Futakin Valley


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why there is a girl when i interact its just show  "?"

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Yes, thank you for explaining it with the image🤗

Sorry, she is still incomplete and can only display "?".

It's a great game. I just don't know how I can save my progress, is there a way to save it or will this be implemented in the future? congrats to the developer^^

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"

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Yes, you can save from the ESC menu👍


Nice game.

Thank you!😉


Have you ever made a game called 'futaring' in the past?

I happened to come across a game similar to that game and came here to track it down.


Yes,they were created by the same developer

Yes, I think I'm too👍

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Certainly, if the author's name is not known, it's most likely a pirated copy😭


Dia 23 e ainda sem update 🤣🤣 mais espero que com essa demora de pra ajeitar bugs e também adicionar algo novo no jogo

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Não estou querendo precionar o mofu pois sei que é difícil mecher com jogos pois eu também pretendo fazer um curso de jogos e por mim pode demora o tempo que for oque importa mesmo é só se o jogo vai ficar bom pois esse jogo do mofu está incrível

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Sim sei como é difícil trazer a atualização ainda mais agora que todo mundo tava acostumado com atualizações rápidas mais por mim o mofu pode fazer a atualização com calma e sem pressa pois o jogo é realmente incrível ele parece uma mistura de castlevania sont + megaman é realmente viciante o jogo 

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Since it needs to be updated, there must be new content,Of course it cannot be updated until the new content is completed,though it just some bug fixes

Yes, I will fix a few more bugs and then update👍

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Desculpem a longa pausa nas actualizações! Ainda não completei o que tinha planeado, mas irei actualizá-lo dentro dos próximos dias.


sem problemas mofu sei que pode estar sendo complicado fazer a atualização então por mim pode levar o tempo que for eu irei aguarda a atualização pacientemente

Obrigado pela sua gentileza🤗 O meu desenvolvimento é muito lento mas será actualizado o mais rapidamente possível.

Когда будет обновление?Я уже устал ждать. 😭

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Работать над игрой очень трудно и я это понимаю! Просто это лучшая игра и я её очень сильно жду когда будет обновление . И этими словами я хотел сказать что я очень жду обновления этой игры! 

(Если я кого-то разозлил, оскорбил или обидел то я прошу прощения! ) 🙂

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Терпение, и ещё раз терпение, как только так сразу. Полистай, каждый второй коммент спрашивает про обнову, зная Мофу, это на него будет давить. Если нет обновы - значит есть занятия важнее или приятнее. Наше дело - ждать и помогать новичкам в комментах.


Извините за задержку в разработке. Мне пришлось остановить разработку на некоторое время из-за проблем, но сейчас я возобновляю разработку. Скоро я смогу обновить информацию.👍

Where do i go next after remy?

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So the girl thst bounces me off using her ass is still not available or do i need to get something first?

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Thank you so much for answering all the questions!🤗 Your answers are perfect!

When is a new update coming?


Updates come out frequently


Yes, It will be updated as bugs are fixed or new content is added👍


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Sorry for the delay in development! The new characters are not finished, but within the next few days, I will try to update it with bug fixes.

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Little updates come out frequently,like fixing some bugs or updating some of details ,but there is no exact time for big updates like adding bosses or new character or some contents that requires a lot of work,according to the specific progress of Mofu.

Yes, it takes a lot of time to add new bosses and battles.


HIMOFU,sorry to trouble I'm not pushing ,but may i get to know the general progress of next big update,Is it half finished ?_(:з」∠)_

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I'm currently halfway done, but it's taking a long time, so I plan to update for bugfixs within the next few days.👍

pretty good:3


Oi mofu antes de eu falar  seu jogo é incrível mano parabéns agora você pode ser poder me fala quem é esse personagem

um personagem feito por um vigarista não é um personagem original criado por ele

O nome dela é Bell. Ela foi adicionada a pedido. Recebi muitas críticas por isso, mas espero que você não culpe a pessoa que fez esse pedido.


não tem problema é só pra saber mesmo

I downloaded the new version (0.031.24) on Mac, but when I click "continue" the character is invisible and I can't move. 
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Thank you for explaining that! I still haven't identified the cause of this bug, so I don't know how to fix it.😭 it may be that the unique behavior of the Mac is affecting it.

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谢谢你的鼓励! 我一定会完成这个游戏😁👍



Fuxk yes😁

holy sh*t



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I've been dancing for almost an hour


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How did you get up there?

Is there any props needed?

found a new way

This is a great game

Can“Jump two times in a row” props did not pick up


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Deleted 2 years ago
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I suck at parkour

I am more suited to action games

Can“Jump two times in a row” props did not pick up



Yes, there is no way to go up there without Double jump mushrooms.



Who is the blonde girl from FAQ? 

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Yes, her story will be added in the future👍

Deleted 1 year ago
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Thanks a lot for explaining it!🤝



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The "show control"  in the ability section doesn't work, I don't know how to use the umbrella mush 

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Btw the boss are really difficult to battle with a joystick on mobile, it's tricky  in trying to battle the cat and the gnu with the big fox's sword, and it's kinda impossible 🙅

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Mhh ok thx,  I'm using a fiscal bt game pad btw,  and is lot tricky since game is kinda to much responsive and when you attack moving the character instantly stop and attack in the direction you are going, so with a gamepad with a sensible deadzone you ending crashing the void lol

And don't want to be rude, but the on screen joystick with those button really sucks..  It's distorted and difficult to use,  you can't play with 10 fingers on the screen and switch with a healing item in the middle of a fight or do other thingy (it'd already difficult with a fiscal one with mapped button, imagine with ten fingers on a little touch screen) 

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You are right, the screen joystick for this game is difficult to control. I'm doing this because by design it was easier to assign joystick controls, but if possible I would like to add the ability to control it with just a tap.


Thank you so much for answering that question!🤗


Quando usciranno nuovi aggiornamenti bisognerà scaricare i file oppure si aggiorna da solo?

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Grazie per le spiegazioni sui file di salvataggio!🤗 Inoltre, se includete l'app Itch, questa aggiornerà automaticamente il gioco.

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Just as an example, this is futaken valley upscaled to 1600x900 using amd fsr on a steam deck.

Edit3: Deleted the image, this was upscaled from a very low resolution. Will post a better comparison for fsr later.

Not sure if my previous comment was seen.

I'll see if I can get method b) to work by extracting and repacking the asset files, though that's a bit of a hassle.

Edit: waifu2x-caffe is running via cpu on the textures atm, will take a while to see results b/c I chose cpu encoding and don't have an nvidia gpu atm.


I'll also post some screenshots using different sharpness settings for fsr, but I'm not sure there's much difference.

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See my previous comment, section a)

(link is below image I posted)

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The goal here is mainly to check if it's feasible to do with minimal effort. The previous  responses indicate that Mofu thinks he has to load images at their original resolution, or that upscaling or downscaling have significant performance costs.

I don't really care if any of these gets implemented, but I don't like seeing discussions based on incomplete or incorrect information.

If someone really needs to play it on their 4k tv, that person should probably just use fsr and live with the artifacts.

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Thanks a lot for all your useful information! I don't understand FSR but will try to download it and see how it works.

Also I apologize for not noticing your past comments. It's possible to replace the image with a larger one and recreate it, but that would require recreating the entire operation, which is very difficult. So if the program can complement the image nicely, that would be awesome👍


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kingdom rush series!one of the best TD

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Yes, Its a great TD! I have purchased them on Steam😁


im really looking forward to the full vision of the game!

but can games on steam be played with phone?

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oh I'm sorry to be so careless,I'll try my best to support you right after the game complete

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Thank you so much for always help me🤗

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I intend to create a phone version as well, but will only publish it on itch.io, as I cannot sell it on steam.

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I love this game soo much, please update the game soon !

Love creater <3

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Thank you! I've had some problems recently and development has stalled, but I think I'll have a new update soon😉


Cant wait :P


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Best futa game so far.
The only game I'm waiting for an updates from is mofu's game
Mofu is really nice to others and he is the only developer for this game.
I really love mofu for his effort, can't wait to see the cow girl in game
thank you mofu for this game
You are really the best

Thank you so much for your support! I will update this as soon as possible👍


Bellissimo gioco, quando uscirà la versione completa?

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Grazie! Spero di averlo in versione completa entro la fine di quest'anno.😉





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I think this game is great. I recommend it to my friends. They say they like it and look forward to new content.

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I told my friends the information, and one of them said that a good game takes some time to create.

I think they have time to wait for the completion of the game, so do I😚.

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Yes, thank you for explaining that🤗 The next big update is nearing completion.


Thank you for liking this game! now I'm making new content😁


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Just let me reply the chinese comments,some of your translated sentences may be weird.The general meaning can be understood, but sometimes the meaning may not be clear

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Thank you so much for always replying so quickly, Lip🤗 If the translation comes out weird, it doesn't matter as long as the meaning is predictable.


Don't worry, most of them can understand,and even if some of the words are weird, we can actually guess what the specific meaning is

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10/10 This is probably the smoothest running game I've had on Android. Content for what's available is great, cannot wait to see more! I'm hoping to see more mini games like Wuelie ❤️

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Another mushroom girl?  Cool! Is that gonna be a Mushna second fight or a new character that is not sucubus?


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Oh yeah, sure)
I forgot about her 😶

А когда выйдет ваш персонаж и можно ли будет ее увидеть или только когда ее уже введут в игру

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Yes, I intend to do so👍


Thank you for playing this!🤗 I'm glad i made the android version.

Deleted 109 days ago
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Thank you! I would like to be🥰


I think I have encountered some problems, such as I can't fight fight with Gun, and after defeating the boss, I got the equipment but couldn't find it in the item column.

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I have defeated all the bosses, which is very interesting, but I think the most difficult boss is Catwoman, especially the second stage.I am very much looking forward to the next update.

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Yes, thank you for explaining that🤗


You can use the bow,in second stage,where cat appear is where real body is.

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I don't know what weapon he used to defeat the boss.,but just share the simplest way


Thank you for playing this! New contents are under development by me right now. Please wait for the next update👍


I am stuck? What do you do after beating cow girl

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Ah yup thanks so now i have to wait for the next update seen all the bosses are already down

Thank you for playing this! Yes, I will add new bosses and areas in future updates😉


Only one boss may be added to a big update, because it will be difficult to add all bosses to a big update and it will take a lot of time.

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Yes, I'm working on them now and it will take a while😉

Ah do you also have any recommendations game for me i haven't been able to find one lately 

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Ah i see thank you for the recommendation

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Yes, those 2 are very great games! Thank you for recommending them👍

How to wake up gnu girl shes just stay like that

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Yes, Thank you so much for writing that🤗

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so uh I'm kinda embarrassed it took me way too long to beat the catgirl she kept beating me because her bullet hell out matched my dodge frames never had that happen before so of course i did her last and she took 4 mushroom soup and 2 uses of the mushroom umbrella healing more healing than any other boss.

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I figured that out and i kept getting hit after healing as the healing is a bit long but a suggestion i would make is buffing the wooden sword as the whip is faster and a longer range and i quickly found myself never using the wooden sword and it puts you in range for the idle damage of the enemies weapons which isn't wanted for such a fast paced game unless it's a challenge run kind of thing.

Oh yea don't shorten healing times unless it's an item as it's a risk reward thing.

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Yes, healing takes some time, so it have some risk👍

Thank you for playing until you win the catgirl!🤗💕


Please buff wooden sword i love the aesthetic of it.

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the katana you get from the first boss.

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may i know when the next update is :)


There is no exact time, it can only be based on the progress of Mofu's work

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ok i will wait until the next update :)

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Thank you so much for the detailed explanation! Yes, that's right👍

I've just recently started playing and i've been wondering how updates are applied? Do I just redownload the game with the new update or does it do it on it's own?

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okay thank you!

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Yes, thank you for explaining that🤗 This game save the save files in the Documents folder, so they will not delete when the user update this.

I can't beat Gnu, but other than that I really love this game! Good job and I can't wait for what's to come next.

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I tried but I always run out of power befor they break the ground.

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also, thanks for the advice and in such fast time!

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Thank you for explaining how to fight, Lip🤝


Thank you for playing this!

The gnu girl is the strongest boss at the moment, but the Bosses that will be added in the future will be even stronger😁


holy crap ima need a lot of food

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ikr ;-;

It's ok,the walking mushrooms are continuously😆

well there bout to go extinke because i still havent beat her.


Ребят! Я планирую пройти всю на данный момент сюжетную линию без урона, используя только палку, до 29 Августа (моего дня рожденья) как думаете получиться или нет?

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жду от тебя хороших новостей,Кроме того, заранее поздравляю тебя с днем рождения 

Я верю, что у тебя все получится. С днем рождения!😊

Момо, Синтия и может Машна самые сложные будут.
Удачи в прохождении!

Давай мужик, я верю, что у тебя получится. Я тоже пытался так игру пройти, но мне кошка заруинила всё прохождение. Берегись кошки и её снарядов


take your time.. this game is awsome, it looks too good and the mecanics are nostalgic.. i fell like playing megaman sometimes.. cuz i have to move too fast and avoid too fast while hiting xD its too fun..

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I love megaman too.🥰 There are many aspects of this game that I use as references.


Play with me😆




What a coincidence! I've been playing with megaman recently

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