Futakin Valley


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Como puedo interactuar con gnu?

Se despierta cuando el perro de la cueva se presenta ante ella👍

(1 edit) (+1)

la solucion esta en el FAQ .

busca al perrito,  subiendo la escalera a la derecha y dale un hongo\seta. luego  vuelve donde esta cynthia!

cuales escaleras?

Justo después de entrar en la cueva, sube a lo alto de la escalera.

perdon por estar molestando tanto, no logro subir las esaleras :( osea las subo pero no puedo entrar al hueco de arriba

Las escaleras se pueden subir pulsando la tecla hacia arriba👍

(1 edit) (+1)

how to keep the mask and bow?

They are kept in the inventory.

(4 edits) (+2)

Mofu-san, I have a couple questions about the look feature.

Is it possible for you to add a function to zoom in and out, so we can see the girls whole body, rather than having to scroll up and down?

Will we be able to interact with their bodies and will the girls react when we touch them? Like, can we pet/caress them on the head, boobs, penis and fondle their balls or slap/smack their face, boobs, penis and balls? This could result in some fun interactions, like maybe some characters smile or blush and get erect and cum when you caress them or some get angry or annoyed. 

An example is the S&M bondage ball busting futa character you're planning to add later. They might get annoyed when you caress their body but get excited when you slap their face, boobs, penis and balls and will get erect and cum if you hit them enough because they're a sadist and masochist.

Finally, I'm not sure if you know how to use the software or if you used it in the past but have you considered using Live2D for the look feature? Unless  you're already using it, I'm assuming you might be using after effects or another similar software to animate them.

I don't know if Live2D is a hard or time consuming software to rig the characters but it may make it easier to animate them. I think the animation for the look feature is amazing already but Live2D could add another layer of dimension to the girls, if you ever consider it.

Like this girl for example

Again, you don't have to use the software if its too hard and time consuming. The current animation is already great, but it might be something worth considering.

do you know the artist of the gif you posted?


they're name is AYA (´・ω・`)

Unfortunately, they've been on a long hiatus in drawing futa art (I miss them so much😭) but you can still check their art on patreon

Here's a link for their twitter and patreon




I have used live2d with Unity in the past, so it's possible to implement that.👍 However, that is a heavy processing load and may not work properly in a slow processing environment.


Okay, don't worry about Live2D if it will make development more difficult.👍

What about the other 2 suggestions?

Can you add a zoom in and out feature for look, so we can see the whole body?

Will you add a caress and slap action for look feature, to have different reactions with the girls?


i'm looking forward to the bell update, whenever it might drop. hoping for some foreskin play in her scene!

(2 edits) (+3)

I'm hoping to see her foreskin played with, used to fuck and especially see the foreskin expanded from cumming, like these girl!🥰 

Seeing all the semen stored in the expanded foreskin and then dribble out looks so tasty!🤤

Like this girl.


I love these futa girls too🥰


Okay, I will add foreskin play in her scene😙


wow, thanks! don't rush too much on it though! i want you to take your time and really make something you're happy with, even if you don't meet the roadmap dates exactly.


Thank you for your kindness! I will spend some time to make it the best it can be🤗

(1 edit) (+1)

I didn't want to rush mofu, but a month of May in 5 or 4 days remained, and there is no plot with that brunette who got lost in the cave, just like nene for which we play, or did I miss some news information about this?  


mofu said he's working on it but there's no estimated finish date yet. i doubt it'll be ready by the end of the month even though the roadmap says so.


Yes, I'm currently working on it in a hurry so that I can finish it by the end of the month.

Hi mofu,I have a doubt, will there be an event with Catera and Remy?

Yes, their new scenes will be added in the future👍

is there any cheats


Sorry, cheat function is not implemented.

what about now?


Been playing for so long now, but my computer took a turn so now im forced to try and play on my phone, ive allowed unknown source installs but it still says something like "app not installed as this app is not compatible with your device"

I have a pixel 7 pro, any assistance would be greatly appreciated

This game is built in 32bit version. So, if your Android version supports only 64bit, you may not be able to install this game.


Tengo una pregunta, la chica a veces corre y a veces camina, entonces quiero saber cómo hacer para que siempre corra o si es un error del juego? Yo juego en Android.

Pddta: amo tu juego sigue así ❤️

Siempre se puede correr pulsando el borde de la tecla cruz. Sin embargo, este control es difícil y me gustaría mejorarlo en el futuro.

Y Gracias por gustarte este juego💕

(1 edit) (+2)

en opciones, cuando vas a cambiar los controles al, fondo hay una casilla que dice intercambiar correr y caminar (en verdad dice otra cosa pero estoy trabajando en la traduccion para arreglar eso). dale click , ahora el boton que usabas para correr sirve para caminar y nene siempre va a correr.


gracias Gucco, sigue con la buena traducción, si puedo ayudarte o sugerirte algunas cosas con la traducción te lo haré saber.


Gracias, se acepta toda la ayuda posible. 

Gracias Gucco por la explicación🤗

apakah setelah kamu menyelesaikan game ini, kamu akan menjadikannya game berbayar?

Ya, saya berencana untuk melakukannya.

bisakah anda menjualnya dengan murah?


Saya ingin menjualnya seharga 8$😀


Where can i found Cynthia?


Cynthia(the gnu girl) is above where the rabbit girl is in the cave.👍

Deleted 1 year ago

Ty <3


Mofu may i ask when the game have some scenes like urethral penetration? If i remember futakin has before but was deleted so i wonder when you bring it back.


Deleted scenes cannot be restored, but I plan to add scenes similar to them in the future.








habrá mas cosméticos para nene?


Supongo que sí, el juego no está cerca de terminar así que aún faltan muchas cosas

Sí, pienso añadir esos cosméticos en el futuro😉


Dimana lagi tempat untuk mendapatkan sperma?


Maaf, sperma yang tersedia saat ini hanya dari Wuelie. Sisanya akan ditambahkan di masa mendatang.


when i start the game its a black screen and i cant do anything

What OS are you using? I will investigate the cause of that error.

(1 edit) (+1)

windows 10


I'm using windows 10 too. Maybe there is some error at startup, so please try reinstalling this game.

(1 edit) (+1)

nope still not doing it. i tried it 3 times. okay more detailes i see "mofu land" text and "made with unity" then i get a black screen for 2 seconds that loading cursor and then the custom cursor and it stays black

Umm...I have no idea what the cause of this is.🤔 It could be that the graphics board does not support DirectX, or that it cannot start due to lack of memory, or that the files are corrupted, etc.


Best game i found so far no.1 . Can't wait for more updates 👌❤️😁


Thank you! I will continue to update this in the future🤗💕


 А когда добавят нового персонажа после девушки-скунса?

Новый персонаж (Белла) будет добавлен в ближайшем будущем👍


Cuando sale la proxima gran actualizacion?


Parece que a finales del mes


Es posible que pueda hacerlo a finales de este mes. Estoy trabajando en ello ahora👍


Most of the game is pretty good, but I don't understand why the bosses have to be so hard. 

That Shaman Catgirl Momo annoys the crap out of me.


go with the caterpillar and buy food, it restores your full hp.


Yes, it will be easier with it👍


That catgirl is the most difficult boss, but you can easily beat her with evasion and recovery items.


Quiero seguir jugando a esta maravilla de juego pero ya me lo he pasado 5 veces :')


¡Gracias por jugar tantas veces a este juego! Voy a trabajar en el desarrollo de este en un apuro. :)


te como la polla Mofu 😍 gracias por responderme y decir que te vas a poner a desarollarlo ya de ya, sin duda alguna el mejor juego que he jugado 😊 ganas de ver que pones 😊


Gracias por disfrutar de este juego.🤗💕 La próxima actualización estará disponible en breve.


y por cierto cuando saques la actualizacion donde se podra actualizar?

Por favor, descarga este juego desde esta página y sobrescríbelo👍


El juego me terminó entreteniendo mas de lo que esperaba, seguiré este proyecto de cerca 👍

por cierto se puede hacer algo con esta chica o se viene en proximas actualizaciones? 


That girl is still being worked on and might be done by the end of the month.


Ohhh got it, thanks 👍


No problem!😁


Yes, I plan to do that😉


Gracias por disfrutar de este juego. La historia de esa chica se añadirá pronto😉

Where can we meet this girl?


The area, after the mushroom boss, you don't need to beat her but it is recommended to get the umbrella and fall slowly, then you can talk with the girl


Yes, thank you for explaining about it🤝


Glad to see you are still working on the game and didn't just dump it after what happened earlier this year. Keep on keeping on and I cant wait to support you more later on when the game is fully released!


Thank you for your support! I will keep this game updated no matter what happens because it's my pleasure to make games😀


I am surprised at how many new aspects of the games are progressing. And really glad to see the translating community helping with the game. Best regards to everyone trying their best to help Mofu however they can. Good Luck 🕊️


Thank you! The translations of this game are supported by all kind people🤗

Deleted 1 year ago

There is bosses on mobile just at the edge of the map, that can be bought in the shop.


The mobile version and PC version are exactly the same. And most of the characters on this page have not yet been implemented.


Mofu. Si no es mucha molestia me gustaría que agregaras una chica dragona. Es que los dragones son mis personajes favoritos si esque tienes tiempo?


Vale, añadiré la chica dragón gigante al juego. A mí también me encantan las chicas dragón👍

Am I missing something or is there "only" 15 animations in the game right now?


Game is currently unfinished. More events and characters are planned but currently, their is only 15 animations




Thank you for answering that! Yes, currently it is only 15 animations because this game is unfinished.


you have a natural talent for creating games the game is beautiful graphically and the mechanics of the game are also very good, but I wanted to know if you intend to create games without being hentai games someday?


Thank you for your kind words! I may create other games in the future besides hentai games😉

(5 edits) (+2)

Hey Mofu-sensei,

You mentioned the human character you teased will make a chart of all the character penises. Will you have an affinity system for all the girls, so the more quest, event scenes or times you help a character, the more information you unlock about their penises?

If you do plan a system to unlock more information about their penis, will it contain detailed descriptions and measurements about their bodies, like what kind and how long the penis is and what kind and how big the balls are?

For example, one girl has 15 cm, long foreskin penis and 500 g, sagging balls.

Will it also contain how much semen they produce and what sort of texture and taste the semen is like?  

Example, one girl produces 1 litres of semen a day and has the texture and taste like custard or condensed milk.


The penis illustrations that will be added to the bestiary will show a image of each of them in their non-erect and erect states. I had not planned to write about those flavors, but your suggestion made me want to add them. Thank you for your great suggestion!😇

(11 edits) (+2)

No problem!😁

You can write whatever you like about all the girls semen taste and texture, as well as how much semen they produce a day in their bio, along with the penis illustrations. It would add some interesting and unique information about all of them.

If you design a girl who has a dirty, smelly penis, with smegma, or maybe their personality was more antagonistic, you could say their semen has a strong, bitter flavour/sour cheese flavour and the texture was thick and gloppy. Or maybe, you have a nice girl with a pretty penis, who has semen that taste like honey and is smooth and sticky.

Maybe, because all the girls have different tasting semen, you could use their semen to make different potions or food recipes to heal or buff the player. You could have a chef character who is obsessed with different semen taste and she's looking for the perfect tasting semen. 

She could cook and teach the player different recipes when you gather and give it to her. She'd use the different semen as a base for the soup flavour, then combine them with different mushrooms to make different kinds of mushroom soup recipes.

Sorry for so many suggestions.😅 You don't have to add the chef character if that's to many characters. It's just an idea for a crafting/cooking mechanic if you want to add to the game. 

I hope to read all about all the girls semen and eagerly await to see their information!😋


Thank you for your so interesting ideas! I want to add them to this game!🤗💕 I too think that chef and semen recipes would make this game more interesting. I will add them to my future development plans.👍

(7 edits) (+1)

You're welcome!😊

It could add another gameplay mechanic and reason to collect mushrooms as well, so you can make all sorts of different dishes!😋 

It doesn't have to be a chef who makes food recipes either. You could make her a futa maid girl who runs a semen bar/tavern/café, that specialises in making drinks using futa semen that she milks from all the girls penis and then combine with them with mushrooms. You can also milk the penis from the futa maid girl and they might require a big bucket because of how much semen they produce. Maybe she makes both food and drinks out of semen?🤔 

Whatever you think works better. You could make her a cow girl, similar to the one you had before but make her look a bit different, to avoid any troubles. Hehe sorry, she doesn't have to be a cow girl but I really miss her and would love to see another similar cow girl return😅

Sorry again, I just really like futa and think they're the best, so I keep thinking of fun things to do with them.😍 You can pick the Chef or Maid character, which ever you think would be easiest or best for the game. I hope the Chef character or Bar Maid girl character will be very cute! Which ever one you choose would be great🥰


I love cow girls too and will add characters similar to them in the future. Also I want to create a semen bar that serves drinks that combine futa semen and mushrooms.🥰👍 Thank you for all your many great ideas!


maybe there could be a chance for a group scene where multiple girls help make a multi flavored cocktail that Nene sloppily slurps down. I can see some Interesting gokkun scenes from this idea, like large bubbles and burping etc.

(4 edits) (+1)

Oooo nice! Maybe multiple maid futas or futa girls cumming into a large cup or bucket together as a group and having a large steamy, creamy  semen cocktail! Sounds tasty!😋 

Maybe it could be a side quest, where you have to rescue multiple futa maids and bring them back to the bar. It ends with a gokkun scene, with Nene slurping up all the delicious semen with the bubbles and the burping!🥰 She'd look so happy afterwards and then thank them for the meal.🤤

Afterwards, you can order the special mixed flavoured futa cocktail anytime for a higher price than the single futa semen drinks.

(1 edit) (+1)


色々でかくて、筋肉もそこそこあって、下に立派なモノぶら下げて、とてもいいですね!実装されるまで待ちきれません🤩 人魚娘とダークエルフの二人もすごく気になります。特にそのむちむち感。。!








(1 edit) (+2)

Afternoon Mofu-san, I wanted to add a suggestion to the dialogue between Nene and Catera. I think you may want to add small conditional dialogue where if Nene tries to take the umbrellashroom without beating Mushna, Catera should scold/yell you, instead of repeating the whole request dialogue to beat Mushna.

Another thing, I think we should be able to jump off ladders from anywhere instead of being forced to climb all the way down to get off


Thank you for your interesting suggestion!🤗 I will add a dialogue where the catella gets angry. And I will add the system to get off the ladder from anywhere.


am i the only one seeing my antivirus flag this download?


Nop, mine always warns me when i download something from internet 

if mine did it with every download, i'd be inclined to ignore it, but i downloaded 2 other games today, no flag. this one got a trojan flag.


Games created with the Unity free version communicate with the Unity server at startup, which may be perceived as a virus. But, I'm confident that this game does not contain a virus.

what makes you confident? my antivirus says it has a trojan in it


He's been creating games for a long time, many developers that use Unity free have the same false flagging, it's perfectly safe.


Yes, I agree with you.


My antivirus is not detecting anything. And my game does not contain any dengerous operations.🤔 But if you feel this is dangerous, you may not want to run this game.


Alot of games on itch are getting the trojan flag (kinda funny cause adult games and condoms) this happens because Android and Xiaomi now flag ANYTHING that is download outside of the appstore.


[Bug report]

(1/3) The "Skip" button in the conversation has no effect. (It seems to be an old bug.)

(2/3) The bug in the image below is still there. I didn't get the bow this time, so it's not caused by the bow. (Maybe it's an old bug, too.)

(3/3) Debuff on the balls' "appearance" didn't recover after ejaculating or interacting the long mushroom on the right. We need make Nene go to the another map.

Other bugs are fixed.


Thank you for letting me know about those bugs!🙏 I will investigate their causes. Also, I may remove the skip button by incorporating it into the fast forward function.





Deleted 314 days ago
Deleted 314 days ago

you can do a lot of bosses out of order, so just knowing that you beat the gnu girl doesn't mean much

Yes, it does not matter which one the player defeat, as none of the bosses have an order.


This game is not yet complete and has no clear goal. So please wait for future updates.

(1 edit) (+1)

Вот кстати хочется понять как всетаки работает , тачней будет сказать восполняется шкала, ну предположим - спец навыка оружия ибо у "проклятого меча" - возьмем как пример,  у сестры лесы , который берем,  нажатие спец клавиши :дает сфокусированый луч .А как восполнить его , если тока (я так понял восполняется тока посещая магазинчик гусеницы к слову как и респаун около её дома грибов npc) локация на локацию это работает ,    если брать телепорт с 1 по 3 , если же пешком то в районе входа и выхода у сестёр лесиц (смерть не восполняет заряд) перезапуск да . И это работает 1 ну отсилы 2 раза .

Как нить поправьте , а то они и так не много урона дают , но чертовски полезна против боссов таких как: кошка , которая детей выводит , её иллюзии быстро ломаются,  и кентавр или минотавр , которая с молотом. 

Магическая сила этого оружия восполняется, когда вы проходите через магазин Кателлы или телепорт. Извините за отсутствие ясности относительно них.

С версией 0.32 были добавлены новые квесты или персонажи?


Персонаж и парочку новых , но без диологов и новые локации , но они в 31 версии были

Новая картинка и новый персонаж (девочка-скунс) были добавлены в 0.32.


estoy encantado con el juego y trabajo realizado 

enamorado del juego y futuras actualizaciones 

Gracias. Este juego seguirá actualizándose.🤗

mofu what is new in the 0.032.4?


mostly bug fixes

[ver 0.032.4]

- Fixed a bug that the number of times remaining is not reflected in the display when an item is used.

- Fixed a bug that the status screen shows the skill mushrooms even though the mc does not have them.

- Fixed a bug where the debuff on the balls was not removed.

- Fixed a bug that body parts are broken when the mc changes the room while holding the bow.


Thank you for writing that!🤝

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