Futakin Valley


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THIS GAME IS AMAZING. When I first downloaded the game I didn't have high expectations, but after playing it I was in love with it.

I can't wait for more update and more characters to be added, and hopefully more cosmetic abilities! Keep up the amazing work!


Thank you for enjoying this game!🤗 This will be a massive and more playable game in future updates. Also I will be adding lots of cosmetics.


Is it possible to ask what type of cosmetics? I feel like clothing or armor would really be cool, and more body cosmetics would be fun! 


There are seven different types of cosmetics. She can equip cosmetics of her head, chest, waist, penis, hands, feet, and other. I will add as many different things to these as possible😉




These girls will be in the game soon👍


For the regular enemies , will there be various weaker humanoid/monstergirls through out the maps besides the current mushroom enemies? And if there will be, will there any plans for mini battles like the ones we get from wulie? Or some  special animations against 1 or multiple enemies that you'll need to escape from.

Yes, I plan to add lots of weak monstergirls to the regular enemies in the future.👍 Those I want to make mini battles like wuelie.

pls how to find village


Sorry, the village is still incomplete, please wait a little longer.


A little: At least a year (So that mofu can add an unholy amount of content to the game so that it will be really good and people will enjoy it)







Now I don't know, how do I continue the quest, where can I find the gatekeeper, and another big mushroom boss?


you can't continue it. it's still being developed.


Yes, sorry, those quests are still incomplete.


Hola mofu quiero hacer una pregunta hay alguna manera de poder guardar el progreso del juego y así si se pierde poder recuperarlo?

Los archivos de guardado de este juego están almacenados en [Documents/FutakenValley]. Por favor, cópialos en otra ubicación.


Hey Mofu! I just wanted to let you know I'm still working on the Romanian translation! It's taking longer than expected, but I'll try finishing it as soon as possible. Great job on the game, you're doing really well.

Thank you for making it! I look forward to adding your great translations🤗💕

(2 edits) (+1)

Heya, It's me again I have a problem 😞

After I translate this game for a while and I wanna test it so I launch it and I set it to Thai but it shows this screen for 10 minutes and the game become crashed and I can't launch it anymore 😔

Do you know how to fix it?


I might've been an issue with the language ID from Unity, Mofu might know how to fix it 

Sorry, it stopped due to a bug I think. Could you please send me your translation files so I may find the cause?

(1 edit) (+1)

Here ya go http://www.mediafire.com/file/dhawr3vo64vuz9a/futakenvalley-win.zip

(Btw I'm not programmer so I'm stupid to this 😔)

Thank you for uploading it!👍 But I didn't find "th.txt" in it. 

[ Game_Data/StreamingAssets/language ].

Please put the translation files in this directory.

(2 edits) (+2)

Hey Mofu,

I was wondering what other game mechanics/skills are you planning to add to Nene and how many overall would you estimate she'd have altogether?

At the moment, she has the jet mushroom to double jump and umbrellashroom to glide. She also use to have a dash ability in older builds of the game.

As an example, do you plan to add a mushroom skill for Nene to breathe under water and swim with smoother controls later to help her fight the mermaid or something?


Yes, after the midpoint of this game, Nene will have additional skill that will allow it to move freely underwater.👍 There are 12 skills in this game. The dash ability is a special skill to push through the magic walls.


Awesome! I look forward to playing the game and finding all her abilities when it is done!🤗


Thank you! She will be able to grow huge with mushrooms, and fight with her semen😀

Is Nene a wood elf or a damn magician florist on crack? (Sorry if I said something stupid! Im Turkish)


Uhhh where did she go?

She's on break. Xp

Sorry, it may be a bug. As soon as you tell me how to reproduce it I will fix it.


On android, there was an error, the resolution of the game does not match the resolution of the screen, the game is 3:4 when I have a 16:9 screen ... Mofu deal with this, and thanks for the game you make

say pls ?


Thank you for letting me know about that error. The screen size of this game on Android is tested in my limited environment, so there may be many errors. I will fix it asap.


更新很快,但,还不够快。从0.03版本更新后,我反复下载游玩,结束后删除,游戏流程大概在1个小时左右,内容丰富性尚待提升。除此之外,这是一个令我十分喜欢的游戏,制作很不错,内容虽欠缺但想法和构成很新颖,独特。发展十分有前景,作者或许可以寻找同伴一同开发创造?我会一直等,毕竟我是扶她控~( ̄▽ ̄~)~,感谢作者为此做出的努力,但请容许我任性地催更,急急急急急急

谢谢你喜欢这个游戏! 我将尽我所能开发这个游戏,我将尽快完成这个游戏💪(癶ᴗ癶)


Mofu, cuando planeas sacar la proxima gran actualizacion?

Ahora tengo prisa para una gran actualización a finales de este mes😉




Cualquiera puede editar la traducción de este juego.

[ Game_Data/StreamingAssets/language ]

Esas traducciones están en este directorio.

Pero ahora estoy recibiendo nuevas traducciones, así que por favor espera un poco para la próxima actualización. ¡Gracias por vuestra amabilidad!🤝


I have no idea but I wanted to generate Nene by AI and leave here.

and if you don't hate AI artworks, let me ask you.

do you have an idea to generate others, Mofu?


You're telling me this is ai generated?


Yeah it's ai generated


Holy molly!


Thank you for making that wonderful artwork! I wish I could make a art like that too😋


If you don't mind, I'll generate other characters too while you are updating this game.

Also it's AI artwork so I might say it's generated by me but not made by me :>


Thank you for generating it!👍 However, I'm afraid that the AI generated artwork cannot be used due to rights issues.


don't worry, it's just for fun and to give you pleasure so I don't mind if that can't be used

Also actually I wanted to upload that on some official server or else but it doesn't exist so that's why I upload it on here.

Anyway, I guess I can still generate more to enjoy :)


Thank you! I would like to paint a new picture based on the artwork you generated🤝

Como haces eso? Comparte tutorial

Eso puede ser posible con NAIDiffusion.


the only dead giveaway that its ai generated is the two left feet, other than that its awesome 

which website did you use



Sorry if this comment is too positive because now I'm in mood☺️

I have many idea and questions while i play and translate this game so I'm gonna request and ask you🤗❤️

What about the gallery(Not CG List) that might be good, or free sex that you can ask having sex with them after defeat them like wuelie

Also more item yeah! That great the clothes one is great, more little enemy.

Here is questions if this game is complete development how much do you set the price? or you gonna make it free?

But this is mofu's game i can't make whatever i want and i confirm 90% mofu will reject to answer my question and my request and if mofu does this game will take the time for development too long but nevermind i still love you and your incredible game.🥰

I don't mind If you didn't answer or don't want to.🤗❤️

I will stick in here for request, asking and update % of my translation and wait for new updates.🛌🏻


Please forgive me as I often forget to reply. I will answer any and all of your questions and requests.👍

I'm planning to add the system to choose the animation of each character in the future. It's especially difficult to express the movements of small characters in a gallery, because they are not in a single picture.

When the game is finished, I plan to sell this on steam for 8$. However, I may release this for free if I can get support from patreon or other.







Also great game, graphics and story is great.


Thank you!🤗


Is anyone else having trouble figuring out any of the story, for some reason I can't do the(semen story,the rabbit girl,fox village, or mushroom village. Its ok if it's not finished and thats why, but if it is I'm missing something.


It's still in development it's not finish yet maybe in next big update


Yes, sorry, those stories are not yet completed. Please wait until they are completed.


How can I contribute for the Spanish translation?
I've been following your work closely, and it is amazing, I would love to contribute.


Check out who's in charge of the current translation and contact them. In case no one is working on it, feel free to make one of your own 


It says Mofu somehow


it's because he's machine translating it currently, he will probably allow you to be the translator, but you should wait for his permission first just in case 


Thank you, should I email him or


Now I have the new Spanish translation that J0Gim made, so please wait for the next update. Thank you for your kindness!👍



do you make the whole game by yourself? alone? (except translations)


Yes, he's both the dev and the artist


You guys are absolutely amazing!
Keep it up


what I need to learn to make a game like this? I'm learning to use the unity and I'll start art design, do u have tips or something about what to learn, what to focus ? I want to make a game like futaring actually, not this one, but both are super amazing 

(1 edit) (+3)

As a gamedev myself, I can send you some tips; first of all come up with your idea before you start making the game. Brainstorm ideas for how you want it to look and how it will play, what characters are gonna be involved, how the camera angle works, etc. Once you have figured it out, start to write down exactly what you have came up with, how the game is supposed to look and play. I recommend the app Obsidian, it's completely free and open source and has a lot of resources.
Then once the game is done on paper, start by working with the art, do the concept art and then the basic sprites of the characters. Once you have the character sprites, you can make a very basic scenario just to test things out and you can work on the programming part. Make the game mechanics, how everything is supposed to play and then start to add the characters and scenario elements. This process goes back and forth, so keep on going until you are done with your plan that you have wrote down. 


Thank you a lot. I'll use your tips 🌌


Thank you for your great knowledge!🤗 i will make a game with your input. I always have a hard time in the middle of making a game because I start without any plan.


Apa itu stick10+ dan stick9- bagaimana cara memakainha di android

Itulah pengaturan stik analog untuk controller game. Silakan gunakan tombol pada layar di Android.


New character designs lets goooo!!


New characters will continue to be added👍


Please don't take that as me demanding for more characters lmao that isn't what I meant by it. You do you I'm just excited for the new designs you added to the page. :)


Thank you for your consideration. And thank you for liking new characters🤗

what are you expecting ? You are a hard worker who deserves praise and lots of it



(2 edits) (+2)

Heya Mofu🤗, I am close to completing translating this game but, now I'm kinda busy i need to Postpone the translation.

Don't worry, I'm still working on it, just it might finish slowly.☺️

(maybe 1 week or a mouth)😥


Thank you for making it!🤗 Please do it only when you are in good shape and have time to spare. I will wait for it forever.👍

Gj mofu ! 

Glad to see new content and chars:) 

Also i have a question..what happened here, where is lipstor? I mean..like, the comments below and ect...looks like ive missed a lot 


(Jedi hand wave) lipstor doesn't exist.

ehh...im not sure that i understand you right


(Jedi hand wave) you already forgot who lipstor was. 

where the hell is dorly


She's located where the white circle is


Thank you for posting that image!🤝

awsome thank you

Deleted 1 year ago

What is your OS? I will investigate it immediately.

(1 edit) (+1)


antes de continuar com grandes planos, gostaria de perdir novos itens na loja.

Agradeço se você fazer isto em pelo menos 3 atualizações seguintes 


No futuro, serão adicionados mais artigos à loja👍

Where can I find the new characters, please answer


Sorry, those new characters have not been implemented yet. They are a list of planned additions.


How do I finish the task of this statue? I already gave him semen from the bunny girl, and apparently he wants more. And the bunny girl's task is to find out the cause of her excessive, excessive, excessive, excessive lust. How do I end it as well? 

(1 edit) (+2)

The continiuation of this Task is still in Development.

Mofu Said once and Probebli more often it will be Continiud in futre Updates.

Sorry for Bad Englisch It's Not my Native languatch.

And the quest for bunny girl and giant mushroom are both in development too?


Yes, they are incomplete too. If they are incomplete, you can see "This quest is incomplete." below the quest description.

If I can't play more? 🥲


Sorry, those tasks are incomplete and cannot be finished. Please wait until I can add them.


I was wondering,  will there be a plot related explanation for why Nene is able to take all these different weapons from bosses? I was just thinking about the consistency of plot progression. And perhaps a more convenient tool that makes sense as to how Nene is able to store all these different tools and weapons. Perhaps a magic pouch that has more space inside?? But then where does she store that pouch if she has no pockets? 🤔  

I apologize for nitpicking,  I'm just being too critical about the small details.

(1 edit) (+1)

AFAIK the weapons are just showcase for now, it will take longer to unlock each one of them.

maybe in the future you will only be able to equip one or two weapons at time, but nothing is official 

I intend to make 2 systems, one with fixed equipment and one with equipment that can be switched left or right.


I like to take away enemy's weapons, so this game allows players to take away their weapons.🤤

Also I plan to add a pouch to expand the inventory in the future. I would like to add that in a tabbed format. And Nene is naked, but she has various things on the ground that she picks up and equips herself with.


cool, so you had the same idea to use a magic bag for storage. Although, carrying it around might be able to work as an accessory around as a necklace or maybe around  a belt?

Hmm, but in order to keep the nude aspect, maybe a special lingerie or garter belt  where Nene could keep her whip, storage bag, and other items? That could add to the realism/practicality of her items. While still showing her body? 🤔 

Its a great idea! I would like to implement the disappearing magic bag, then Nene can keep the nude👍

How can I find new characters?

Sorry, those new characters have not been added to this game yet.


Random question, but will there be a normal girl in the game? Possibly to be with the main character for a scene or something?


All characters in this game are futa, but I can also add a normal girl.👍 However, later that girl may become futa.


ok sure! All of it us very hot! After playing some of your past games, it's hot to see with a normal girl and futa all the same! 

(2 edits) (+2)

Sorry for this junk comment caused by my complicated mood in real world.

I have too little experience to talk to people, even using my native language "Chinese (Taiwan)". I seldom talk to people on the internet, even friends nor family in real life. But Mofu makes me want to comment here.

I want to improve the translation to "Chinese (Taiwan)", but I should not do this in my time because of procrastinating some very important things. I also have little confidence to translate something. I don't like English much but am a little familiar to it. I love Japanese but I didn't learn very much of it. I always access videos, mangas, and games with Japanese.

I like Dorlly, fox sisters, and Catera the most. Next are Nene and Cynthia. I'm also curious about the centaur now. She reminds me the strange noun "humantaur" because her front legs are not like a real horse's legs. Of course, I know this noun doesn't fit the world setting, and do not hope this to be added here, too. But I still like Mofu's character design of centaur very much.

I'm imagining how Catera masturbating and ejaculating with her small penis like clitoris, and Dorlly wearing an oversized t-shirt holding a joystick in a dark room. I like drawing but have no confidence to even complete a line draft.

I have so many ideas, but this is Mofu's game. Also, too many ideas (including from the developer) and suggestions will make the time of development too long. I hope there are not too many よその子 (other ones' original characters) being added. I hope Mofu can concentrate on the main game system, the main story, and the characters with big branch stories. Just add more systems and more characters after the release on Steam. Don't be too greedy now.

Mofu is too gentle, so I always stick here waiting for the updates and replies from Mofu. I've gained a lot of positive energy here.


Thank you again for all your kind comments. I get a lot of positive energy from you too🤗💕

This game was actually initially planned to be a game with only 5 characters. However, in line with the wishes of my supporters, I planned to add about 10 more characters to this game and make it a game where the player have to defeat them to move on. So adding other people's original characters was part of the initial development plan for this game.

And thank you for the idea of interesting scenes of Catera and Dorlly. I would love to draw them.🥰

Please feel free to talk to me anytime as I will always be happy to talk with you👍

(2 edits) (+1)

Heya mofu! , Do you have any platform to contact with you like discord , email or other else?

I want to help you with this game like give you an idea, translate, and more(^w^)


You can leave any suggestions here in the Itch.io comment section. About the translation, check out if there is already a translation for your language, and if there is, contact the people in charge of it to see what you can do to help them

(2 edits) (+1)

But there is no for my language ;-;

And some of my idea is personal fetish everyone will hate me for sure if mofu add that lol.


If there is none, check out the Readme.txt from the folder located in futakenvalley-win\Game_Data\StreamingAssets\language and once you've made the translated text file, you can upload it on any service you want and send it here so Mofu can add it in the next update


Oh well I'm sorry for being stupid ;-;


lol it's ok, it was a valid question 

Thank you for explaining that!🤝 Anyone can edit that file.


Also about your ideas, it doesn't hurt to ask. Keep in mind that Mofu has all the rights in the world to refuse any suggestion but doesn't mean you can't give your opinion. And don't feel bad if your suggestion is not accepted, it happens! 🤗

You can always contact me here and on Twitter. And, anytime you give me a your translation, I will receive it😉👍

(3 edits) (+1)

Hi mofu. Will that spider girl do some bdsm stuff? If she does then please consider adding some orgasm denial stuff or more like ejaculation denial.

Also I read below that you will add scat and stuff so If you do then please add an OPTION for some heavy censorship. Some people might like it but those who don't might have their day ruined.


FuujuHime (his other game) had a disclaimer before the two scat scenes that existed there. You will have an option to not watch the scene


Yes, a disclaimer window should appear first in scenes that contain scat.


Okay, I will consider adding an ejaculation denial element. I like that too👍

(3 edits) (+2)

Isn't it a bit unreasonable to be able to interact with Dorlly before the fight? Also if interact with Dorlly, Dorlly will appear at left, the animation will become not so smooth.

Thank you for pointing that out! I will fix the problem of reacting before the battle of her🤝

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