go to here and you meet the maze, you need the magic stick has a yellow head, it will show you the way. (I still don't know its name that stick so im sorry)
Mofu I really lost everything because the neighbor kids, they deleted my favorite game Futakin Vally, I'm really sad because of what the kids did :( *they really annoying*
My neighbors asked me to take care of the children because they had work to do. I really hate this but I can't do anything about it because they are my family acquaintances, so I have to take care of kid them😮💨
The reason the kids deleted my games was because my phone the screen hasn't turned off yet so they deleted the games they were related to and I'm still outside to buy noodles for them to eat.
That's what happened.
(sorry my english it very bad hope everyone understand me say😭)
Esta buenisimo el juego las animaciones son buenas las batallas tambien y la historia esta interesante
Aunque me parece aburrido que los personajes se queden estaticos es decir no se mueven despues de las misiones y batallas seria bueno que agregara interacciones eroticas a los personajes algo parecido al de la loba pero con todas tambien agregar que las interacciones sean de ambas partes es decir que de y reciba si pones anal y vaginal seria 4 escenas con lo minimo y si pone a los que estan en par serian unas 9 escenas (anal-vagina- doble penetracion etc) es una idea a tener encuenta y animaria mucho a los demas ya que serian escenas tambien se podria poner un sistema de logros para desbloquerlos es mucho trabajo lo se pero es solo ideas
hablando por otro lado piensas agregar escenas eroticas a la oruga de la tienda? VIVAN LAS LOLIS :D
Gracias por tu gran sugerencia. Añadiré nuevas escenas de esa chica oruga en el futuro. Y me gustaría añadir más misiones e interacciones para todos los personajes ;)
descubrí tu juego hace unos días y lo terminé enseguida , muchas felicidades por hacer tal obra maestra, sigue siendo un diamante en bruto pero promete mucho solo espero que lo puedas seguir actualizando. Mi opinión es parecida a la de Dream0war que deberías de agregar mas interacciones con los personajes para darle mas recompensa al jugador, solo quisiera que antes de poder avanzar mas en la historia pudieras agregar interacción con las chicas de poderle hacer mas cosas. Saludos y gracias por hacer para mi el mejor juego futa que existe, ojalá y pudiera hacer mi aporte para apoyar tu gran trabajo
are you sure ?, i'm still fighting it and the end when her health bar goes down she just go like T pose and go into the air and send alot star and big big exploseon
When you almost beat her to death she will be invincible but there is a way to beat she when she creates a big explosion you should use the linnea fox's sword to hit the explosion she create and that all.🐧
what are you guys doing? why you all talk about or asking stupid questions????
something has to be going on here with that game and creator since it's removed from everywhere and it can't be because of what the game is about because there's way worse games than some futanari game
oh my f****** god so it's because of Loli? I didn't even get the feeling the game had that in it, because it's a cute and sexy sprite fighting porn game
then I hope you able to sell the game some other place because don't change your game just because of these assholes websites
Go to the back of the statue and go through it, you will see the dark elf running away from a mushroom fat lady, you will have to help them if you defeat that mushroom fat lady, once you have After defeating the fat mushroom, go to the dark elf's house to interact with the small dark elf (hana), if you want to get the final scene, you need a dildo (kill mushroom mini walk to chance drop it 1%) and a bottle, you got the scene of the little dark elf (hana) that all :>
ждём когда могу добавит в настройках. Бессмертие. Играла в старую версию, когда скачивала новою. Не устанавливалась. Удалила - прогресс. В итоге снова страдать от боссов. И НЕВОЗМОЖНО НОРМАЛЬНО СКИПАТЬ БЕСЕДУ, поэтому удалю. До поры до времени. Игра конечно хорошая и приятна глазу. Жаль что некоторые персонажи были вырезаны.
Система была улучшена, и теперь все разговоры можно пропустить. Кроме того, в будущем будет добавлен ряд улучшений, которые могут улучшить сражения с боссами😉
Mofu, I can't install your game on pixel 7 android 14 (AP1A.240305.019.A1). I tried installing 32bit and 64bit version but the problem remains. during the installation of version 64bit writes "The application is not installed because its package is not valid (for example, damaged)". Can you help me please
I've played this for some time now and really enjoy the game. Though for awhile its been difficult finding a newer download link as I had to get a new pc. I cannot wait for it to be released on Steam
Hi sorry to bother you with such stupid question but I accidentally deleted the bottle item given by the statue and I cannot continue the questline, are there any ways to get it back?
responde ai se puder e cada atualizaçao o jogo fica mais legal bonito mais a cada atualizaçao ele fica com mais bugs e agora mofu mais saiba que eu amo seu jogo e vc amoo muito mesmo
Desculpa a demora mofu eu não tive tempo desculpa mesmo eu só fui entrar o bosta aí quando me cachorrinho foi lá e mordeu começou a luta até aí tudo bem mais quando o Boss destruiu tudo causou esse bug eu tive dificuldades por causa disso mais consegui ganhar mais que bug em mofu
I downloaded this game a day ago and I loved it so much. Can't wait to see what's coming next. Can you get to the mushroom town? if so I can't find how to.
← Return to game
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Does anyone know how to find Celine
go to here and you meet the maze, you need the magic stick has a yellow head, it will show you the way. (I still don't know its name that stick so im sorry)
this it old page mofu-san
How i get the yellow wand?
That yellow wand is next to the pillar where you can reenact the boss battle.
That reeanct boss battle thing isn't working for me, what do I do?
Mofu I really lost everything because the neighbor kids, they deleted my favorite game Futakin Vally, I'm really sad because of what the kids did :( *they really annoying*
My neighbors asked me to take care of the children because they had work to do. I really hate this but I can't do anything about it because they are my family acquaintances, so I have to take care of kid them😮💨
The reason the kids deleted my games was because my phone the screen hasn't turned off yet so they deleted the games they were related to and I'm still outside to buy noodles for them to eat.
That's what happened.
(sorry my english it very bad hope everyone understand me say😭)
I'm still sad right now the game maybe I should rest a bit
Please forgive those kids🙏 This game is incomplete, so save data may not be inheritable in the next major update.
I know Mofu i will be okay dont worry about me👍 :(
Mofu you are the best i ever see :(
Esta buenisimo el juego las animaciones son buenas las batallas tambien y la historia esta interesante
Aunque me parece aburrido que los personajes se queden estaticos es decir no se mueven despues de las misiones y batallas seria bueno que agregara interacciones eroticas a los personajes algo parecido al de la loba pero con todas tambien agregar que las interacciones sean de ambas partes es decir que de y reciba si pones anal y vaginal seria 4 escenas con lo minimo y si pone a los que estan en par serian unas 9 escenas (anal-vagina- doble penetracion etc) es una idea a tener encuenta y animaria mucho a los demas ya que serian escenas tambien se podria poner un sistema de logros para desbloquerlos es mucho trabajo lo se pero es solo ideas
hablando por otro lado piensas agregar escenas eroticas a la oruga de la tienda?
Gracias por tu gran sugerencia. Añadiré nuevas escenas de esa chica oruga en el futuro. Y me gustaría añadir más misiones e interacciones para todos los personajes ;)
descubrí tu juego hace unos días y lo terminé enseguida , muchas felicidades por hacer tal obra maestra, sigue siendo un diamante en bruto pero promete mucho solo espero que lo puedas seguir actualizando. Mi opinión es parecida a la de Dream0war que deberías de agregar mas interacciones con los personajes para darle mas recompensa al jugador, solo quisiera que antes de poder avanzar mas en la historia pudieras agregar interacción con las chicas de poderle hacer mas cosas. Saludos y gracias por hacer para mi el mejor juego futa que existe, ojalá y pudiera hacer mi aporte para apoyar tu gran trabajo
Does anyone know how to find Celine
Celine is in the maze near the rabbit girl. Please use the yellow wand in the cave.
Mofuuu when will the new update release
Where can I download this game
Please download it on my fanbox page👍
How i defeat sperm witch i manage to make her hp go down but i stuck at her flying in the air
Sperm witch? Can you tell me what character it is.
it's a boss in the cave 4
Oh That character is not complete yet, you need to wait the next update👍
are you sure ?, i'm still fighting it and the end when her health bar goes down she just go like T pose and go into the air and send alot star and big big exploseon
ah I'm sorry I forgot to check Mofu's page update 💀 (Im so dumb)
When you almost beat her to death she will be invincible but there is a way to beat she when she creates a big explosion you should use the linnea fox's sword to hit the explosion she create and that all.🐧
How do I get there how to clear the maze
Please get the yellow wand and use it in that maze.
what are you guys doing? why you all talk about or asking stupid questions????
something has to be going on here with that game and creator since it's removed from everywhere and it can't be because of what the game is about because there's way worse games than some futanari game
like has the Creator been involved in illegal stuff? or does the game contain malware? or stolen content?
if no to all of this? then the only reason this person and the game is removed from everywhere is mass reporting and why is that happening?
Man, the game has 2 nude l0l1s, even if its not the worst its in the ban list, in only so happened that the ban hammer reched futakin valley
And also a girl that said some things about blackmail but we dont talk about that, it already ended
The admin of itchio banned this game because “this game contains minors”. patreon suddenly suspended my account without any explanation why😞
oh my f****** god so it's because of Loli? I didn't even get the feeling the game had that in it, because it's a cute and sexy sprite fighting porn game
then I hope you able to sell the game some other place because don't change your game just because of these assholes websites
I really hope at some point website will stop discriminating against f****** loli it's insane
I agree with you. And this game will be released on Steam with some images separated.
Почему нету игри и послания не работает
Эта игра была запрещена, так что теперь это выложено на моей странице в фанбоксе.
Why is the subscribestar link down? where can I see more updates on the game?
I have this published in my fanbox page, so please take a look there.
hey mofu can i get some type of walkthrough or idk cause im on 76% completion and im lost i dont know what to do now
Sorry, this game is incomplete, so please wait until this is completed. Currently 76% may be the max.
Mofu i can't see the link for Android .
can you send it here ?
You should come in https://subscribestar.adult/mofu you can download link here👍
It said it doesn't here any more do you have another game that is good
You need a subscribestar account and have to login to view and download the page. (this it i copy from zxcvb11 in Pixiv Fanbox)
Please login before accessing that page. But they can be accessed from my fanbox page.
Please download it on my fanbox page👍
When is it coming to steam.
A page has been created for this game on Steam. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2890360/FutakinValley/
why is the futaken valley game nowhere to be found?
If i remember right, i think its in steam(maybe?)
Please find it on my fanbox page👍
how to get the last sex scene? can someone help me
Go to the back of the statue and go through it, you will see the dark elf running away from a mushroom fat lady, you will have to help them if you defeat that mushroom fat lady, once you have After defeating the fat mushroom, go to the dark elf's house to interact with the small dark elf (hana), if you want to get the final scene, you need a dildo (kill mushroom mini walk to chance drop it 1%) and a bottle, you got the scene of the little dark elf (hana) that all :>
Thank you elf knight for answering that question!🤝
ждём когда могу добавит в настройках. Бессмертие. Играла в старую версию, когда скачивала новою. Не устанавливалась. Удалила - прогресс. В итоге снова страдать от боссов. И НЕВОЗМОЖНО НОРМАЛЬНО СКИПАТЬ БЕСЕДУ, поэтому удалю. До поры до времени. Игра конечно хорошая и приятна глазу. Жаль что некоторые персонажи были вырезаны.
Система была улучшена, и теперь все разговоры можно пропустить. Кроме того, в будущем будет добавлен ряд улучшений, которые могут улучшить сражения с боссами😉
I don't understand where it is
This game is also distributed in my fanbox page👍
Buenas tardes dónde ahora descargare el juego :(
Vos preciona anda a la pagina dd mofu the itch.io, ahi estan los links a sus otras paginas, en una esta las alctualizaciones
Descárgalo en mi página fanbox ;)
Mofu, I can't install your game on pixel 7 android 14 (AP1A.240305.019.A1). I tried installing 32bit and 64bit version but the problem remains. during the installation of version 64bit writes "The application is not installed because its package is not valid (for example, damaged)". Can you help me please
Sorry about that problem. The cause of it is unknown, but I will investigate it🤔
本游戏完成后将在Steam上发布👍 由于这款游戏已在 itchio 上被禁,今后可能无法在此发布
I've played this for some time now and really enjoy the game. Though for awhile its been difficult finding a newer download link as I had to get a new pc. I cannot wait for it to be released on Steam
Thank you for playing this game! This game will be completed and released on Steam this year😉
Mofu, hi
Please tell me where to download your game, if the page itch.io was blocked...
Please download it on my subscribestar page.
Como faço para estalar a versão mais recente do Futakin valley
Descarregue-o na minha página de Subscribestar.
Can anyone tell how to get erecshroom
In the latest version it's located near the entrance of the cave.
Thanks mofu and please launch the new Android update
Hi sorry to bother you with such stupid question but I accidentally deleted the bottle item given by the statue and I cannot continue the questline, are there any ways to get it back?
Please pick up that bottle again in the near distance of that statue.
Привет всем
您可以随时在本页找到它👍 https://www.fanbox.cc/@mfr/posts/6842868
It says the game has been suspended, how can I download it on mobile
It's available on my fanbox page, so please download it there👍
请点击我的账户名进入我的粉fanbox页面 https://mfr.fanbox.cc/
Hello Mofu I just wanted to say I am patiently waiting for Futakin to come to steam!
I will gladly spend my money on the finished product. Will there also be an official english translation / steam port of futa ring?
Thank you! Futakin and Futa ring will both be available on Steam in the future😉
how do i get erecshroom? and where?
You need to kill mini mushroom it will drop a item erecshroom and you go to place here to kill them :>
Yes, thank you for writing about it!🤗 The walking mushrooms drop it.
responde ai se puder e cada atualizaçao o jogo fica mais legal bonito mais a cada atualizaçao ele fica com mais bugs e agora mofu mais saiba que eu amo seu jogo e vc amoo muito mesmo
Por favor, informe-me como causou este erro😓
Desculpa a demora mofu eu não tive tempo desculpa mesmo eu só fui entrar o bosta aí quando me cachorrinho foi lá e mordeu começou a luta até aí tudo bem mais quando o Boss destruiu tudo causou esse bug eu tive dificuldades por causa disso mais consegui ganhar mais que bug em mofu
Obrigado por me informar sobre esse erro! Provavelmente foi corrigido na versão mais recente.
Valwu mofu te amo meu querido
outro bug oq tá acontecendo mofu meu amigo? Já achei vários bugs nessa atualização
Sorry for so many bugs😭
请搜索 "MetroidVania" https://itch.io/games/tag-metroidvania
Olha isso mofu que bug
I did it again! :D
Thank you for achieving all those achievements!🤗💕
It seems to be no new content within the last months but bug fixes and new translations, right?
Yes, the new update 0.034 that Mofu has made it and also it takes at least 3 weeks or 1 month, so hope you patiently.
(I'm using machine translation if I translated it wrong, I hope you dont confused)
Yes, the new characters and battle system will take about a month. Please wait a little longer.
This game continues to be available on my fanbox page👍
I want to upload this game here but it has been suspended.
I was looking for it and I panicked when I didn't see it here.
Is that game been took down?
This game has not been deleted, but is no longer available to the public.
I downloaded this game a day ago and I loved it so much. Can't wait to see what's coming next. Can you get to the mushroom town? if so I can't find how to.
Mushroom villagers have not been added yet, please wait patiently
Thank you for liking this game! That village will be added soon😉
donde consigo el ErecShroom
Por favor, consíguelo derribando setas andantes.
How do ya get the Hana scene?
follow the path behind the huge stone statue.
Yes, Hana is there. And need an empty bottle and Erecshroom.
Sorry, after talking to hana with both Items, nothing happens?
You need penis and bottle empty to talk hana👍
Yes, and please equip Erecshroom.