Futakin Valley


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Comment fait on pour remplir les bouteilles pour la statue ? Je doit aller voir qui ?

(1 edit) (+3)

la quête de la statue n'est pas terminée, vous ne pouvez obtenir que du sperme de wulie (lapin), et mofu ajoutera du sperme d'autres filles lorsqu'elles seront vaincues ou interagissent


Oui, j'ai l'intention de rendre le sperme de toutes les filles disponible à l'avenir👍


This game is good ngl can't wait until it finish


Thank you! This game will be finished for sure😉


everyone we need to be patient, quality takes time, yes mofu is a god with the content that he releases but time isn't always on his side if he has time he will work on it when he can


I know, so we need to wait patiently for the next update!


Thank you for waiting to update for this! I will work on this game with all of my time🤗


i literally have all the time in the world to wait, however if i could make a request i would be that i would like to see a few futa scat scenes. nobody really make those at all and the ones from the futa ring game of your were fantastic

Yes, I will add futa scat scenes👍. Also I will add the feature to show a message before showing that scene and allow it to be skipped.

get help


hola! alguno si podria ayudarme.
cuando derroto a la chica zorra, no me solto su espada y ella se quedo tirada en el suelo junto a su hermana, creen que es un bug? simplemente me da la opcion de observar el cuerpo de la hermana y poco mas, no tengo su espada en el inventario.


Lo siento, creo que se trata de un bug. Investigaré la causa.


bueno no intento cambiar las cosas pero ya q este juego esta siendo muy apoyado bueno ehh por q no hacerlo gratis muchas personas no pueden pagar de ahí comienza los los rodós :( atentamente: Alex ❤

el juego es gratis

intenta ponerte en el puesto de mofu, esta desarrollando un juego el solo y lleva desde hace mucho tiempo, es dificil desarrollar un juego y cada esfuerzo merece su ganancia aparte de los comentarios bonitos, merece la pena pagar por el juego completo


Tengo previsto crear dos versiones, una gratuita y otra de pago


Me supongo que la versión de paga vendrá con más contenido y la versión gratuita con menor contenido no?

Sí, pienso hacerlo.


А когда будет обновление, Мофу? Просто уж очень хочется увидеть новые сцены, я ни в коем случае вас не тороплю, просто интересно узнать, в какой период ожидать обновление? 

В настоящее время я работаю над содержанием для новых обновлений. Пожалуйста, подождите еще немного.👍 Эта игра обновляется примерно раз в две недели.


is this game safe? Because windows defender doesn’t think it is.


I think this is because the game doesn't have digital signature


I'm confident that this game is safe. However, there is not a 0% chance that there is no virus in it.

(1 edit) (+1)

Its programmed with unity and windows defender does not even like the Programm unity itself. So the game and defender wont get good friends in the future either.

Yes, Unity program continues to be determined to be a virus because it communicates at startup😓

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi thanks for the amazing game! I would like to know if playing this on an iPhone is possible?


Sorry, this game does not support iPhone.


Apple app store does not like indie developers also pornographic stuff is nearly completley banned there. At least if apple does not have 100% control and insight. So mofu ymwould have to certify the game and pay truckloads of Monet just for getting it playable on customer grate IPhones. It's sadly not Worth it

Yes, it's difficult to publish this because Apple app store does not allow pornographic stuff to be published.


Are Ophelia and Mushria available yet? They can't be found in the area past the semen statue. The area is empty, with only a poison pond.


They were deleted due to "copyright issues"


Yes, Ophelia is no longer available for that reason.

Wut what coppyright  ? I was gone for a while what happened ?

(4 edits) (+1)

Ophelia was partially designed by Lip I believe but had to be removed due to the controversy earlier this year, so the cow girl would have to be redesigned and replaced, if Mofu was to include one. 

I believe Mushria design shouldn't be affected, but due to her story relying on Ophelia and/or other possible reasons, had to be temporarily removed and reworked.

Thank you for explaining that🤝. Mushria will be reintroduced along with another character story.


A futa cow girl, similar to Ophelia, may appear in a future update and the big mushroom sister, Mushria, should also appear in a future update.


Yes, I plan to add a cute cow girl👍



Hope the game will complete soon. I'm very willing to pay for the full game!


Pls be patient

Thank you! I will hasten the development of this game🤗

(1 edit) (+1)

Russian translation


Так долго потому что Мофу который раз обновляет уже существующий девлог,а не делает новый,поэтому сообщения на почту не приходят, и я делаю перевод только по божьей воле когда вспоминаю о Futakin и решаю чекнуть есть ли что то новое.


Большое спасибо за новый перевод!🤗💕 Я добавлю его в игру в ближайшее время!🤝

И извините за обновление без создания нового журнала разработки. Я буду обновлять журнал разработки в будущем.


Ждемс новых секс сцен


Теперь я его готовлю😉


Where is dorly and skunk girl in the new update coz i already battle dorlly before but the cg doesn't unlock


Sorry, that may be a bug. I will consider adding a button to initialize her story in the next version.


Ypu habe to move to the far right of the big cave after big buff mushroom lady you have to chase away for cateri if you dont beat her agian the cg will not show. The progress of characters is reset after an uptade that is adding stuff to them


Hey mofu Itchi here, i just wanted to let you know im on the translation of the Bell dialogue into german. I plan to give it to you somwhat around the weekend. At least if the dialogue stays like this if you add something it might take me some more time to do it.🤔


Thank you so much 1tch1g0 for translating it🤗 I'm now working on a program to extract only the untranslated lines to make translation easier.


that sounds really good. But dont push yourself too hard its not that much Dialoge to read through so its not the Biggesee problem if I have to look into the data to find the untranslated files

Its a easy program👍. And it reduces the effort of the person who does the translation.


does someone have a map with all interactable characters?


hope you will understand these interactive characters :3

(this is the old version)


wow that takes me back

(3 edits) (+3)

oh so pretty much no new characters/content since last year, unless I missed something. Only new character I found was the battle vs skunk girl and the village gatekeeper telling you to find her people (it's where im stuck, dont know further progress). I been playing since battle vs momo was the only fight in game and been doing everything since, stopped keeping up with updates after cynthia fight

(5 edits) (+2)

you can meet the bell girl and fight the mushroom 2 legs beat mushroom 2 legs you can get shorts :3

(2 edits) (+2)

how do u get cowgirl in the shop place? what are you supposed to do after giving bunny semen to the statue? where do you find 'village' people? sorry for so many question im just lost as whats going on xD i just been moving my first save file to new updates without re-playing the game so i dont understand half of it

(8 edits) (+2)

cowherd girl has a bug, the statue to collect the girls' semen has not been added and the villagers will be added in the future, you ask me so much :)

also you can save the file your game here and mofu will add new characters centaur, dark elf, spider, little moster, but we have to wait the update :3


Sorry, many quests are incomplete. Please wait a little longer.


i love this game so much i wish they made it free

Deleted 193 days ago

I will continue to make this available to the public free👍







when is the next update? is it finished this week?because i love this game and i can't wait to play it again


Ba patient or make your own game if you too impatient to wait. Cause comments like this won't change anything or help Mofu im any way

Thank you for loving this game🤗. The next update will be available soon. Please wait a little longer.


what is the last piece of content rigth now?


The most recently added content is a long legs mushroom boss.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hello Mofu)!! When is the continuation of the sperm collection quest planned? I would like Dorley to be the next character to collect sperm from). She's so cute, I really like her)!!


The next girl who can collect semen is Bell. I'm in the process of finishing her story. Of course, I will add that to Dorlly as well👍

(3 edits) (+2)

Hey Mofu-san, just curious.

You mentioned that all the characters are futanari girls or some characters will change and become one. Will there be a futa girl who starts of as a cute otoko no musume (like Bridget from Guilty Gear) and then changes to a sexy futanari? 

This character would have a quest where you have to help her become a  futanari girl, grow pair of boobs and gain a beautiful pussy.


That sounds good🥰. I was only going to have futa in this world, but I'd like to add a cute femboy and make a storyline to make him a futa.

(1 edit) (+1)

No problem!😁 You could potentially think of some interesting story for why the otoko no musume is lost in the valley and how he transforms into a futanari girl. 

Maybe there's a special mushroom hidden in the valley that turns anyone into a futanari. Or maybe a special accessory/treasure that turns anyone into a futa, when worn. Maybe there's a special futanari genie that can grant anyone's wish to become a futa girl. When the futanari genie has sex with the otoko no musume and cums inside them, they'll transform into a sexy futa girl.😍

When she finally transforms into a futa girl, she'll be so eager and let Nene fuck her, using her newly acquired boobs and pussy. Afterward, she can change back into an otoko no musume or futa girl, whenever she wants, via a toggle option. 

These are some example of ideas if you wanted to use them or you can make something else up, if you do plan to add the otoko no musume character. She could have 1 event sex scene, when she's an otoko no musume and another, when she becomes a full futanari girl. 

I hope to see the futa girl who starts of as an otoko no musume, as it could be really fun to design a cute otoko no musume that turns into a sexy futanari🥰.Plus it could potentially lead to an interesting and fun story.


Thank you for all your ideas!🤗 I'd love to add that otoko no musume character. And I want to add the magic that turns anyone into futa😋💕

(1 edit) (+1)

You're welcome! And thank you for considering adding a cute femboy who turns into a sexy futa girl! I hope to possibly see that character in the future.🥰

This is a another question regarding the futa semen bar you've mentioned of wanting to add in the future. In addition to semen drinks, do you plan to add other special drinks you can order, such as futa oppai milk tea, futa beer made from futanari pee, futanari girl pussy juice and/or more?

And when you order the drink, will they have a special event animation or mini game in the futa semen bar? For example, players have to press a button quick for the futanari maid to milk/jerk her penis to milk her semen out. Or another example of a minigame, where you have to hold down a button in time with the on screen prompts, to milk her tits.


I will be adding the futa semen bar👍. The village will be completed soon and I will place it there. And I'd like to make various minigames etc. there. Thank you so much for all your ideas!🤗💕


Hi Mofu, I don't know where I should ask this, but if one wants to help translate the game, where should I go?

This is assuming that said positions are available in the first place.


If you want to Translate something then you need to acess the game files there youll find a bunch of diffenet language files. These you can translate. But please check out the thanks to translater text on this stite too look if there is really a language thats needs to be translated


Thank you for explaining that.🤝 For languages that already have a translator, I will respect the translation they made.


Thank you for your support!🤗 For translations of this game, please look in the game's folder [Game_Data/StreamingAssets/language]. Readme.txt there will explain it in detail.


what's the original language of this game?


english or japanese

i don't know


The original language for this game would be Japanese.


Yes, the original language of this game is Japanese. However, the default language is English.

(1 edit) (+1)

So you are Japanese? I had expected that🤔

Yes, I'm japanese

А что нового в обновлении?


новые возможности для переназначения/настройки элементов управления для Android. Английский язык устанавливается по умолчанию, когда игра не знает, какой язык выбрать. Новая функция для выполнения любого события в диалоге по нажатию F10 на экране воспроизведения.


Спасибо за объяснение!🤗


Пожалуйста, смотрите [Журнал разработки] для новых обновлений👍


kapan update lagi? aku sudah tidak sabar buat lihat kelanjutan ceritanya dan scene scene sx nya


Saya akan segera memperbarui lagi. Mohon tunggu sebentar lagi😉


Can't run with windows 11 (
All I can see is black screen


Are you unzipping the zip file of this game? Or is your anti-virus not responding?


Como se atualiza o jogo no telemóvel?


Descarregue e substitua o apk deste jogo.

como faço isso?

Toque no ficheiro apk que descarregou e escolha instalar.👍


what is this buff? i cannot run fast with it and if rebirth it isnot gone 


you have to make your character cum to be able to run back 

Please press [Q key] to perform a masturbation. This will remove that debuff👍


mofu, when is the next update? I want to see a sex scene with a centaur 

(1 edit) (+1)

Centaur can be added to this game and mofu is drawing her (I'm not sure yet) hope you wait patiently


Okay,I will be more patient to wait for it

Yes, Centaur will definitely be added in the future😉👍

(1 edit) (+2)

The design of the characters is absolutely gorgeous. The author has a good sense when it comes to design

Thank you!😙💕

(1 edit) (+1)

Is there a way to transfer saves from phone to computer? Just the save button doesn't open the save folder.


The saves for this game on phone is stored here.

Android > data > com.Mofulan.FutakenValley > files

Please copy this file to [Documents folder] on your pc.


Thank you 


Могу, надеюсь в следующем обновлении будут новые 18+ сцены, если это так то с кем? 

В следующем обновлении будет добавлена новая сцена для Белл👍


quitando las mejoras al juego, algo de sexo nuevo?

Pronto se añadirán nuevas escenas de sexo👍


I'm loving the game. Out of curiosity, Mofu do you plan to add more scenes with Teala? I fell in love with her, I consider her a "unique" girl, her body well adapted to attracting travelers passing through the vicinity, and thus collecting the semen which is her source of nourishment. Fascinating!


Thank you for loving Teala. I'm looking to add more scenes of her in the future😉


Damn, so fast update, i just download new version this morning, and there is new version 2 hr ago. 


Most likely something no one even noticed, but Mofu did because it's a creation of love. :3

This game will be updated suddenly when new stuff is added👍


I love this game. The Art, gameplay mechanics and h-scenes are unlike any. I hope you make more "connected" break QTEs like in the Wulien fight.


me too, but sadly this game is still in development stage


Thank you for loving this game!🤗 I'd like to add more sex scenes with fight in the future.


What is in the new update?


Copied from Dev log:

[ver 0.032.9]

- Added the feature to freely change the position of buttons in the Android version.

- When the language cannot be distinguished, English is selected by default.

- Added the ability to display the Input field to execute an dialogue tag with the F10 key.

Added a function to change the position of buttons in Android version. Please press the gear button to display it.

Added the feature to execute any event in the dialogue by pressing F10 on the play screen. 

Please enter the tag written in the translation file and press Enter key.


Thanks zxcvb11 for writing that!🤝

Deleted 315 days ago
(1 edit) (+6)

At this point, it sounds like you still need to defeat Dorlly and the new long legs mushroom boss.

Dorlly (skunk girl) is located here:

There'll be a prompt to interact and start the boss fight with her when she's sitting behind some rocks.

The new mushroom boss is located here:

Currently, the story for this boss and the futa girl (Bell) is unfinished. The moment you defeat the boss and exit the room then re-enter, It'll restart the boss fight.

Most of the side quest at this point, (like the semen collection quest and the 3 mushroom girl quest to get into the mushroom village) are still incomplete and you'll have to be patient for future updates for these quests.

Nc new boss


Thanks zxcvb11 for elaborating on that!🤗💕


the semen quest is not done yet

Yes, those will be added in the future👍


i absolutely love the game, but i do think it's a little bit annoying that i get hurt just by touching the bosses. it makes it very difficult to actually hit the boss without blowing through my healing or getting stunlocked and not being able to move at all.

(1 edit) (+2)

Wdym I beat everything without getting hit use the dash button to dodge the attack


And turn on always dash it is easy to beat enemy and learn their attack patern

Yes, thanks for explaining that👍

Please use rolling to avoid touching that boss.


Hey Mofu, is it possible to have a full list of every different version of the game from the beginning  all the way to the end, i love watching as things change and would like for those who support you to be able to see where it began and what changed over time. 

I think it's possible. I'd like to try to make that list😀

(1 edit) (+1)

Have you considered reading the Devlog on this page rather than bothering mofu with a feature that alredy Exists ?

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