I gotta say i really dig this game! the animations and character designs are super cute! I do have a few questions/suggestions:
1- Will there be any new or unlockable emote/special actions? it would be super fun if the other characters reacted to you doing them in front of them somehow. (like scolding you for peeing while inside their homes, would be funny!)
2- Probably a silly one, but will it be addressed in-game why everyone is just naked? the monster girls i can understand, but Nene was traveling with only a backpack and some "shorts" on. Don't get me wrong i love the casual nudity!
3- On that note more cosmetic items would be nice! im hoping for the classic thigh highs or arm warmers, maybe a bikini!
4- last one, will there ever be a discord server for talking about Mofu's games?
Yes, If I open a discord server, at this point, it may be difficult for me to open it, as I may not be able to manage it without some time on my hands.
You know that you can add mod right ? i'm pretty sure that the people here would gladly help you (and i'm pretty sure there is some people connected 24h the day on discord)
In fact, a big problem is management,because discord may mix with some weird people,it will be messy if Mofu doesn't have time to manage.After all, you may see some spams from time to time here,let alone discord,but Mofu seems to think he can give consideration to two or more things.
Is there anything here to be done? because in my previous question, you told me that there is a boss to fight in this area, but I can't go higher on the ladder and can't do anything in this area (The mushroom house).
You misunderstood, the boss was standing in front of this house, and inside the house there is only a double jump mushroom. You can't go up to the second floor.
Hello, just played the new update but when i load an old save Nene isn't here : Plus, when i go on the success/achievement, it says that i didnt beat the cat girl, but i defeated her...
Thank you for sharing that bug! I think this is a very critical bug, but I can't reproduce it. If you can, please upload that save file to wetransfer and I will fix it👍
Your save file is fine and there were no errors. So I could not identify the cause of the bug.😭 Perhaps this may be fixed by uninstalling the game and installing it again.
You don't need to explain these to me,I know that, because I had a lot of communication with her when Mofu san was updating at fanbox,this sentence is just joking.We are all Mofu's old fan,though I have known Lip for less two years
Yeah, it's great when he helps, but its a good thing that even though he is the most active he isn't actually influencing mofu or even hindering his progress, it's good when the dev is free to do as he wants
Understood, asking cuz you're so perfectly write on Eng and Rus...
Короче очень впечатляет) насколько мне известно переводчики из браузера так грамотно не переводят >< (и пардон , что перешёл на рус , конечно могу на англе, но он у меня не очень грамотный :))
Thanks for the comment, these are active characters. And in the future you will be able to have sex again, and more varied, when the development is successful enough.
I've installed the 64Bit Linux Build on my Steam Deck, and am having an issue with DPAD input, All other inputs work fine, but the DPAD controls use Left and Right as Down and Up, while Up and Down do nothing, Rebinding the controls can only fix Left and Right, as Up and Down simply are not registering in the game it seems.
Edit - On further play, it appears the triggers also are not being picked up by the game on the linux build, I suspect more buttons may not be working unfortunately.
This game is getting more and more incredible!! And i'm always following the development of the game i've been following the project for over 4 months and it's always improving!. This game is the best FUTANARI game I've played!. every other FUTANARI game i've found had male characters that kill my desire to play the game! i hate FUTAS games that have male characters. Please never add male character this would take the immersion out of the game!. And thank you for creating a masterpiece that is this game!!! Please alwasy continue to create projects with FUTANARIS!
Questions to anyone that knows this but dose boost effects percentage like for example drop rarity or item drop stack on top each other boosting outcome when u equip accessories or armor to the protagonist or no?
ребят, продукт просто на наивысшем уровне среди, пожалуй, всех nsfw игр, которые мне доводилось встречать, но чорт побери, одно пожелание, не обделяйте, пожалуйста, сторонников более традиционного эротического контента, это я к тому что сам я не такой уж и заядлый фанат этих ваших футунари, но играть очень нравится, поскольку аналогов просто нигде не найти, надеюсь в последующих обновлениях появится больше разнообразного контента
No estoy seguro de si fue intencional pero dejaste que se viera la siguiente seccion junto con el modelo de la vaca y este otro personaje, me encanta poder ver el avance dentro del juego, como un beta tester :3 pero pues aun asi aviso en caso de que no fuese intenciona
Peço desculpa por ter causado novamente o mesmo insecto! Desta vez, parece que o bug foi causado por entradas do Android que não identificaram correctamente a ordem de entrada.
Tbh, this game is the most fun and enjoyable game that I have ever played. I like how the MC can interact with the others, the scenes before and after a battle, and the most favorite thing about this is the futa adventure.
I have concern, I think that I have completed the game because I have beated 2 bosses, and if the developer uploads an update or bug fixes, should I just download the last version of the game? or should I delete the game and re install it? to be up to date with the updates. Because I really love this game and want to play it up to date <3
Multiple questions 1. will there be more animated game over cutsenes everytime u die from an normal enemies or bosses, 2. Will there be an leveling up system and an enchantment weapon and equipment system to get buffs, 3. will there more lewd or r18 reaction commands in for every ncp, and 4 will the be sexy lewd outfit for the protagonist and party members to equip?
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I gotta say i really dig this game! the animations and character designs are super cute!
I do have a few questions/suggestions:
1- Will there be any new or unlockable emote/special actions? it would be super fun if the other characters reacted to you doing them in front of them somehow. (like scolding you for peeing while inside their homes, would be funny!)
2- Probably a silly one, but will it be addressed in-game why everyone is just naked? the monster girls i can understand, but Nene was traveling with only a backpack and some "shorts" on. Don't get me wrong i love the casual nudity!
3- On that note more cosmetic items would be nice! im hoping for the classic thigh highs or arm warmers, maybe a bikini!
4- last one, will there ever be a discord server for talking about Mofu's games?
1.Mofu has plan to add all character's reaction and Nene's special actions.
2.In this world,no one is shy about nudity,being naked is normal.But I think it would be addressed,or it may be naked all the time😆
3.Mofu will add more cosmetic items.
4.I don't know,but Mofu seems to have a plan to open a discord in the future
Coincidence,but you seem to be in itch for 24 hours,basically, you can reply soon
For the sake of your health, please sleep well.
Thank you for answering!
Thank you so much for answering that! All of them are right🤗
About discord,though he said he might open up,I don't know whether it will be really opened.
Once the game is a little more developed I would like to open it😁
Oh, you might be mixing me up with someone else, this is the first time i've commented here. Thank you for answering tho!
Thank you so much for responding on my behalf!🤗
Yes, If I open a discord server, at this point, it may be difficult for me to open it, as I may not be able to manage it without some time on my hands.
You know that you can add mod right ? i'm pretty sure that the people here would gladly help you (and i'm pretty sure there is some people connected 24h the day on discord)
Yes, I often don't have time to respond to many messages. And it's likely to be the same on Discord.
you're right, i didn't considered that
In fact, a big problem is management,because discord may mix with some weird people,it will be messy if Mofu doesn't have time to manage.After all, you may see some spams from time to time here,let alone discord,but Mofu seems to think he can give consideration to two or more things.
Yes, I agree with you. I will not be able to manage it and may not be able to reply.
Thank you for playing this!
1- Yes, any emote can be added. I will add a lot of them once I have a few more systems completed👍
2- In this world everyone is futa, so there is no need to hide their body. However, they do wear clothes for decoration or protection from the cold.
3- Yes, I'm in the process of creating a system that can do cosmetics and unlock body shapes.
4- There is no discord server in this game, but i would like to add it if possible.
Soo...what new? Its already update i don't find a new enemy
Yes, still it's under development, but new areas are being added there👍
Is there anything here to be done? because in my previous question, you told me that there is a boss to fight in this area, but I can't go higher on the ladder and can't do anything in this area (The mushroom house).
You misunderstood, the boss was standing in front of this house, and inside the house there is only a double jump mushroom. You can't go up to the second floor.
Yes, I think so too.
Thank you for explaining that!🤝
It's just a house now,nothing special.There is a boss Remy in front of the house
Yes, that's right! Incidentally, the upper floor of the house will be a shortcut to other areas😉
Я прошол игру за 37 минут и не разу не умер. 😁
Ты обалденный!👍
Спасибо большое за похвалу😁.Я и не ожидал услышать похволу от вас.😙
How long will it take u guys to update the gam
Yes, that's right!👍
I will update this about once every two weeks. When there are serious bugs I will update this immediately.
I found the cow girl in the new w.i.p zone but...what's 5he monstrosity next to her lol?
Yes, she will attack the MC😉
What's new ?
Yes, thank you for linking that page🤗
Как взаимодействовать с быко-девкой? (Gnu)
Да, она проснется, сделав это. Спасибо🤗
Можно кратко что добавили в этом обновлении?
Да, изменения там отмечены.👍
I can't run faster in this update
Wha..? You running by default tho
Oh,sorry! I'm indeed unable to run with the RT button. I will fix it soon!
Будет ли потом возможность осмотреть каждого персонажа как маленькую лисичку? :D
Ибо возможность достаточно..интересная :)
вообще, было бы ещё интересно как то с этим видом взаимодействовать ..Аля тыкать , трогать ><
Но Я полагаю, я удаляюсь в мрак скриптинга , кодинга и слишком трудное желаю ><
✧\(>o<)ノ✧ большое и тебе и ему спасибо:)
Весьма приятная новость^~^ без преувеличения, данный проект будет одним из лучших в жанре эротических игр. Как минимум по моему мнению:3
Большое спасибо! Я планирую добавить систему сенсорного управления для всех персонажей. :)
Hello, just played the new update but when i load an old save Nene isn't here :
Plus, when i go on the success/achievement, it says that i didnt beat the cat girl, but i defeated her...
Ah that's annoying :/
No no, the normal one
Thank you for sharing that bug! I think this is a very critical bug, but I can't reproduce it. If you can, please upload that save file to wetransfer and I will fix it👍
Idk if it what i was supposed to do X)
Thank you so much for uploading that! I will fix it now!🤝
Thank youuuuu (you're the best Mofuuuu)
Your save file is fine and there were no errors. So I could not identify the cause of the bug.😭 Perhaps this may be fixed by uninstalling the game and installing it again.
Hehe, Lipstor is a local celebrity here
Best futa game. Best Dev. And best Community manager
He deserved this attention:D
So you admit that you are a manager?
Since he's working whis comments section and help users , he did a job of community manager
But this isnt means , that he's C-M
Just helping his mate - mofu, whis this kind of work
You don't need to explain these to me,I know that, because I had a lot of communication with her when Mofu san was updating at fanbox,this sentence is just joking.We are all Mofu's old fan,though I have known Lip for less two years
Yeah, it's great when he helps, but its a good thing that even though he is the most active he isn't actually influencing mofu or even hindering his progress, it's good when the dev is free to do as he wants
Lipstor is a wonderful person who is very helpful and has helped me the most👍
Hey Lipster , can i ask about you're main language?
Understood, asking cuz you're so perfectly write on Eng and Rus...
Короче очень впечатляет) насколько мне известно переводчики из браузера так грамотно не переводят >< (и пардон , что перешёл на рус , конечно могу на англе, но он у меня не очень грамотный :))
Can you adding a special action sex missionary ?
Lipstore answered me like this:
21 minutes ago
Thanks for the comment, these are active characters. And in the future you will be able to have sex again, and more varied, when the development is successful enough.
Yes, development of this game is ongoing, so I will be adding more and more requested features in the future🤗
Ребята, сколько сейчас есть активных персонажей в игре и можно ли как-то с ними повторно заняться сексом, к примеру с Rabbit?
Спасибо за вашу работу, разработчик. Это лучшая игра на эту тематику, слежу за проектом время от времени, уже 4 месяц))
Очень приятно, что Mofu и Liptor такие отзывчивые)
Спасибо за ответ)
Это просто замечательная новость, жду этого обновления с нетерпением)
Lipstor и mofu, вы молодцы, очень приятно видеть такую активность. Надеюсь ваша игра станет хитом, удачи вам в разработке)
Большое спасибо за вашу поддержку! Я буду продолжать улучшать эту игру.👍
Спасибо, что ответили на вопросы!
Best game ever
Thank you🤝
Yes, adding them may take some time.
I would like to add them in the next update, but it may be different content.🤔
Mofu dev There's something wrong with Sprint run or RT control on Android because it doesn't work if I press it many times.
Sorry for my bad English...
I Press ⬆️ and ➡️ or opposite , i repeat it and it works
Oh I see
Sorry, It's a bug. I will fix it right away!🤧
how i trigger the gnu?
Read FAQ
Yes, it's in the FAQ👍
Thank you for explaining that!🤗
I've installed the 64Bit Linux Build on my Steam Deck, and am having an issue with DPAD input, All other inputs work fine, but the DPAD controls use Left and Right as Down and Up, while Up and Down do nothing, Rebinding the controls can only fix Left and Right, as Up and Down simply are not registering in the game it seems.
Edit -
On further play, it appears the triggers also are not being picked up by the game on the linux build, I suspect more buttons may not be working unfortunately.
Ah, I was primarily hoping to bring this to attention in case you weren't aware of it.
Good to know the issue is known! Love the game so far from what ive played on pc.
Yes, I don't have them and can't currently fix it, but I would like to get them and fix that issue.
Thank you for letting me know about that issue! I can't verify it as I don't have the steam deck, but I will look for ways to remedy it.
This game is getting more and more incredible!!
And i'm always following the development of the game i've been following the project for over 4 months and it's always improving!.
This game is the best FUTANARI game I've played!.
every other FUTANARI game i've found had male characters that kill my desire to play the game! i hate FUTAS games that have male characters.
Please never add male character this would take the immersion out of the game!.
And thank you for creating a masterpiece that is this game!!!
Please alwasy continue to create projects with FUTANARIS!
knowing that makes me very happy, thank you!
Absolutely correct 😄
Mofu is a awesome futanari artist,and he said this game won't appear male character
Yes, futa combines the best of both😁
Thank you! that's right😉
Yes, I agree with you!🤝 I only make futas in this game.
Questions to anyone that knows this but dose boost effects percentage like for example drop rarity or item drop stack on top each other boosting outcome when u equip accessories or armor to the protagonist or no?
Yes, The effects of the equipment can stack up. Thank you for responding🤗
Oh I'm sorry! I will look into the cause😭
Can somebody please send save with secret rare item? And how to replace save files on Android?
The location of save files is "Android/data/com.Mofuland.FutakenValley/files".
And sorry, save files I have no plans to distribute.
А что за секретный предмет я просмотрел все ссылки с FANBOX включая и Twitter и нигде не нашел упоминание о нём или я что не понял
ребят, продукт просто на наивысшем уровне среди, пожалуй, всех nsfw игр, которые мне доводилось встречать, но чорт побери, одно пожелание, не обделяйте, пожалуйста, сторонников более традиционного эротического контента, это я к тому что сам я не такой уж и заядлый фанат этих ваших футунари, но играть очень нравится, поскольку аналогов просто нигде не найти, надеюсь в последующих обновлениях появится больше разнообразного контента
Спасибо! Я буду улучшать эту игру, чтобы иметь большее разнообразие содержания и свободное управление.👍
Sorry about the bug! Perhaps the MC can not come back from outside the screen.🤔
And how to see what was added in the new version?
What was added in the old one I can, in the new one I can't
Thanks -w-
Sorry for always having bugs. And thank you for always letting me know about it!🤗
Yes, I will write a devlog after updating the game to show which parts were changed.👍
Thank you so much for letting me know about that bug! I hope to fix it before the next update🤗
Yes, If I'm in the process of making it and it seems like it will take a long time, I will update it even during development😉
¿dónde está este lugar?
there? I can't walk in
really like cowgirl cock
download the new one
No hay problema con poder ver esta sección. Me gusta poder ver el progreso así que lo hago público.😁
Have u tried and Bluetooth playstation or Xbox controller on the android game
No meu celular esta acontecendo o mesmo problema as vezes eu aperto pra pula e o boneco fica pulando mais pula pra outra direção
Peço desculpa por ter causado novamente o mesmo insecto! Desta vez, parece que o bug foi causado por entradas do Android que não identificaram correctamente a ordem de entrada.
Thank you so much for bringing that bug to my attention! I have fixed it urgently. It seems that multiple taps were incorrectly recognized.
whats in the new update?
Please read the new updates in the new dev log👍
oh sorry i didnt get it until i refreshed my page
Hi, in the next update, can you release full screen? because even if I go to my phone's settings and put full screen mode in the game, it doesn't work
Thank you for your concern🤗 That's no problem. I don't care about it so please don't worry.
Sorry for the bug in the Android version that prevents it from going to full screen. I'm investigating the cause of this problem.
Are there any plans on making not only the MC being able to change cock size, balls, breast size etc with mushrooms, but for other NPCs as well?
Any plans for a mushroom that makes the MC younger/older for a period of time?
It'll take so much work...Thanks for the answer
Yes, it takes time, but it's not difficult😉
Yes, I plan to add many mushrooms in the future that will change body shape. I also plan to add items that will make the MC younger.👍
Tbh, this game is the most fun and enjoyable game that I have ever played. I like how the MC can interact with the others, the scenes before and after a battle, and the most favorite thing about this is the futa adventure.
I have concern, I think that I have completed the game because I have beated 2 bosses, and if the developer uploads an update or bug fixes, should I just download the last version of the game? or should I delete the game and re install it? to be up to date with the updates. Because I really love this game and want to play it up to date <3
Yes, that's right! Thank you for answering the question🤗
Thank you so much for enjoying this game! This game does not lose the save files when you update it, so that's ok👍
I love this game, both its art and its gameplay is very good
Yes, I will improve this and add lots of pictures😉
Thank you for playing this game!
I was wondering there is a girl that is crouching down you find her after passing the bunny, does she do anything yet
Thank you for linking that!🤗
Yes, there are many characters in this game that have not yet been operated.
Why don't you read FAQ?
It would be my pleasure if anyone read FAQ, but even if not, no problem.😉
Sorry, that crouching girl still does not work. I intend to make her in the near future.
Multiple questions 1. will there be more animated game over cutsenes everytime u die from an normal enemies or bosses, 2. Will there be an leveling up system and an enchantment weapon and equipment system to get buffs, 3. will there more lewd or r18 reaction commands in for every ncp, and 4 will the be sexy lewd outfit for the protagonist and party members to equip?
Lip thank you for responding! that's right👍
1.Yes, I'm working on improving the system now and will include all cutscenes when that is done.👍
2. All items have random enchantments on them that change their state when the protagonist equip them.
3. Yes, I will add more lewd images in the future😉
4. The protagonist's outfit will continue to increase. I would like to make it possible to change other NPCs as well.