They battle is not ready yet, wait for future updates


Mushria will be rebuilt and implemented again. Please wait a little longer👍


Alright, just making sure that I'm not a bad gamer. 😂

The game stopped working. I downloaded a new version, and when I log in, the screen is black, only the cursor changes

Only this is loaded. Then a black screen


I use the MacOS version, but on Windows you can try clearing out...
C:\Users\*your username*\AppData\LocalLow\MOFULAND


Just make sure you make a copy of the saves inside unless you're okay with starting a new game

Thanks, but no, it's still the same


I found it. I deleted the saves from My computer/Documents/FutakenValley
But now I have no saves...


Try to run it as administrator it may help


Sorry for the error. if the Unity logo appears and stops, it could be that your GPU does not support DirectX, or that this app don't have permission to access the file. Or x86 version may start.

Will this game always be free?


No, it'll be a paid game once development is finished. The "demo" will be getting about half the game I think.


Okay, thank you


Thank you for answering.🤝 I intend to sell this game when it's finished.

Muy buen juego la verdad me a encatado, pero aun no se puede peliar con skunk verdad?, digo la e encontrado y hecho de todo pero no logro averiguar como hablar o comenzar la pelea, solo le mio encima y se mueve un poco 


No, aun no. Toca esperar a la próxima versión


Sí, lo haré posible en la próxima actualización. Ya está casi listo👍


i noticed the new mushroom is it gonna be in the game in a near update?


Many more mushroom girls will be added to the game in the future😀


les puede poner al perro habilidad de ataques 


Esa mascota no tiene función aparte de iniciar una boss fight y excavar objetos. Aparte es temporal y requiere objetos para que te siga, por lo que no le veo la necesidad de ello, más aún ya que existen las marionetas de combate


Sí, ese perro no tiene habilidades especiales y no se le pueden dar habilidades para luchar.


Planeo dar habilidades de ataque sólo a los títeres especiales.

Hello i have a question mave i could support you with my discord server server it has a lot of ppl and i have a little experience with creating games so i hope you Anweser cause i have to ask you a few questions too.

Deleted 133 days ago

No I’m not -_-

Deleted 133 days ago

again I am not a bot understand that


I felt the same😓


Здравствуй уважаемый Мофу. Я давненько не заходил в игру. Сегодня скачал последнее обновление. Скажи пожалуйста как встретить Skunk, нового большого гриба и других?

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со скунсом пока еще нельзя сразится или что-то сделать но ты можешь найти её в дыре в начале игры, аккуратно спустись используя гриб зонтик и спустись ниже там будет еще одна дыра там надо использовать зонт как только спрыгниш и иди на право там проход к ней.


Да, эта скунсовая девушка еще не закончена, и с этим ничего нельзя поделать. Я также хотел бы облегчить прохождение этого пути, когда он будет завершен.👍

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I don't know what happened before, but it was good to have a muscular character, but I'm very sorry that it disappeared. I want to add a masculine character with a muscle concept.


There will be a muscular enemy, so wait for it 👍


I also like muscular characters, so I will be adding more characters like that in the future😉

I hope to see Ophelia again... I miss her 😔



Is there any discord server?


It does not yet. But I may make it👍

:0 oooo

would probably be hard to manage tho


mofu a nova batalha junto com a nova história já foram adicionadas(na versão Android)?porque não estou conseguindo entrar na batalha ou conversar com a personagem que acredito q seja um gambá ou algo do tipo,ela só reage quando eu urino perto dela nada além disso poderia dizer como eu interajo com ela 

A batalha da rapariga gambá ainda não está implementada, por isso, por favor, esperem um pouco mais. Completarei isso na próxima actualização.


Puedes poner de cambiar 2 skin cuando vence a tus enemigo la de conejo


Me gustaría considerar la posibilidad de añadir la posibilidad de cambiar el color de la piel😉


Anyone know how to delete save file in game?

i can't delete it


Go to documents, activate the option so enable "See hidden documents" and delete Futaken Valley folder


Yes, it's possible that way. Thank you!


When u enter the ''load game'' tab, just press J while selecting a game file ^-^


Yes, the player can delete individual saves by pressing "J".


After starting the game, please press the "SAVE" button in the upper left corner. In that folder you will find the save files👍


I have a question, whenever there's a update does the download app ask for update or do we have to download the updated version again?


You have to download the game again and install it


Ohh ty, and that new version I would download it from here right?


yes, there was one some days ago. I'll recommend to wait until the new update comes 


Ty I appreciate the info!! o7

Thank you for explaining that!🤝 Also, this game can be updated automatically by using the itch app.


I really don't understand why people don't let the dev to create the game like he wants. I mean if you want specific thing or scene you can create your own game.


I'm now free to develop this game. I'm not forced by anyone to do anything👍


Quite a fair opinion, we should not force the developer to make the game the way we want to see it, the game should be a big surprise for the player. But, it seems to me that the developer also needs help from the players, this will create a very good game at the output for all users. Although Mr. Mofu created a very good and interesting game even without us

Thank you for your kindness.🤗 I intend to complete this game on my own, but I appreciate any support, no matter who it comes from.


Было бы не плохо в игре добавить аксессуары для главного героя, например ушки и хвостик.


ooooo i like those! i a tually want a fox tail plug and fox ears for myself irl lol


I have a huge butt plug in real life and fox tail.


Awesome... loved it


Спасибо за интересную идею с косметикой! Я бы с удовольствием добавил его в игру.😙

Рада, что вам понравилось ^•^


am i missing something or is the roadmap bugged? its april but the march things havent been added


Itch.io users when they have to wait for an update (the update takes longer than anticipated, meaning the png depicting plans for said update is bugged)

tf? im just asking a question lmao, i can wait


Just wait a little longer

Sorry that much of the roadmap is undecided. For now, I'm aiming to complete the skunk girl and the human girl.


А что, если лисичку сестричку наказать за то, что она дерётся.

но могу создать этот дифференциальный образ в будущем👍




AND i thinks the last boss (Mushria) or it has no scene. nor it's under rework???


Well, She did had a fight and a CGI, but it is on rework


Yes, she will be redrawn and implemented again.

Where located is (Mushria) and i don't know where he is located That's the only boss i need to defeat but. I already seen skunk Hiding somewhere in Rocky Hill near the caves and I'm Trying To Approach her but she's not responding. And this is the only Problem I'm Facing Right Now. And If i defeat Mushria And now im finish this quest. Sooooo PLEASE will you TELL MEH WHERE HEH IS LOCATED!? So will you tell me it now? Great😅


mushria has been removed from the game temporarily. she will be added back in a future update. and you can't fight the skunk yet. that boss fight will be added in the next update.


Yes, thank you for explaining that🤝 the skunk girl is nearing completion. And Mushria will be added again in a future update

Thank You So Much! Love From PHILIPPINES And To UK.,

Deleted 1 year ago

there is something to do with her dick


nice pic, but first i don't think that mofu can add her for the copyright, second there is already a rabbit chara so is useless to add her

Oops, I didn't think about copyright.


Yes, I can't add characters that I don't have the copyright.


man i really enjoyed the rabbit's quest, it has so much potential i hope you improve it like more CGs or stuff


Her CGs will be improved to animation in the future. And New pictures will be added👍


You seem to be good at drawing feet! I would love to see them in more CGs in the future! 


owo feet


The next CG to be added is a picture of smelly feet😀


y que otro embarazo puede tener nene


De momento, solo con la coneja


Sí, esa función aún está incompleta y sólo los conejos pueden hacerla. Por favor, espera un poco más hasta que se complete.

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