I think I have encountered some problems, such as I can't fight fight with Gun, and after defeating the boss, I got the equipment but couldn't find it in the item column.
I have defeated all the bosses, which is very interesting, but I think the most difficult boss is Catwoman, especially the second stage.I am very much looking forward to the next update.
so uh I'm kinda embarrassed it took me way too long to beat the catgirl she kept beating me because her bullet hell out matched my dodge frames never had that happen before so of course i did her last and she took 4 mushroom soup and 2 uses of the mushroom umbrella healing more healing than any other boss.
I figured that out and i kept getting hit after healing as the healing is a bit long but a suggestion i would make is buffing the wooden sword as the whip is faster and a longer range and i quickly found myself never using the wooden sword and it puts you in range for the idle damage of the enemies weapons which isn't wanted for such a fast paced game unless it's a challenge run kind of thing.
Oh yea don't shorten healing times unless it's an item as it's a risk reward thing.
I've just recently started playing and i've been wondering how updates are applied? Do I just redownload the game with the new update or does it do it on it's own?
Ребят! Я планирую пройти всю на данный момент сюжетную линию без урона, используя только палку, до 29 Августа (моего дня рожденья) как думаете получиться или нет?
take your time.. this game is awsome, it looks too good and the mecanics are nostalgic.. i fell like playing megaman sometimes.. cuz i have to move too fast and avoid too fast while hiting xD its too fun..
lol, yeah it's taking a bit longer but since the game is almost reaching a state where it can be sold on steam, I think it's fair to have delayed updates.
Be patient,,maybe he also met some difficulties,and in general, it takes relatively short time to fix some bugs and little problems, so the update is fast,but making the new art and other new contents will obviously take more time,so I'm willing to wait.
Well, I've been following the game's development since version 030.1. The game very unique and very enjoyable to play. It sure is very promising, even though it's in a phase of 30-40% of the full content (I think)
I have some suggestions: pregnancy with multiple babies, postpartum lactation, a breast/penis growth potion (I know there is a mushroom that increases the breasts and penis, but this potion would gradually increase and the end result would be considerably larger breasts and penis), prostitution to earn golden mushrooms (in-game currency) or/and items (in sex, your character can eat or be eaten), extra slot for intimate parts cosmetics (for example, to pierce breasts or pussy) and stores around that sell loot (of clothes, mushrooms that give powers and weapons, for example).
There will be places to buy clothing afaik. The intimate part cosmetics are also a thing, Mofu simply hasn't added items yet. Also about the prostitution part, I'm not sure if that would be a good idea because the game is not about administration, it's about collecting loot from enemies you fight.
Also it's a bit hard to say how much is done by now. A lot of people have been making a lot of requests and the game is currently demanding CGs more than sprites
Well, the suggestions are just things I'd like to see in the final version, but I understand you don't agree with the suggestions. Have a nice night (or day depending where you live).
I have added some restrictions to allow me to sell in the store. It seems that the representation of baby is forbidden, so they have become puppets. And the mc lay eggs.
Yes, I will definitely implement the feature that will allow the MC to give birth to multiple babes. and her body shape changes will be in the system to be unlocked and I intend to allow decorations to be done with items, etc.
i need some help... How can i interact with the minotaur that is stuck? cause i'm missing the last picture in the gallery and i guess it has something to do with the minotaur? if not, i have 2 things to do then xD
Edit: it says i have to fight cynthia but i have no idea who that might be...
this has been discussed several times. To interact/fight with the Minotaur you must bring a mushroom dog. Hopefully this is useful and I'm sorry if my words are not polite
sorry, but i searched for this kinda comment who could help, but i haven't found it after 5 min. of simply scrolling so i just commented myself... and Thank you very much for the help ^^
The method of opening a path blocked by mud with a mushroom dog is very good, but since that would make it unplayable depending on the save data, so I'm considering implementing it in a different way.
Just realized that if you masturbate infront of the bunny girl she will join in on the fun. I'm guessing thats going to be a feature for all the other npc.
in the mobile version i also have problems with the ds4, but only with the joysticks and d-pad, is there anyone else who has had the same problem and has been able to solve it? i tried to move the controller settings as far as i could but nothing worked u.u (i love the game btw <3, but play in mobile is a little bit hard)
Please consider improving the quality of the game, if it's close to 720p I'm sure it can be improved because I've played 2d action games that were created with their images in 4k quality and I have a mid-range computer from 10 years ago
It's possible to replace images with 4k size, but that would be an large processing load. so I fear the game will run very slowly if I incorporate it.🤔
Hey I've been wondering about this for a while, I have a 2k monitor and your game looks blurry and pixelated at full graphics. In what image quality do you draw the pictures? Couldn't it be higher? I think it's a shame that a game with art as good as yours is overshadowed by this because it makes it look like an old game
Man, this game only has one developer. I think this game is very good and it will only get better with time. It is currently under development and will most likely be fixed in the future.
Besides the picture, there are many other things to be completed,because creating a game is not only drawing,but also completing code and a series of other designs,and this game is ACT game,not ADV,so there are more elements to be designed.Mofu will have his own plan,like his past game"Futaring",the early version also had poor picture quality,but later it's improved.
So if you could put forward to some suggestion,please say how to do,rather than only talk about the image quality is bad,otherwise, it's just that the quality of pictures are poor without any constructive opinions,you have to let Mofu know those problem.
And I don't know how you interpret the meaning that I hope his game looks bad,as his big fan,of course I hope his game better and better.I may not understand some art knowledge very well,please forgive,but you looks so excited,calm down please.If you have any opinions, please put them forward peacefully,I believe Mofu will receive.
Of course, compared with his usual paintings, the quality of the pictures in the game is lower,I could notice,Lip also irised out some bad details before.
I asked the same question half a year ago and I have not seen any change, the game is still blurry and with jagged edges due to the low resolution of the images.
Yes, you are right. This game is created in 1376x774 size, so if you increase the screen size, the image will be somewhat blurry. However, if I increase the size of images any further, the processing will become too heavy and it will be difficult to run the game as an action game. Since this problem is very difficult to solve, I plan to complete the game at its current size.
In theory you could a) draw every picture with very high resolution and use automatic downscaling
b) upscale existing pictures with a tool like waifu2x and manually fix artifacts if there are any egregious ones.
I've not understand the breeding mechanics, will you be able to breed with more characters? will minion can be upgradable or will remain the same as soon as they are generated? but beyond that, really nice game, congratulations
Right now, you can only get pregnant from Rabbit in the game, but in the future this feature will be available with all characters. While minions cannot be improved (as far as I know), they can only be changed. I agree, the game is very good))
Your games are awesome! I'm a big fan of your projects and also art style. Nice work!
Also I want to ask a question. As I see, you have added russian translation, but it is a bit goofy. So, as a big fan of yours, do you need help with proper translation? I will be pleased to help you.
Там много косноязычных предложений откровенно (сейчас не очень хочется искать точные примеры), ошибки с согласованием, разрывы в словах и предложениях, но это может быть банальная проблема с отображением текста в самой игре из-за каких-то ошибок движка или эмуляции
As of now, I haven't finished the game or what can be finished, though I'm enjoying everything so far and I'm excited to see more content for this game!
No requests or anything here. Been keeping an eye on the interaction here and seeing how Mofu interacts with people even tho the gigachad Lipstor takes care of it, makes me want to support this game even more.
As for the game. i ran it on my Huawei tablet using a controller. Was one of the best experiences I had on that tablet. Can't believe that this game is still in development with how smooth and high quality it is! A day one buy on both pc and android for me once it's fully completed.
Thanks for the links! I followed Mofu on twitter for a long time but didn't really look into the games before. I'll end up buying a few since I play other games in japanese even without understanding anything.
I have a question, in the future will you add main scenes or events with more text? as for mixing the metroidvania genre with visual novel, I would like to see more dialogue with more erotic literature >->
yeah, I do, even then they're unskipable, you can only reverse back or even if skip button exist, it still won't be that fast because game is skipping reveal text feature and then next message and it lasts too long
thanks! I love it when games have story development and it's not just going back and forth without really understanding anything and not caring about the characters
I found a girl on a left cave wearing white and she just sit still there, idk what I can do with her and i found unfinished stage too. Can you tell me what can we do about the big lady statue?
Can't wait to see new updates. I really like this game because has a good animation and the other things i like is the size of this game it's not big like others games.
← Return to game
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Thank you! I would like to be🥰
I think I have encountered some problems, such as I can't fight fight with Gun, and after defeating the boss, I got the equipment but couldn't find it in the item column.
I have defeated all the bosses, which is very interesting, but I think the most difficult boss is Catwoman, especially the second stage.I am very much looking forward to the next update.
Yes, thank you for explaining that🤗
You can use the bow,in second stage,where cat appear is where real body is.
I don't know what weapon he used to defeat the boss.,but just share the simplest way
Thank you for playing this! New contents are under development by me right now. Please wait for the next update👍
I am stuck? What do you do after beating cow girl
Ah yup thanks so now i have to wait for the next update seen all the bosses are already down
Thank you for playing this! Yes, I will add new bosses and areas in future updates😉
Only one boss may be added to a big update, because it will be difficult to add all bosses to a big update and it will take a lot of time.
Yes, I'm working on them now and it will take a while😉
Ah do you also have any recommendations game for me i haven't been able to find one lately
Ah i see thank you for the recommendation
Yes, those 2 are very great games! Thank you for recommending them👍
How to wake up gnu girl shes just stay like that
Yes, Thank you so much for writing that🤗
so uh I'm kinda embarrassed it took me way too long to beat the catgirl she kept beating me because her bullet hell out matched my dodge frames never had that happen before so of course i did her last and she took 4 mushroom soup and 2 uses of the mushroom umbrella healing more healing than any other boss.
I figured that out and i kept getting hit after healing as the healing is a bit long but a suggestion i would make is buffing the wooden sword as the whip is faster and a longer range and i quickly found myself never using the wooden sword and it puts you in range for the idle damage of the enemies weapons which isn't wanted for such a fast paced game unless it's a challenge run kind of thing.
Oh yea don't shorten healing times unless it's an item as it's a risk reward thing.
Yes, healing takes some time, so it have some risk👍
Thank you for playing until you win the catgirl!🤗💕
Please buff wooden sword i love the aesthetic of it.
the katana you get from the first boss.
may i know when the next update is :)
There is no exact time, it can only be based on the progress of Mofu's work
ok i will wait until the next update :)
Thank you so much for the detailed explanation! Yes, that's right👍
I've just recently started playing and i've been wondering how updates are applied? Do I just redownload the game with the new update or does it do it on it's own?
okay thank you!
Yes, thank you for explaining that🤗 This game save the save files in the Documents folder, so they will not delete when the user update this.
I can't beat Gnu, but other than that I really love this game! Good job and I can't wait for what's to come next.
I tried but I always run out of power befor they break the ground.
also, thanks for the advice and in such fast time!
Thank you for explaining how to fight, Lip🤝
Thank you for playing this!
The gnu girl is the strongest boss at the moment, but the Bosses that will be added in the future will be even stronger😁
holy crap ima need a lot of food
ikr ;-;
It's ok,the walking mushrooms are continuously😆
well there bout to go extinke because i still havent beat her.
Ребят! Я планирую пройти всю на данный момент сюжетную линию без урона, используя только палку, до 29 Августа (моего дня рожденья) как думаете получиться или нет?
жду от тебя хороших новостей,Кроме того, заранее поздравляю тебя с днем рождения
Я верю, что у тебя все получится. С днем рождения!😊
Момо, Синтия и может Машна самые сложные будут.
Удачи в прохождении!
Давай мужик, я верю, что у тебя получится. Я тоже пытался так игру пройти, но мне кошка заруинила всё прохождение. Берегись кошки и её снарядов
take your time.. this game is awsome, it looks too good and the mecanics are nostalgic.. i fell like playing megaman sometimes.. cuz i have to move too fast and avoid too fast while hiting xD its too fun..
I love megaman too.🥰 There are many aspects of this game that I use as references.
Play with me😆
What a coincidence! I've been playing with megaman recently
The wait is unbearable, Mofu has been spoiling us with fast and great updates. Now we all suffer without his art
lol, yeah it's taking a bit longer but since the game is almost reaching a state where it can be sold on steam, I think it's fair to have delayed updates.
Be patient,,maybe he also met some difficulties,and in general, it takes relatively short time to fix some bugs and little problems, so the update is fast,but making the new art and other new contents will obviously take more time,so I'm willing to wait.
Sorry for the delay in updating this. Development is currently at a temporary standstill, but I believe I will be able to update again soon👍
We all would wait as much as you need, Mofu, because quality should always come first before speed
Thank you for your kindness! I will proceed with the development as soon as possible👍
Please take as long as you want, quality will always be more important than quantity.
Thank you so much! I will raise this quality as much as possible😉
mofu how much will you release The BIG update?
Sorry for the delay in development! I would like to update this as soon as possible.👍
a tip for those who are new to the game and are finding it difficult:
Buy multiple spears and good luck (the game is incredibly easy that way)
Yes, that weapon is the most powerful👍
Very cool game I wish there were more games like this
I love this type of game too, please search on metroidvania and you will find many interesting pieces😁
Well, I've been following the game's development since version 030.1. The game very unique and very enjoyable to play. It sure is very promising, even though it's in a phase of 30-40% of the full content (I think)
I have some suggestions: pregnancy with multiple babies, postpartum lactation, a breast/penis growth potion (I know there is a mushroom that increases the breasts and penis, but this potion would gradually increase and the end result would be considerably larger breasts and penis), prostitution to earn golden mushrooms (in-game currency) or/and items (in sex, your character can eat or be eaten), extra slot for intimate parts cosmetics (for example, to pierce breasts or pussy) and stores around that sell loot (of clothes, mushrooms that give powers and weapons, for example).
There will be places to buy clothing afaik. The intimate part cosmetics are also a thing, Mofu simply hasn't added items yet. Also about the prostitution part, I'm not sure if that would be a good idea because the game is not about administration, it's about collecting loot from enemies you fight.
Also it's a bit hard to say how much is done by now. A lot of people have been making a lot of requests and the game is currently demanding CGs more than sprites
Well, the suggestions are just things I'd like to see in the final version, but I understand you don't agree with the suggestions. Have a nice night (or day depending where you live).
I have added some restrictions to allow me to sell in the store. It seems that the representation of baby is forbidden, so they have become puppets. And the mc lay eggs.
Thank you for your follow and suggestions!🤝
Yes, I will definitely implement the feature that will allow the MC to give birth to multiple babes. and her body shape changes will be in the system to be unlocked and I intend to allow decorations to be done with items, etc.
Good evening I don't know how to beat the mushroom monster :/
Thanks ^^
Thank you for your detailed explanation!👍
I'll try tomorrow thanks :)
Thank you so much for showing us your awesome play video🥰
In the title screen it says defeat the second boss. Any tips on how to find it, or is it not in the game yet?
Yes, that message needs to be changed, but I leave it as it's because frequent content changes take time to translate.
thanks for the reply i guess i did all possible bosses :]
Thank you so much for your helpful replies🤝
thanks for the reply i guess i did all possible bosses :]
theres a bug where when i get knockbacked while using the laser sword i stay permanently locked + invincible
and i have to reload the battle
If this continues to happen, you can upload the save file by wetransfer here
Sorry, I will fix that bug soon! Thank you for sharing that👍
i need some help... How can i interact with the minotaur that is stuck? cause i'm missing the last picture in the gallery and i guess it has something to do with the minotaur? if not, i have 2 things to do then xD
Edit: it says i have to fight cynthia but i have no idea who that might be...
this has been discussed several times. To interact/fight with the Minotaur you must bring a mushroom dog. Hopefully this is useful and I'm sorry if my words are not polite
sorry, but i searched for this kinda comment who could help, but i haven't found it after 5 min. of simply scrolling so i just commented myself... and Thank you very much for the help ^^
might need some way in game to hint to the mushroom dog being needed
The method of opening a path blocked by mud with a mushroom dog is very good, but since that would make it unplayable depending on the save data, so I'm considering implementing it in a different way.
Yes, I think it needs to be done so👍
FAQ!FAQ!FAQ! please!Important things are to be repeated for 3 times
Oh,just a Chinese internet phrase,this is the expression of emphasis,but I translate it in English rigidly.😂
That right here, is the best way you could help... Never seen such a perfect guide reply in my life xD Thank you very much ^^
Thank you so much for always helping me out with your great replies🥰
Love the art style of the game
That's true, art style is amazing <3
Thank you for loving my painting🥰
Yes, the MC can dash by pressing the outside of the cross keys, but that is difficult to control, so a dash by double-tapping might be better.
Just realized that if you masturbate infront of the bunny girl she will join in on the fun. I'm guessing thats going to be a feature for all the other npc.
You can try to dance infront of Remy,she will dance with you,hahaha
Yes, this feature was added on an experimental basis, but I would like to add it to all characters in the future👍
Gracias por explicarlo.🤗 Sí, el diálogo no es más, ya que los que aún no se han completado.
Everytime I play this and or redownload the game. its in Japanese and cencored?
System location? Help a brother out will ya? :)
Thank you for the detailed reply on how to change the settings! That's right!🤝
Thank you!
Thank you for the reply!👍I will buy a PS controller for that issue.
In the key setting screen, there is an analog stick on the lower right side, if you change it, it may work😉
in the mobile version i also have problems with the ds4, but only with the joysticks and d-pad, is there anyone else who has had the same problem and has been able to solve it? i tried to move the controller settings as far as i could but nothing worked u.u (i love the game btw <3, but play in mobile is a little bit hard)
Please consider improving the quality of the game, if it's close to 720p I'm sure it can be improved because I've played 2d action games that were created with their images in 4k quality and I have a mid-range computer from 10 years ago
It's possible to replace images with 4k size, but that would be an large processing load. so I fear the game will run very slowly if I incorporate it.🤔
Is there any way for Nene to get pregnant again? Or is the one interaction with the rabbit girl the only chance you get?
Thank you very much!
Thank you so much for always answering the questions🤝
Am I the only one who cannot pass swimming? bc, I am always dead.
Well i did but the head stuck at the rock and I cant swim up
or am I just don't know how to play game. lol
You can record a video then send it out by Wetransfer:)
Please press the direction key and with the jump button the MC can move underwater. Sorry that is not clear.
Hey I've been wondering about this for a while, I have a 2k monitor and your game looks blurry and pixelated at full graphics. In what image quality do you draw the pictures? Couldn't it be higher? I think it's a shame that a game with art as good as yours is overshadowed by this because it makes it look like an old game
Man, this game only has one developer. I think this game is very good and it will only get better with time. It is currently under development and will most likely be fixed in the future.
Besides the picture, there are many other things to be completed,because creating a game is not only drawing,but also completing code and a series of other designs,and this game is ACT game,not ADV,so there are more elements to be designed.Mofu will have his own plan,like his past game"Futaring",the early version also had poor picture quality,but later it's improved.
So if you could put forward to some suggestion,please say how to do,rather than only talk about the image quality is bad,otherwise, it's just that the quality of pictures are poor without any constructive opinions,you have to let Mofu know those problem.
And I don't know how you interpret the meaning that I hope his game looks bad,as his big fan,of course I hope his game better and better.I may not understand some art knowledge very well,please forgive,but you looks so excited,calm down please.If you have any opinions, please put them forward peacefully,I believe Mofu will receive.
Of course, compared with his usual paintings, the quality of the pictures in the game is lower,I could notice,Lip also irised out some bad details before.
I asked the same question half a year ago and I have not seen any change, the game is still blurry and with jagged edges due to the low resolution of the images.
Yes, you are right. This game is created in 1376x774 size, so if you increase the screen size, the image will be somewhat blurry. However, if I increase the size of images any further, the processing will become too heavy and it will be difficult to run the game as an action game. Since this problem is very difficult to solve, I plan to complete the game at its current size.
In theory you could
a) draw every picture with very high resolution and use automatic downscaling b) upscale existing pictures with a tool like waifu2x and manually fix artifacts if there are any egregious ones.
a)全部を大きいサイズで描いて自動的に画像のサイズを減る機能を使う。そのようなプログラムがもうあります。ゲームが起動する前にプログラムを使ってリサイズすれば重くないはずです。ImageMagickのconvert という機能でできるはずです。
他の方法もあると思います。FSR とか。それを使えるのにはモフから何も必要ではないから一番いいかも...?画像の品質はどうかなわかりませんが。
I've not understand the breeding mechanics, will you be able to breed with more characters? will minion can be upgradable or will remain the same as soon as they are generated? but beyond that, really nice game, congratulations
Right now, you can only get pregnant from Rabbit in the game, but in the future this feature will be available with all characters. While minions cannot be improved (as far as I know), they can only be changed. I agree, the game is very good))
Thank you for answering my doubts
Yes, thank you for answering that!🤝 I have a lot of these questions, so I would like to hasten to make that with all the characters it can be done.
Ok, I will add it to the FAQ👍
Your games are awesome! I'm a big fan of your projects and also art style. Nice work!
Also I want to ask a question. As I see, you have added russian translation, but it is a bit goofy. So, as a big fan of yours, do you need help with proper translation? I will be pleased to help you.
Хе-хе-хе, я тоже фанат этой игры))
Кстати, где ты заметил косяки в русской локализации?
Там много косноязычных предложений откровенно (сейчас не очень хочется искать точные примеры), ошибки с согласованием, разрывы в словах и предложениях, но это может быть банальная проблема с отображением текста в самой игре из-за каких-то ошибок движка или эмуляции
Хорошо, я понял)
Ты можешь улучшить, если чувствуешь, что недостаточно хорошо
Thank you for your help! You can change the translation file at any time.
If you change this file and upload it to wetransfer, etc., I will modify the translation of this game👍
How do I perform an inspection? I'm with the dog and the GNU but it won't let me do anything
Yes, the player need to push the "inspect" button. Thank you for answering the question🤝
As of now, I haven't finished the game or what can be finished, though I'm enjoying everything so far and I'm excited to see more content for this game!
Nice nice! Thanks!
Thank you so much for the detailed and excellent explanation!👍
Is there a way to tell which is the real one in the catgirl boss fight
pay attention to the dick protector the real one doesnt have it
Yes, thank you for noticing that!👍
thanks I also noticed the cat only follows the real one
Yes, that's right! Thank you🤝
No requests or anything here. Been keeping an eye on the interaction here and seeing how Mofu interacts with people even tho the gigachad Lipstor takes care of it, makes me want to support this game even more.
As for the game. i ran it on my Huawei tablet using a controller. Was one of the best experiences I had on that tablet. Can't believe that this game is still in development with how smooth and high quality it is! A day one buy on both pc and android for me once it's fully completed.
Thank you for linking that page! I would like to add translations to that games in the future🤗
Thanks for the links! I followed Mofu on twitter for a long time but didn't really look into the games before. I'll end up buying a few since I play other games in japanese even without understanding anything.
Thank you for your support! this game is still a work in progress and will have far more animations added when it’s completed👍
It seems that the acc was suspended. Thanks for the report
Thank you so much for reporting that!🤗
I have a question, in the future will you add main scenes or events with more text? as for mixing the metroidvania genre with visual novel, I would like to see more dialogue with more erotic literature >->
I was not going to include long dialogues in this game, but I will consider including such things in the future ;)
Thank you, long dialogs are annoying
you know you can skip the dialogues if you don't like the story of the game, right?
yeah, I do, even then they're unskipable, you can only reverse back or even if skip button exist, it still won't be that fast because game is skipping reveal text feature and then next message and it lasts too long
thanks! I love it when games have story development and it's not just going back and forth without really understanding anything and not caring about the characters
I found a girl on a left cave wearing white and she just sit still there, idk what I can do with her and i found unfinished stage too. Can you tell me what can we do about the big lady statue?
Nvm, My curiosity has been answered when I read the FAQ you provided
Can't wait to see new updates. I really like this game because has a good animation and the other things i like is the size of this game it's not big like others games.
Thank you so much for answering the question! Everything you said is correct👍
Thank you for playing this game! I will continue to add more animations to this😉