Futakin Valley

Futakin Valley ver 0.032.2-10

The following changes have been made in this new version.

- Updated Portuguese translation.

- Updated German translation.

- Updated English translation.

- Split resource files to reduce loading load.

- Fixed the mc collision bug when moving rooms while using Umbrellashroom.

Thanks J0Gim and 1tch1g0!🤗🤝 The translations have been updated!

This system fix may have improved the problem of not being able to start this game due to lack of memory, as the memory usage at startup of this game has been greatly reduced.

[ver 0.032.3]

The following changes have been made in this new version.

- Updated Spanish translation.

- Fixed a bug that Dorlly responds to peeing before speaking.

- Fixed a bug that the sound would not stop when the EV button in the gallery was pressed.

- Fixed a bug that body parts are broken if the mc falls down by Dorlly's fart attack when the mc is holding a bow.

[ver 0.032.4]

- Fixed a bug that the number of times remaining is not reflected in the display when an item is used.

- Fixed a bug that the status screen shows the skill mushrooms even though the mc does not have them.

- Fixed a bug where the debuff on the balls was not removed.

- Fixed a bug that body parts are broken when the mc changes the room while holding the bow.

[ver 0.032.5]

- Fixed Spanish translation.

- Updated Indonesian translation.

- Fixed Polish translation.

- Added a function to automatically select a language even if the order of the language list is changed.

- Fixed a bug that configuration file is not saved in the android version.

- Fixed a bug that the image of her balls does not change when the debuff is removed.

- Fixed a bug that the game slows down when attacking Dorlly and stop.

- Improved the android version so that it always dashes when "Swap Dash and Walk keys" is selected.

- Added a function to fall when "Y" button is pressed on the ladder.

[ver 0.032.6]

- Updated Italian translation.

- Fixed a bug where censorship was incorrectly added.

[ver 0.032.7]

- Bow is automatically added to inventry when there is no bow.

- Added "Always Dash" to the settings screen.

- Display loading text and the name of the file being loaded at startup.

[ver 0.032.8]

- Updated Spanish translation.

- Updated Indonesian translation.

- Updated Portuguese Translation.

- Updated Russian Translation.

- Updated Chinese translation.

- Fixed display the mc's balls of sprite.

- Fixed a bug that the picture does not disappear after the dialogue is finished.

- Fixed a bug that the mushrooms in the dialogue did not move.

[ver 0.032.9]

- Added the feature to freely change the position of buttons in the Android version.

- When the language cannot be distinguished, English is selected by default.

- Added the ability to display the Input field to execute an dialogue tag with the F10 key.

Added a function to change the position of buttons in Android version. Please press the gear button to display it.

Added the feature to execute any event in the dialogue by pressing F10 on the play screen. 

Please enter the tag written in the translation file and press Enter key.

[ver 0.032.10]

- Updated Chinese translation.

- Updated Russian translation.

- Fixed a bug that stopped when moving to other area after winning Dorlly.

Thank you for fixing translations🤗💕


futakenvalley-win.zip 71 MB
Version 0.032.2 May 10, 2023
futakenvalley-win64.zip 73 MB
Version 0.032.2 May 10, 2023
futakenvalley-linux.zip 76 MB
Version 0.032.2 May 10, 2023
futakenvalley-linux64.zip 76 MB
Version 0.032.2 May 10, 2023
futakenvalley-mac.zip 75 MB
Version 0.032.2 May 10, 2023
futakenvalley-mac64.zip 75 MB
Version 0.032.2 May 10, 2023
FutakenValley.apk 78 MB
Version 0.032.2 May 10, 2023


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Labirent teki boss u nasıl yenebilirim.


Hello MOFU, I want to enter the upper level of this white mushroom house, but it seems to be stuck. Is this because the area above has not been completed yet? Or is this a bug? And I saw some characters on the game's official website that I haven't seen before in the game. Are these characters that haven't been actually installed yet? Still, due to my bug, I didn't see them. Looking forward to your answer.

Sorry, the upper level of that house is not yet created, so you cannot enter it. Also, many characters have not yet been implemented. Those will be added in the future update.

Okay, I see. Thank you for your answer. I really like your gam


Muito bom ótimos gráficos e um jogo que me apaixonei ♥️ muito obrigado pelo jogo mofu eu te amo♥️

Obrigado por gostares deste jogo!🤗♥️ Vou continuar a melhorá-lo para si.


hello, Mofu, please do something with the long-legged boss, because it is simply impossible to pass him: it is unrealistic to beat with a sword - the boss has a very large attack radius, it takes a very long time to kill with a bow, and it is almost impossible to dodge her attacks. When she shoots, she will almost always hit you, if you want to dodge a melee attack, then it will also be very difficult to do, since the range of the jerk is very small. Please make the boss passable, because so far everything is going to the point that I will simply lose interest in this game, since I don't have much fun beating someone who will never die simply due to the lame characteristics of weapons and a very weak main character


Sorry this boss has become very difficult😓. In case you can't beat it, I have added a function that stops the movement of that boss for a while when you perform a dance. Also I plan to add a weapon enhancement feature in a future update, which may make it easier to defeat them.


You buying 5 mushroom soups, recharging bow, trigger her, shoot her with a bow, using special attack, eating soups and there you go


Yes, actually, since mushroom soup can be purchased in unlimited quantities, it's not difficult to defeat these bosses    at all. 

Of course,  you will inevitably be beaten as a sandbag before you exhaust them  ...


Hi mofu, i see that the game have many  translation so may i ask do you plan to add vietnamese  translation? :D

Yes, I will be adding vietnamese translation with machine translation in the future👍


Hi mofu! Just found a bug where boss fight doesn't end after leg mushroom monster defeat, I still can take damage from her🤔. And I have 2 questions.

1.will we be able to see how her penis is gonna look like, including retracting?😀

2.Did you made music by yourself or not? It sounds really cool I like it


Thank you for letting me know about that bug!🤝 I will investigate the cause of it soon!

1. You can see it when she is friendly👍

2. this wonderful music is [Introduction by FLASH BEAT].


Thank you mofu! 😁

But how can I make her friendly? 


That cannot be done yet, but I will add a story in the future where she will be friendly😉


Oh ok! Thank you mofu😁


Onde esta essa  nova personagem "Bell" ? 

(1 edit) (+2)

ela está localizada aqui:

Depois de derrotar o chefe e sair da sala, a luta do chefe será reiniciada. Isso é projetado para fins de depuração, para que os jogadores possam lutar contra o chefe várias vezes para verificar se há bugs. A cena da história/evento de Bell está sendo trabalhada e será adicionada em uma atualização futura em breve.


Obrigada pela explicação sobre a Bell! Sim, a cena dela será acrescentada em breve😉


Hi mofu, I found a bug where when you defeat that tall mushroom monster and talk to bell, re entering that location will restart the boss fight sequence

Deleted 189 days ago

oh, my bad

Yes, that's the specification👍. Once this sequence is completed it will not restart.


Hey mofu, has any new character added in this new update?


This update adds a new character (Bell) to interact with.


When will new enemies be added? Will there be new sex scenes?

New enemie have been added in this update👍, but no new sex scenes have been added.


Is there a scene in this new update?

No new scenes have been added in this update.


Hola mofu! Un gusto! una pregunta, como consigo el arma morada de la chica kitsune?

y una cosa mas, el dialogo con bell esta en ingles, no tiene traducción al español, un saludo!


El arma de la chica zorro se puede obtener derrotándola👍

Además, añadiré una traducción al español, creada por Gucco, en mi próxima actualización.

pues la derrote pero se quedo tirada en el suelo junto a su hermana y la unica interaccion que me aparece es la de observar a remy, crees que sea un bug?





Hi mofu! Great to see another update!😀

Here some bug reports:
Bell's cigarette can be seen through her body (screenshot1)

I don't know how, but at first time of me trying to beat giant mushroom, Nene's dialogue sprite was not going away after a dialogue. And after my defeat, I was not respawning.

And I have a question, does this update ends after a defeat of a mushroom monster?

P.S. To be honest, I feel like this is some kind of an update for fun, because the mushroom monster looks unlike other girls, and the mushroom monster doesn't have a penis, but I remember that game contains only futa girls as mofu could said, but it's just me. Mofu, you know what you are doing, I'm with you🤗

Thank you for reporting that bugs!🤝 I will fix that in the next update.

The next update will add a bigger picture of Bell. And Nene can collect her semen. Also, that mushroom monster is actually futa so she can put out her penis at any time😁

Yay! Can't wait to see the mushroom's monster penis going out, I really wanna see how it looks like! Horsecock? dogcock? human penis? Anyways, hope it will be added in the next update😁
Thank you mofu for your work!

Btw, here is the second bug report's screenshot




(1 edit) (+1)

Where can I find the bosses ,Help 😑

Please go to this white arrow.

(1 edit)

I'm sorry,I mean all the bosses,I used to find 3 musroom bosses, why do I only get 1 now?


The purple mushroom girl is currently hidden. She will be added again later. The blue mushroom girl has not yet been implemented.

(1 edit) (+1)

Would it be too much to ask for vertion I can put and play on my switch?


If Unity can build the switch version, I can make it😀

Sadly Nintendo has a policy against porn games so i don't think it will be possible to publish the game on the Switch store. (Maybe a heavily censored version would be possible i guess but idk)


How do I complete the big mushroom girl's quest? I'm stuck and I'm not sure where to go


Sorry, that quest is still incomplete.

will the final version be free or no you have to pay🤔


The final version is likely to be paid for.

noooooo but ig its worth it :,P

Deleted 189 days ago


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