Futakin Valley


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Excuse me, but can you place another link to download on android ? I can't download on the link in the web since

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I don't play on mobile, but I tried to download it and I didn't get any download error


Are you unable to download the apk for this page? If it does not, try clearing your browser cache or changing the directory where it's saved.


how do i face the bosses again, after having defeated them

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Yes, I plan to add that option👍

Only a question, y get birth so i have the other companion and i don't know how get the dog again for the Chyntia fight and scene help plz

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Thanks :D

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Yes, that's right! Thank you for writing that!🤗

Or, by "Load" again, each NPC will return to its original position.

What items are in the game

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Thank you so much for explaining that! I will be adding more lots of new items in the near future👍


Я выбил эрекциогрб с надписью редкость дрпа +2%

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Да, и его стата увеличивает частоту выпадения редких грибов👍


great game I had fun eagerly awaiting new content

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Great game need taking time to elaborate,stay tunned.


Thank you for playing this game! This will continue to be updated😉


Great game with a good amount of depth so far! I was a big fan of Futana Ring so I'm glad to see you're following it up strong with another banger. My only suggestion as of now would be slightly tweaking player and enemy invulnerability frames as there are times you are able to completely stunlock bosses like Linnea's first phase if you use the bow and other times bosses can set you up for constant damage loops like Momo's second phase. Otherwise though, nearly perfect.

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Oh yeah I figured out the gimmick after a bit. Just used it as an example of how it's possible to be juggled by projectiles if you're not careful and wasn't sure if it's fully intended.

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The cat following tell was a nice indicator yeah. I hadn't noticed uncovered dick tell though. Nice attention to detail.

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Thank you for explaining that! Yes, the Momo is uncovered penis.👍

I just spamed whis super attack of the sword from elder fox girl>~> 

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Thank you for your feedback!👍 I would like to think of some countermeasures for stunlock and invincible frames in the fight against Boss. The bow is very powerful so I’m considering changing it to a stamina system that makes it difficult to fire it in rapid succession.


Спасибо разработчику за создание этой чудесной игры, Lipstor, тебе тоже спасибо. А теперь к интересующему меня вопросу. 

Искал способ поддержать разработчика не только словесно, но и материально, как говориться: "на печеньки", но нигде не нашёл ничего подобного. Вероятно я плохо искал и добрые люди смогут направить меня по нужной ссылке :)

/Yandex translator version:

Thank you to the developer for creating this wonderful game, Lipstor, thank you too. And now to the question that interests me.

I was looking for a way to support the developer not only verbally, but also financially, as they say: "for cookies," but I didn't find anything like that anywhere. I probably searched badly and kind people will be able to direct me to the right link :)

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Thank you for linking to that! and yes, I will add translations on all my old games🤗


Thank you for your support! I have not opened the patreon etc but would like to do that in the future😉

Does anyone know when the update


There will be a bug fix soon

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There is no set day that I update. I update when new content is created or when bugs need to be fixed urgently😉

It is very difficult to communicate in a language other than your own, if you forgive me for the wrong words and expressions, the translator is a little lame


Oh, I understand you)

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О-о-о-о привет земляк)))

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I use Google Translate

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(2 edits) (+1)

I see this game as a good platform game, not just a simple hentai game. Therefore, I think the complexity of the bosses and the plot is also important here. I love platform games, especially complex ones. So I don't think bosses should be easy.

That feeling of a long-awaited victory is lost if the boss is too easy. As they say in Russia "Без труда не выловишь и рыбку из пруда")) (Nothing can be achieved without effort).


Of course, if Mofu believes that the game should become easier, then I have nothing against it, I'm not creating this game, after all)

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hahaha, that's reassuring)


How is character creation going? :)

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Wow, this is cool, good luck to you, I want to see your character as soon as possible)

Just take your time, it's better to do everything carefully, but slowly

How to get a character pregnant 

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Yes, that's right! Thank you so much for explaining that👍


Encontre a un npc que no aparece en los existentes xd

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Please tell me where is this place

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Thank you for answering that question!🤗




I'm glad you are listening to comments, but I think it's also important to know what types of comments are good to ignore.

For one, any comment that simply makes a demand of you for some change to the game without any real context. (This shows they don't really play or test your game and are just selfishly requesting something). Secondly, any request that is unique to one person. This is also a selfish request and can be ignored.

If a change is something more people will want, you will most likely see lots of replies and likes on it. In that case, I think it's safe to work on it, IF you actually want to add it to your game.

I would also caution you on frequent commenters who try to speak for you. Feel free to correct them if they are wrong. Remember, it's your game! Do what you want with it!

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Nah, I made a separate account from my main since this is an adult game and I don't want my comments on adult games visible on my main itch account. 

My point still stands though, not all requests are created equal, some people are selfish and want the game tailored to them, and if all of those requests are listened to it can bog down development.

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I'm willing to incorporate anyone's request into the game as much as possible, but if it has the potential to break the game, I will not do it. However, if I'm asked to make a change in a way that improves the game, I'm willing to do so whenever possible.😉


Please, notify me when mofu decide what to ro>< 

Tomorrow i have some work...so i cant check it by myself >~>

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Alr then 乁| ・ 〰 ・ |ㄏ

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Congratulations @Lipstor for getting your own character into the game!! I just saw now that Mofu allowed you to design one and I'm very happy for you :D

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I look forward to seeing your OC!😁


О, кстати, а NPS смогут забеременеть от главного героя в будущих обновлениях?

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Да, я добавлю эту возможность всем NPC.👍

thanks for the answer :)


I really like this game, some of the boss fights are too hard for me to beat, but I love when bosses aren't easy to beat and I have to find different ways to beat the bosses.

Also Im playing this on a Chromebook with linux beta installed, but I don't know how to run Linux files so I got Wine emulator and installed the windows version. But anyways keep up the good work.

(1 edit) (+1)

I also like this game, I'm glad that you think so too, at the expense of the difficulty of the bosses. In general, everything is very easy to go through with mushroom soup (a thing for heals a character). Unfortunately, I can't help with the latter.


Enough mushroom soup and the bow are your best choice


real elf :)


By the way, if it's not a secret, what language are you?

I am Russian)

I'm only asking out of curiosity





I'll keep that in mind

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Yes, thank you for explaining that! 🤗 It seems that Linux needs to be allowed to run it due to security issues.

On a Chromebook? if so where is this?

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I'm still confused, is there a video or tutorial made by you going step by step?

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Thank you for playing this! I will add more interesting elements to the boss battles so that you can enjoy them even if they are difficult.👍

(1 edit) (+1)

Buenas... Mmmmmm, tremendo pedazo de juego acabo de jugar; de los mejores que he visto con el estilo 2D plataformero, no tengo mucho que decir pues el pequeño gameplay me dejó satisfecho.

Solo queda esperar la siguiente actualización y muchas gracias por ponerlo en español, eso facilitó enterder muchos diálogos.

Posdata: Muchas gracias por hacer a casi todos los personajes del género “futanari”, es uno de mis favoritos.


Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo).

Soy fanático de este juego y también estoy esperando nuevas actualizaciones.

Por cierto, este juego está siendo desarrollado por un desarrollador, su nombre es Mofu.


Pues hay que agradecerle a Mofu por este gran juego, desde ahora también soy fanático de esta obra de arte...

Muchas gracias, por la información “Spike Spiegel”.


Ja ja ja nada. Estudiemos nuevas actualizaciones y busquemos errores juntos en nombre de mejorar el juego))

Y esto, lo siento si estoy escribiendo incomprensible, no sé español)

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Lo que es verdad es verdad.

Si no está claro, entonces esta es una frase rusa traducida al español, que significa "Verdadero".

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Por cierto, ¿en España el idioma principal es el español y el segundo idioma es el inglés?

¿O estudiaste inglés por iniciativa propia?

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Ah ha ha ha :))

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Online action games and friends from other countries helped me to learn eng 

I still remember each nickname of them, even after 2 year's of ..."silence"

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Es bueno saber que todos los personajes que saldrán en un futuro, serán Futa y “Lipstor” muchas gracias por traducir el juego a el español.

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One of the worst games I’ve played. The graphics are good but the game is boring. After half a day, I couldn’t go on and I let it go.
Not recommended.

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In my opinion, the fighting scenes are too difficult to complete and in the long run they are boring.


The difficulty of this game is unremarkable. All bosses are passable and not very difficult. Sorry, this is a platformer, not Elden Ring.) Play FOBS, and then write here about the boringness and complexity of the gameplay. And yes, the game is in development, what you now see in the game may change beyond recognition.


In fact, it's not difficult. I think this game just like Megaman,which can be passed with more practice,and you can buy a lot of mushroom soup to recover HP and beat bosses by using the bow.

Of course,this game is still in development,a lot of interesting contents will be added in the future.

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I know,just for example,because I've been playing Megaman recently.😂

haha you bad

I'm sorry that this game is too difficult. I hope to add elements in the future that will allow the player to try again and again without boring them.



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Is Gnu and the witch playable rn? is that i see comments down saying they cant defeat them lol. And if they are pls tell me how

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ohhh ok ok thx a bunch, love the game btw :D

i have been trying now but it doesnt seem to do nothing lol

is she supposed to look like this?

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Yes, the player need to do "inspect" in front of her. Thank you for explaining it!👍




I already said that Lipstor is a local celebrity here, but looks like people are now lewding the gal and now want her in-game. I think there's been an escape from horny jail recently. 


Nah. I didn't meant to add her as fuckable secret character . 

I meant something else .


Easter egg cameo? Oh my

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All right


Слушай, а ведь и вправду классно бы было, если её добавят в виде статуи или как там разработчики за помощь в создании игры благодарят))


Поскольку она здесь отвечает за помощь и ответы на вопросы, можно сделать её в качестве персонажа, дающего наводки на что-то или просто которая взамен..ну например на различные грибы, даёт валюту. 

(1 edit) (+2)

А-а-а-а, как Гид из Террарии к примеру, только без жертвоприношений)) 


Ну...типо того +/- 

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Wow, did you draw this?


Well, ye. Good variant too.


I thought in the form of a statuette of some kind, or a board of honor, I hope I wrote it clearly))


I will be adding Lipstor to the Credit of this game, also it would be nice to show her in that way.👍


Well I will wait))

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wow, I didn't even think about that. Then I'd better address you as a guy?)

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Ha-ha<3 we know , cuz most of em prefer to be anon:) 

Its obvious Tho. 

Well, its always ...nice too see the girl interested whis THIS kind of stuff , for us - boys >< 

But most of us (or maybe all of us, i guess.) here respect you and dont want to ...give ya special attention only because of youre sex 

Youre the good kind person, whod always (24/7 :p) helps users and ect 


Как же вы ее симпите, господи, у меня аж радуга из глаз пошла


Чел. Уймись. Единственный кто здесь больше всех выпендриваешься. 

Если чем-то недоволен - делай это молча. В сторонке. 

Не груби, товарищ. Никто не отнимает ее у тебя ;)


О так ты из России)


Его ник читается транслитом. Лично мне было давно понятно что он рус из-за этого.


Should mofu add Lipstor as little easter egg to the game 🤔🤔🤔 ಠಿヮಠ


I agree with you, it would be nice to see something like that

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Good idea, I would like to see it in the next updates :)

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I think if he likes this idea, then he can implement it)

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(3 edits) (+1)

In fact, considering rationally, is it really good to do so?Creating contents for one person🤔,although it's good to help in the comment area enthusiastically.Of course, I just think it's better to keep a low profile

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(1 edit) (+2)

If so, it's OK.I'm just worried that if your name appears directly in the game, although everybody know you have helped many people in the comment area and you have also provided a lot of help for Mofu,it still may cause some people's dissatisfaction.If it's just like that blonde-haired girl,it's not bad.

Of course, the issue of this girl has also caused some controversy,finally, Mofu came out and explained it😓

Nothing,I just like to think about the consequences.

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nah nah, i think he is! 

Youve really deserved something like this :D 

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Youve really helping him alot tho :)

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Yes, I think so too :)


Lipstor is loved by many people,so I think it's a good idea for her to appear in the game.😁




I started to get all no damage achievements
And I noticed that cat girl (when you meet her) has a naked penis already

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Yes, it's a bug🤧

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I like this game very much... but im wondering if when the game makes a full release will you be able to play it only if u purchase it or would it be free to play.

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honestly, that is a good price for 10/10 game 

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The price seems really low for such a good game. Of course im not saying that I want it to be expensive😅

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I got real scared for a second lol

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(1 edit) (+1)

WTH you were thinking?👎

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Being free is impossible,and I think it shouldn't be free.


I will be releasing a beta version of this for free, but will sell it on Steam once it's finished.


I very like your art and when i know you make a game, i very happy, at first there's no android version, but after that you made it, so i play it so many time, that i ended up clearing all achievement

I can do it bcuz there's stats in equipment, idk if it cheat or not, but when i save before getting equipment,  i can change the stats if i load it, but in 0.031.21, i can't do it anymore, did you remove it?, well, there is new update but im scared that my achivement gone, like in the previous version

Well, that's all, i love you mofu

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Yes, uninstalling the game will probably delete them.

Thank you for playing this game! Updating this game is no problem. The save file of the Android version will be lost if you uninstall the game, but not if you install the game by overwriting it.👍


great game!!! I'm waiting for future updates, since I've completed everything so far


I agree the game is cool, I'm also waiting for updates))

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Thank you! I will update when I have new content😁


Обновление неплохое интересно когда будет следующая обнова

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Ну слушай, обновления часто появляются, в основном это исправление ошибок, но вроде как готовится большое обновление (если я ничего не путаю). И вот тогда появится больше контента, чего мы все ждём).

Mofu вообще крутой, ты представь такой качественный платформер в одиночку делает. Lipstor тоже крутая, она постоянно всем отвечает 24/7)

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Спасибо за помощь🥰


Новые обновления будут планироваться примерно раз в две недели. Я буду делать это, когда будут добавлены новые карты или персонажи.👍


i love the at style but unfortunately the game is just too goddamn hard for me, i'd like to enjoy it but after spending 2 hours i just can't kill the gnu and witch, it's impossible for me to finish it

could you add a cheat menu or something to allow us shitty players to enjoy stuff ?

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Yes, with recovery items, battles in this game become easy😉

I have noticed that many games creator here have been removed their games. One of my favourite games is also yours Mofu! Where can we find your platform on game update and blog and interactions? I would like to know

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yeah sure

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Never cheat on a good game,it will  ruin it,it always does.😣

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There are always some people who want to be lazy


Give you a tip to beat gnu:Bring enough mushrooms which could recover your HP and use the bow to shoot her while jumping.

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I didn't,I could try it right now


I did completed all bosses and that's not that hard
Once I learned that you don't need to jump over mushroom girl you can simply roll over under her, that was  surprising.

But I won't tell you how easy that is. I really love when hard nsfw game gives you some common cheats

So there you go, this is my  100% save  (some items are in the crate)

Place it in: My Computer>Documants> FutakenValley (My directory)
Save should appear in game
It is recommended to restart the game.😁


Thank you for upload your save file!👍

hey  bro,

i click your save link,but it not found in this address.

so please can you share your save  again? i really need it to view what is missing.

Guess it got removed, it's an old game save anyway

I'm sorry that this game is so difficult. I would like to reduce the difficulty in the future by making items available in various locations that increase Life and magic.

And in my opinion the game is just right in terms of complexity. Do you know the game forest of the blue skin? That's where it's really hard. And this game is pretty hard. I don't understand how people can't pass it, how they will pass DARK SOULS 1))

despite being an average pc gaming enjoyer, i believe that games should be accessible to everyone, even if they're bad

All games are available, you just need to sweat a little to complete them. This one, for example, is quite normal in terms of complexity. Play Dead Cells, because it is more difficult, and many have passed it.

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Здравствуйте дорогой автор, у меня есть вопрос, можно ли в следующих версия забеременеть от других кроме зайчихи?

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Да, это верно! В настоящее время эта функция ограничена, поскольку является экспериментальной, но я планирую добавить ее для всех персонажей в будущем.😉

(3 edits)


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By the way for those who don't know: If you masturbate in front of Wuelie (after defeating her obviously) you can "communicate" with her. Pretty funny detail :D.

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Thank you for writing it! I have many more of their responses planned👍







(1 edit)


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thanks for the new update. can i get information about new update?

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Yes, fixed a bug that Nene cannot sprint on Android version👍

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Yes, that bug has already been fixed😉

Thanks for checking back for an update! I wrote about the update here👍



Hi Mofu! Thanks so much for developing this game.

Wuelie is my favorite character. I wanted to ask a few questions:

1) After you defeat her, she tells Nene that she's raped people in the past. How many, and did she ever impregnate anyone else?

2) If she had a consenting partner, how many times could Wuelie ejaculate before she was satisfied?

3) In the game, will Wuelie have the chance to impregnate anyone else besides Nene?

4) Will there be any paizuri scenes in your game?

Thanks, and keep up the great work. Please take your time and don't rush the development. 


Thank you for the question about Wuelie!

1) She may be impregnating more than one villager due to her inability to control her sexual desire.

2) She is not satisfied with how many times she ejaculates and continues to ejaculate as long as she is strong enough.

3) I would like to add more of those scenes if you would like👍

4) Yes, I plan to add those scenes.


On android os playing it with a bug i found,when i control the main character moves to left,she can run fast,but when to right she can't run fast.if she firstly runs to left and then runs to right with keeping my finger on the screen she  can run fast to right.

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Thank you for letting me know about that bug! That has been fixed in this update.👍

I appreciate your replying.


Что добавили в обновлении?


Там фиксы

Исправлены некоторые ошибки в работе версии для Android.👍


Блин, я тут подумал, а может в будущем mofuland добавит гарпию в игру? Я бы очень хотел видеть такого персонажа в игре)

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Какую именно игру, повзоль узнать 👀

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Спасибо за ссылку на него! Я добавлю к ней переводы😉

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В будущем я планирую добавить девушку-гарпию.👍

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