Futakin Valley

Futakin Valley ver 0.031.65

The following changes have been made in this new version.

- Fixed a bug that the walking mushrooms did not appear.

- Fixed a bug that the map does not reflect the location.

The skunk girl is not yet complete and her picture does not appear. I'm working on it now, so please wait.


futakenvalley-win.zip 71 MB
Version 0.031.65 Apr 17, 2023
futakenvalley-win64.zip 73 MB
Version 0.031.65 Apr 17, 2023
futakenvalley-linux.zip 76 MB
Version 0.031.65 Apr 17, 2023
futakenvalley-linux64.zip 76 MB
Version 0.031.65 Apr 17, 2023
futakenvalley-mac.zip 75 MB
Version 0.031.65 Apr 17, 2023
futakenvalley-mac64.zip 75 MB
Version 0.031.65 Apr 17, 2023
FutakenValley.apk 78 MB
Version 0.031.65 Apr 17, 2023


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Deleted 117 days ago
Deleted 1 year ago

What do you mean "listen"? He wrote, not spoke.

easy there buddy 

A me non funzione la versione Android, mi carica all inizio poi vedo tutto nero


i fought her with the Bow, She went into Nanomachines mode XD

I apologize for this fatal bug.😭 This can occur when the angle exceeds 90 degrees when she holds the bow.

its really fun to play ^^ The game is still too short and on development but its in the top 5 Good Cross-Platformer 2D Hentai games for me. So i hope you can work on this game and maybe eventually finish it fully after some time. 10/10 gameplay and it have a huge potential °w°






I like the skunk girl


Thank you!🤝


The new fight's certainly one of the better ones, but still straightforward. I was able to beat it by constantly sprinting at Dorly and timing sword swipes to be in line with her shots. That way I deal damage and protect myself at the same time. It only when the stink attack turns into an AOE when things turned a little dicey. Then I backed off and used the the laser to continue dealing damage.

At one point a parried arrow just floating in mid air instead of being destroyed. I was unable to replicate the bug, but thought you should know.

Another issue are the controls: they  feel a bit delayed, like by about 0.1 seconds. It's manageable at the game's current difficulty but it made fighting more annoying than it needed to be.

Thank you for bringing the bug to my attention. Perhaps it could happen if the frame when the arrow is fired coincides with when she takes damage🤔. Also I will investigate the delay in controls. And I would like to add some interesting ideas about the combat system.


i have to agree with the other people here. i'm not a fan of the new fight, but from what you said regarding the scene (farting, feet focus, bad smell, etc) i knew i wouldn't like it at all so it's not surprising. just not for me.

i know i'll like whatever else you put in the game, though, so i'll just hope the next boss is more to my taste.

(2 edits) (+3)

I think it would be better to set as optional content,like setting a "warning contents" and adding a skip button,then the people who doesn't like it could skip this content.


i think that's what mofu will lean towards. the scene isn't even finished so he might put in a warning and prompt to skip. i know the scat content in futaring was completely optional so it might be the same here.

(1 edit) (+2)

Yes,I played futaring too and saw those fart and pooping scenes,I remember there was one scene that I had to go through,but other scenes like this are optional.It's not bad that game has various fetishes,but for some special fetishes, I think adding filters is a good way, which is also a method used in many other adult games.


I apologize for the fart elements in the scene I'm creating. But the content is so light that I don't think it's necessary to issue a warning about it.

Deleted 192 days ago
(1 edit)

No,you need,some people really don't like this kind of kink,you think it's light,but others don't think so.Actually,I'm also not so fond of it either and I think it's better to set this as optional,although I know skunks do fart.

Is the quest of finding mushroom people finished or not? Cause i can't find them anywhere in the game


no it's not finished. it's still being worked on so you can't do anything to complete the quest.

Sorry, that has not been implemented yet. Please wait a while longer.

Deleted 1 year ago

Vou tentar fazer com que gostem dela😓

By the way, if it's not a secret, with the help of which programs you created this game (namely graphic programs), I'm just not that experienced myself, but I want to create the same games. Unless of course it's a secret, I would be very grateful if you would tell me.


This game is made with Unity. You can see "made with Unity" right after you launch this game.



Yes, this game is created with the help of Unity👍


Мне очень интересно следить за разработкой этой игры, я сам графический художник если конечно это можно так назвать, но я только учусь, и когда я поиграл в эту игру то у меня появилась мотивация, я вдохновлён вашей работай. В общем мне очень нравиться эта игра продолжайте в том же духе.


Спасибо, что вам понравилась эта игра! И я рад, что эта игра может мотивировать вас🤗


I came to see that you had added a battle to the new character thinking it was the cow girl as you said, but I am tremendously disappointed 'cause there are less characters and the skunk has some fetishes that I really dislike


Sorry she has become a character with a bit of a special proclivity😓

(1 edit) (+2)

Funny to have two hera arches ( Sorry for my English, I use Google translator, I don't have money for an English course )


you are doing great dear ! 

I will remove the arch that is falling in the cave👍


I liked the new boss fight the mechanics are very fun, but the strange thing is that there is no cutscene after finishing the fight


Mofu mentioned in the changelog that he is working on the cutscene

I understand, but it's like I said, I still don't know English I use the Google translator and I also try to understand it myself, there are times when I make a mistake in rendering


Yes, I'm working on the cutscene for that part now😉


Thank you for playing the new boss fight! I'm working that cutscene on now, so please wait a little longer.👍


Por el momento no se a agregado uno nuevo, Mofu está trabajando en uno, la actualización que se a publicado fue para arreglar algunos errores.


Gracias por revisar la nueva actualización. Esta actualización es para la batalla chica zorrillo(sin terminar) y correcciones de errores.


ok 👍 

Nice boss fight 


what boss fight? is there a new one?


The skunk girl's fight(unfinished) in the underground has been implemented😀


Oh, cool! I'll try to find her again


Just beat her, definitely a cool boss fight! I'm excited to see the finished product