Futakin Valley


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Thank you for letting me know about the graphic bugs! I will improve her belly drawing👍

Deleted 1 year ago
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Yes, I love it🥰

Thank you! I intend to make more like this😁

It says that I’ve unlocked cat and BIG dick but how do I use them also is there the Demond girl and cow girl in game or is that just for the future also amazing work by the art and the animation is smooth and fluid the only thing I want is more keep up the amazing work

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Yes, that's right! Thank you for your replies!🤗


I noticed invincibility glitch is gone. can we have it back or something like that please?

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I apologize for the glitch, I had to fix it. but I would consider adding such a feature in the future.


Hard dicks and a hard platformer. You can really tell that this wasn't just done because the creator was horny but because they actually like platforming games.  This game has some of the toughest and well designed bosses since Cuphead. The movement feels great, the attacks are responsive and overall well balanced. My only complaint when it comes to balance is that the bow and arrow has just the smallest bit to much rang. But even then the bosses are throwing so many projectiles at you at once that you might as well call this game "Futa Touhou". So even the range of the bow and arrow seems like a delibrate choice. This is %100 one of the most well designed and thought out platformers I have ever played. It is a must play. Do not miss it.

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Thank you! I will work hard to make this even better! I really like platformer games so making this is a lot of fun.🥰💕


Good game, good mechanics, overall i like what u did there. But there is one thing i can't get along with. As for i am a native german my eyes began to bleed once i read the german translations. I don't know who did that translations for u but holy maccaroni that's garbage in most parts. No front to the overall game but if u want i can do the translation in german for u.

But all in all im impressed by the game. :3

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Yes, I think using wetransfer is good👍

Sorry, the new part of the translation is done by me. Therefore, the quality is very poor.😅 If you could give me your translation I will add it!👍

would love to help, u got a script for the new part in english? Otherwise i would just play it again and write it down. 

I hope you're not talking about the part I've translated. Perhaps you can supply more accurate and constructive criticism.

Anyway, the more opinions come together, the better, since there is quite some room for interpretation and taste.


I dunno i just had the game in german when Gnu became  a actual enemy and the whole conversation was just naaaahhh you know. Ur german too right? I can't tell how the transaltions were the whole game, just the little part with Gnu because i just played that part of it in german. The new parts just seem to be word by word the exact translation and it sounds not good to me u know.  But i think mofu replied to me and said that he did the newest translations so i don't want to blame u but just one thing, please play this part again or play it and tell me that it actualy sound good because... it doesn't really. ^^*

sowwy for my not really constructive critisism. *bless*

(3 edits)

Ah, all right. Yes, that part is machine-translated.

You can find the german and other language-scripts in the game folder>src>language>dt.txt

I've fixed some things on the latest dt.txt-file and will upload it, you should work from this on.  As for the new character Cynthia; I've only changed the first few lines of <u6own> and <ev13>.
 I'm curious how you'll make it sound. However, you should try to keep Nene's language similar to the rest of the game.

From what it seems you'll also have to copy Teala's lines, which are all u16+ev12 lines, from another language file into the dt.txt; that is, if you want to translate that part as well. 

Some lines might have to be translated directly from japanese, as the english translation is faulty at times.

Oh, and leave a small hint here once you are starting to work on it, because then I won't continue and we avoid double work.

Here's the link to the latest file: https://we.tl/t-u54y9zqq5d

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(4 edits)

Yes, that's a point.

My suggestion: Maximum 2 translators per language, so they can give each other feedback, fix typos, or jump in if one of them has no time. They communicate changes/fixes here to each other, but everyone changes the lines only he/she has translated. Then they release a txt. file. If it is still in work and not supposed to be implemented there will be an "(edit)" in the file's name.

@Darkcry; I'll do the Teala thing and reupload, you won't need to do it anymore. Edit: Here's the new latest file: https://we.tl/t-a3euAmeT4H


If there is more than one person who can translate, the translated parts may later be overwritten and disappear it. I am praying that it will not happen.😅 Also, I don't have a problem with mistakes in translation. Since different languages have different ways of expressing things, it is okay for you to rewrite a sentence to mean something different from the original. I always trust the thinking of the person who can do the translation.😁👍

Gnu dont move

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ok i will do that thanks

Thank you for your replies!👍


How do I recruit the mushroom dog? I need more villains on my side.

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Yes, that is right, Thank you for replying!🤗 The mushroom dog can be recruited by giving a mushroom item.

Thank you.

it says there was an update but it doesnt seem different is there something i have to do to fix this

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Yes, I update frequently to fix bugs. Bug fixes don't change the appearance, but they improve the behavior😉

(1 edit)

i can't even wait to play the full game i already finish this beta two times, awesome work mofu <3

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(1 edit) (+1)

This game is developed by Mofu,only one person.Everybody is looking forward to the completion of this great work,but it can't be helped,there are many difficulties in developing game alone.😔


Thank you for playing! I will keep working on this game and will complete it!👍

Hi! I love the game, and I want to play the new update, but I already played the game and don't want to start the game again. So my question is, that how do i update the game without losing my progress? Thank you in advance for your answer! (and sorry for my bad english)  :)

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Thank you so much for the quick reply! :)

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Thank you so much for answering the question!🤗


awesome game kudos to creator mofu and thanks a lot to lipstor ... i noticed he always replies to comments to help  :)

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No, I'm Italian, "Salva" is a random nickname my real name is Paolo, so I'm sorry if I make grammatical errors 😆

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Thank you, you are welcome! and the comment section of this game is strongly supported by Lip🥰👍

Yes I noticed thank you very much your game is spectacular I can't wait to play the next versions

(1 edit)

Will there be sprites/arts for "battle sex"? I mean like with the rabbit girl or other encounters. It would be so fulfilling to see more  beautiful arts without rushing the story too much ;-;

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(2 edits)

Like it was in Futaring? I remember some arts were added after 1.0 release came out. Thank you for your response, anyway с:

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Exactly, I meant more scenes, the splash arts like with the teleport girl, with Linnea etc. I meant that battle sex scenes could use those kind of "arts" too, and therefore asked if the dev is planning to add them or not. I understood, thank you!

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I will add a "battle sex" gallery in the sprite mode in the future. It's not that hard, so I'm sure I'll be able to add it soon😉👍

how to activate Gnu?

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Thank you for explaining that! I would like to put something in place to make it easier to find😉

Deleted 1 year ago
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oh right i didnt see that my bad lol


Thank you for your replies!🤗

will there be a walkthrough?

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Thank you so much for uploading the video of your great play!🤗

i cant use the format for the video

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(1 edit)

Hello, i see that game is fast to update :)
just saying that when you speak with Gnu, nene (or gnu i forgot who talk) speak in english even if you're in french (not all are in english, most are in french)

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Sorry, I will fix that translation! And if you can point out to me which part is wrong, I will correct it😉

Sorry i can't, i already beat her and the error was before/after the fight (and i don't have the strenght to begin the game from the start again)

i just noticed an another error of translation, when you want to load an save the unused save are written "nouver" (see the screen) idk what is supposed to be but if it's the translation of "new" then it's "nouveau" in french

Hi I can't play at the game I don't know why. He pops a dark screen window but nothing more maybe it's because I'm on windows 11. I'm sad becauseI have the impression that the game is cool. :,(

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Yes, that is very likely.

Ok ty for the respons. I already unzip it. The problem is definitely Windows 11.

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Ok ty for your quick response I hope I can find the problem.

is there a list of all items that change your appearance?
also are there any other "Secrets" involving the 'actions' like masturbating in front of the rabbit girl causes her to do the same? havent found anything else yet

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thanks for the speedy reply :) yeah ive got all that though, time to wait til the next build again!

for some reason though i recall that pillar close to the start point (if you hit it mushroom enemies drop/spawn) having more of an interaction than just spawning mobs, or am i remembering wrong?

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awh was hoping i missed out on 1 final thing again, oh well. yeah thats to be expected and fine, last i played was v0.029R anyways :)

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Mofu you making good game with big potential. 
Good scenes, interesting gameplay but small content so how about make signs to rematch with bosses? Because always starting from begins is boring.

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Thank you! I plan to add the ability to create new save data at specific locations to allow for rematches😉

Very fun and interesting game! And there's a lot of hot scenes!)) Just curious, is there a chance to see a bit more fullbody scenes in the future versions?

Have a good luck and great inspiration!

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I meant sex scenes, but thank you for the information!

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I would like to make an Android version in the future👍

ask the developer for help for this game to be provided on android devices, the games are really good, thank you developer

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(1 edit)

I have just heard about this update, it's amazing! the new boss is super well done. and I really like the new girl!!! keep up the good work =^-^=

Thank you for playing the new update! I will continue to add more new bosses😁👍

I want to know where can I find the cave 2 teleporter or does it not exist?

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Yes, it doesn’t exist yet. But it can be added soon and I will do it in the next update😁

Fascinating work! Wish to see more scenes about Nene's dick being teased🥰🥰🥰

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(2 edits)

Yes,this kind of scenes are ordinary sex scenes in a lot of hgame,so it's possible to be added,But I'm still looking forward to some unexpected scenes could be added in game.I don't know what kind of surprise Mofu sensei will give us.😋

Yeah, that'll be nice, too

Deleted 2 years ago

I intend to paint a lots of large pictures of the scenes once I have completed the system for this game😉

kys weeb



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Yes, I plan to add more scenes much like that👍

太棒了   加油!



I like the game, good graphics and good animations, the game is very good, and one thing I like is that it works for 32-bit operating systems, please don't change that
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Si, hablo español, utilizo el traductor para poder hablar ingles

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Wow, que sorpresa, pues te digo que haces un muy buen trabajo! aunque te recomiendo que mires el juego otra vez, porque recuerdo que habia una parte donde estaba mal puesto una palabra en español, pero aun asi se entiende

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Thank you for liking this!👍 I will keep this game running on 32bitOS, I'm continuing to use Unity2017 because updating Unity will make it non-compatible with 32bitOS😆

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Thank you so much for that idea!🥰 I would love to add that dialogue! This would make it easier to discern the effects of the mushroom dog.👍

Android when?

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That seems kinda dum cuz the longer you put it away the less chance it's actually gonna be in the game just from the difficulty of implementation

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Deleted 2 years ago

Yes, this game cannot be published on Google Play😅

(1 edit)

You're saying that like no hgames on Android exist

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

There are often such questions every once in a while

Deleted 2 years ago
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Some people may just have such request and really don't know the situation,just explain clearly.But for those who deliberately do so, there is no need to pay attention to then

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Even if he want to launch the Android version, he need to create it after completing the game, he can't do it now, otherwise it's really a waste of time.What needs to be completed at present are hard to be completed, let alone the Android version.

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(2 edits) (+1)

That's right,Mofu sensei said that several bugs were still unfound,it's really hard😔

Yes, I need to complete this game first before I make an Android version🤧

I have only 46% of the bestiary is it possible to get 100%?

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Currently, the maximum is around 46%. As my development progresses, eventually it will be 100%😙

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Yes, it is! And I apologize for the confusing mechanics.

why i cant fight with Gnu,just stay on there

just bring a mushroom dog,let it follow you by feeding a mushroom,you need mushroom dog to trigger the battle

Yes, that is correct! thank you so much!👍

how to fight with ?,or it not in game

Deleted 2 years ago
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Thank you for explaining that!🤗

"?" has not yet been incorporated into the game. I will make it in the future👍

how to fight with Sythia?She is always lying there.

(3 edits)

just bring a mushroom dog,let it follow you by feeding a mushroom,you need mushroom dog to trigger the battle

Yes, thank you for writing that!🤗


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i enjoyed your game so much, hope you improve some controler and plataform responsivity cuz its not that good yet, but i see a lot of potential here, hope i can buy it on steam some day, cheers from Brazil 

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Yes, I will update this here regularly until I complete this😉


Thank you! I will work to improve responsivity and operability of the controller!👍

Deleted 2 years ago

Afaik you will be able to change it to your desire; some NPCs will have a body variation and it's up to the player to change it or not.

Deleted 2 years ago
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Yes, I would like to add multiple body shapes to her so that it can change the conversation and pictures and show special scenes😁


Thank you for liking her! She can keep her current body shape, but if you want to change it I want to be able to😙

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I will make that possible👍

Deleted 2 years ago

Yes, as those body shapes change, I want to make that those dialogues change as well😁


I saw you added a way to inspect the smaller foxes body, will we be able to inspect the larger foxes body at some point? Great work as usual❤️

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Yeah I will add them once the game system is complete😋

Thank you! I would like to add her big picture as soon as I can👍

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