I'm excited about the purple one tbh buuut only time will tell and i hope the next update doesn't take too long (i don't remember where i saw it but it takes at least 2 weeks or more/less to update)
28/08/3054 eu ainda continuo apreciando essa obra prima.
11/12/3062 Sendo o último jogar dessa obra-prima eles estão atrás de mim, atualmente estou escondido em um abrigo no subterrâneo, mofu estou esperando reforços e atualizações, estou sem suprimentos não irei aguentar por muito tempo.
I remember you can watch most of the art in the Encyclopedia whitin the game. It contains a lot of the designs and poses of the current available characters
On top of Tilo being where you last teleport to, if Nene attempts to teleport from a teleport point where Tilo isn't at, she can come out and grab Nene to take her to the location she wishes to teleport.
Maybe you can animate Nene touching Tilo's tip and that would trigger Tilo to come out and grab Nene to take here where she needs to go. I think making the animations happen after the location is selected would be the best way to implement this.
I do think this would actually make the game feel more fluid.
I love the game and hope that more will be done for it it has a lot of potential for something great just hope that you Carry out the project to it's fullest potential.
Loving the game! The big mushroom girl blocking the town entrance is my favorite so far. Secretly hoping that she'll mistake the player for a mushroom and eat her.
Basically i recommend if you use the bow (they drop at the entrance of the angel/devil (?) Statue) and just dodge the running attacks (only attack she she tries to throw something at you)
I think i beated her with the sword you get from the fox girl (forgot her name :(. ) Tbh, the best strategy on any boss imo is dodge and then attack as the enemy recovers.
That was my strategy for my speed runs at defeating all of the bosses on the previous update, get the sword first and than challenge the rest of the bosses. I think my best time was around 30 min. Looking forward to more boss fights and sex scenes.
Just wait until she charge forward then press I to rollover her. Wait until she stop specifically when she throws the project tiles or any moment that she's not moving use it
Good afternoon Mofu and all the fans of the game! I had a question: earlier, with mushrooms at the beginning of the game (which appeared after hitting a pillar), it was possible to get a mushroom that gave the heroine a hard cock.
But now I spent 20 minutes killing this mushrooms and couldn't get it. Was it removed?
First of all, thank you very much for bringing us such a great game. The gameplay is very rich, whether it's from the art style or most of it's dynamic CG and character drawing, it's sooooo sexy! The most important thing is that it only has a memory footprint of 100mb, which is really great for compressing so much content!There are also a few suggestions. I play on my phone, and Y (dodge) cannot be launched immediately after a certain action is executed, which will be a lot of inconvenience (perhaps because I am used to playing too many action games... (*´I`*) In addition, the final boss with a hammer is really difficult to hit. Her skills after transformation are almost full screen attacks, which makes my chances of dodge almost zero. I hope to improveIn addition, the skunk Durle holding a bow and arrow will stand in place after being defeated, and she will react to her urination. However, she cannot collect semen and proceed to the next step. Is it because she has not yet made it? Finally, I hope that the transfer function can add a mark on the map. Sometimes I don't know the way, so I can't remember where it is. Thank you again for your efforts in this game, and I will keep on supporting it and recommending it to my friends.:) I'm a fan from China
Thank you for enjoying this game!🤝 The boss with hammer can knock down the weapon she have. Also, the semen collecting feature is still a work in progress, so please wait for a while longer until that's completed. As for the map, I'm planning to improve it in the future to make it easier to keep track of the locations.
Mofu you're awesome keep doin you. Any and all heat you're getting just comes from the fact that this is such a great game and people want to be involved and when they're unable to get their hands on it they get mad. But the vast, vast majority of us literally check the page almost daily for updates. Keep up the amazing work!!
Dorlly está en el agujero del bosque oscuro, así que por favor baja por ese agujero y entra en el agujero de la derecha.👍 Por cierto, "Dorlue" se ha cambiado por "Dorlly".
Hello mofu I'm still enjoying this game and all the hardwork you put into it! I eagerly await every update and eventual full release. I hope the conflict in the comments doesn't discourage you in anyway as I like to think the reason is because everyone is very passionate about your creation!
Hello, whenever I install the game it goes to an Asian language and also pix elates the important bits. How can I go around this because it didn't do this before :)
The game language is set based on your System language.
You can try to enter in the options and change the language manu or directly change the language of your system in your devise, then delete the Futakin Valley folder in Your Documents folder and restart again
Once the language setting is changed, It's saved in the settings file. Maybe this app have not been able to get access to it and the settings file has not been saved🤔
The game looks amazing so far, been looking for a long time for a properly made Futa game, Art is amazing and the fights actually feel authentic and well made, keep up the great work (one question tho, the statue that tasks you to get her semen of others... that doesn't work on everyone yet, does it ? I think the bunny is the only one i got the cum of so far ?)
16 may 61 - Lipstor stop already writing nasty things in the comments, just calm down and stop chasing this game, if they didn't do what they asked for you, and you played this comedy, it doesn't mean that everyone around is bad, thanks to you, the development of this game will take a long time, you have already achieved what you wanted
Oh wow, long time no see, i see that the itch page have changed (and the version of the game is now in the x.x.60 ?!) a lot, what did i miss the last 4 month ?
Yes, I will update the roadmap soon.👍 The schedule got a little messed up, so it's staying as is, but I will add a note about my plans to create a main storyline in the future.
← Return to game
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me encanta tu trabajo me encantaría darte una idea de una coneja de mi oc futanari gratis o como hago si se puede ponerlo en tu juego..
I love your work I would love to give you an idea of a rabbit from my oc futanari for free or how do I do it if you can put it in your game
Gracias por tu favor.🤗 Hágamelo saber acerca de su OC y puedo ser capaz de añadir su chica conejo a este juego.
What was in the new update? There's no patch notes yet.
nothing new, just made the file size a bit smaller. Mofu said this a bit ago
Ah, thank you. I was wondering why there was no patch notes.
The file size has been reduced slightly. But after decompression, on the contrary, it's size has increased.
man i'm so excited about the blue mushroom i hope its coming in a near update
I'm excited about the purple one tbh buuut only time will tell and i hope the next update doesn't take too long (i don't remember where i saw it but it takes at least 2 weeks or more/less to update)
I'm adding a little content every day, so that blue mushrooms will be ready soon👍
Вышло просто супер! Продолжайте в том же духе я думаю когда игра будет закончена она будет очень популярна
( жду новых обновлений и удачи вам с этим проектом ) :)
Спасибо! Я постараюсь сделать эту игру великолепной ;D
Im so sorry the imbecile known as 16_may_16 keeps bombarding you about a creator that is no longer creating, Awsome game keep up the good work
nvm went threw some posts I really hope this all gets settled and the creator is able to put diffrent designes in the old ones places.
28/08/3054 eu ainda continuo apreciando essa obra prima.
11/12/3062 Sendo o último jogar dessa obra-prima eles estão atrás de mim, atualmente estou escondido em um abrigo no subterrâneo, mofu estou esperando reforços e atualizações, estou sem suprimentos não irei aguentar por muito tempo.
Criarei este conteúdo de jogo para si o mais rapidamente possível👍
What is the new update
Sorry, nothing has been updated in ver 66. But the file size is a little smaller.
Ohh ok I will wait for it to update again
Changelog 0.031.66?
I tried to fix the bug in ver 0.031.66, but that issue has not yet been resolved.
Ya pase el nivel solo toca esperar otro actualización :) espero q Mofu trabaje en la pirámide d chica ♡
¡Gracias por jugar a este juego! Para la próxima actualización estoy en un apuro😉
I think adding a task guide would be great
I too wish it were in this game👍
A few more things I would like to mention:
1) Perhaps you can make Tilo remain at the last location you teleport to. This may make the gameplay seem more natural.
2) I think it would also be a good idea to add a list for the "Look" artwork to the main menu the same way you did for the scenes.
3) There is a bug with the skunk boss in build 0.031.66 where when I left, the screen went black.
Skunk void.
Skunk has the last laugh. Xp
I remember you can watch most of the art in the Encyclopedia whitin the game. It contains a lot of the designs and poses of the current available characters
Thank you for writing about them!🤝
1) That is a very good idea! I would like to implement it.
2) It's possible to add "Look" to the main menu, I will consider it.
3) Sorry, the cause of that bug is under investigation.
No problem! I hope you can figure it out soon!
On top of Tilo being where you last teleport to, if Nene attempts to teleport from a teleport point where Tilo isn't at, she can come out and grab Nene to take her to the location she wishes to teleport.
Maybe you can animate Nene touching Tilo's tip and that would trigger Tilo to come out and grab Nene to take here where she needs to go. I think making the animations happen after the location is selected would be the best way to implement this.
I do think this would actually make the game feel more fluid.
I agree it's very good. I think about it👍
I love the game and hope that more will be done for it it has a lot of potential for something great just hope that you Carry out the project to it's fullest potential.
Thank you for loving this game! I will made further improvements and expansions to this game in the future.🤗
Even though I have gotten as far as the game will let me for now I still play it just to have fun when I am able to do so.
Mofu después d derrotar a la chica skunk se me puso la pantalla en negro y se salio :(
that part isn't done yet
Lo sentimos, aún no se ha determinado la causa de ese fallo🤔
Loving the game!
The big mushroom girl blocking the town entrance is my favorite so far. Secretly hoping that she'll mistake the player for a mushroom and eat her.
She really screams out vore scene.
Keep up the great work!
please no vore
I don't mind one
like, its not bad
She looks beautiful, ain't she?
Thank you!👍 She may try to vore the player in battles in the future.
What's changed in version 0.031.66
Got a virus alert from the .exe
Ah, thanks! Must be and error on my end then.
Thank you for posting that cap🤝
Unity free version is often flagged as a virus, but I'm pretty sure this is not a virus.
Sorry, nothing has been updated in version 0.031.66.
Question is the new CG in the game but we can’t see it because of the fight? Or it’s not yet available
That new CG is not yet completed and cannot be displayed. Please wait a little longer.
Will we can f5ck the mushrooms? And how can I do the blonde girl's quest?
both of those features aren't in the game yet. they are in development.
bro this is literally an 18+ porn game dude you don't need to censor fuck
gotta keep it family friendly my guy
That blonde girl's quest is not yet implemented, but will be added soon👍
love the gam
Thank you🤝
Futa!I Love it!!
I love it too💕
its normal that i can't talk to the skunk girl?
for now only the fight is available but hey Mofu is already working on the dialogues, animation and etc.
Yes, thanks for explaining that🤝
Thank you for explaining
When will you fix the skunk girl's dialogue bug
Not a bug there's just isn't any since only the battle is available as a sneak peek of what's coming
Please wait a little longer, as that will be fixed when it is completed in a few more days.
i cant beat the mushroom boss is there any stragergy to use (sorry if i spelled its incorrect my english isnt that good)
Basically i recommend if you use the bow (they drop at the entrance of the angel/devil (?) Statue) and just dodge the running attacks (only attack she she tries to throw something at you)
I think i beated her with the sword you get from the fox girl (forgot her name :(. ) Tbh, the best strategy on any boss imo is dodge and then attack as the enemy recovers.
Yes, its sword is very powerful and can easily blow away her strength😉
That was my strategy for my speed runs at defeating all of the bosses on the previous update, get the sword first and than challenge the rest of the bosses. I think my best time was around 30 min. Looking forward to more boss fights and sex scenes.
Yes, it's most effective to fire arrows while moving away. Also, you can easily avoid her attacks by rolling👍
Just wait until she charge forward then press I to rollover her. Wait until she stop specifically when she throws the project tiles or any moment that she's not moving use it
Play it like dark souls. Time rolls, take it slow. It's difficult, but far from impossible.
Good afternoon Mofu and all the fans of the game! I had a question: earlier, with mushrooms at the beginning of the game (which appeared after hitting a pillar), it was possible to get a mushroom that gave the heroine a hard cock.
But now I spent 20 minutes killing this mushrooms and couldn't get it. Was it removed?
It has not been removed. The drop probability of it is 1%, so very low.
Like Mofu said here, not removed, but it takes some farming to get it. Best place is at Catera's (I hope I remembered her name right) shop.
The probability is verry low i recommend visit the Lion and the Tanuki to get the boobs and balls sometimes thise give you extra Drop Chance.
Damn I'm kinda jealous about those who can construct that kind of long paragraphs just to praise your work T_T
As a kind of long term fan I felt like I needed to support you somehow but I'm kinda broke so I guess the only way I can support you is by playing it
Seeing it has a new update and new characters I'm getting excited! (In both ways)
Keep up the good work and stay healthy ❤
Ps. I'll be waiting for cheats lol
Man I cannot wait for this game to be complete! Keep up the amazing work!!!
Thank you! I keep making a little of this every day😉
First of all, thank you very much for bringing us such a great game. The gameplay is very rich, whether it's from the art style or most of it's dynamic CG and character drawing, it's sooooo sexy! The most important thing is that it only has a memory footprint of 100mb, which is really great for compressing so much content!There are also a few suggestions. I play on my phone, and Y (dodge) cannot be launched immediately after a certain action is executed, which will be a lot of inconvenience (perhaps because I am used to playing too many action games... (*´I`*) In addition, the final boss with a hammer is really difficult to hit. Her skills after transformation are almost full screen attacks, which makes my chances of dodge almost zero. I hope to improveIn addition, the skunk Durle holding a bow and arrow will stand in place after being defeated, and she will react to her urination. However, she cannot collect semen and proceed to the next step. Is it because she has not yet made it? Finally, I hope that the transfer function can add a mark on the map. Sometimes I don't know the way, so I can't remember where it is. Thank you again for your efforts in this game, and I will keep on supporting it and recommending it to my friends.:) I'm a fan from China
It looks like the spaces between paragraphs are removed……sorry for this,maybe the website doesn't supportit.
Waw.... im not even gonna try to read the rest im tired
hhhhhhh alright
Thank you for enjoying this game!🤝 The boss with hammer can knock down the weapon she have. Also, the semen collecting feature is still a work in progress, so please wait for a while longer until that's completed. As for the map, I'm planning to improve it in the future to make it easier to keep track of the locations.
Thanks for your patience reading this long review, I will continue to support
Mofu you're awesome keep doin you. Any and all heat you're getting just comes from the fact that this is such a great game and people want to be involved and when they're unable to get their hands on it they get mad. But the vast, vast majority of us literally check the page almost daily for updates. Keep up the amazing work!!
Thank you for your support!🤗 Please don't worry, I will continue to make this game regardless of what happens.
Hola una pregunta, alguien sabe dónde aparece Dorlue o es un personaje que todavía no está completado?
No está del todo implementado, por lo que te recomiendo esperar a la próxima actualización mayor que está en camino.
Sí, está incompleta y se completará en la próxima actualización.
Dorlly está en el agujero del bosque oscuro, así que por favor baja por ese agujero y entra en el agujero de la derecha.👍 Por cierto, "Dorlue" se ha cambiado por "Dorlly".
Hello mofu I'm still enjoying this game and all the hardwork you put into it! I eagerly await every update and eventual full release. I hope the conflict in the comments doesn't discourage you in anyway as I like to think the reason is because everyone is very passionate about your creation!
Thank you for your concern🤗. I will keep working on this game no matter what happens and will finish it.
Hello, whenever I install the game it goes to an Asian language and also pix elates the important bits. How can I go around this because it didn't do this before :)
The game language is set based on your System language.
You can try to enter in the options and change the language manu or directly change the language of your system in your devise, then delete the Futakin Valley folder in Your Documents folder and restart again
Yes, thank you for explaining that🤝
Once the language setting is changed, It's saved in the settings file. Maybe this app have not been able to get access to it and the settings file has not been saved🤔
Thank you both of you :)
The game looks amazing so far, been looking for a long time for a properly made Futa game, Art is amazing and the fights actually feel authentic and well made, keep up the great work (one question tho, the statue that tasks you to get her semen of others... that doesn't work on everyone yet, does it ? I think the bunny is the only one i got the cum of so far ?)
Yep, up to now the only uhh I'll call them monster that you can collect the semen is the bnnuy
Yes, it's currently only possible with the bunny👍
Thank you for playing this game! I will try to make this a good futa game😙
You're creating the game completely on your own ?
16 may 61 - Lipstor stop already writing nasty things in the comments, just calm down and stop chasing this game, if they didn't do what they asked for you, and you played this comedy, it doesn't mean that everyone around is bad, thanks to you, the development of this game will take a long time, you have already achieved what you wanted
Why do I say it's Lipstor? judging by the manner of her communication, this is her from another account
Oh wow, long time no see, i see that the itch page have changed (and the version of the game is now in the x.x.60 ?!) a lot, what did i miss the last 4 month ?
Thank you for coming back to this game's page! The system of this game has been improved a lot in the last 4 months😉
I'm gonna replay that game then :)
Where can I find the blue mushroom monster? Also, is there any scene after the skunk girl?
1 - there's no blue mushroom boss yet just the blue mushroom item (gives the glide ability)
2 - the skunk boss is just a sneak peek at the boss fight and according to mofu he/she's working on the animation now
Yes, that's right!🤝 The blue mushroom is not yet implemented in the game. And the skunk girl is in the works.
how do i fight the mushroom monster
If it is the mushroom monster of the shop dialogue then right after interacting with the blue mushroom (shop item) and activate the dialogue
just go straight right until the boss appears (it's easy to recognize the arena and she will be there)
Notice that you have to activate the interaction (the blue mushroom) or else she/he won't appear
where is the blue mushroom?
Thank you for writing that!🤗 Yes, the mushroom monster (Mushna) will appear that way.
Hi Mofu, i wanna ask if you are going to update the new RoadMap after the next Update
Yes, I will update the roadmap soon.👍 The schedule got a little messed up, so it's staying as is, but I will add a note about my plans to create a main storyline in the future.