Futakin Valley


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Is it possible to find out if there will be new bosses in the version 0,034?And will the number of scenes be significantly increased? (last clarification, which language is easier for you to communicate in MOFU?)

(1 edit) (+3)

Most of the time, when a big update is released like version 0.033 or 0.032, there's usually a new boss and store/CG scene that is added. It's very highly likely that 0.034 will add a new boss and scene to go along with it. 

I'm going to assume that with version 0.034, Mofu-san will re-add the big purple mushroom boss fight, as well as a new scene involving her and the 2 dark elves. Possibly the new tiger girl will also be in version 0.034 update.


Yes, version 0.034 will add the purple mushroom boss and 2 dark elves. Next will be the blue mushroom boss and the tiger girl👍


I can translate and read in any language, so please talk to me in your preferred language😉



Deleted 223 days ago

My discord is mofu777. I may not have received a message from you🧐?

Deleted 223 days ago

It could have been a different account🤔?


Is there anyway to get more magic dolls?


You can reset and get a new doll if you go the left of Momo's house and click to get rid of it. This will reset Nene's pregnancy, which you can get a new one if you ask Momo to help you. At this stage, it's only 1 magic doll that can follow you.


Thanks for explaining that!🤝 Yes, there is currently only one of the magic doll available.


Thanks for Turkish translations. And this is the best hentai game I've ever played


Thank you for playing this game!🤗 Please let me know if there are any mistakes in the translation at any time.


Where I can find the centaur, dark elves and tiger?


thosee character avaible on next update


They have not been added yet. I will add them in the near future.


Can anyone tell me what's new in 33.10?


Copied from Devlog:

[ver 0.033.10] 8/20/2023

- Updated English translation.

- Fixed a bug that the stat of the previous item was displayed in the stat of an unappraised item.

- Fixed a bug that the font did not display correctly when the main charecter fell down.


Yes, thanks for pasting that!🤝






进入巨大雕像后面的房间,触摸墙壁上的植物,就能获得该 buff


No clue if it's finished or not, or I'm just stupid, is the Semen Statue quest finished?


No the games not finished and the Semen Statue quest not finished too😭😭


Yes, that quest is still incomplete. Please wait for future updates.










I already finished the game twice I'm waiting for new characters and missions


only twice?


Thanks for finishing this game! Now I'm developing new content😉


Ктони буть может сделать арт с Дорли?


А не дохуя хочешь? (я тоже хочу)


В дальнейшем будут добавлены другие фотографии Дорли👍


How do i beat mushna i cant beat mushna and ive been trying for days i also cant go anywhere else because the only way out is to beat mushna


Please avoid her attacks by pressing the Y button.


Nvm i figured it out but i cant find bell anywhere


Bell is located here:


Thank you for answering that🤗


When will you add new bosses?


That will be added in the near future👍




Do you have a Patreon or anything like that where I can support you? I just played through the whole beta last night and discovered some secrets and everything is so well done and animated. Your work is incredible for a free title and I’d love to support it. Hoping for a full release later this year 🙏


Thank you for playing this game! And thank you for your kindness! I will be creating subscribestar page soon. If you could support me I would be very happy😉


hola. saben que añadieron enla nueva actualisacion? 


Consulte la página más reciente del registro de desarrollo para ver las nuevas actualizaciones.

[ver 0.033.10] 20/8/2023

- Actualizada la traducción al inglés.

- Se ha corregido un error por el que la estadística del objeto anterior se mostraba en la estadística de un objeto no valorado.

- Corregido un error por el que la fuente no se mostraba correctamente cuando el personaje principal se caía.

(2 edits) (+1)

개인적인 생각이지만 지난번에 개발자님이 성기가커지는 아이템은 보스전을 통해 일정 확률로만 구할 수 있는 레어템이라고 말해주었을 때 생각난 아이디어가 있습니다.

분명 앞으로 나올 npc 증에는 bell처럼 경쟁이나 게임을 즐기는 성격이 있을 것입니다. 그렇다면 성기의 크기를 비교하고 싶어하는 성격의 캐릭터를 등장시키는 것은 어떤가요? 성기 확대 아이템을 장착하기 전까진 성기 비교 게임에서 그녀를 이길 수 없고 그녀를 이기지 못한다면 그녀는 주인공에게 정액병이나 게임 진행을 위한 도움을 주지 않을 것입니다.

 만약 주인공이 성기 확대 아이템을 소지해오거나 성기확대 레벨업등을 해온다면 성기 비교에서 해당 npc의 게임을 이기고 게임이 진행될 수 있는 스토리는 어떤가요?

자신의 성기에 굉장한 자신감이 있던 npc이며 이길 경우에는 자만하며 주인공을 강간하거나 엄청나게 많은 양의 정액을 뿌려 주인공의 몸을 덮어버리지만 주인공이 각각 큰 고환과 큰 성기를 장착해오면 NENE에게 패배하여 주인공에게 강간당하는 것입니다. 물론 NENE의 사정량이(정액이) NPC보다 어마무시하게 많은 양이 나오며 자궁은 물론 몸 전체를 주인공의 정액과 정자로 덮는 패배를 가져다 줍니다.

이 대결에서 이긴 주인공은 이후로 사정량(정액량)과 관련된 스탯이(능력치가) 영구 상승(업그레이드)합니다.

이런 식으로 주인공은 여러 NPC들을 만나며 각 NPC들의 야한 장점이나 능력을 배워나가거나 카피 혹은 극복하거나 압도해가며 전투력 외의 성적인 능력도 상승하는 스토리가 떠올랐습니다.

개인적 아이디어이지만 추천해보고 싶습니다.

적의 능력을 하나하나 따라하거나 닮아가고 끝내 모두의 장점을 넘어서 최강의 후타나리가 되어 최종보스 마녀를 혼내주는 후타나리 엘프가 되길 바랍니다.

성기의 크기, 사정량(정액량), 수압, 정자...?(현미경 스토리) 정자의 수(밀도)와 크기, 모유, 체력, 애무 기술, 키스,인내력(BELL에게 연타 게임을 추가)

등등 비교할 수 있는 여러 성적인 능력들이 있습니다. 모든 NPC는 아니지만 일부 캐릭터들은 BELL처럼 경쟁했으면 좋겠습니다.

물론 여우 자매와 같이 사랑스러운 관계도 좋습니다.


모든 아이디어에 감사드립니다!

주인공과 NPC의 성기 크기를 비교하여 스토리를 진행할 수 있는 기능을 추가하고 싶습니다👍

또한 전투 스킬 외에 성적 능력, NPC와의 관계, 코스튬 등 다른 요소도 강화하고 싶습니다.

또한 보스 등으로부터 희귀 아이템을 얻을 수 있는 리매치 기능도 추가하고 싶습니다.


Now end of august is comming

which means 0.34 is comming!


Is the full release gonna be 1.00 🥲 thats a long way to go then...


As a korean, I have an ability to skip 2yrears


I'm currently working on content for 0.34😉


Thank you for your hard work Game is amazing


А что делать если сходил ко всем и нечего делать? И я не могу найти жителей


Некоторые части не закончены.


А скоро?


если честно, я не знаю. в августе его версия 0.34


Игра не завершена, и эти жители еще не реализованы. Пожалуйста, подождите еще немного.


what's new?


Copied from Devlog:

[ver 0.033.10] 8/20/2023

- Updated English translation.

- Fixed a bug that the stat of the previous item was displayed in the stat of an unappraised item.

- Fixed a bug that the font did not display correctly when the main charecter fell down.


Thank you for pasting that!🤝


Any estimated time when game will be fully finished? Amazing work i love the game will players need to pay for the full version when it comes out? :(


I intend to have this mostly completed by the end of this year.

Also, the price for this game has not yet been determined; if I can get support from patreon or other, I can continue to publish this for free :3


Thanks for replying means a lot love your work

Im really invested in Woulies story love her character😅


what am i missing here?


You need to fight Dorlly, the skunk girl. She's located here:


Thanks zxcvb11 for answering that!🤗


Тебе надо найти и одолеть дорли ( девочка скунс)


Да, эта сцена разблокирована Дорли👍


Idk,but i have question: u play on 32bit phone ? Or its some of emulator?










when come the new Charakter‘s ?


I have some drawings of the new characters completed and will be releasing them soon😉


Is there a dev log of what has been added towards the game? The latest addition says from a month ago.


It's at the bottom of the Devlog page for version 0.033

Copied from Devlog:

[ver 0.033.10] 8/20/2023

- Updated English translation.

- Fixed a bug that the stat of the previous item was displayed in the stat of an unappraised item.

- Fixed a bug that the font did not display correctly when the main charecter fell down.


Thank you for pasting that!🤝


How do you even battle the GNU girl? She just sits in the corner is it not possible to fight her yet or?

(1 edit) (+3)

You need to feed the mushroom dog any mushroom, then take the dog with you to where the Gnu girl is. Once you're in the room, walk up to her until you see a prompt, then press the button and a cutscene will start to begin the battle.


Thanks a lot.


No problem!👍


Thanks zxcvb11 for elaborating on that🤗


how do i get here?


still no way to get there


Yes, there is currently no way to get there.

Ini bos nya dimana biasanya setiap kesini melawan bos jamur

Bos tersebut akan diimplementasikan kembali dalam waktu dekat👍


I downloaded the latest version (0.033.10 win64) but I have some problems.

When I load the latest progress I can't move to any other part of the map, if I do the screen stays black and I can't do anything.

If I start a new game after the character falls, it can't be moved, when using the movement keys a small menu opens with the options to skip, auto, log, etc. but still the character doesn't move :(


Sorry about that bug! It's probably that the interactive mode has not been unlocked. I will fix that in the next update.


You are so outstanding! You brought translations for people all over the world. infinite thanks!


Thank you! I will add translations whenever possible👍


Ini gimana hilangin status itu saya sudah coba tekan Bunga itu terus menerus tetapi ga bisa hilang

Coba emote yang ngocok ntar jadi kecil lagi


Ya, status itu bisa dihilangkan dengan masturbasi emote.


terima kasih tenyata memang bisa





版本 0.033.10]

- 更新了英文翻译。

- 修复了未评价物品的统计中显示前一个物品的统计的错误。

- 修复了主角倒地时字体显示不正确的问题。



(1 edit) (+3)

pondras tu juego en steam ?


Sí. Creo que las intenciones de mofu-san son lanzarlo en Steam y en Itch oficialmente, una vez que esté listo.


Sí, pienso hacerlo. Lanzaré una versión demo en Steam cuando el juego esté un poco más completo.






A Vietnamese ver of this game  has errors too


Could you please let me know which part has the error? I'd like to fix it🙏


i am still fix it


https://terabox.com/s/1MLV_kVwUQiCcB2rInkH4iQ this link is let you(mofu and vn player) go to the vn fix file .I fix everything i can to help vn player can enjoy mofu's game. And of course if you are vn player and good at english ( because i don't good at english very much, idm is so hard) you can help mofu fix it. thank you for your work, mofu. 


Thank you so much for making that fix file! But for some reason I don't have access to it😭 Could you upload it to my discord (mofu777) or wetransfer etc.?




Thank you! I was able to download it🤗 I will add it in the next update🤝






Does anyone know where the inhabitants are, because I only found 1
Alguien sabe donde se encuentran los habitantes, por que solo encontre a 1

solo hay uno hasta ahora. Las otras 2 chicas hongos se agregarán en una actualización posterior.


Sí, esos aldeanos aún no están implementados. Los añadiré en una futura actualización👍


Te la rifaste Mofu es un juego increible,¿que se vendran en las próximas actualizaciones?


La próxima actualización añadirá nuevas imágenes de los personajes😉


Sedang menunggu terjemahan bahasa Indonesia 

( ´-ω-)


Haha, maaf aku belum sempat meng-update terjemahannya. Akan aku kerjakan sesegera aku punya waktu senggang.

Haha, sorry I haven't have the time updating the translation. I will work on it as soon as I have free time.

(1 edit) (+5)

Sekali lagi terima kasih Daikon atas semua bantuan Anda dalam penerjemahan🤗

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