Futakin Valley


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(1 edit) (+1)

Ok, I can't understand. I have been experimenting quite a bit, but I still cannot see any point in wands. Is there any? 

Mushroom wand is just doing woosh... And healing... Good thing, but considered mushroom soup - useless.

Momo's wand is quite useless too taking in mind fact that projectiles are too small and slow to hit anybody except stray mushrooms.

Maybe it would be better if yo used those beam atrack of Momo? Or these homing bubble attack? 

P.s. Please make support of arrows of controllers(both of dualsense and xbox controller). 


At the moment there's no support for dualsense mufu said it's better with an Xbox 360/ONE controller. If you want to emulate xinput try with DSX (5$) for Dualsense (that's how I do it) or DS4 Windows (Free) for DualShock 4 (I've used it before and works well).


Yes, probably it will not work correctly, because I have not tested the Dualsense. I plan to get it and test its operation.


Thank you for looking into the weapons.

I'd like to make the Mushroom wand the most resilient in the future. And I plan to make the mushroom soup slower in recovery speed.

Also It's possible to change the effect of the Momo's wand. I will consider about it👍

(1 edit) (+1)

If you say so, I would also add about laser sword, bow and other range weapons. Because it is NOT simple to aim with them. Is there any way of using right stick and swapping L2 and R2 with 🔴 and🔺? It is something to consider on later stages of development though, so you should just look into that particular hellhole of coding

P.s. If you would allow changing buttons and stuff, it would be the best. Maybe mouse control also. A lot of stuf to think about, right?

Yes, it’s not difficult to change the behavior of the buttons. I plan to add that functionality in the future.

(1 edit)

Did the one mushroom girl get removed


She and cow girl are going to return after redesigning the cow girl.


Yes, they are temporarily hidden, but will be redesigned and reappear.

(5 edits) (+2)

Almost done Already, mofu i just need 29.5k money and it's done🥲👍


Welp, thats some dedication, i did something similar in lust dol plus but in here its another thing


Thank you for your great effort!🤝 I'd like to make a new archivement for you.


Can anyone help me on how to beat Momo? it's kinda hard since her clones are fighting too ,that makes it extremely hard to beat. 


Mushrooms+hammer, if you can't - go fight skunk-girl and retrieve a bow


I haven't beaten the cow girl yet 😅


momo's pet can follow her and it's easy to find her location


All of you are so helpful


Oh. Well, you can try and go beat skunk girl. You can find her if you go past the area of fight with first mushroom girl.

(1 edit) (+1)

Doing that will grant you a bow, which is a basicly is only viable range option in game(except throwing stuff, which consumes A LOT OF TIME to get proper amounts) and *edited* pretty good area attack, so you can atack several clones in one time


If you CANNOT beat momo still, try: USING CONTROLLER (the only reason I actually beat a game in mere 6 hours), using spears and knives, beating cowgirl or tanking momo with mushrooms and laser sword. 


I did it in Mobile.     U will need a lot of mushroom soup


So far, so good. I had a lot of troubles with using Dualsense instead of Xbox controller (so it is at least one problem to fix), and i had some issues with audio, but game is pretty good. Though, (and here some spoiler), i thought it would be wise to go at first up, and not down, so I nearly broke plot :[ I would recommend adjusting difficulty, or make a plot-breaking actions(like going into a fight with big foxy with whip and bravery alone)not possible. 

P.s. Where the f@ck should I found those villagers? 


And has I understood correctly and fight with skunk-girl is last in chronology available?

(1 edit) (+1)

And is this character done yet or not? If it is done, how do I provoke dedicated story? With stupid dog?

这个地方在哪? 是32.6版本吗




Yes, you can see this npc right below exit from the mushroom girl boss arena, though you would need umbrella to find this place.


Also, this npc is in work, so she only talks a bit and nothing else.


That character is being repaired and animated, please wait patiently😀👍


She is not finished yet. Please wait a little longer.


The mushroom village is still under construction so please wait patiently


Yes, the villagers of the mushroom village have not yet been implemented.

(1 edit) (+2)

i think mofu will like the bat character futarina and i name her shinoko, and I will finish my quest soon 100k money mushroom😀👍


Thank you for collecting the cute futa girl pictures of bats😋


I love this game! I play it with each new update and love to see the new things you add ( never reading the patch notes). and then you are teasing us with all those new characters. can´t wait to play this game even more. 

Do you have a timeline for when the new update will come?


Thank you for playing this game!🤗 The next update will be ready soon, but I don't have a timeline, because I frequently postpone update.

(2 edits) (+1)

where da hell do i find cynthia. also why cant i get pregnant twice 

(2 edits) (+1)

she's in a cave above Wuelie's cave, if you bought the ravine map from the caterpillar it's the path above the mushroom in the bottom left, best guess for the second part, probably because you didn't give birth yet to the first one? (or it's only intended to be done once to get the puppet)


Thank you for explaining about it!🤝 twice pregnancies are not possible as the feature is not implemented yet.


also why is remy the only character with the "look" option

Because I only added that feature to test it😀


are you going to add it to other characters or no


Are there any villagers or isnt it out yet?


Currently the mushroom village is still under construction


Yes, sorry, the villagers have not been implemented yet.


Elf Knight, Im already pregnant I dont know how to give birth. Can you help


near the stairs through that cave and bumped into the cat momo


ok thank you!

Thanks elf kinght for answering!🤗 Yes, Nene can give birth by interacting with the cat girl.


remember past the brown mushroom, jump up and over :>


it's time for me to take a nap😴


And is there a way to level up or something like that?


i think mofu will add something that i forgot


There is no level system in this game. The main character becomes stronger by equipping cosmetics👍


How can you give birth when your pregnant?


Meet the bunny girl beat her and interact to get pregnant

Deleted 1 year ago

You can give birth by interacting with the pink cat girl👍


what to do in big mushroom at start, i cant go upstairs ?


that's where nene is falling and it cant go upstair


The upstairs of that big mushroom room will be added in the future😉


I only need 59k mushroom money and I will complete the task that I do mofu :D


What task ? In the game ??


I'm doing a challenge to earn 100k mushrooms :>


Thank you for collecting those in large quantities😆


Hello Mofu. I'm loving the game! Excellent work I'm looking forward to the next updates. I have a question, when you release the "alpha" version of the game for sale, did the translations still continue? My native language is Portuguese. I was very happy to see that I can play in my language


maybe she it doing the update game 


Thank you for loving this game!🤗 Translation of this game will always continue in any version. If it's not enough I will add it in machine translation.

(1 edit) (+2)

mofu I'll do a challenge for you to see if I can earn 100K mushrooms😁👍

my money mushroom 17k i farm very fast :>


Thank you for taking on that challenge!🤝 I will hasten to implement a use for those mushrooms you have collected.


I can't find most bosses or any of the villagers for the village guard where are all these things and why is 50% of the map under construction I know the game is in beta but come on (sorry if I sound rude I don't mean too)


Cause it's in development 🤨


I apologize that many parts of this project are incomplete. Please wait until this game is finished.


Ok I'm sorry if I came off rude I just love the game and seeing all these incomplete aspects is so frustrating 

(1 edit) (+1)

How do I battle the Blonde girl with blue ray in her hair that says that can't leave the cave, the one that is next to a pot like cooking; or it hasnt been added yet ? 


That boss fight isn't ready yet. Please wait for future update.


Her battle is almost done, please wait a little longer😉


What's in the next update

The next update will add the story of the blonde girl👍

(1 edit) (+1)

I wonder if this girl hasn't appeared in the game yet and her name is ? i think mofu will add it😀👍



Her name is Petra. She shows up in the game's intro but If you skip the start of the game, you won't see her. We will see more of her in the game in a later update.


But I don't know what her face will look like


You might see her face later in the game.

Thank you for answering that!🤝 Yes, she currently only appears in the intro.


does anyone know if there is any date for the next update?


Nah, Mofu releases updates when they’re ready. Just be patient and play other games while you wait for this one

Yes, updates to this game are irregular. My development is very slow, so please play something other games👍

Where is the blue mushroom girl


The blue mushroom girl isn't in the game yet. Please be patient for future update.

Yes, thanks zxcvb11 for answering that!🤝 The blue mushroom girl will be added in a future update.


What I must do after defeating darly


wait for the next update


Yes, please wait until new content is added👍


can you refight bosses?


That feature has not yet been implemented, but will be added in the future😉

when might the next updte be?

what are skills on the button for Q?


The main character can dance and pee pressing the Q key👍


Where can I find the other characters? Of all the characters below the Cat and skunk I've only seen the Pink Mushroom Monster, I've walked the entire map and my bestiary is only at 50%.


not implementet, i dont wanna sound rude but cant you guys read a bit, the game is under development und also mofu made a sheet with plans for the months so read pls


Thank you for explaining that🤝

Yes I know, this is more stupid of mine, because I know it's in development but I saw the photos and thought that already present in the game, if it was written elsewhere it was more lack of attention even, in short, excuse the question.


Sorry, those characters are not implemented yet. Please wait for future development.


mofuu can u add like skill that we can buy using currency, because we get like too much money but we dont know what to spend off for :>


like sexual skills and stealth skills :>


Yes, I will add that in the future😉


i dont know its in the plans or not, but maybe its posible to add content after the game is ready? i dont know its is hard or not, but i like the way the game its going, and in the future i like to see more, after all, i like the hard work you are doing in the game and everything, so i dont have a lot more to say, good luck


I will continue to add new content to this game after this is complete.👍 Thank you for liking this game!


Maybe add a thing where you can buy clothing from the caterpillar


and add skills


Yepp actually maybe like add a magic shop? So u can buy skills/magic??


yes :>


It's a nice concept

yes, I will add them for players to buy them via trade😉


Most likely, this has already been suggested, but I did not see this proposal. If there is an opportunity to create an arena and fight again with those who were defeated in the story, it would be great. And the ability to buy weapons that fell from them.

I plan to add the system to fight bosses again in the future.👍 When the player talk to a girl with that ability, can fight again an opponent the player have won in the past.

(2 edits) (+1)

Will there also be a boss rush challenge mode you can go to, like an arena, so you can fight all the bosses in random order, without breaks and being timed, so you can improve how quickly you defeated them? 

Sort of like Devil May Cry bloody palace, Bayonetta witch trial challenges or Metroid Dread's boss rush mode.


I think I can make that boss rush mode. I will consider adding that in the future👍

Also I plan to add a story in which the main character fight everyone's shadows in a row in this game.

Awesome! Thank you for considering boss rush mode!😁


Maybe a squid girl or like octopus? Or just tentacles?

(3 edits) (+1)

mofu will make tentacles but I think those squid girl characters don't know if I should talk to mofu or not sydney/love😖


Me too I think I might rethink my question


I believe the squid or octopus girls are so good. I consider about those designs🤗


thank you mofuu


I believe Mofu has stated they'd like to/is thinking about including a squid girl or something of similar characteristics for possible tentacle scene.

Yes, I'm considering adding girls with tentacles. Those characters can use their tentacles to get entangled.😀


Opa mofu, qual a duração máxima para o jogo, que tu quer futuramente?

E não sei se vai colocar um dia, mas talvez fosse uma boa, alguns cogumelo aumentar o atributo do personagem, por tempo limitado tipo aumentar defesa, ataque e magia, futuramente, é claro, não tem tanta necessidade por agora

E um modo bônus, quem sabe, aonde o jogador pode testar outros personagens, com as habilidades deles, mas como pode ser mais trabalhoso, então não precisa

E por ter mermaid, vai ter batalha em baixo de água?


Sim, a sereia aparece como um chefe de combate subaquático. Ela controla muitas medusas.

Também tenciono ter este jogo quase terminado nos próximos 6 meses ou assim.

Se possível, gostaria de adicionar a possibilidade de testar as capacidades de outras personagens. Talvez também possa adicionar a possibilidade de alterar temporariamente as capacidades de uma personagem quando usar cogumelos. Obrigado por todas as vossas sugestões🤗

(1 edit) (+2)

i hope you like characters kangaroo girl futarina and rat girl futarina i hope you like them mofu👍

Thank you for collecting the pictures for the kangaroo girl and rat girl references🤗💕


Whens the next dev log?


I have added it to the top of the Development log, so please see that.


Mofu, você poderia criar uma mecânica para fazer sexo com o pet, e outra mecânica para dar zoom no jogo?


Eu acredito que o conteúdo de bestialidade é ilegal em plataformas como Steam e Itch.io, então não acho que Mofu-san seria capaz de incluir esse conteúdo, já que eles planejam publicar os jogos nessas vitrines. Eu acho que Mofu deu a entender que o animal de estimação pode se tornar uma kemono/dog girl, então é possível quando isso acontecer. Desculpe se a tradução estiver ruim, não sei falar português.


Tudo bem o seu português foi  bom


Sim, também eu penso que esses regulamentos não o permitem. Por isso, é provável que esses animais de estimação sejam transformados em raparigas😁


E a parte do zoom na tela?

Também gostaria de acrescentar a possibilidade de aumentar e diminuir o zoom do ecrã no futuro👍


Seria bueno ver un avanze de el dibujo de la nueva personaje


De acuerdo, consideraré la publicación de imágenes en proceso de creación😉


Can you add some mouse girl?


thanks for the your suggestion girl mouse Sydney/love👍


Your welcomee!!

Oh okay, I will consider adding some mouse girl😁


Hey mofu deal with close animations and quest

Okay, I will make them as soon as possible.


burada nasıl sikişirim


Что это за место


O nesnenin yerini Dryad kızı aldı👍


Can someone please tell me how I can go up to the surface after going down the cave?


press return to initial position and you back in surface


Yes, it's possible that way👍

Another way is to use the mushroom parasol to ride the updrafts back to the surface.

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