Futakin Valley


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boop :3


boop :3


boop :3


Idea, nene cae a un charco de líquido rosa extraño, ese líquido emana un exitante aroma, poniendo caliente a nene, con su pene erecto se chupa su pene.  


Gracias por tu idea🤗. Es una escena muy bonita que hace que ella quiera chupar su pene por el olor del líquido que la excita.


Name lol



love her feet!

(1 edit) (+1)

У меня вопрос. А как найти сбежавших жителей грибов для задания у жирного огромного гриба закрывающий проход?


Никак , нету еще деревни


К сожалению, эта деревня еще не реализована. Пожалуйста, подождите, пока она не будет завершена.


What's new in this update


Простое патч фикс обновление 


Translation has been updated and some bugs have been fixed👍


que actualizaciones (personajes)posee la nueva actualización?


Esta actualización corrige errores y actualiza las traducciones. Consulte el registro de desarrollo para obtener más información.

Deleted 1 year ago

Гриб с длинными ногами возрождается при перезагрузки комнаты. Так и должно быть?


Да, это нормально, поскольку история Белла еще не завершена, и этот бой можно повторить.


А где найти этого босса? У меня есть ощущение что я не всё открыл(( 

Этот босс здесь👍


are there any mushroom villagers in the game yet?


Currently there is only the Pink mushroom girl you can fight. The purple and blue mushroom girls have yet to be added in the current build and the mushroom village are not available at this time.


Thanks zxcvb11 for answering that🤝. Yes, those villagers are not implemented yet.


I think the collision damage of weapons greatly increases the difficulty of completing a harmless achievement,has anyone achieved a harmless achievement?


I think that would be very difficult and nearly impossible to achieve😆


Скажи пожалуйста когда ты будешь писать dev log


Как только ver.033 будет завершена, я напишу новый журнал разработчиков👍


Awesome content! wishing best of luck :3


Thank you! I will keep this updated ;)


Ребят подскажите пожалуйста все места где можно собрать сперму для статуи.

(1 edit) (+2)

Их нет пока что , тока у кролика  пока можно


К сожалению, они еще не реализованы. Пожалуйста, подождите будущих обновлений.


I think there is a bug when finished fighting the long leg mushroom boss


there are no bugs 


it isn't a bug. the scene after that boss fight isn't in the game yet.




Yes, her scene will be added in a future update👍


Эх интересно а можно ли добавить мультиплеер? >:) 


Че друга поиметь хошь)


Это не невозможно осуществить, но это будет очень сложно :3


kindly tell me.  my character is 100% pregnant.  what to do next?


Try to go meet the catgirl


Yes, the player need to encounter the cat girl👍

(1 edit) (+1)

momo (cat) girl is here, first you need to defeat her and you can give birth :3 


Thank you for explaining that🤗


my loading screen is stuck while saying loading n3,dxt


Sorry about that bug! I don't know the cause of it, but I think the error is in loading that text file (n3.dxt).

What is your OS and language?


im using windows 11 and the language is set to English

Please uninstall this game and try installing it again. The unzipped file may be corrupt🤔

nene got pregnant. Is there a way to give birth or is that not in the game yet? i dont mean to put pressure on or anything, this is a very fun game (hentai aside lol) Great job to the dev! :)


it’s already in the game. Move around the map & wait for the pregnancy meter to reach 100%. Than visit Momo’s (the cat girl) house.

Yes, thank you for answering that🤝

(1 edit) (+2)

nene can give birth by meeting momo (cat) but first you need to defeat momo girl and her cave here (you will understand) :3


Im ashamed to say thank you for giving me porn game tips lol but thank you guys very much :) stay blessed


No problem!😀 

and mofu has updated this game👍


Thanks elf knight for explaining that!👍


А у меня вопрос а че делать с минотавром который в углу сидит. Я просто не могу ничего с ним сделать. Подскажите пожалуйста


Сначала вы должны дать собаке гриб, чтоб он стал вашем спутником , а потом идти к Минотавру (собака находится где-то наверху точно где не помню).

Спасибо, что объяснили это.🤝 Да, игрок может взять собаку, чтобы разбудить ее.




Спасибо Мофу за красивые трусики

В будущем будет добавлено много других брюк👍


I have explored the whole underground a bunch of times but i can't find any other characters, where can i find the other characters like the spider and stuff.


not yet on the game


Yes, they have not been added yet. They are characters that will be added in the future.


hi is dorlly in the game yet i cant find that boss  yet

Dorlly is located in this circle👍





Hello fun boss fight mofu! I found my self laughing several times during the fight, thanks again for the update and your continued hard work and effort!


Thank you for playing the new update! I will continue to add new content and bug fixes in the future🤗


I am looking forward to it!


Actualmente tienen algun server de discord.para estar mas al pendiente de lo nuevo del juego 


Hay un servidor discord para este juego aquí. Sin embargo, no he editado esto todavía.


wait are lamia in the game? also how many bosses are currently in the game?


There will be a lamia character in a future update and currently, there are 8 bosses.


Yes, Lamia will be added in future updates😉


Mofu is it still long for the lost merchant mission


It's the last mission in this game. It can be achieved once the main character reach the village.


So will Nene's next update return to her original place? And no more missions!? Come on mofu don't joke this game is very good let's extend this game 

The goal of the game is when Nene reaches the village. However, the game can be expanded from there👍


The new character Bell is always stuck there.After I beat the boss and refresh the scene, she will be stuck again...I can fight the boss and get the black pants for several times. It seems she don't have any more dialog?

And the latest dialog dont have Chinese version.

Is that all not finished yet?


Her scene is not finished yet and the repeating boss fight is intentional until Mofu-san is ready for the next update and Bell scene is done.

Yes, Bell's scene is unfinished, so the player can repeat it. Mainly it's for debugging😁

Chinese version will be added in the next update.👍 Maybe I can do that today.

Deleted 1 year ago

You just have to need patience and buy SOUP  

The fights don't need to be modified just because you're "bad" at the game, there are resources to help you at beating them and you don't use it because you don't want to

Thank you for explaining that.🤝 This game is an action game, so may require some familiarisation with the controls.

(1 edit) (+1)

Please, new sex scenes skunk girl


mofu will add scenes of Nene and Dorlly in the future


Yes, that will definitely be added in the future👍

(1 edit) (+1)

How do i complete the quest to go to the mushroom village


mushroom villager has not been added yet, mofu will add it soon in the future


Yes, that quest is incomplete, I will add it in a future update.


Bug report:

1: When trying to skip the dialogue with the pre-boss fight scene, Nene portrait from her dialogue is stuck, even after the pre fight dialogue is done.

2: After Nene is knocked out by boss, the game is stuck and won't restart.

How can I get to the boss location?


The new boss is located in this area:

It's past the pink mushroom boss area, drop to the floor under it and to the left.


oh thanks


Thank you for reporting that bug.🤝 I have found the cause of that bug. When a mushroom is beated, and if the number of remaining mushrooms counts are 0, the next dialogue is executed, but if several mushrooms are beated in the same frame, there is a bug that causes multiple executions of that dialogue. That is when it occurs.

Glad you were able to find and fix the cause of the problem!👍


only 3 items left, in this game are vagina, hand, (don't know what + is used for)

magic hand: from the boss

Vagina: (I don't know)

+: don't know what effect it has in this game


I don't think it's vagina, more like leggings or something


I'd like to add something interesting to those items👍. For the hands I want to add something like a power glove that can move rocks.

+: This could be an ornament or a mushroom on the head.


Ждемс новый патч с секс сценами   прям очень

Я делаю его сейчас. Пожалуйста, подождите еще немного😉


How to get all the cumm, i only get the cum from the Rabit


Currently, you can only collect cum from the rabbit girl. In future updates, you should be able to collect and give semen from other girls to complete that side quest.

Yes, eventually all girls will be able to do that👍


Пока ни как не все персонажи еще есть для квеста

Я добавлю это ко всем персонажам в будущем👍

(1 edit) (+1)

How i can go there? 

Please use the double jump to the wall. However, there is currently nothing there.


Double jump cannot reach that place, and another question the objective mision like find a village people, it's that cannot clear on this version?


Sorry, the mission to find the villagers is still incomplete. 

And, You can just barely reach there by double jump👍


Thanks for the information i will stay waiting for the update...i Like your game 🤩🤩🤩


Hey Mofu, I was wondering.

In earlier builds, you had plans for a succubus futa girl but had to remove it. Are you planning to redesign/redo a new succubus futa to add into the game and replace the old one?


I have no idea about that yet, but I may add a character similar to her in the future👍


Cool! This is kind of related to an older question I asked about having a 2v1 boss fight gimmick. I'm not sure what your original intentions were with the futanari succubus character, but I was thinking if you were to redesign her and bring her back, she'd be an interesting boss to rework as a 2v1 boss. She could be paired with a futa angel and they'd be like a succubus and angel duo/ or devil and angel duo type boss.

They'd be from two opposing races and are supposed to be mortal enemies but instead love each other and work as pair/do everything together, including fighting enemies. They could also have contrasting personalities, such as one would be more bold and assertive, while the other is more shy and reserved. 

If you wanted to include/were planning to include futa twin girls as well, you could also have them, but the twins would have a bitter rivalry instead and would compete for Nene affections. This could lead to a spitroast/ skewered fuck scene or something, with Nene in the middle.

This is just an idea though, so if you already have plans for a different futanari pair to work as a boss, that's fine as well.


Thank you for your futa pair ideas! It sounds great and interesting😇. I will consider twins, pairs of angel and succubus, etc. for future characters to be added.

(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you! I hope we can have an angel and succubus pair/ something similar to fight and a threesome scene with them in the future!🥰


When is the update planned with centaur, dark elves and spider? the roadmap states that this should happen in June.


i doubt it'll happen in june. mofu is working on finishing up bell's update right now, which has a roadmap date of may, so he's running a bit behind.

he'll update the roadmap with new anticipated dates before the end of the month.


Yes, it's difficult to add them in June😓. The roadmap will be re-written in the next few days.

What is the new things in the new update


- Bow is automatically added to inventry when there is no bow.
- Added "Always Dash" to the settings screen.
- Display loading text and the name of the file being loaded at startup.


Thank you for writing that🤝

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